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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4510392 No.4510392 [Reply] [Original]

You all sit here thinking your going to "Make it" by just buying one more crypto or just buying one more stock or by investing a little bit more. But the truth is. You're behind. You haven't even started your engine yet. You haven't been through the first challenge. And it's sad because you continually fall for these obvious pump and dump shills. And it's even more sad that instead of starting your monetary journey you sit he laughing at memes and worst yet... Following them. It's true. Crypto currency's are a real bull market. But let me tell you a secret. In the end. You either made it, Or you didn't. And that lamborghini you bought: Lamborghini had been making more money than you will ever while you waited that one coin to go up

>> No.4510424

what the fuck is this post supposed to mean

>> No.4510449

some retarded third world Eurotrash trying to sound profound.

>> No.4510478


That's it. Get mad. Take your shirt off. Then after failing get even madder. JUST DO IT. FUCKING DO IT PLEASE.

>> No.4510488


means your mom takes bbcs on the reg

check em

>> No.4510503
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>> No.4510527

i picked up that it means, build a business instead of sitting around hoping for a moon mission. You should be building a shuttle and getting a crew together to make yourselves go to the moon, instead of loading up into someone elses cargo hold and hoping the shuttle doesnt explode during takeoff.

>> No.4510539


yea an then take your pants off and send pics

>> No.4510569
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>> No.4510570
File: 91 KB, 480x337, bizzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then after failing get even madder. JUST DO IT. FUCKING DO IT PLEASE.
Don't you worry about that, failing is in my blood

>> No.4510634

What an annoying faggot. Just because you're a fucking retard that doesn't know how to invest doesn't mean other people are too.

>> No.4510720

Your anger is the first step. Good. Keep moving and reading. In a year or 2 if you walked the correct path... Then you'll earn your way to the next level.

>> No.4510776
