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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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450806 No.450806 [Reply] [Original]

at what age did your dream careers get crushed

>tfw mom told me i could be anything i wanted as long as i give it my all
>want to be make music for a living
>started studying music theory, mastering every instrument
>write music everyday
>send album demo to multiple record labels
>not one reply

welp i guess i was meant to be a drone and get my degree in CS

>> No.450807

cool story bro

keep on blogging OP, look forward to your new posts

>> No.450808

just fucking feel with me faggot ;_;

>> No.450810

How old are you ?

>> No.450811

Why not be a street performer or better yet a traveling carnival employee?

>> No.450824

You give up pretty easily, OP.

>> No.450826

Got a soundcloud, mate?

>> No.450837

I know shitloads of professional musicians, mostly orchestral though but not all. You need to work your way up from session and bit work like everyone else, or shit work in a studio and work your way up to engineering or maybe production.

>> No.450838

Nigger, don't you know the main component of success is tenacity?

Make a minor name for yourself and listen to this anon here: >>450826

If people do like your shit, and have never even heard of you, they're not going to invest their time. Network, nigga.

>> No.450840

My dream career was to be a cosmologist but I realised immediately that I wasn't passionate enough (actual cosmologists are freaks) and I wouldn't get a job, or I'd be a lab lackey getting 40k a year.

I say all this having seen it but not done it. The opportunity costs and risks are too great to waste your time learning scales hoping to make coin one day.

>> No.450844

All i want is to be rich.

The only thing i can say i guess is i always wanted to be involved in a lot of things.

>> No.450845

>I wanna be a futures trader!
finish high school
>I can't do math!

oh well

>> No.450849

What a fucking cocksucker.

>none of the majors wrote me back
>better just give up

Nigger please.

>> No.450851

> tfw I never really had a passion so I just went with what made a comfortable living

>> No.450858
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i have no dreams

>> No.450862

>I want to be a cop!
>Have the urge the puff the green everyday

>> No.450869
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Also this guy here

>> No.450885

Lol OP you almost didnt even try. What kind of musician do you wanna be anyway? I doubt you actually 'mastered' every instrument.

>> No.450955

you should be happy making the music. Why does it matter if others know about or listen to it?

>> No.451011

I'm guessing you never asked anyone how getting a career actually works?

>> No.451064

Christ, OP, is that all you've done to push your music?
At least have a little bit of persistence

Make a soundcloud and a bandcamp
Post in the SC and BC threads on /mu/ regularly
Put yourself up on the vanity house on what.cd
Try and get into small/just starting out record labels
Write to music reviewers and give them a link to an album of yours
Perform at open-mic nights and hand out free tapes
Actually make tapes for the novelty and just give them out to people

You need to try, man

>> No.452172

In my mid-20s I realised academia didn't pay well in proportion to the effort required and wasn't as rewarding as I had expected, not even in STEM.

>> No.452208

Why does CS get treated like the rest of STEM majors when it touches on abstract concepts that CE and SE doesn't even brush up on? Your misinformation doesn't cover up your ignorance, OP.

I actually got my inspiration to pursue CS while I was in art school taking up physical computing projects, there are a fuckton of artists who bridge together their music and CS topics to bring music to something bigger than it ever was.

If you find CS to be droning and you don't see the potential it has in all fields, art included, then maybe you're not as creative you originally thought.

>> No.452210

Also, plenty of musicians go the DIY route and do fine.

Try booking your own shows, making your own label, and self-promoting. This is something art school doesn't teach you and takes advantage of.

>> No.452264

>0-12 want to be a fighter pilot
That was crushed when I was started going deaf in one ear
>12-17 pro athlete
That ended when I finally realised I'm "good" but not great.
>18 wanted to be SAS soldier.
Dont want to kill people.. Lol
>19 Programmer
I realised I'm just a dumb cunt. Struggled with python lel

Now at 22 I don't know man. I won over 50grand while gambling the last few months. But I put it all back in and now I have herpes from fucking escorts.

>> No.452396

link your music so I can masturbate to the sound of broken dreams

>> No.452424

i wanted to be an engineer
taking my engineering bachelor this year and adding masters.

cum on step it up

>> No.452444 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 525x299, green man sensually wraps his arms around old person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to automate all jobs and drive droves of philistines out of their living?

>> No.452447
File: 111 KB, 525x299, green man sensually wraps his arms around old person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to help automate all low skill jobs and leave millions of people unemployed fellow ubermensch?

>> No.452452

> major in math
> any job I want
$300k starting

>> No.452457
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>> No.452463

>Why does CS get treated like the rest of STEM majors when it touches on abstract concepts that CE and SE doesn't even brush up on?
Because part of "STEM" is "Math"?

>> No.452465

>major in math
>any job that pays above 100k and won't make you want to kill yourself

>> No.452486
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>spend countless hours mastering music
>give up because a few random douches wouldn't reply
you crushed your own dream

>> No.452684

Finally realise that not every runner in a race gets a medal? Reality hurts doesn't it?

It should only push you harder. Your mom isn't going to hug you and tell you that you did a great job, or you did your best... You failed.

Get up, dust off and go hard! Never give up.

>> No.452897

this OP

>> No.452905

Kurt Cobain lived like a peasant until he was found and he played gigs with just two other guys to create Nirvana.

The difference between those who succeed and those who don't is perseverance, don't give up on your dream just because you haven't made it yet.

>> No.452937

this has got to be the most brutal burn I have yet to see on /biz/

>> No.452963

40something oldfag here.

Startup company went derpy. Great founder, successful profitable business for many years, options were worth money, revenue was growing, and then the fucktard read some book about how great decisions were made. Doubled the size of staff. Didn't double revenue. N00bs with no equity gave zero fucks for the company, only for their careers.

Story not totally bad. I left the industry. I kept my friends. I live like a NEET but it beats the fuck out of working. But that fucking piece of shit company could have been milked for fucktons of money, except for the fact that management fed the founder's ego in order to further their own careers, because both management and founders actually liked working more than they liked money. Fucking morons. They're my friends, but they're still fucking morons.

If I ever work again, my first question will be what the exit strategy is. No fucking exit strategy? Interview over.

>> No.452965

>never came up with a dream career
>24 year old NEET
I guess it came true in a way

>> No.452966

>Tell Best Friends Parents about wanting to be Plastic Surgeon
>His Parents in Medical Field
>Parents point out all the negatives
>Parents make every idea have sound like shit.
>Years later realize they were trying to destroy me to keep their son superior.
>that feel when not a superior Machiavellian youth

>> No.453025

>like computers
>be me
>be 18
>too poor for college so get job
>dream of tech career ruined

Didn't turn out too bad. 3 years later and I learned a lot about business and now I am self employed. Making about what my dream "career" starting would've netted me but now no one but the nice people at the government tell me what to do and how to do it.

>> No.453049

>giving up on your dreams
>implying they were crushed by anyone but yourself and bitch attitude

go fucking make more music you bitch, are you a no dick eunich who gives up ?

>> No.453073
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>>tfw mom told me i could be anything i wanted as long as i give it my all

HAHAHAH! Mommy lied to you. This is the horseshit fairy tale that Gen X and millennials were spoon fed. You deserve your fate if you believed it, you extra special snowflake.

The reality is you could work harder than your competition, in something that you hate doing but choose anyways because it's strategically vital, build all the necessary credentials and still fucking fail. Always have contingency plans. But not retarded ones like...

>Imma getta CS degree

And this is why you fail. Ship sailed on that one, sonny. Do your research before you blindly step off another cliff.

>> No.453078

>wanted to be badass surgeon
>making coin
>bitches mirin
>knew it was impractical
>majored in cs as a fallback
>received silicon valley internship offer
>end of internship
>receive job offer
>bailed on med school plans
>making six figures out of college

This is a different kind of dream.

>> No.453079


>> No.454655


>> No.454661
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When I was a kid, I wanted to be a fighter pilot too. Crushed when it turned out my eyesight was shockingly bad and deteriorating.

I wanted to be a geologist after that, currently studying for my undergrad. Oil money here I come

>> No.454672

herpes is not that bad

>> No.454687

don't get a soundcloud. it's for attention whoring

get a bandcamp and a twitter.

>> No.454690
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1268001577166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herpes from fucking escorts
>resorting to fucking prostitutes
>fucking prostitutes without protection

Get your shit together and set your sights lower. Your only aspiration at this point should be to avoid asphyxiation from forgetting to breathe.

>> No.454693

fuck off boomer

>> No.454696

>be a surgeon
>earning 500k a year

>> No.454739

>watch the entirety of every 24 Hours of Le Mans from the age of 10
>realize I'm not rich/talented/Finnish enough to ever drive for Corvette Racing

>> No.454894

>love tennis while growing up
>did extremely well on the state level
>tell parents that I want to try and go professional
>they say don't bother
>proceed to spend 10's of thousands of hours playing video games over the next decade

>> No.454903
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>dream of being a famous solo artist
>spend ages 15-25 in bands and recording studio
>can't focus on one style of music
>trying to make music people will like
>give up every couple of years
>out grow my dream and am now a male nurse
>seems to make me happier than I was before
>now I get paid to give people their medication and write music that I enjoy on weekends
>I have no world wide fame and fortune but can enjoy life and slowly realise there is much more to life than I had been experiencing

>> No.454904


10/10 hahahaahahahahahah