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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4495363 No.4495363 [Reply] [Original]

The CEO of Horizon State gave a little sneak peek about their upcoming partnership announcement.

Hint: It involves the United Nations.

This could be true because of several reasons:
- HST has an advisor who is also an important executive in the United Nations (pic related)
- HST had presented their platform to the United Nations in New York

Announcement will be made in December. If you want to invest, now is the perfect time before HST is listed on Cryptopia by the end of November. As always, do your own research.

>> No.4495379

2x from here easy

>> No.4495425
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x2 from current price is only $0.32 anon.

Minimum $1 is possible by EOY.

Don't forget we're not even on binance/bittrex yet.

>> No.4495475

Where can I load a bag of this up at

>> No.4495492


>> No.4495496


>> No.4495498


>> No.4495503

No other place than shitcoin plaza: EtherDelta.

Also on KuCoin if you're a little bitch.

>> No.4495525

man up and go the ether delta route. if you havn't figured it out yet you shouldn't fuck with crypto anyways

>> No.4495600

/biz/ meme'd me into this coin the other day. However, I've been pleasantly surprised by how not shitty this coin is.

DYOR, but one thing I did find is that they have a working beta app voting platform. You can try it out at vote.mivote.org.au. You'll have to have an Aussie phone number to actually cast the vote, but you can do everything up to that. They apparently also have a MiVote app on the Aussie app store that you can download now.

MiVote has also gotten some (positive) attention from Aussie press:



It's also worth noting that both those articles are from early this year. So this definitely isn't some shitcoin slapped together in the past month for a quick PnD.

>> No.4495640

Amen brother, my favorite exchange for ERC20 shitcoins. If I don't need to trade quickly, it's my preferred exchange.

> can't be exit scammed on EtherDelta
> no UDST bullshit on EtherDelta

Literally just stop being retarded if you're not using EtherDelta and take the 5 minutes it takes to learn it.

> inb4 but it's so ugly

Fuck you, you don't deserve the bags

>> No.4495664

I'll mention the one downside I've found with the coin, the telegram chat fucking sucks. Everyone in it is a moon kid or some retard trying to get everyone else to do their research.

> What exchangesssss?!??!?!

Literally it's in the pinned message.

>> No.4495699

AMA on Dec 1.

Better hurry because Ian Balina is shilling it to his live stream viewers as we speak.

>> No.4495736

It's actually the opposite.

They are very mature people who are in this for long term. But they are too patient even when they're down 50%.

>> No.4495808

Great to see the way the order book is building up

>> No.4495811

Maybe I've just had bad luck every time I've looked at it, as everytime there's just been moon kids and the same 5 questions about exchanges.

There have been sane sounding people chiming in trying to answer questions to shut them up.

>> No.4495841
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WRONG, there is already a project that is now on the rise as it has real relationship with the UN.


>> No.4496128

Definitely in for the long term. Even if they never did a government election, all they'd have to do is place all that 'text your vote to 2874' shit to make a fuck ton of money

>> No.4496170

Plus its an operation in a first world country. This isn't some shitcoin from Pakistan where they can just run with your money and not face consequences.

>> No.4496267

kek RT logo .. Putin’s really interested in free and fair blockchain elections

>> No.4496271

Sob paycheck doesnt come in till tomorrow

>> No.4496329
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>> can't be exit scammed on EtherDelta

>> No.4496369

You can't get exit scammed by the exchange retard.

You can definitely still buy plenty of scams on it though, if that's what turns you on.

>> No.4496384


> United Nations

Hooooly fuck

>> No.4496407
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>> No.4496423
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>> No.4496705

Brainlet here

How does this work? Countries,organizations etc pay to have these tokens and use them in voting? Or do people own these tokens and they're only being lended to vote to whatever organization is interested in them for a fee?
Ghe organization keeps them and call sell the tokens to another group who wants to use it for voting?

>> No.4496869

Not gonna lie I was only in for the end of month gains, but this project seems more and more OMG/Monero tier to me. Especially since this isn't shilled nearly as hard. A few pnd groups might try to get this coin to $1 to $2 but I think a legit case could be made for $10 ATH

>> No.4496927


>> No.4496958

This is kinda huge

>> No.4497282

Where is that Skella screenshot from OP?

>> No.4497327

Bought this when it was 0.20, thought I had made a mistake but glad I held.

>> No.4497355

Yes, the HST tokens will be used for voting in the platform. But the ratio will vary, it's not fixed at 1 HST for 1 vote.

Say, the UN wants to vote for something. There are 5000 voters, so they have to buy 5000 HST (if the ratio is1:1).

This will drive up the price of HST tokens. Also a percentage of the tokens WILL BE BURNED after usage.

If you have more questions, do join our telegram: t.me/horizonstate

>> No.4497388

That's right. Market cap below $7m and circulating supply only 30m HST. It is currently very undervalued.

Once the team starts the marketing and binance/bittrex come, this shit will explode.

Get in now, anon!

It's from the official telegram, anon. Join us t.me/horizonstate

Our patience will be rewarded, anon. I will not sell until $1.

>> No.4497417
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>> No.4497459

Wish I had bought more, won't have money until the 1st.. Thinking about selling OMG for more HST, but maybe I should learn my lesson and just have patience with all of my alts.

>> No.4497463

HST Is some good shit

>> No.4497497

Will Bittrex ever list another ERC 20 token? that's the only thing that prevents me from buying this coin

>> No.4497527

HST is now 80% of my portfolio. Sold some of my OMG and ran out of ETH kek.

Because I know this shit is another level coin. $1 EOY is very possible because a $30m market cap is peanuts.

I can't wait for HST to hit big exchanges so I can rub it on the fudders' face.

Fuck yeah it is!

That I have no idea, anon. But even if it will take long for bittrex to list HST, there is always binance.

Also cryptopia will list HST before the end of this month.

>> No.4497545


I hate to break it to you but no bittrex no moon, the best I have seen a binance coin do is WTC.

>> No.4497613

Well the team said that binance and bittrex are not off the table.

So they will eventually list HST. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.4497630

where did you find this?

>> No.4497727

Where did I find what? Elaborate.

>> No.4498595

Tfw I now realize this

>> No.4498618

bittrex wouldnt cause it to moon for more than a day. the press from huffington and united nations is enough to create more than the small 2m pump we just saw today. 2m aint shit

>> No.4499239


Upvote. Not my thread though.

>> No.4500215

fuck how did I miss this, we even went 100% over night and it still hasn't got the livecoin listing, nor the cryptopia listing, nor have we done the balina AMA yet....

Shit man this is actually going to moon.

>> No.4500283

fuuuuuuuuuuu livecoin listing is up but still cant deposit


>> No.4500285

I know right.

If this shit can moon on shitty exchanges like ED and kucoin, imagine what will happen when it hits binance and bittrex.

The normies haven't even heard about this. And they will hear about HST after the AMA with Ian Balina.

I can already smell that huge, green dildos.

>> No.4500329

You actually believe that UN will pick some shit coin, and will vote on its platform? True delusion.

>> No.4500352


*UN related*, it could be anything in which case, it means they have clients lined up in anycase. So it's a small MC coin, that has real clients in government, whether small or large clients are clients, it fuels the economy of the token further driving up the price.

>> No.4500527

now THAT'S how you shill a coin god damn it.

>> No.4500615

Already in it, can't wait to see where this goes

>> No.4500740

I've been paying close attention to their Telegram chat. I can confirm that there will in fact be a huge partnership announcement sometime in December. I'm in the process of placing some big orders because when the announcement is made, this ship is gonna moon. I sure as hell am not going to miss out on this incredible opportunity!

>> No.4500759

i bet you think you are so clever behind that computer screen go to bed moron.

>> No.4500806


Not really. I just know a good opportunity when I see one. It's unfortunate you don't see things the same way.

>> No.4500831 [DELETED] 

Gamble, like every shit coin. If you want to have any idea about price movements before fomo group, I would suggest to find some good groups. This one is new but promising: https://discord.gg/F3SDe8S

>> No.4500844

Let's hope they'll announce it via skateboard sticker...

>> No.4500869


Sorry, I'm not into pump and dump schemes. I'd rather invest in solid projects with good long term potential.

>> No.4500871

Real moonage not even started yet, x1.75 from such little "sneak peek", and what do you think would happen with price when real news start to come out?

>> No.4500955


There are still several milestones ahead of us that can pump the price even higher.

>Cryptopia will list HST before the end of Nov
>1 Dec AMA with Ian Balina
>Partnership announcement in Dec
>Possible listing on Binance/Bittrex

When they announce the partnerships, obviously it will turn more heads and people will start paying attention to HST.

I'm optimistic at least $1 is possible by EOY. A $30m market cap is peanuts.

>> No.4501154

where is the cheapeast place to buy this? kucoin?

>> No.4501179

Have any of you actually researched any of the claims? Partner with the UN really? I doubt a site looking like that will partner with the united nations... is this another confido?

>> No.4501198

HST is a pajeet pump n dump..kill yourself

>> No.4501257

If you're familiar with EtherDelta, that's currently the best place to buy HST. If not, you can buy it on KuCoin.

Kek this coordinated fud is weak and hilarious.

>Have any of you actually researched any of the claims?
The CEO himself said it on telegram. I mean, if he's lying, he'd kill his own project, you dumbass.

Also check the first pic on this thread. HST team has an advisor who is an executive at the UN.

>Partner with the UN really?
They had presented HST to the UN in New York some time ago, before this coin moons today.

>is this another confido?
Why don't you do your own research, you stupid idiot? Why are you expecting people to spoon feed you?

>HST is a pajeet pump n dump
You are the pajeet here. Do us a favour, please: buy a rope and hang yourself.

>> No.4501389

To the fudders: If your gonna trash a project, at least have some evidence to back up your claims. Otherwise your just exposing yourself as ignorant little twats.

>> No.4501459
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This desu.

I wonder where do these fud-spreading pajeets come from? Maybe they are another coin's holders who feel threatened by HST?

Anyway, if you guys have doubt about the team or the project, I suggest you to take a look at their website: horizonstate.com/team/

Also join our telegram. You can ask any questions about HST there. The team is very active and helpful: t.me/horizonstate

>> No.4501608

>Fudding HST

Literally what do you stand to gain? If you're too lazy to dyor, Ian already reviewed it on his YT, the only reason he passed on it was because of the cap and number of coins, and it has been locked down to less than 10% of what they originally were going for

>> No.4501688

deposits are available on Livecoin now.

>> No.4501724

Yes, thank you for notifying us.

HST is now trading on 3 exchanges:

1. EtherDelta
2. KuCoin
3. Livecoin

Cryptopia will also list HST before the end of November (date is not disclosed).

Binance listing possibly in December.

>> No.4501738

another data point:

A friend from my university visited after doing an internship at the UN in New York. She was an arts student but knew more about crypto than all but one of my friends from STEM.

UN loves crypto because keeping good records (health, real estate, what have you) without having to pay the recordkeepers enough to be above bribery is a serious problem.

>> No.4501817

Thanks for providing additional information, anon!

That is one of the many reasons why the UN wants to cooperate with blockchain companies like HST: Cost saving.

Not only transparent and more efficient, the decision-making platform from HST is also cheaper than the conventional voting system.

>That's an incentive for organizations to use HST platform rather than the conventional one.

>> No.4501940

One of the most well positioned projects in crypto

>> No.4502000

Bought at pump high it's gonna pump again before the news drops right

>> No.4502390
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its too late to get in ?

>> No.4502435

just getting started

>> No.4502574
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......you expect the fucking UN to buy shitcoins on EtherDelta to vote on stuff? are you kidding me?

>> No.4502833

I'm fairly certain HS themselves buy tokens at market value and act as the middlemen between exchanges and organisations
Don't quote me on this

>> No.4502834
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why not ?

>> No.4502854
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You do realize the customer has the *option* to buy from exchanges right? HST will buy the tokens themselves otherw- Wait you didn't read the whitepaper at all haha

>> No.4502874

I'm not going to be surprised, if this turns out to be just another fucking scam coin. Not everything that glitters is gold!

>> No.4502903

>Being so braindead you think this is what a partnership consists of

>> No.4502943

but it's still damn beautiful

>> No.4503486

You dumb pajeet, did you even read the white paper? At least put some effort if you want to fud HST. That way you won't embarrass yourself.

Yes, correct. The organizations/clients will buy the HST tokens through the Horizon State.

Again I repeat, if you have doubts about the team or the project, I suggest you to take a look at the website and read all the informations provided there: horizonstate.com/team/

Or join the telegram and ask your questions there: t.me/horizonstate

The answer is there, only a few clicks away. If you're too lazy to DYOR, how will you ever make it in crypto?

>> No.4503531

Don't get mad because you invested in confido you piece of shit pajeet.