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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4498901 No.4498901 [Reply] [Original]

Operation Dragon Slayer happenings just two days away, but tell me /biz, couldn't Blockstream just implement a new DAA and save BTC from chaindeath?

>> No.4498954

I mean, is there some technical thingy that prevents such update during chaindeath?

>> No.4498990

Can someone update me on this dragon Slayer thing I keep hearing?

>> No.4499024

If bitgoy core adds DAA they admit defeat

>> No.4499041

im stocked up xD

>> No.4499051

operation floppening 3.0

>> No.4499060

Seriously. Core created an enormous shitfest about how they couldn't hard fork a larger blocksize because hardforks are somehow awful unless you have 100% perfect consensus. They then blasted Bitcoin Cash for having a DAA.

They've pissed off so many miners with false promises odds are a DAA hardfork wouldn't have close to universal support and would flounder for months before probably not being implemented.

I honestly would be far less surprised if Core miraculously decides they DO need a 2MB/4MB blocksize increase once Cash starts gaining ground.

>> No.4499061

Blockstream wants bitcoin to fail.

>> No.4499084

did bcash admit defeat when they implemented eda? or did they admit defeat when they implemented modified daa?

>> No.4499086

For the past week it has been more profitable to mine BCH than BTC. Yet, like 90% of miners, many of whom hate Blockstream and want BCH to win, have been mining BTC. IMO they're doing this to make sure that BTC difficulty adjusts upwards. The moment that happens (2 days from now), they will all start mining BCH instead. Then it will take months or years for the few percent of miners that stay with BTC to mine the next 2016 blocks, meaning that Bitcoin basically can't be transfered any longer. People who have their BTC in exchanges will dump it for BCH, meaning that even the few percent of miners that stay with BTC will bleed like hell.. the flippening

>> No.4499092

Are they going to pump BTG as a "store of value" aswel? Or just bch?

>> No.4499096

it would require a hardfork which would be guaranteed death

>> No.4499098

Holy fuck.. are you fucking serious... If this shit is real, this is bringing down the ENTIRE market..

>> No.4499099

Just BCH. Miners don't give a fuck about BTG.

>> No.4499102

this is like the 3rd wave of flippening

>> No.4499107


>> No.4499108

Shady shit. All in eth

>> No.4499116
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>> No.4499122

I don't know if it will happen or not, but definitely recommend having more BCH than BTC (quantity) so you don't have to FOMO in if it happens..

>> No.4499130

And nothing never happens except that one weekend.
Fuck off wit your pajeet erc20 token.

>> No.4499134

the new bcash daa always aims for profitability parity with btc. if miners switch from btc to bch, bch difficulty shoots up and becomes as profitable or lower to mine, hence theres little point to keep switching every 5 minutes, just like not all miners instantly switched to bch before daa.

>> No.4499142

this is 4chan, if you're dumb enough to believe everything you read, go KYS.

And btw bch was engineered by a small group of people to pump and dump BCH on a massive scale.

>> No.4499146


It's already over. BTC hodlers just haven't woken up yet to the hard truth that they are check mated in 3 moves and it's an immutable truth.

>> No.4499147

Are you a retard?

>> No.4499180

Yeah, once the flippening occurs you'd expect BCH to take off where Bitcoin left off. If you can do that so you're 2:1 BCH:BTC or 5:1 you're going to do just rad.

>> No.4499204
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>Operation Dragon Slayer

>> No.4499235

This is the anti-crypto world governments' wet dream.

>> No.4499266

BCH difficulty would automatically adjust though.

This doesn't make any sense. If BCH difficulty goes way up some miners will go back to BTC.

>> No.4499271

>it will take months or years for the few percent of miners that stay with BTC to mine the next 2016 blocks
New miners - pools that currently sit on the sidelines because they are uncompetitive - just come in and fill the gap in the market.

There will always be an attraction to mining bitcoin over BCH, because many miners don't want to pay bitmain royalties for running asicboost, and cannot remain profitable in BCH without it.

>> No.4499276

On the contrary it would prove once and for all there's nothing they can do about cryptocurrencies. Hijack the media channels around them, assume political control of all the channels of power involved with them, censor all dissent and stifle any objections to your agenda, and what happens? The miners follow their rational self interest and fork away all the same.

https:// www.captiongenerator.com/723942/Adam-Back-reacts-to-the-Bitcoin-Cash-flippening#.WgmS_Lqw3yU.facebook

>> No.4499292

>Fuck off wit your pajeet erc20 token.

Bitcoin Red is positively erect, sir

>> No.4499303

Nah, BTC will crash. You'll be lucky to sell 1 BTC for 1k sats.

>> No.4499316

>if you're dumb enough to believe everything you read
>posts an infinitely more insane proposition

>> No.4499327

But you could just for BTC under consensus and reduce the difficulty / change the adjustment protocol

>> No.4499328

That's consistent with these very large transfers being seen from cold storage wallets. Transfers basically need to happen before the mining cut to be able to trade effectively.

>> No.4499337

There is no rational self interest inpaying a royalty to bitmain or operating at a loss, though.

The main worry I have for BCH is that there appears to be no organic growth with its community. You ONLY hear from / about BCH when its backers are saying bitcoin is about to crash and burn. You don't get that from any other alt to such an extent. The definition of a con is a "confidence trick", and so much of the BCH branding and marketing appears to read like: "We will be what is left once bitcoin dies". Hardly a convincing vector of attack.

>> No.4499351

If BCH difficulty goes way up some miners will go back to BTC.

Depends on what the price of BTC is. If the price has already collapsed and you have very low hashrate, you could be months to years away from a difficulty increase.

How long will the market really tolerate a nonfunctional market?

>> No.4499388

*yawn* please tell me when operation dragon slayer actually happened. In the meantime I'm going to hold on to my btc.

>> No.4499395

> There is no rational self interest inpaying a royalty to bitmain or operating at a loss, though.

I run miners and have never paid, nor asked, nor even been advised it is possible to pay a royalty to bitmain to activate asicboost. It is further not actually proven at all that asicboost has ever been used in production blockchains ever, period.

And operating at a loss is exactly what they don't want to be doing, which is why they're not willing to toe the blockstream core strategy line when it is so clearly against the interests of anyone other than blockstream.

The simple fact is there is massive overwhelming dissent for the blockstream plan amongst anyone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about and doesn't think wearing stupid hats is what operating in the space effectively is all about.

> "We will be what is left once bitcoin dies".

That's just a fact, and anything they can do organically separate from it will necessarily be dwarfed by that fact purely because of the magnitude of everything that it implies.

Beside that enormous centrepiece however, it's simply flatly untrue that there is no organic growth within the community. Bitcoin.com has re-focused all resources away from the legacy chain and onto Bitcoin Cash, radio advertisements have gone out about the situation, Ryan X Charles from yours has moved the platform over to BCH, and plenty of similar projects are also talking about doing the same now that they're no longer hamstrung by Blockstream's idiocy.

It's a bright future. Blockstream just isn't going to be in it.

>> No.4499404

>You'll be lucky to sell 1 BTC for 1k sats.
Never thought about this lol. How devastating that would be to core guys, selling btc for a price in sats.

>> No.4499409

This. BTC without miners is FUCKED.

The funniest part is that they can do it over and over and over again

Good luck with that :^)

>> No.4499536
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Fact: if you run asicboost and do not pay a royalty, you have already rested your balls on the chopping block and handed bitmain a meat cleaver. They can take you to court and clean you out of your earnings gained while running asicboost any time it becomes strategically prudent to do so.

>flatly untrue that there is no organic growth within the community.
Organic growth would mean fiat entering BCH. BCHUSD is barely 7% of BCH trades. All fiat trade in BCH is in South Korean Won, "entering" the market via bithumb. Hardly instills confidence in a healthy ecosystem filling up with fresh money,as opposed to the same small pool of cash being endlessly recycled through the same circuits.

>> No.4499568

you don't need much to put the price up if no one is selling.

also people are transferring other crypto into bch

>> No.4499608

a btc daa would require a hard fork which would be impossible in a chain death spiral situation

>> No.4499625

no it doesn't it aims to maintain 10 minute blocks

>> No.4499634

2 days from now? so thorsday moring US Time?

>> No.4499653

yes, and barring any cataclysmic event, it the same thing as aiming for profitability parity

>> No.4499672
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Bitcoin in comparison has a more diverse spread of investments - divided more equally across three currencies.

Also note that, while Bitcoin accounts for around about 45% of all BCH trades, BCH accounts for around 4% of Bitcoin trades. It is, in fact, about as dominant as bitcoin gold in that respect.
>people are transferring other crypto into bch
You're right, and that is exactly my point. "Fresh money" = fiat entering the crypto space. Bitcoin attracts fresh money. Other alts attract fresh money to lesser degrees. BCH *may* be attracting fresh money. But, because the only sign we have of it is KRW, entering through a single exchange, we have to be rather sceptical of how virgin this money actually is.

Secondly, don't forget the airdrop. Many (most?) people holding BCH today didn't invest in them - they got them for free. If they are flipping them back and forth in the crypto market, they are not introducing new money to that market. Unless they can convince newcomers to buy those tokens for fiat currency (and let's face it, we mean USD here, not Won), then BCH has no real price discovery other than being a reflection of the value of Bitcoin.

No fresh money went into the current pricing of BCH. Never forget that, it is crucial. Always remember that BCH went up to $2000 with very little in the way of USD actually ever entering the marketplace. That cannot be said of bitcoin- it grew organically, and new money backed it. Without fresh money, BCH is like a parasite coin, feeding off the gains of the other currencies.

>> No.4499679

Ok you faggots I've read the whole thread with all the conspiracy theories and then I went to look up when the difficulty adjustment happens.


On this page it says the estimated adjustment will be -1%, shouldn't that be like +10% or more for that operation to happen?

>> No.4499686

Ok, but there's no way blockstream is just gonna sit there and let BCH ruin the markets

>> No.4499849


>> No.4500034
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Bitpay is going to accept BCH very soon. That will change things dramatically.

>> No.4500041

Dragon slayer is knighthoods true calling.

>> No.4500065

there's literally nothing they can do and they deserve this for trying to turn bitcoin into a settlement layer for their off chain technology

>> No.4500116

Calm de fuck down everyone, japan is coming to save the day, bybye chinks monopole, have fun mining your counterfeit shitcoin Satoshi's Vision©

>> No.4500129

price is dependent on scarcity. if no one is selling bch it does not take much money to make the price skyrocket.

The lack of fiat on ramps into bch does not provide evidence that the price is pumped

>> No.4500142

Japanese mining farm comes online soon, this is just the death throes of the chinks.

>> No.4500176


this was predicted, and so far is checking every fact on this document.

this will be the so crypto bubble pop
no matter if you are btc or bch, coke or pepsi, apple or android. we are here to make money.

>> No.4500188

Scarcity is one attribute of value. It boosts values when there is demand, but scarcity by itself means nothing. There are fewer than 1 bags of my farts for every millionaire on planet earth. Doesn't mean they are worth $1mn though.

The absense of fiat is a concrete sign there is little appeal or interest in the market, beyond the speculative trades of airdrop recipients.

>> No.4500209

is BCH gonna pump again this coming weekend? When is the ideal time to buy in during the week?

>> No.4500246

yeah but you were trying to say you couldn't explain the price increase without fiat which isn't true.

additionally i think btc is speculative as it can never reach adoption with a 1mb block. It's only selling point now is digital gold which is stupid because store of value is not helped by high fees and slow confirmations. BCH does everything btc does and does it better all the while being able to scale into real world adoption

>> No.4500311

why would they mine btc at a loss though?

bch may become 10x more profitable next week

>> No.4500317

Holy fuck bcash bagholders are in full damage control today ,just face it you backed the wrong horse btc will hit 10k soon

>> No.4500322

or it may be fucking nothing just like the bch fork.

>> No.4500336

evidence says otherwise man

>> No.4500375

likely scenario: bch pumps to around 2.5 to 3k, btc drops by similar amount, when the bch pump stops or even stalls for a bit, everyone panics and just dumps it for btc dip.

>> No.4500392

If it starts, it's 48h from now. I don't think BCH is going to dip before that but who knows..

>> No.4500423

It may or may not dip before then (I doubt it would change much), but if no pump happens on the weekend I would expect the price to dump pretty hard.

>> No.4500433

I have 2.5 BTC and 5.7 BCH. I'm not shilling. I'm just letting /biz know what might happen and how some facts support it. At least I don't have to FOMO into BCH if it happens. Meanwhile, I doubt very much that BCH will lose significantly against BTC at least in short term. Better safe than sorry..

>> No.4500452

Why would the price dump hard? I don't think most people have a clue of the happenings..

>> No.4500475

i say pumps to 8k then back to 3k on the condition btc survives.
if btc dies then I have no idea what would happen it's unprecedented

>> No.4500501

If they actually succeed in causing a flippening from BTC to BCH, then the entire crypto market is fucked into another years long bear winter anyways, and everybody on all sides loses everything (in terms of USD value) so don't worry about it.

>> No.4500512

>yeah but you were trying to say you couldn't explain the price increase without fiat which isn't true.

No, I was saying that the current valuation cannot demonstrate that it is not frothy, because trading activity is based mainly on free gift coins being traded for other free gift coins. With little fiat entering the marketplace, the fiat valuations of the token are rather fictional.

The second point - that bitcoin cannot reach adoption - seems odd, when referring to the coin with the single widest user base and rate of adoption. If you can say it about bitcoin, then what of any other alt? It's a nonsense point.

Being "digital gold" is not a selling point? Strange opinion.

"Digital gold is not helped by high fees and slow confirms"? I would say if you were creating a coin to be an inert store of value, those things would be only a minor concern. However, your assumption that bitcoin is a frozen-in-time technology that never evolves is not based on reality - even if you are very new to the cryptospace you will have seen changes in the last 3 months.

BCH does not do "everything better". It has already failed once at defending itself from a 51% attack, and it does not promote a trustless market as well as bitcoin does. These were fundamental ethical arguments in the early years of bitcoin, which many newcomers are no longer aware of. 51% attacks and trustlessness are far far greater dangers to crypto credibility than even hash power and difficulty adjustments.

>> No.4500513
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>> No.4500542

Well not dump hard, but I would think there would be plenty of people holding it with the expectation of being able to flip it back into more BTC during the weekend.

>> No.4500559

nothing will happen because everyone expecting it

>> No.4500577

Consider this:

It is already priced in. After the failed flippening BTC will not go to the moon but engage warp drive.

>> No.4500619
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Why won't anyone respond to the fact that the difficulty is expected to drop 25%, and the last 3-400 blocks won't make a difference???

>> No.4500647

yeah but imagine how low it would've been if they hadn't been mining at a loss. The goal was to maximise btcs difficulty not ensure a positive change

don't know what you mean by that

>cannot reach adoption
bitcoin adoption in business and economic activity has dropped since last year. its 1mb constriction created the alt market. Vitalik wanted to build ethereum on top of btc.

>Being "digital gold" is not a selling point? Strange opinion.
I'm saying being digital gold depends on btc being a good store of value. Store of value for bitcoin depends on people being confident they can transact btc for other things in the future. BTCs store of value properties are less than bch. Imagine when entire counries are transacting in bch the price won't be tied to speculation on exponential growth trends as btc is now
In any case crypto currency will be an inferior store off value compared to physical gold until the internet is indestructable, decentralised and ubiquitous.

>51% attack
there's no evidence of bitmain actually doing anything and what would their motivation be?

>> No.4500690

What does this mean? Lower difficulty = people switch back to mining BTC = ?

>> No.4500958

>don't know what you mean by that

>bitcoin adoption in business and economic activity has dropped
Factually untrue. Every conference centre this year has been rabid with professionals trying to find an 'in' into blockchain and crypto. The only token they talk about is bitcoin. No other brand has any sort of penetration here. 2018 is likely to be big.
>I'm saying
You're not sure what you are saying. It is valuable to have a value store separate from transactional currency in many respects. You claim BCH is a better store of value than BTC but have nothing to support that claim. Anything you did have would be far too speculative considering the short lifespan of BCH at present.
>there's no evidence
You miss the underlying ethical concern of the 51% risk. Crypto has a USP of trustlessness. Without that, it can be gamed as well as fiat. And if you don't understand how a double-spend can advantage a powerful market player, then you don't truly understand crypto.

>> No.4501010

Your link has false data and anyway the main point is not difficulty adjusting up or down a little, but here being 2016 blocks to mine before the next adjustment..

>> No.4501030

They're not mining at loss. They're just not mining at maximum profit..

>> No.4501059

false data? What false data?

>> No.4501062
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so what? won't change the fact that bch will be eternally btfo and btc will continue it's moon mission. normies don't even know about this shit bro.

>> No.4501087

That's just an estimate.

Different sites are estimating different difficulty adjustments. fork.lol is estimating basically no change in difficulty.

>> No.4501137

I will stress one more time that I'm not telling anyone to go all in BCH. I'm just recommending that you have enough BCH just in case so that you don't need to FOMO in later. I don't see big downsides to this approach, it's not like BCH will crash even if nothing happens.

>> No.4501207

They can print more Tethers and pump BTC (this happened last time), but it would make things even worse for them. What a smart move it was to alienate the miners..

>> No.4501223

Honestly if Bitfinex continues minting USDT, after all this controversy, still without an audit...
People will eventually turn on them.

>> No.4501292
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>> No.4501515

which exchanges stay 100% functional during so called "BCH flippenings"?

>> No.4501597

Binance. You can also ETH/BCC profits so no need for BTC/BCC & BTC/Something

Just note, at binance the ticker is BCC instead of BCH

>> No.4501674

Bitcoin cash is 1k.
Bitcoin is 8k.
The flippening can happen. There's only a 7k difference.

>> No.4501736

if you think bcash gaining 700% is likely (while simultaneously taking down a giant), 56k bitcoin is a lot more likely.

>> No.4501752

Trump was likely.

>> No.4501778
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Imagine how much money this guy stands to make


>> No.4502709

Ahhh already nice gains for whoever got the message

>> No.4502751
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>It's flippening

>> No.4502968

I was just about to get into crypto (waiting for ID confirmation on QuadrigaCx atm).
Where should I invest to be sure to not get affected by this ?
I was planning to buy BTC and ETH and use BTC to buy altcoins. Should I just go full ETH and buy my altcoins with this, and wait for the storm to be over before going into BTC ?

>> No.4503040
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>people will fall for this chink PnD again

>> No.4503073

I am so fucking tired of this bullshit BCH pumps.
Operation cock slayer. I hope people get burned badly when it dumps 30% in 45 seconds.
Can BTC and BCH fuck off already?

>> No.4503122

In order for that to happen BCH must reach parity and cause BTC to drop dead like a rock. Then you DDoS Bithumb so the money transfers to Eth but at the same time you DDoS Bitfinex so that Tether can't save the day anymore.

>> No.4503616

Operation dragon slayer

>> No.4503632 [DELETED] 

Want to buy rumors and sell news? We make rumors. Welcome to discuss about cryptos and dragon slayer https://discord.gg/F3SDe8S

>> No.4503664


BTC is dead, this is part of its death throes.

BCH will continue to rise until BTC collapses under its own weight of uselessness.

It's fucking annoying but when its finished we can go back to shilling shitcoins

>> No.4503683

>BTC not moving
>BCH slightly pumping and retracing

Oh boy. You are a top contender for my other thread: >>4503454

>> No.4503701

It can still dip to .014 or even 0.13 before the happenings. Hodl to your BCH

>> No.4503713

surely that is just the wallet for an exchange or something?

>> No.4503718

BCH >old shit coin

>> No.4503774
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Why do summefags like you assume that being against Gavin's blocksize increase USG agenda means you are pro-Blockstream as a result?

Bitcoin cannot be decentralized for the poor. Not with second layers, and even worse, not with on-chain transactions, if you knew anything about economy, game theory and thermodynamics you would know.

Bitcoin is not for niggers to transact coffees over it. If you can't afford transactions, fuck off. The people that matter in Bitcoin (the ones with the most BTC) will not allow Bitcoin to be ruined so idiots can transact their bullshit on it. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will either give up or try getting rich so you actually matter in Bitcoin.

If you accept the mainstream derping about "banking the unbanked" (which itself is just a PR ruse of the USG's to get their fingers into the blockchain), you'll find yourself wanting to do something stupid about minimum transaction values in the bitcoin network. Once you reduce the minimum fee for broadcasting, a whole slew of smaller transactions will want into each block. That demand will put upward pressure on the price each transaction must pay for inclusion into each 1MB block, pressure that can only be alleviated by increasing the maximum block size. So there you have it: the USG is exploiting your kindhearted desire to make the world a better place for someone to whom you're entirely unrelated to fuck up the blockchain.

>> No.4503787


Screencap me you delusional faggot.

BTC is a kiked shitcoin, 1 year from now you come here and post the image and I'll send you 0.00001 BCH so you can buy a rope

>> No.4503790

What are realistic profit targets?

Honestly I’d be happy with .5

>> No.4503801

Why the fuck do you want BTC to die, do you realize everything else will die with it and the crypto bubble will burst?

>> No.4503867

> blah blah blah self important narcissistic larping bullshit.

You're not going to be able to transact at all when nobody is mining the chain, and all your hundreds of thousands of ill gotten BTC will return to their actual natural value; Zero.

>> No.4503902

How about stopping worrying about if BTC will die or not? Simply stop reading reddit, 4chan or anything else. The facts are:

1) BTC will NOT die. ALL alts will.
2) BTC is the new unit of value of the entire planet. The people with the most BTC literally made Clinton lose the elections. You are dealing with the new Rothchilds (and no, Ver is not part of it).

Lurk more and stop wasting your time with fucking altcoins (including USD et al).

>> No.4503920

Today 0.2
Tomorrow 0.3
Day after tomorrow 1
Next week 2

>> No.4503922

>Miners decide

No, they do not. The miners make some minor decisions in BTC, but major decisions such as block forks are not at their disposition alone, and this for excellent reasons you'll readily understand if you stop and think about it.

There are two specific methods to control miners on this matter, which will make the scamcoin Gavin is trying to replace everyone's BTC with only replace some people's BTC. The first and most obvious is that irrespective of what miners mine, each single full node will reject illegal blocks. This is a fact. If all the miners out there suddenly quit Bitcon and go mine Keiser's Aurora scamcoin instead, from the perspective of the BTC network hash rate simply dropped and that's all. There's absolutely no difference between Keiser's scamcoin and Gavin's scamcoin as far as the network is concerned. As far as anyone will be able to perceive, miners simply left.

The second and perhaps not as obvious has nevertheless been discussed at length on multiple occasions:

Whoever has enough money to matter is likely to pick one chain for whatever reason, since fork means BTC can be spent independently on either chain he will sell his BTC on one and perhaps buy on the other. As a result prices will rapidly diverge, panicking the mass of users, and the fork is economically resolved.

The situation here is aggravated by the fact that the fork proposed is not simply nondeterministic behaviour, and so the holdings on the two chains aren't notionally equivalent. Instead, all the holdings on the BTC chain are accepted as valid on both BTC and Gavincoin, but holdings on Gavincoin are rejected by BTC. Consequently, everyone involved with the fork is writing options to everyone in BTC, free of charge. That they have no ready way to finance these should be obvious, and consequently the grim prospects of the Gavin side of the fork should be just as obvious. At least, to people who understand economy to any degree.

>> No.4503968

This again? Really?

You people don't fucking learn. We had this exact conversation a couple days ago.

> The first and most obvious is that irrespective of what miners mine, each single full node will reject illegal blocks

"Illegal blocks" being a metric decided from the perspective of a given node, and upon which different nodes have different definitions.

> If all the miners out there suddenly quit Bitcon and go mine Keiser's Aurora scamcoin instead, from the perspective of the BTC network hash rate simply dropped and that's all.

No, it's not all. Because when those miners left and nobody is left mining, no blocks get mined and thus no transactions get processed, period.

> That they have no ready way to finance these should be obvious

They have a ready way to finance these; their stake in the chain they believe to be worthless. A free trade is made between parties with opposing positions on that question, one is right and richer, the other is wrong and poorer.

You're just watching exactly that happen you clueless fuck.

>> No.4503984
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> out of context mircea popescu copy paste

hows that plan for world domination going faggot lmao

>> No.4503991
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>> No.4504059
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Nice fork

>> No.4504061
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>2 months
>no withdrawals

Not an exchange. Just someone or an entity with deep pockets. Whoever is spending that much money on BCH knows something you do not.

Buy BCH.

>> No.4504168


I've seen this type of intentionally complex, confusing and completely pointless statements out of that balding fucking toxic kike ADAM BACK

Kill yourself you fucking kike

>> No.4504193

Bitcoin is dead

>> No.4504324


>> No.4504514

A well presented argument detailing the exact reasons why... Would be nice.

Dragonslayer is going to totally slay Bcash and you know it.

>> No.4504549

There are flippennings at least twice a month lately, it's not happening.

>> No.4504570

That would be suicide for miners, Chinese would take all with their huge farms. Bigger blocks will murder the crypto.

>> No.4504581


> intentionally complex
> confusing

its neither of these things, you're just stupid and/or uneducated. This is perfectly understandable writing to anyone reading at an actual university level.

It may or may not be correct, but none of it is confusing.

> out of that balding fucking toxic kike ADAM BACK

It's from mircea popescu, the bitcoin whale and wannabe bond villain.

It is also taken out of context, having to do with events that happened almost 3 years ago.

>> No.4504689

we did not choose the "new rothchilds" nor do we want them. if bitcoin cash is a means to stop these people then it appears that the votes are being cast as we speak. if bitcoin cash is just another version of the "new rothchilds" then the votes will be cast for the next usurper. there will always be an underdog that offers better tech and less centralization. if that ends then we are truly fucked.

>> No.4504716

Just bought 5 BCC. WILL I Make IT ?

>> No.4504735
File: 28 KB, 384x383, ppp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im too dumb to understand the game theory behind bitcoin please buy my forkbags

>> No.4504746

shhhh, let the brainlets get burned

>> No.4504851

Since you are dumb, you may need to hit your head into a wall for a couple of times until you understand it, or in other words, lose your BTC into a couple of forks.

>No, it's not all. Because when those miners left and nobody is left mining, no blocks get mined and thus no transactions get processed, period.

Once again, idiot doesn't understand what a power vacuum is.

>They have a ready way to finance these; their stake in the chain they believe to be worthless. A free trade is made between parties with opposing positions on that question, one is right and richer, the other is wrong and poorer.

The forked side is poorer and therefore wrong. As a result, BTC stakeholders are the biggest stakeholders in BCH as well. Any attempts at pumping this shitcoin will result in the shitcoin getting dumped, as BTC stakeholders get richer, naturally, as a matter of course. This is to be rehashed again and again forever, like Mike Gavin's asshole.

>You're just watching exactly that happen you clueless fuck.

What you are watching exactly happening is the above. Let's meet here in a couple of days and we'll see how good the chaindeath meme went for you and your finances.

>> No.4505138

We shall see.

I sincerely hope you are destroyed. Your combination of evil narcissism and hubristic ignorance richly deserves it.

>> No.4505211


I think he made his case better than you did. And your desire to see others destroyed isn't comforting. In fact, you confirmed what was said in this very thread. BCH growth isn't organic. It's driven by people who want to see BTC and its holders burn. People like you.

>> No.4505310

Your argument is fundamentally flawed by a few facts and tenets of game theory. The first fact being the bitcoin core developers and block stream who have the most interest in controlling original bitcoin hold very little bitcoin and therefore very little bitcoin cash. Secondly, the largest holders of bitcoin other than satoshi nakamato are the earliest adopters of bitcoin, Gavin, roger, Jihan, even fucking fake satoshi Craig wright and a few other whales, who support bch as well as institutions like coinbase which will be supporting bch soon and which stand to lose in a large way in the future with blocksteeams side chain solutions and a coin that doesn’t work. So the biggest whales actually have an interest to buy bch.

>> No.4505318

the best meme that ever came out of /biz/, congratulation

>> No.4505409


What? It's whales that destroy anyone who tries to short BTC. Look at the guy who just lost 50 million. That was because of BTC whales.

>> No.4505450 [DELETED] 

Bitcoin does not care about your hopes, otherwise it wouldn't work.

>Your argument is fundamentally flawed by a few facts and tenets of game theory. The first fact being the bitcoin core developers and block stream who have the most interest in controlling original bitcoin hold very little bitcoin and therefore very little bitcoin cash.

Stop talking about Bitcoin Core and Blockstream. The people with the highest stakes on Bitcoin aren't from Core/Blockstream. They certainly aren't from USGavin as well. The point is, they have an highest stake than all of these lossers combined, and they happen to not want to see Bitcoin becoming Paypal 2.0 (either on-chain, or second layer, but second layers aren't the protocol, so you can't stop someone from developing those anyway).

Coinbase doesn't even have the required BTC to deliver BCH to BTC holders, which is why it's taking them months to allow BCH withdrawals. They don't had people's BTC there, therefore they didn't had BCH's people's ready to deliver. Brian Armstrong is going down.

>> No.4505491

Bitcoin does not care about your hopes, otherwise it wouldn't work.

>Your argument is fundamentally flawed by a few facts and tenets of game theory. The first fact being the bitcoin core developers and block stream who have the most interest in controlling original bitcoin hold very little bitcoin and therefore very little bitcoin cash.

Stop talking about Bitcoin Core and Blockstream. The people with the highest stakes on Bitcoin aren't from Core/Blockstream. They certainly aren't from USGavin as well. The point is, they have an highest stake than all of these lossers combined, and they happen to not want to see Bitcoin becoming Paypal 2.0 (either on-chain, or second layer, but second layers aren't the protocol, so you can't stop someone from developing those anyway).

Coinbase doesn't even have the required BTC to deliver BCH to BTC holders, which is why it's taking them months to allow BCH withdrawals. They didn't had users BTCs there at the time of the fork, therefore they didn't had user's BCHs ready to deliver, hence the mysterious time gap. Brian Armstrong is going down.

>> No.4505506
File: 291 KB, 2048x1602, 4zJSNP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortune-teller kitty says buy Monero. It will be king one day

>> No.4505507
File: 225 KB, 450x440, 1364839824773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still think a fork is happening
>People are still do deluded they think BCH is the end goal for currency crypto

I can't wait for both of these fucking things to get replaced

>> No.4505525

And by fork I mean flip. I clearly need more sleep

>> No.4505581

So this DA bullshit is just going to keep happening right? for the foreseeable future?
and BCH only needs to time it successfully once for spiral death to occur?

>> No.4505805

yeah that is they way this is suuposed to work right, increase and decrease based on howm many mining etc.?.

>> No.4505980

They just need to dump BTC while the miners move to BCH and it's game over for AXA/Blockstream

>> No.4506041


Needlessly complex statements do not equate to intelligence you stupid faggot. Yes I am university educated.


>> No.4506100
File: 22 KB, 645x729, 1510232740949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as hashpower is centralized among a fairly small number of mining pools, and as long as they are willing to cooperate, which is currently the case, they can create a sudden decrease in hashpower and slow the network to a crawl.

How is this supposed to make BCH king when the same miners who tried to kill BTC are mining BCH?

> You guyz got us this time around, haha never mind I wouldn't expect you to do it again?

Really, they don't want to kill both BTC and BCH or everyone exit these blockchains. More likely their goal is to create BTC dips and raise the BCH base price temporarily.

BCH attacks will continue as long as they work. I don't think Roger Ver and co are just going to walk away from this golden goose since they have staked so much on it. So yeah, its just going to go on and on.

And then you have all these cucks who sold their BTC way below ATH and now all they have left is to shill BCH. They accuse us of being paid shills, it doesn't occur to them that there is are good enough reasons to hate BCH without being paid.

>> No.4506209

you write like a beaner

>> No.4506276

untill people agree to buy altcoins with bch any talk of a flippening is complete nonsense

>> No.4506612

>Yes I am university educated.
So you are not only dumb, but a debt slave. Kek, remain poor and stupid.

>> No.4507123

They only want to kill BTC because Blockstream is turning it into a centralized cash cow for Blockstream. BCH is BTC before segshit with improved DAA. It's our coin. Fuck Blockstream.

>> No.4507428
File: 148 KB, 500x371, 240e7ca95307bf1a6646f5be5dda80a2--stains-bicycles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in a bad state. How low did you sell your BTC for?

>> No.4507455

Sorry guys but it's not possible since I bought BCH yesterday and im a pleb who cant be right

tfw 10% already

>> No.4507468

>fall for an opportunity to make a lot of money

>> No.4507485

Why is segwit bad?

>> No.4507511

how is bitcoin cash not a centralized cash cow for Ver and Jihan lol. your logic is utterly retarded

>> No.4507604

Just look how angry and aggressive cashies are. They are brain washed zealots without a hint of intelligence. Don't expect any valid answer to your question.

>> No.4507652

>BCH difficulty rises as miners pike in
>Suddenly unprofitable
>BTC highly profitable from fees
Nah dude, you have your incentives wrong.

>> No.4507759

If you don't find any blocks. No pay.

>> No.4507815

you must be the asshole that did the fake airdrop and never came through

>> No.4507882

Lmao, yes, new miners will miraculously come into the scene and mine at a loss, compensating for at least 70% missing hashpower for a full 2016 blocks. The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.4508041

They're not brainwashed. They sold their BTC way below ATH thinking it had peaked, and subsequently had to convince themselves they didn't make a terrible, terrible mistake. BCH is the perfect vehicle enabling this.

>> No.4508185

>convince themselves

>> No.4508198


>> No.4508244

what did you sell your BTC for?

>> No.4508274

ETH, I bought some bch at 1200 though to ride the upcoming pump/dump

>> No.4508298

i mean what price was BTC at when you sold it?

>> No.4508311
File: 59 KB, 464x405, Storjtoandromedagalaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4508348


>> No.4508350


certainly not to BTC right??

>> No.4508365


>> No.4508398

Excuse me asshole? The fact that you would make such a generalized and faulty assumption just proves that you are ignorant and short sighted. Do you relieve believe that? You can’t accept that there are people who see genuine fault in BTC and serious advantages in BCH? Everything about BCH is superior, and in the long run it will be chosen over BTC and you will be there holding your bags, dick in hand, wondering why you didn’t buy BCH at this price, the same way most people feel about not buying BTC at $1000.

>> No.4508402

Sell BCH to physical gold @ 5.8K. Thank me later.

>> No.4508499
File: 427 KB, 570x2249, NWOBitCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have to say is if you think this is somehow the new rothschilds in control of all this shit now, you're delusional.
There is no way those kikes did not at worst, create it. At least, notice it and control it.
It's basically bilderberg vs china right now.
This could be world war 3
But just don't go fucking thinking that this is somehow new rothschilds and the old money will just go away and not be protected in any form.
Just look at all their priceless wealth. Estates, winery. mining operations, media control. Even if they somehow lost all their fiat cash it would only be a matter of time before they ruled it all again. They built the state of israel and control the worlds finances. I'm sure they had the long game to be in this in some way shape or form.
Fucking delusional if you think not.

>> No.4508527

Why not? This will not be the flippening. My guess is this will be another artificial pump by the Chinese miners to turn another profit. So many miners have been losing money every day mining the Cash chain. They won't kill BTC just yet. So do as the miners do. Ride BCH to the top, dump into cheap BTC, ride BTC back up to normal values.

>> No.4508572

Bait and switch BTC to BCH is the oldest Jew trick in the book. lol. It's Hapenning.

>> No.4508785

is that a communist bitcoin?

>> No.4508816


Nah, BTC isn't the Rothchild coin. It'll be something else that comes along to take the BTC throne, and will through superior media pushes

>> No.4508885

Then why is bilderberg in control of blockstream now?
Isn't that close enough?

>> No.4508979


If they control it they can kill it too. Start from square one and make even more

>> No.4509153

for all the Bcash faggots out there.

show me 5 devs (their github) working on Btrash.

I fucking dare you faggots. Show me 5 niggers working on this shit coin of yours! you can't fucking do it!

fuck it.. show me 3. show me 3 devs!

>> No.4509158

A step towards Blockstream propriety layers

It's not theirs. Five teams develop BCH. Blockstream is the same than BTC core. Why do you think St. Gavin endorses it?

>> No.4509160

Just ride the pump no one cares who wins we just want to make satoshis

>> No.4509178

You only need one person working on BCH and that is Satoshi Nakomoto himself.

>> No.4509290

this is what retarded Bcashers are like! lol

Satoshi himself aka Nick Szabo is a core supporter you fucking moron.

>> No.4509417

Why would Satoshi support core?

>> No.4509562

Anyone who supports core can't be satoshi. Therefore, if Nick Szabo supports core, he isn't satoshi.

>> No.4509599

Very unlikely though.

>> No.4509604

Daily reminder that Craig S Wright is Satoshi

>> No.4509641

Daily reminder that Satoshi Nakamoto is the Zodiac Killer aka also Ted Cruz.

>> No.4509765

Dorian is Satoshi

>> No.4510187

CoreCoins Death is totally dependent on the price of Bitcoin Cash...invest all you can to support this for all of our benefit

>> No.4510685


>> No.4510940

pls respond

>> No.4510979

Tomorrow ripple will be pumped as fuck. A big exchange in China is getting in.

>> No.4511393

This would be so epic. And this is what I keep calling for. They should not have done an open letter to miners. They should have done an open letter to satoshi to come back and guide the community once again. Just as people fear his coins if moved, they also would respect his wisdom.

>> No.4511403
File: 174 KB, 632x360, tay-tweet-ted-cruz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for giving me a chance to use this pic

>> No.4511419

No, no, no, Satoshi IS working on BCH. Do you think some random Asian company started this and it got a 30 bil market cap.

>> No.4511519

Satoshi is likely dead. He would’ve made some kind of movement at this point with all of the drama going on.

>> No.4511564

Yes. Actually. If satoshi was going to work on it he wouldn't stay hidden he would have started posting again.

>> No.4511574

bro, for that kind of money, i could buy a lambo

>> No.4511579

not for certain
if satoshi is rothschild then wouldn't move
also doesn't need to move because he owns all forks he can't lose unless all the btc+spinoffs die completely.
Also he could have mined a ton of extra coins from say, his aunts cpu. and be living a cushy life without ever needing to touch the 'satoshi' coins.

>> No.4512173

1. Craig Wright
2. Jihan Wu
3. Roger Ver

>> No.4512249

Satoshi is quietly moving troops in the darkness of night. I work at Nintendo.

>> No.4512392
File: 64 KB, 552x640, -fake-satoshi-ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake Satoshi

>> No.4512477

but bitpay is so shitty

>> No.4512650

Nobody gives a fuck about BTG

>> No.4512725

So look dragon faggots should I buy bch or what I need you benevolent mystics to tell me what to do

>> No.4512888


You don't actually believe this, do you anon? Remember the lead is from China. If you don't think the chinks are going to pump yet another fork, you're nutty.

>> No.4513687

>China pump
>888 is lucky in China

Ching chong luck confirmed