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4504602 No.4504602 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies make such a big deal about moving out of parents house? I don't get it. Sure if you need to move away for school or a job I understand but some people move out of their parents house to live in the same city they are already in. Im 25 and I probably won't move out for another 5-7 years. why should I move out?

>no housing/food expenses, don't have to pay rent, food, anything.
>save 90%-95% of my income, only expenses are my car, and some PC/vidya stuff.
>invest most of my money, already have a very high Net worth for my age becuase of this.
>can retire much earlier. (I'm set to retire around 35 easily)
>live in a nice big house with pool that would most likely cost around 3,700 usd in rent for my area.
>mother cooks for me, packs my lunch, does my laundry.
>maids come once a month and clean out my room, mom vacuums my room sometimes also.
>have plenty of privacy and big room to myself.
>play vidya and watch anime in my room.
>get the comfy feeling of being in HS playing vidya after school.
>live in 100% white, old person, quiet gated neighbourhood so I don't have to deal with non-whites or loud kids shouting.

Any other anons living at home and love it? I don't care what normies or roasties say, living at home is God tier, only low I.Q plebs that enjoy throwing money away move out.

>> No.4504624

They won't let me, some fucking gen x may as well be boomers with how brainwashed they are

>> No.4504642

If you live in a big house sure, i agree. But if you live in a city appartment, which usually are kinda small, it gets annoying after some time.

>> No.4504648

Same here, i dont give a fuck what normies say. 32yo and live with parents. And they dont even want money for food etc.

>> No.4504654

I suppose if you're only thinking of yourself that makes sense, but how would you like it if your shitbird kid stuck around too long?

>> No.4504671

Good job anon, keep it up.

I wouldn't mind, as long as they're quiet and not doing bad things in the house.

>> No.4504672

>He's not rich enough to do that without investing and lifting a finger

Kys poorfag

>> No.4504688

You've never seen a vagina, have you?

>> No.4504693

Don't have kids retard. What did you have kids for in the first place? For your own selfish desires, and the moment they turn into their own person they need to go.

But I agree, your kid will take you for granted and you are not your own person anymore but a caretaker of a kid. You loose a piece of your identity and become just "mom" or "dad". So don't have kids....

>> No.4504709

Who cares about having sex with some roastie slut? If I want sex I can rent a hotel room and get a hooker. There's no use for modern American women my age, all are non virgins so having sex with a hooker wouldn't be any different anyways. And it's most likely much cheaper in the long run, and no added stress.

>> No.4504753

Boomers are the reason why our economy has turned to shit. They supported greater taxation and the removal of the dollar backed by gold, among other destructive policies on our economy. Then they scoff at younger generations still living at home to save money.

These are the same boomers who cling to their government benefits that we are now paying for and likely won't ever receive when we are old. Fuck em.

>> No.4504777

He has a point. Perhaps you should actually address what he's saying instead of being a dumb cunt.

>herp derp access to blown out vagina is such a difficult task to achieve

>> No.4504789
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How the fuck are you supposed to bring girls home and fuck them over the table, sofa, in the shower, out of the window etc.?

The fuck man, you're missing out. I once got a blowjob by an absolute cutie while watching my Blockfolio going up 10x LIVE. Best orgasm ever, no LARP.

>> No.4504800

My parents bought me an apartment when I moved for studies. It's not big but pretty comfy still because no rent and eat at university every day for cheap.

>> No.4504805

Have you ever been in love? I don't mean you obsessing over someone, I mean a true love healthy relationship

>> No.4504808

Same here. While being only 25 y.o., I have 15k$ invested (thats quite a lot in Russia). All thanks to living with my parents.
Vagina? I am a 164 cm manlet because of mah arthritis, so no vaginas anyway.

>> No.4504838

>You've never seen a vagina, have you?
>Who cares about having sex with some roastie slut?
Hahahahaha I love this board

>> No.4504856


You have never moved out so you have no basis for comparison. You can not understand the benefits of living on your own until you have experienced them for yourself. Once you finally move out and experience that life for a while you will be able to actually compare which is best.

>> No.4504869

fUUUCUK i feel like shooting up some public institutions in my area now

>> No.4504875
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>don't have to pay rent

>> No.4504905

Trips of truth.


>> No.4504914

who the fuck wants to still feel like they are i HS after getting home from school. pussy virgin faggot.

tfw when I can get home whenever I want without having my parents bitch and call up a girl to come over and have a glass of wine/smoke whenever I want.

>> No.4504931

No, I've never been in love.

>> No.4504968

Die degenerate faggot normie. No one cares that you smoke pot with ugly pothead roasties.

>> No.4505001

At some point they have to get on with it. No one buys a puppy and expects it to be a puppy its entire life. Humans to need to grow up, develop their own opinions, face the struggle of providing for themselves, find "their purpose" and the value they'll provide in society.

Its probably best for the kid to have at least 1 parent prodding them out of the house from a development standpoint.

>> No.4505014

i still haven't moved out

> i can get home whenever i want

yea i can too and i don't drink/smoke so that's not an issue for me.

and if you want to fuck just book a hotel room

>> No.4505035

I don't think most people have parents who will pay for everything, do everything for them and expect nothing in return, for decades on end while you could be completely financially independent. Or are my parents just the outliers?

Also, dont you feel a little bad for at least not paying your grocery bill or doing your own laundry? I was always expected to do probably at least 20 hours of house work a week ever since I was old enough to do so, maybe 12 or so.

>> No.4505045

i still live at home, soon i'm 20

please tell me how i can move out since idon't have a job (still in school) and don't want debt

>> No.4505078

you can work while in school, plus summers? I moved out at 17, finished my degree and dont have any debt.

>> No.4505094
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neck yourself, vaginal slave. The best you can count on is to be a beta cuck provider for some roastie whore, while she fucks other guys in a house that you pay rent for. Be a good boy, and let some bitch leech off of your hard work so she would grant you access to her sacred vagina.
Go fuck yourself, true alpha males live with their parents

>> No.4505119


This. These fucking NEETs don't know what the inside of a vagina feels like.

>> No.4505121

Take debt now. Pay it off when you're making exponentially more than you would have without school. Hope you're getting a worthwhile degree. Aside from XP, wagecucking during school was a waste of time in a monetary sense

>> No.4505190

I used to be the kind of normie retard that was completely against living with my parents but as soon as my stepdad died I moved back in with my mother and it was the best decision I've ever made. No rent, nice house, and she's never here so I'm basically living alone. I have more money now than I ever have before.

>> No.4505262
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Embarassingly insecure

The thing is I know 80% of biz is exactly the same as you

You've never experienced having a girl worship you because you're all worthless.

>> No.4505279
File: 10 KB, 236x213, BABYPINKWOJAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans to need to grow up, develop their own opinions, face the struggle of providing for themselves,
>face the struggle of providing for themselves
>face the struggle
If you're going to bring people into this world, you better make sure they live like fucking kinds. Why do people need to bring people into this world, while at the same time expecting them to "learn to deal with the struggle of providing" fuckshit? Are you all FUCKING MASOCHISTIC? Stop breeding. If you still hav this "scarcity", "competition" and "struggle" mentality, DO NOT HAVE BABIES.This fucking planet needs to be FUCKING DESTROYED IMMEDIATLY. I mean it. This shit planet and it's masochistic society need to be wiped clean by an asteroid impact.
>literally had more resources available to them than all humans since the beginning of HISTORY ITSELF
>create a society in which one works just to have enough money to pay rent and eat shitfood
HOW ABOUT NO? I didn't ask to be fucking born. BUT, here I am. You woke me from my eternal rest of non existence, and now YOU MUST FUCKING FEED ME. Fuck this degenerate society. I refuse to play your fucking games. Not taking a part in your rat race, not "spinning the hamster wheel", not "learning to struggle and provide"... sure as hell not giving a fuck about your stupid shit. YOU (all of you) summoned me into this shit planet and I fucking hate you all for it. If you don't like what I have to say about your shitty "humane society", you're welcome to try to shut me up. Just remember that death is a fucking gift to me. Your society can't shame me or threaten me. You summoned because YOU need me. FUCK BOOMERS! NEET FOR LIFE, FUCKTARDS, EAT MY SHIT.

>> No.4505289

Most people have a form of jealousy because they work their ass off and live month to month, then they see their brother or friend living with their parents thinking that they have it so easy. I've been there, lived with parents until 26. As long as you and your parents are happy who cares? The boomers don't have a clue. We can't just get a job and buy a house in cash any more and rent has skyrocketed from boomers and their investment properties. Would they rather us live on the streets and die? Probably. Humanity is sick. Also media portrays the loser agenda for those not living on their own and people as a whole reflect what media tells them.

>> No.4505306

My parents charge me rent so your entire argument doesn't work for people like me.


>> No.4505331

Why do you let your boomer parents cuck you? Stand up to them in protest. You shouldn't need to pay money to people that forced you into existence, especially if it's the house you grew up in.

>> No.4505348

>20 hours of house work a week
The fuck ? I live in a 175 m2 I clean the floor every week and there is barely 10 hours / week of house work.

>> No.4505371


Because I grew up with a single mom - she is currently 63 and couch crashing. I've been financially supporting her for several years. Most millenials can't touch me in terms of success (200k+ year/crypto gains), yet they all magically own houses in Los Angeles/NY and have families, while working retard-tier jobs.
It's almost as if generational wealth (meaning 2 parents who own property) predisposes you to success? Hmm.

>> No.4505424


>> No.4505454

My parents were pretty anal about everything looking nice, so stuff like cleaning, laundry, dishes, yard work, etc.

And my father was always renovating parts of our house perpetually. If he wasnt he would be doing work on his vehicle or snow machine and that sort of thing and I was always expected to help him, essentially every day.

I graduated from university and had no job and went back to my parents as I was broke while I looked for work. They own a big bush property now and I spent a number of hours everyday doing gardening, or cutting fire wood, cutting trail, cooking etc. If I didn't I wasn't allowed to stay.

>> No.4505546
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>> No.4505558

We don't need you, how about you just fucking kill yourself if you don't want to be part of this world? Your parents gave you existence, you don't like it? Then go back to your former state of non-existence. You don't want to go back? Then find someone who wants you to be his leech, or try to be worthy of a living being and at least provide for yourself you insufferable larva.

>> No.4505583

Americans love to exagerate the number of hours they work per week

>> No.4505851

This. It's sad the amount of thought these NEETs put into justifying their own loneliness and avoid working on themselves.

>> No.4505890
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>Embarassingly insecure
>You've never experienced having a girl worship you

>> No.4505947

I am. I'm saving up to buy a house in full and pay off my college loans in full. Then I'll move out.

>> No.4505961


Unfortunately most people have shitty parents (who do the bare minimum), who believe that all that parenting involves is sending your kids to school and having birthday parties. Then when their kids become adults, they want their kids out as soon as possible. Then the cycle repeats.

>> No.4506021

white people are so dumb, honestly.

they kick their kids out at age 18 and that's it.

meanwhile, smart asian parents pay for everything and ensure their kids have successful careers.

in turn, the kids take care of their parents until they die.

meanwhile, white people have the most fragmented families and old white people die alone without their kids in shitty retirement homes.

i admit that white people have taken over the world because they are huge risk takers, but damn yall white people are crazy

>> No.4506033

I have a boss who despises his parents for this very reason. And he uses this to try to get me to move out of my parents house. Even though, by his own admission, he had to go on welfare and, sometimes, could hardly afford to buy food. Mind you, this was back in the early 2000s too.

>> No.4506036

The people you describe are usually blowing off a huge part of their salaries just to mantain that lifestyle. Rent, mortgages, cars bought in installments... Even though in the long run they'll end up doshing double or triple than un upfronter would, they can afford it by living on a paycheck basis. And to lemmings that is all that matters.

>> No.4506055

Big risk taker reporting in.

>> No.4506475

Lmfao get a load of this hoplessly dependent. Its real cute that you think there's no value in taking care of yourself. Let me know how that goes for you when your parents die. Maybe the government will "provide" for you when that happens, or maybe you can find a pimp

>> No.4506641

>Why do normies make such a big deal about moving out of parents house?
They are easily manipulated and think they have "grown up" by spending 30% of their income on rentcucking

>> No.4506668

whats the problem with fucking in your room

everybody here acting like parents are always at home spying on you

my mom probably even knows im fucking my girls when we meet as we werent exactly silent either

you all sound like a bunch of cucks who cant tell their parents to fuck off your privacy

>> No.4506688

25 yo web developer part time and leeching from my parents full time here,
I just came back from seeing an apartment i figured it was time to move away from my parents so this is what i was told
1k monthly rent + 3 months of warranty + 1k for agency fees + 500$ to pay the elevator and stairs cleaning/light for a total of
1k + 3k + 1k + 500$ = 5500 bucks to move in for an apartment that looks like a rat trap 30square meters
Im staying with my parents fuck that shithole

>> No.4506740

i can do all these things rent free

you are just a bitch who cant stand up to some boomers

>> No.4506772

Be careful what you wish for anons. I live with my mom all my life and after I turned 32 she retired with a shitty pension. So now I have to pay $2000 a month to a mortgage. leaving me with less spending money than some of you guys on minimum wage after taxes and travel costs.

What's worse I think she hates me because my dad raped her, so she might even give the house to charity.

>> No.4506819

>web dev
we know whats good fuck wageslaving and then getting 90% taken away by rent and taxes

rape her if she doesnt give the house to you

>> No.4506862

Not all of us have great relationships with our family.
Not all of us are born into a family with money.
Choosing to live at home does not mean we all have a nice spacious house with a pool. Your situation sounds great.

>> No.4506869

I mean in her will. It will be too late to rape her after she's dead.

I'm pretty sure she changed her will this year as well. She went out one day with a close friend and wouldn't tell me where they went.

Whatever I'll burn the shit to the ground if I don't get 100% of it.

I'm also a developer so my way it is to start contract work.

>> No.4506934

I agree with you but theres a huge difference between death and never been born i would gladly choose to never been born if that was possible but i would never choose to kill myself, theres a huge difference trust me i dont know how to explain it properly