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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4506115 No.4506115 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good investment? Everyone keeps telling me it's extremely undervalued and is going to explode in 2018? Thoughts pajeets and felllow anons? Will this coin make me rich?

>> No.4506148

I've been accumulating since 600 sats. half a mil holding for me

>> No.4506150

>$5m market cap
>legit potential for 100x
nah, don't buy in, let me accumulate some more

>> No.4506162



> Is this a good investment?

No. Read the latest dev update. It is full of bad news. They have no in-house devs and use remote teams in three different countries. Check back in six months and see if they have managed to update the UI by that point, then decide if you want to invest.

The only thing this exchange had going for it is fiat payment gateways, which aren't going to be delivered until next year.

>> No.4506191

It's an exchange coin.

Exchange coins are inherently flawed; their prices are completely tied to exchange volume.

Consider popular altcoins these days; you just need a white paper and a few corporate partners to have a $100 mil market cap.

An exchange coin DEMANDS huge exchange activity to have over $100 million market cap.

In addition, exchange coins don't get listed on other altcoin exchanges, really. COSS is only on HitBTC. Binance and Kucoin are only traded on their own exchanges.

So, sure, it could blow up, but not any time soon.

>> No.4506210

you know the term "sell the news" ?
now is time to accumulate

>> No.4506354


Explain how I am deluded. This is a company that has no developers, and uses three remote teams in different countries. Rune himself said they are not going to do fiat gateways until they have entirely rebuilt the backend.

> you know the term "sell the news" ?

I do know the term. I also know the term "sell the terrible dev update", which is why I dumped straight after reading it.

>> No.4506443

If you dumped because of opportunity cost of bagholding then fair enough, but otherwise it's pretty retarded to sell the literal bottom. This shit is not going any lower.

>> No.4506493
File: 38 KB, 396x385, 1507163512136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done my research. COSS is literally the best investment. Opportunity costs are zero.

>> No.4506549

I honestly think COSS is fucked, but I don't mind having ~10% of my portfolio in it for the off-chance that it takes off.

>> No.4506658
File: 77 KB, 720x707, 1511357773519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Rune
> fucked
does he look like it ? really ?

>> No.4507258

peep scientist, i trust your words. BOYS i'm going all in!! All in with 10 grand sooooo if this goes x100 i'll be a millionaire!! Woohoo!! Thank you fellow anons :D COSS TO THE MOON WITH LAMBOS!!!

>> No.4507422

Just buy and wait

>> No.4507426

Finally you came to mind ! Welcome to Lamboland.

>> No.4507454

Buy some fucking TIO instead: >>4426465

>> No.4507483

Thanks but we are already made men here at /cossplayers/

>> No.4507489

Coss gives you an opportunity to own part of an exchange that might someday do millions in trading a day. Their payout of 50% to token owners never goes down.

Right now it has not been advertised so not many people even know about it yet. If you could have bought shares in Bittrex or Poloniex in the beginning would you have??? If so, you should buy Coss ----- see how easy and obvious this investment is for medium - long term holders? This is not some 48 hour flip like most cucks on this board are loosing money looking for...

>> No.4507537

This is true, but so far they haven't delivered anything and the exchange is shit with no volume.

>> No.4507571

The volume is low - very true. Time will increase it - advertising is used for a reason you know (they haven't advertised yet as this is still in beta form). people are forgetting that if you are buying this you are an investor - you are paying for development and building the platform - you are rewarded for the risk you took...

>> No.4507626

>Time will increase it
So far it only went down.

I know that the risk/reward ratio is very favourable, but right now COSS is very likely to flop.

>> No.4507672

how could Rune Ruining us ?

>> No.4507732

Coss sucks, there's nothing except "it might 50x volume someday" or "if it 100x volume it will be half of binance" which is an awful reason to invest

It's all empty promises. Maybe if they actually were the first to add fiat/Altcoin markets then you'd have a monster but I don't see that happening anytime soon if ever, regardless of what they promise

I tried to get kyc verified 2 months ago and it's still pending. They are a joke. Wouldn't surprise me if they exit scam at some point or blame (((regulations))) for whatever stunt they pull

You're better off just taking the money you'd put into coss and buying half neo/half ark and collecting dividends that way with much more safety and upside. You are very unlikely to go broke holding ark/neo but coss is extremely risky at this time

>> No.4507749

except for the already functional trading platform...

>> No.4507791

>I tried to get kyc verified 2 months ago and it's still pending
it's cause you're american
they won't verify you

everyone doubting this project can suck on my lambo

>> No.4507792

Literally one of the worst exchanges out there

>> No.4507927

>Literally one of the worst exchanges out there

And you know new UI is coming so stop bitching

>> No.4507947

I'm American. They verified me.

>> No.4507983

>I'm American. They verified me.

>> No.4508023

It might be subjective, but it's definitely the worst exchange i've ever used. Definitely a gamble hoping they get their fucking shit together buying this

>> No.4508024

>And you know new UI is coming so stop bitching

After their three remote dev teams rebuild the backend. It's gonna take a while - last status update said they were "getting quotes" for the UI upgrade.

>> No.4508086

This is literally POSWallet 2.0

>> No.4508097
File: 180 KB, 1100x729, IMG_0559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know shit about shit, you think you know shit, but you don't know shit.

>> No.4508231


Congrats, you can post a mockup image for a future UI that hasn't been built yet.

Go read Rune's latest update. Specifically the part about how they will wait with implementing the new UI until they have rebuilt their entire backend. It's just after the part where he says they have three separate dev teams working on the project.

Seriously. Don't just reply emotionally and tell me I don't know shit. Go read it and then see what you think about COSS.

>> No.4508266

you guys here talking shit and im still comfy as fuck, looks like your fud isnt working. try harder maybe

>> No.4508310
File: 358 KB, 1602x894, 150486583935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Congrats, you can post a mockup image for a future UI that hasn't been built yet.
>Go read Rune's latest update. Specifically the part about how they will wait with implementing the new UI until they have rebuilt their entire backend. It's just after the part where he says they have three separate dev teams working on the project.
>Seriously. Don't just reply emotionally and tell me I don't know shit. Go read it and then see what you think about COSS.

Fuck off, Goy
You know shit about shit

>> No.4509026

IT'S IN BETA!!!! WHAT PART OF BETA DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!!!! Beta comes to an end at the end of 2017, hence why this coin will be the biggest gainer of 2018. It's like owning part of a company, and a cryptocurrency, and you get payouts. This is gonna be huge. sorry you can't see it pajeet.

>> No.4509347
File: 131 KB, 480x360, cossbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS if you are not buying

>> No.4509715

>Fuck off, Goy
>You know shit about shit

OP - this is the kind of person who holds COSS. Notice they do not even bother to address the points I raised. They probably didn't even read the dev update.


I understand "beta". Do you understand "won't be focussing on fiat gateways until the platform has been rebuilt using one or more of our three remote dev teams"?

>It's like owning part of a company, and a cryptocurrency, and you get payouts

I understand the point. It's not difficult to grasp the concept. But this exchange will never pick up any serious volume in its current state, and it can't move out of its current state for a long time because they have to do a rebuild.

> sorry you can't see it pajeet.

Just like the other guy, you resort to insults because you can't refute my points about the dev update.

If you can't see that the last dev update was bad news, and that nobody can ever point to any actual technical merits of COSS, you deserve to lose money on this crap.

>> No.4509796
File: 183 KB, 1280x809, 1507357551081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you have no points and I'm tired of arguing with know nothing trolls, DYOR

Coss is a Warchest powerhouse that is gonna steamroll you fudders with extreme prejudice
Just accept that you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.4509854

I sold 35k coss last week, after I saw how shitty is upgrade they are taking months to make. Also, thinking this will ever reach 1/2 the volume of binance makes no sense, binance has a much bigger team and actually has a decent business aproach whilst coss hired some outsourced programmers that won't do continuous improvement and won't help with general technical issues.

>> No.4509893

Personally, I'm betting on it now because it IS in such a primordial state. I doubled my investment at around .05. The fact they have an exchange and the external wallet smart contract is working fine tells me at the very least, this isn't a scam. It is only an issue of volume. I'm not all in on Coss (15% or so) and can afford what is admittedly a risky bet.

I'm convinced to only people that bother to trash coins are those that sold at a severe loss, so tell me, where did Coss touch you?

>> No.4509925
File: 7 KB, 316x202, 8a41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is possible because the whole crypto market will grow. dont you get it? REEEEEE

>> No.4510534

We big dick mooning soon

>> No.4510977

Regardless, I'm collecting a shit ton of the newly listed tokens. Free Substratum and over 500 KIN so far

They are doing exclusive ICOs and COSS holders will get a fuckton of those coins which could moon and get us rich on their own merit

>> No.4511299


>> No.4511749
File: 48 KB, 1213x494, p15DKAr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dude on reddit made this spreadsheet that shows how much return you will get annually depending on how much coss you own and how much volume the exchange has!!!

>> No.4511796
File: 42 KB, 1215x497, weekly dividends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one shows WEEKLY dividends you get based on how much COSS you own and how much volume the exchange has. TO THE MOON WITH LAMBOS!! :D

>> No.4512062
File: 194 KB, 800x532, Parrotpajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4512417

LOL, there were people selling this a couple days ago.

OMG what are people not seeing in this opportunity. Did you not fucking read this was a beta project and hasn't been advertised. Hey Anon, where have you heard about Coss other than 4chan??? waiting.....

You are early adopter

>> No.4512578

Jesus christ if we get up to Kraken levels I’ll be making ~$100,000 a year, which would value my coss holding at what, $3-5million?

>> No.4512601

Coss is an insane investment right now.

>> No.4512626
File: 34 KB, 584x624, COSSProjection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy these numbers: (>>4511749, >>4511796). I ran my own projections and came in roughly 1/3rd of it. Still impressive, but not this crazy.

>> No.4512661

Any way you put it, once this project is completed and people start buying the alt coins they want direct from bank accounts it will moon. I don't typically use the word moon but it fits the profile of 2 other coins that made incredible profit % for me. Coss will create so much FOMO when it starts delivering. Grab the popcorn for a good show soon.

>> No.4512696

yeh. This gonna be good. :)

>> No.4512767

Honestly, if crypto isn’t a bubble and this thing can last 5-10years, I would retire

>> No.4512808

LOL, that was my exact thought when I first heard of this. If they deliver the product it will naturally attract millions in daily volume and just end up "another" exchange that everyone knows about. At that point it is the best quick retirement plan I have ever seen. Think if we could have bought into Bittrex or Poloniex or Coinbase back in the day and receiving profits from their daily trading volume..

>> No.4512822
File: 5 KB, 190x266, 1511271956480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard and normie here
where do i buy coss. io ICO xddddddd?

>> No.4512842

go to coss exchange and buy it

>> No.4512847

The majority of the population still has no clue what cryptocurrency is. Unemployment is at it's all time lowest. Just wait until the masses awaken to cryptocurrency and all that money flows in..... This is the calm before the storm. We got in soooooooo early :) Keep calm and hodl on

>> No.4512857

coss exchange, hitbtc, or etherdelta

>> No.4512880

thank you. I'm going all in with my 0.002 btc lmao

>> No.4512883

We all are probably guilty of forgetting that we are a very small percent of the global population that even knows about this stuff, let alone trusting cryptographic wallets to hold value, let alone willing to bet money on it.

This is just like the internet revolution. It is a new shift in global interaction and commerce. We are so early that we are starting to think we are late.

How many people have ever come up to you or have you overheard discussing an alt cyrpto coin? None? Same here...

>> No.4513002

i think even on biz the same 40 people post here every time

>> No.4513349

Haha, could be. Maybe there are some giant holders of all these coins and there are like only 10,000 other owners that are feverishly selling and trading coins to chase the next moon mission. Makes you think, what happens if we all stop selling for a day or two - pull out all sell orders.

>> No.4513785

>tfw when have to kys verify on yet another new exchange

>> No.4513805

You don’t need to unless you want to buy ICOs through coss

>> No.4513957

You make good points, COSS is basically POSW-redux. The question is whether Rune can actually run COSS sufficiently or if it will crash with no survivors.

>> No.4514290

Every investment has risks pajeet. Investing in COSS now is like investing in microsoft back in the 80's. You know how many fuckboii fudders there were back then saying it would never succeed? I invest in the future, not the present. Or do you only buy high sell low? We are in beta now. We are on the ground floor of this thing!!! We can only go up from here. COSS has already shown that their payout system works. Invest wisely pajeet.... or get left behind. The choice is yours.