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File: 36 KB, 800x165, flat,800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4493801 No.4493801 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4494068

About to make the ATH our bitch, Koreans pumping it

>> No.4494115

scarface (1983) would definitely use Monero not bitcoin

>> No.4494152
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just can never take it seriously even if I wanted to.

>> No.4494173

eyo you dissin Monero pandejo?

>> No.4494192

It's like the worlds fastest car being called *shit box* it can never just HAHAHAHAHUEHAuhaeuhaeHUAUHAUEHEUEAUEA

>> No.4494220
File: 1.95 MB, 2700x1797, HERO-Capn-Fantastic.-Richard-Woodward-and-Neil-Gibson-brought-the-historic-hero-home-ahead-of-the-rest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I think of monero I think of monaro
I like the name
Monero gonna buy me a monaro one day

>> No.4494223

>Unique name that stands out from every bit[clone]

You could try a bit harder or just admit you didn't fill your bags yet

>> No.4494257

Not even a bad name lmao

>> No.4494328

>yfw Monero was originally called BitMonero

>> No.4494430
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>got em
Oh boy that name they kicked around for like a month. Really need to rethink my investments

>> No.4494610
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No need to be so sensi, just pointing out how even based Monero was almost part of the [bit]clone naming scheme. The name is fine. The coin is great.

>> No.4494627

monero has the best name/branding in all of crypto

>> No.4494677

This. The logo is sexy, the name has 'money' baked into it so normies accept it as legit, and it has competent devs and a real fucking use case. Honestly it's the best actually currency coin out there right now.

>> No.4494709
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monero is the only alt coin which has consistently gained against its btc pairing

if you bought ltc/iota/eth/ark/qtum/etc with your btc and held you've been justd

in ever situation except monero it would have been better to just hold bitcoin

stop getting justd

>> No.4494745

Agree. I think in the (very) early days it hadn't quite dawned on them the uniqueness that had landed in their laps.

>> No.4494795
File: 574 KB, 1280x960, A29D2F0F-A782-4F60-8614-3F8E28A9A706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally love the name Monero but then again I have been fluent in Esperanto to over a decade.

>> No.4495398

what other languages do you speak?

>> No.4495428

With whom do you speak to attain/maintain fluency?

>> No.4495484

I really like monero as a coin, but when do I buy in, rn doesn't seem like a good time

>> No.4495553

Sure you are, buddy

>> No.4495554

Literally the best name besides Bitcoin to me lol

I guess it's subjective but this sounds like a butt post

>> No.4495582
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Is it pronounced "Money-Ro" or "Mo-Ner-O"?

>> No.4495593

It's pronounced Moon-ero

>> No.4495649

the latter

>> No.4495683

Lots of new money is in the game, and when they see how Bitcoin is traceable, they will diversify into Monero. It has started happening with some of the big BTC holders, a little at a time. Volume is starting to ramp up; Monero always makes jumps and leaps up, then establishes a new floor. Also Darknet markets are going to use this exclusively. Would be the only crypto to survive if the government bans crypto. It will be 10x or more this time next year. Last year was the year for Eth, it's Monero's time to shine now. The normies are going to come running, get there before they do

>> No.4495688


My ltc bags are heavy anon.

I've held through the bch drama.
I've held through the btc drama.

I could have easy 5x me $$$, but I believe in LTC. Help me stop getting just'd.

>> No.4495790

Litecoin is a shitcoin, will increase in value, but XMR will get to $1k before Litecoin gets to $300, can almost guarantee that. Drop some bags boys, get in

>> No.4495906

lol litecoin costs LESS bitcoin than it did when Litecoin was at 3USD talk about getting justed

useless pyramid coin with that idiot charlie lee sitting on top

private transactions soon muh
atomic swaps muh
fast transaction time muh

more like useless shitcoin

>> No.4495928

Should I buy 30 XMR or buy a rig that will yield me ~5 XMR a month?

>> No.4495954
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>> No.4495958

How high do you think this bullrun will go? Thinking of selling some gainz and rebuying the dip

>> No.4495963

Depends. How cold are the winters where you live? I love my mining rigs because in winter, it's like having a heater that also makes me money.

>> No.4495984

Power is spendy, it gets hot in the summer but its gonne be relately cool for the next 5 months

>> No.4495991


I think it's likely monero will test its ATH desu if u didnt sell at .020+btc a few weeks ago u should hold it should be there in a week or so

>> No.4496048
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Holy shit it's mooning on bithumb

>> No.4496097

I can taste $200 within a week. Went all in at $85, I am so fucking happy right now. Only $10k initially but I'm gonna more than double that.

>> No.4496171
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I fucking sold at $88

>> No.4496185

who in the 21 Monero club here?

>> No.4496207

Like 5 times over here

>> No.4496233

Is it worth buying 100 XMR, or keeping that in BTC?

>> No.4496265

xmr > btc

>> No.4496281
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Actually been looking at this myself when I realized I have gained a ton but lost BTC overall.

This is accurate. No other coin has outperformed BTC when you consider any legitimate length of time. I grabbed 30 today because its all I could afford : /

>> No.4496356

I'd go half and half at least.

>> No.4496414

22.3 Monero

>> No.4496429

xmr is flirting with $150 right now. could we see another explosive upwards correction by the end of the year?

>> No.4496430

30. just about 1/2 a Bitcoin.

>> No.4496440

This coin will be the only one making it out of the tether drama

>> No.4496448

Should be at 800 EOY

>> No.4496467

As much as I'd want this to be, that's not happening. $200-$300 though is very likely.

>> No.4496468

48.348 Monero. Not selling till $325.

>> No.4496481

This. Big Time.

>> No.4496496

Looking more and more likely for this week.

The test of the trend is happening right now and its the last chance to buy a dip before it continues its rise.
Goodluck, all.

>> No.4496551

I'm thinking 2018 will be the year of monero
> darknet completely embraces xmr after multisig
> people finally start to appreciate fungibility as governments start more regulations and chain analysis
> mobile and hardware wallets become availible
> kovri???

>> No.4496572

Man it has so much momentum even the dip seems negligible

>> No.4496574

Between this and the fact that it's well-established and long-standing (low risk / high reward) Monero is an easy buy. Wish I had more to put in

>> No.4496575

when kovri/i2p in 2018 is instituted buckle in

>> No.4496577

I've lost trading crypto more than I've gained these past 5 months. The only correct answer I've realized is: I WILL NOT EVER FUCKING SELL MY MONERO until monero is number 1 and my 500 moneroi sets me up for life and retirement.

>> No.4496605

100%. Originally when I bought monero for long term I was thinking $1000 in 5 years. I seriously think we'll be at or close to $1000 by the end of 2018. It's going to be a great year for us.

>> No.4496613


>> No.4496664

Looks like the trend test is ending.
Get ready for more gains lads. about 1.5x the test height at a minimum.

>> No.4496679


what originally gave BTC value is it's very specific niche use case and that use case is rendered obselete by Monero

when normies send their friends BTC and reveal there address they will soon realize they are inadvertently revealing the financial history they will buy monero

>> No.4496683

desu i prefer this coin anyway. Only coin to fuck the banks and government

And no i'm not a pedo

>> No.4496708

I mined 0.29 XMR and have $1300 to spend what do

>> No.4496721
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If you dont think corporations are going to use this then you are factually mentally deficient.
Also yeah, anybody selling anything illegal already uses it, but comparatively, thats small money

>> No.4496735
File: 114 KB, 436x753, moonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not to late!
This venn diagram posted on biz actually encouraged me to look into monero more than a year ago Thanks biz!

>> No.4496774

Wow. Checked support, and up we go. That was quick! lol.

>> No.4496783

Strapped in.

>> No.4496875

not going to lie, I thought it would take longer to test resistance...

is there some news we dont know about? this thing is flying up in price as if it was adopted by the government or some shit...

>> No.4496879

Seriously. I bought BTC because I THOUGHT it was anonymous internet money. It isn't if you view my bitcoin address and look throw it's logs you can cross reference where i sent and where i received and deduce my financial history with that information

if u think normies are willing to give out access to their account balance and financial history for a cup of coffee you are fuucking insane

ask a friend to show you there bank statements
it wont happen
but send BTC it happens everytime

when i sent money to a friend when i sent money to an exchange everything

Monero is ANON

>> No.4496895

Mass flight to Safety.

>> No.4496906

it is likely Kovri is near completion, GUI wallet incoming, Multisig being instituted

>> No.4496926

you're probably right.

never thought about the need for privacy like that...
Being able to look at every friend or co-workers purchases is... not something people are cool with.
"Hey guys, sally bought 2 BTC worth of dildos online"

>> No.4496941

Looks like Tether house of Cards is about to collapse. Tether props up Bitcoin. Tether implosion = Bitcoin implosion. Bitcoin Implosion = Eth Implosion. Eth Implosion= 86% of Alts Implosion. During this time, Monero would tenx. It's only Natural for people to buy in to Monero to wait it out while making mad gains.

>> No.4496943

thats why bitcoin will fail

the second a friend sends me btc i look up his address online and see how he uses it

you can find out a lot

>> No.4496967

all this, soon. all the news should be out by or before the 27th.

>> No.4496990

Im actually incredibly unsure about BTC as a store of value now.
Not going to lie, I didnt think Monero had a normie value until you brought that up. I thought it would be mostly illegal online activity and corporations.

Thanks for the food for thought, man. It is going to affect how I trade from now on.

>> No.4496993

when Monero has multisig/kovri and a proper GUI wallet it will be better than bitcoin could ever be

and no DNET market will continue to use BTC

>> No.4497015

when u r just sending money to internet anons no on thinks about BTCs open ledger implications

the second u start putting a face to your address u r revealing more information about your financial history than any normal human being is comfortable with

>> No.4497025

I second this. Thanks biz.

>> No.4497034

yeah... this is actually massive. Like mind blowing right now that I never realized this.

gunna snag as much XMR as I can if it dips again. NEO was my go to but after that announcement of an announcement shit, I'm done.

Does Monero even have publicity people?

>> No.4497046
File: 10 KB, 218x251, TRUEPRIVACY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon the true privacy king will rise!

>> No.4497056


this is the true crypto

>> No.4497059

no monero is supported by donations made by the community

no one is employed by monero and is is completely run by a community of true and reasonable crypto enthusiasts who donate to PHDs and devs to develop

go to the monero subreddit

it is the least cancerous crypto reddit by far

>> No.4497067

we have had a GUI for awhile. even have a pretty good android wallet. just waiting on ios and hardware wallets

>> No.4497077

uh how would you know what he spends it on? the address's are simply address's. you don't even know who owns those or what they do.

>> No.4497086

oh, thats interesting.
Ill go check that out. thanks again, anon.

>> No.4497103

it wont be hard to find out.
you spend money at taco bell and now you know their address. that info will certainly be posted online and so you will literally be able to google what each transaction and find out what it was for.

no bueno, man.

>> No.4497112

Seriously this is the biggest thing for me. In a shit show of coins which rely on marketing and speculation, Monero just gets shit done. Fuck I love this coin.

>> No.4497121

uh what? at the moment nobody is even required to 'register' addresses. the only addresses people admit to are cold wallets.

he could just send his bitcoin to another address you don't know about and spend from that wallet.

>> No.4497128

lol u r an iidiot

u can google the btc address and if the wallet is operated by an online store it will show up in my search and i can put a face to that address

google blockchain consultancy firms and analytics there are seriously multi million dollar corporations who are contracted by the government to cross reference btc addresses and put faces to them

its called deduction

>> No.4497150

give me an example friendo.

and if you are that paranoid, like i said, keep one wallet to store you bitcoins and another for spending.

to the best of my knowledge, taco bell doesn't have one hot wallet to process all their bitcoin transactions.

>> No.4497166

Serious question.

What do you think and especially what the deep web think about AEON?

I'm not looking for a cheap Moreno, but it's actually almost the same thing.

>> No.4497171

and then you could see the wallet it was sent from and from there see all the transactions.

its a trail that you can literally follow.
just because an address isnt registered doesnt mean it wont be well known once crypto gets big.

>> No.4497190

yeah but you can't put a face to the wallet after he's sent it to another wallet. you can only assume that's his but that would be logically irrational. if he sends 5 btc to another wallet, you can assume he controls that wallet or you can assume he doesn't it's a 50/50. how far do you want to go until you assume he doesn't control the bitcoins that are moving?

>> No.4497193


Do you even keep up with the news?
Just a month ago a blockchain analyst connected/deduced neo nazis to a bitcoin address and then coinbase banned customers from sending btc to that address

>> No.4497197

ok here is an example.
this is all future tense obviously.

your neighbor goes to the sex store down on street x and street y, other people have gone to this store before, and because of that the address it receives funds at is already known. this information will be online as all information eventually ends up.
Now, when your friend sends you $5 to pay you back for a drink, you have their address and can view all of its transactions.
you now know your friend frequents that sex store every wednesday.

not good. there is always a trail with BTC.

>> No.4497212

if he sends it to another wallet, you can see the wallet it was sent from, and once you see that wallet address you can see where else he moved his BTC.

>> No.4497214

still waiting on that example friendo.

>> No.4497227


>> No.4497233

how do you know he didn't spend that 5 btc on a company or paid someone else who controls the wallet?

i don't want to be offensive but it's rather simple. if i send 5 btc to another wallet, there is no way to prove that i own that wallet or it belongs to someone else. like i said, it's a 50/50. you can assume i control that wallet too, but how far down the line do you want to follow that 5 btc until you decide that i don't have control over every wallet it touches?

>> No.4497239

he gave you an example.
literally stopping a group from receiving money and they didnt announce they owned that address.
there is always a BTC transaction trail for every single movement of BTC.

>> No.4497248

I highly suggest you check this out, best wallet I have ever used for monero.


>> No.4497262


>> No.4497277

fuck u this is a scam

use mymonero.com or the hardware wallet

>> No.4497285

if you regularly send money to that other wallet, the fact that it regularly receives funds is seen too, making it obvious its also your wallet.
you would have to use a new wallet every few times. The normal every day person isnt going to want to keep sending their BTC to new wallets and sucking up fees every time they want to make a transaction.
you could even look back 6 wallets and find out "oh all this money was sent from this company on friday, which is where my friend works. Unless another co-worker regularly gives him thousands of dollars, all these wallets belong to him, and therefore all their transactions do too"

>> No.4497289



had nothing to do with bitcoin, more to do with his incompetence.

at least give me a link or something that i can read.

>> No.4497302

Aeon; Designed to be stored and used on a phone. Hello? Mt gox? Might be somewhat secure in 5 years of part time after thought Dev work. Sorry.

>> No.4497305



a very large company who's sole purpose is to put a face to your bitcoin address read the fucking site

>> No.4497309

I dont have a link.
Im talking about if BTC was adopted by mainstream.
Mostly to demonstrate why it will be hard to have it become mainstream because of the privacy issues.

sorry if I have been confusing.

>> No.4497314

your reasoning is basically 'let's assume these are under his control and assume those aren't'.

that's a 50/50 and unreliable when you try to prove someone is in possession of something or not. it's no better then a coin flip. the point is you cannot prove someone owns an address unless they openly admit it. otherwise you are making assumptions on top of assumptions.

>> No.4497321
File: 10 KB, 769x79, monerujo OS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open source bro feel free to inspect:

>> No.4497332


it can analyze the blockchain all it wants. if you can't put a face to my address, you can't prove i own it. furthermore, even if you can find out my IP, an IP is not a person.

>> No.4497339
File: 202 KB, 638x376, xmrmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

connected to my own node scrub
monero to the moon

>> No.4497341

moneroujo is trusted by the monero community. I have used it and it works great. still have my xmr too

>> No.4497344

MONERO could literally go 50x from here. you heard it here first bitches

>> No.4497359

It will see 1000$ before litecoin thats for sure lol

>> No.4497360

make a paper wallet with that kinda scratch anon

>> No.4497369


you are fucking delusional

do you think a trillion dollar institution like the american gov is capable of pinning u down when every transaction is open and visible to the public?


>> No.4497375

been in this for a while, I took the necessary precautions!

>> No.4497380

Run a light wallet

>> No.4497387


>> No.4497395

your appeal to authority fallacy is noted and LOL'd.

the government can connect the dots with any string of addresses all it wants. if they can't prove i own any of those addresses then the point is moot. the onus is on them to prove i own it, not for me to disprove them.

>> No.4497398

can someone explain me this:
1.if monero is so anonymous as it claims to be, there is no way govts will allow for it to get widely adopted.

2. the anonimity has an inherently awful PR

how can this coin ever grow significantly with such obstacles. or is it's primary value is in it's use case and I shouldn't bother with it if I want real gainz?

>> No.4497400

>had nothing to do with bitcoin, more to do with his incompetence.
His opsec sucked but the bitcoin transactions were just kerosene for the fire. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue here. Opaque blockchain > linkable blockchain. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.4497410
File: 278 KB, 930x534, unkown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all u need just this

>> No.4497421

cold storage will always be more secure though. i mean you willl probably be fine. but that will be a lot of money in the future! don't wanna leave any doubt

>> No.4497428

the opsec was the reason why he was identified and his servers were found, this lead to the blockchain which was incriminating but not the reason why it got him in shit. if was additional evidence on top of shit that would've already sunk him.

>> No.4497436
File: 110 KB, 405x556, trezort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the new trezor t on order, should have integration with it pretty soon

>> No.4497458

When you cash out, that's when your identity will be linked with your bitcoin.

>> No.4497470

>if they can't prove i own any of those addresses then the point is moot. the onus is on them to prove i own it, not for me to disprove them.
Instead of hoping that it's too much of a burden for them to prove, how about just make it mathematically impossible to prove by using Monero?

Fine but if it were you, wouldn't you rather not have to disclose your assets (especially if they were illegal)? Even after all that investigation, they still had no idea how much Monero he was in possession of, just that there had to be some. Unless they torture the private keys out of him, those assets are his alone now.

>> No.4497473

cash is anon and governments allow it. tor and i2p are still legal. monero is unstoppable. it is just software at the end of the day and any attempt to stop it will just cause a significant Streisand effect.

idk what you mean by "real" gainz monero has been one of the most consistent gainers for 2 years

>> No.4497476

But incidentally it will not be connected to how I spent my monero

>> No.4497484

I remember seeing a leaked NSA report stating that all they can do to try and monitor/control monero is buy large amounts and just hold onto them. Trying to find it.. Its somewhere in /biz/ archives but seems legit because it was from wikileaks.
Monero is an actual problem for the NSA/FBI and they literally cannot do shit about it other than try control the market.

We really need to accumulate more.

>> No.4497487


other than having your cover blown by giving up your ip address for a purportedly anonymous coin it's great

>> No.4497494

ah sir, all it takes is one stolen ID to bypass the KYC and AML protocols at any exchange.

only a fool would exchange bitcoin, that you got from doing shady shit, to fiat without a disposable ID.

>> No.4497495

Do you guys think alcohol was less expensive because the gov made it illegal


>> No.4497505

Non-issue. Try reading something outside of the Verge subreddit.

>> No.4497511

shots fired

>> No.4497521

idiot you can easily tunnel monero through vpn or tor

>> No.4497526

>having your cover blown by giving up your ip address
Only people connected to nodes. And this doesnt mean anything at all. Transactions and balances still cannot be tracked or monitored or even tied to your ip address in any way, shape or form.
But hey, at least the developers arent telling the world that they built backdoors specifically for the authorities, like a certain other 'privacy coin'.

>> No.4497529

So you would rather go through the trouble and risk of using a stolen ID rather than simply using Monero?

>> No.4497532
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You wouldn't want to be too anonymous, now would you, goy?

>> No.4497542

if i were a criminal, yeah.

>> No.4497559

if you were a criminal, you would be caught pretty quick forging and using faked AML/KYC shit and playing with fiat.

>> No.4497563

yeah but after he got out of the slammer the government will watch over him for the rest of his life because they know he has access to crypto's. good like cashing it out and spending it when the FBI are monitoring you for the rest of your life.

>> No.4497566

>Fuck it, let's see how many more crimes I can commit.
Pretty sure this is not how smart criminals operate.

>> No.4497579

you do realize identity theft is very effective and easy to do right?

>> No.4497587

So you would intentionally use the more difficult and riskier method that is not even guaranteed to work?

>> No.4497597


Once i got xmr on monerujo do i have to backup the wallet file or something

Or is having the seed words written down good enough?

>> No.4497598

I wouldnt know Im not a criminal, Im just a shitcoin wizard

>> No.4497600

lol, just use your own argument against why it would be trivial for him (or his wife) to get access to that Monero then? Steal an ID or, more likely, make a deal with a buddy to help you cash it out in exchange for giving them a cut. You're just digging a hole here.

>> No.4497607

how is it even riskier? have you seen the exchanges AML and KYC protocols? it's easy as fuck. you don't even need see someone face to face like a bank does.

>> No.4497609

top right there is a view more option, get all the fine details, this wallet allows you to really get all the backup elements, view keys, and other stuff.

>> No.4497615

because if i get a buddy to do anything with me that's another fucking person in the world that i just did shady shit with. i wouldn't rat myself out now would i? if i tell anyone else then the possibility of getting ratted increases.

>> No.4497622

2/10, I took the bait

>> No.4497643

Monero = tech backed by phds and leaders in the cryptographical space

BTC = run by some cuck devout catholic who openly stated he would stop working on BTC dev if he was asked by the church or government

>> No.4497666

Waves is finishing testing on the Bitcoin-NG scaling protocol implementation. It sucks that BTC community is stuck in a power struggle tugging each others dicks..

>> No.4497676

He's dead, hung himself after being caught. Maybe there's a paper wallet

>> No.4497679

Waves moon cometh

>> No.4497716

Dude comes into this thread to shill waves wtf idiot

>> No.4497744

call me what you want lol
be mad

>> No.4497834

Try www.shouldhaveusedmonero.xyz you will find plenty of examples

>> No.4497849
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Real talk biz,

Should I buy more now? Or do you think there will be a dip sometime soon?

>> No.4497856


This guy. Forensic science can link you to a crime by the tread wear pattern on your shoes. Can get files off computers which have been in fires and under water or have been deleted. And he thinks that the government couldn't connect him to a bitcoin address when every transaction is logged into a public and transparent ledger.

>> No.4497885


>> No.4497918

1. Better wallet
2. Kovri update (IP fix)
3. Transaction fee and time

Fix in that order and shit will be huge

>> No.4497952

what more do you want out of a wallet?? I have used them all and they work just fine. I prefer the cli version for the simplicity

>> No.4497990

also you can set the priority level of a transaction to low or 1 and the fees are not bad at all

>> No.4498049

>Can get files off computers which have been in fires
Bullshit, if the physical medium has been warped and melted there's no way recovery software will be able to pull anything off a melted disc platter. Even more so for SSD drives.

>> No.4498100

Monero doesn't scale, sorry to break it to yall

>> No.4498115


u r wrong

>> No.4498135


lol scaling has been an issue for almost every cryptocurrency sorry to break it to you

>> No.4498156

The transaction fee is like 30 cents right now, are you so much of a pajeet you can't afford it?

>> No.4498178
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>probably thinks 'Ethereum' is a good name

>> No.4498184

I mean, to be completely honest, the size of Monero's blockchain, especially when it starts to conduct a serious number of transactions even just on par with Bitcoin now is going to be very significant

>> No.4498206

>Ethereum and Zsnarks
>tx fees roughly .01-.04 cents

soon you won't have to bother with monero :)

>> No.4498249


LOL optional privacy is the most fucking idiotic means of sending a private transaction ever

yesterday he had 6 ethereum but now he has 5.75 and it doesnt show that he sent anything

i guess he sent it privately

knowing someone did something private makes it not private

optional anonymity is not anonymity

keep holding those ethereum bags u should have just kept your btc considering ETH costs as much BTC as ETH did when ETH hit 50usd


>> No.4498266

more like 10-40 cents
zsnarks are just a way to implement zero knowledge proofs in contracts, wont really work to make transactions fungible or private, you will still have the sending and receiving addresses and amounts public, and there would have to be a huge pool of users using one specific contract regularly to add any plausible deniability.

>> No.4498334

worth to invest ATH?

>> No.4498436

There's no reason to use Aeon over Monero. Monero has the developers, the miners, and community support. Aeon has nothing.

>> No.4498442


well its far from its ATH in BTC value if you're investing fiat prob not worth

>> No.4498506

B-b-but it's faster, mobile phone friendly a-and the dev behind AEON works on Monero too.


>> No.4498522


Aeon is essentially Monero's Litecoin

would u rather have bitcoin atm or litecoin?

>> No.4498781

It's like people forgot what gave bitcoin value in the first place

>> No.4498796
File: 36 KB, 326x289, CHINKYKEKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeon is not complete. It is designed to be held and used on your phone. GLWT getting MT Goxed.

>> No.4498798

What's the point in Monero when Zcash exists?

>> No.4498852


this is why: https://medium.com/@yobanjo/first-zcash-fork-in-the-making-ff2041b6c676

scam fork coin

monero has been around and moving forward since 2014 who gives a shit about some hyped up scam coin thats a fork of a fork of a fork

>> No.4498925

wow he was right lol

>> No.4498945

Monero can't scale doe.

>> No.4498977

they didnt forget they never knew in the first place

>> No.4499031

Yes it can. It has a dynamic blocksize, retard. Bitcoin can't scale.

>> No.4499056


Go ahead and shill your coin thats a fork of a fork of a fork of a fork

monero can scale and the fact that its having scaling issues makes it no different than ethereum and bitcoin

did you read the article i provided?

Zcash is a fucking scam that pays out the devs millions a month on the backs of investors

Monero is self funded by donations from the community since 2014

>> No.4499133

Well would you want to work for free? Instead of relying on donations they just secured their position (the fact is they need money to actually work on the project and for marketing). Remember a lot of coins are pre-mined or in the case of ICO's have 20-40% of the coins held by the devs. At least in the case of zcash the devs don't get all the coins at once, giving them an incentive to actually continue to work on the project and to make the project succeed.

>> No.4499137

Please render a working link. Interested.

>> No.4499226

Monero and all other coins arent resistant to the inevitable btc bubble burst. And that bubble is popping soon, BELIEVE ME, OK? The days of moon landings are over soon boys

>> No.4499230

“Zcash founders will make $858,916 per day without mining.”

you think that's appropriate and not a scam?

btw there's about to be another fork of Zcash because of this

no surprise get ready for Zwhateverthefuckcoin

in comparison a volunteer with a PHD is looking to fund his work on monero through donations and is only asking for 35k

lol go fuck yourself

>> No.4499354

It's kind of different, because zcash has investment backing and more than 1 developer. Also that figure doesn't seem accurate. Currently the block reward is 10 ZEC and a block is found every 2 min 31 sec, therefore 572.33 blocks per day, which is 5723.37 ZEC. 20% of that is 1144.67 ZEC (or approx. $343,402.22 per day at current valuation).

Still a lot I agree, but it's not like it's all going into the personal bank account of 1 person who is sitting back doing nothing.


>> No.4499371

I didn't imply that it was one developer and monero has multiple developers they just aren't incorporated scam artists they are people who have PHDs and are passionate about the technical application of the product not PR and Marketing/Pumping there coin on speculation

they are honest hard working devs who understand bitcoins failings and are looking to improve it

>> No.4499410
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pick one

>> No.4499425

If you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about.

>> No.4499435

I never do anything wrong its the people who want to take my money that do wrong

>> No.4499438


hahahaha awesome

anonymity is not conditional if its actually anonymous

>> No.4499441

XMR is looking fucking TASTY right now

>> No.4499445

21 XMR crew checking in

>> No.4499458


btw who do you think pays for Zcash devs dumping millions of their coin a month onto the market to take profits? the investor

>> No.4499464

That is why zcash will succeed though, the regulators won't destroy it.

>> No.4499473

FUCK IT just sold all my ZEC for XMR.

>> No.4499499


LOL dude give up are you a Zcash dev? or did you just make a bad investment and wish u had bought monero

regulators cant even take down the pirate bay

and why the fuck are you investing in a coin that provides anonymity you think it's use should be regulated?

seriously go fuck yourself

goodluck on Zthemillionthforkshitcoin

>> No.4499508

I never bought any ZEC I just had a bunch from mining.

>> No.4499529


sure sure

you made a bad decision just sell your ZEC like the anon above for XMR

all you are doing by holding it is providing the devs the opportunity to make more money because you've limited the supply with your foolish iron grip

>> No.4499548

That anon is me, check the ID. I can admit when I'm wrong please forgive me.

>> No.4499559

Well forget Monero I'm hoping Maid is gonna correct back to 0.0015 senpai. Bought the dip

>> No.4499597


well played

>> No.4499635

I had enough of LINK and BTC drama. Time to get out of the red. Monero was always good to me, time to get back to da roots...

>> No.4499676

love monero but

its best chance is mass adoption

coz it can't really touch ZenCash overall for tech and privacy and security of network

but it has marketing and there is room for both

i will hodl both till the end of days

>> No.4499698


MAID already corrected back to $.10

Its called Substratum, the MAID killa

>> No.4499714

While you're at it, you should quit saying stupid shit like this

>> No.4499737


a look another ZFORK shill

>> No.4499752

Sorry it was a joke, i should have added /s.

>> No.4499794


ZenCash ZClassic ZCash ZFORK

jesus u idiot

you really think ZenCash a scam that was forked into a scam that was forked into a scam is really worth hodling? drop your bag asshole

better tech? LOL better privacy? LOL

>> No.4499800
File: 36 KB, 500x484, surprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, do you think it will be better to hold BTC or XMR over the next few weeks? I'm really positive on Monero but am wondering if BTC would be better short term due to the CME futures and Big Bang Theory shit in December.

>> No.4499904


I hold half BTC and half XMR

XMR is the onnly alt that consistently goes up against its btc pairing

as i said earlier if u bought lightcoin at 3usd with btc years ago u paid more for it than u'd pay in btc today

must alts just JUST u if u hold

XMR does not

>> No.4499937

2 days ago sold 3/4 of my btc for xmr, now I sit on 70% xmr and 20% btc

>> No.4500006

Nothing wrong with hedging your bets, never go all in. You still would have done pretty well if you bought litecoin with BTC at $3.

>> No.4500045


in Summer 2015 if u bought ltc with btc you would have paid .017btc today you pay .0085121

thats called getting justd you lost 50% of the bitcoin u invested

>> No.4500165

its the only one I was able to mine, I think it is well designed and easy to get into. It has a good hash rate and can be anon. All these things make it attractive to me.

>> No.4500174

LTC has been worth more than 0.017 since summer 2015, during one of its bull runs early this year it went over 0.02. Anyway thinking of potential BTC you would have lost is a bit retarded, would you be upset if you invested in a stock that went up 5x because you could have invested in a stock that went 7x? Maybe but you would still be fucking happy that you 5x.

>> No.4500210

it will soon faggot

>> No.4500211


if you bought btc to have btc and then traded that btc you were holding to buy ltc u got fucked

u should have just held bitcoin

you trade in BTC u should care about how much BTC you gained or lost

if you trade in usd you should care about how much usd you gained or lost

>> No.4500290

Do your trading decisions always net you the most possible profit? Do you hate yourself for only making 5x instead of a potential 6x? Obviously you want to make as much as possible but no one has a crystal ball and ultimately it is smart to not go all in to 1 coin.

>> No.4500297

Mi tute ne mensogas... kaj jes la nomo Monero estas bela, ĝi estas la REĜO, kaj via kapo estas plena je fekaĵo.

>> No.4500334

ill agree with you that you cant be always make the optimal decision but u got into this because of bitcoin bitcoin grew in value because it is a borderless decentralized asset as such it is the benchmark i make trades on not USD

>> No.4500341


>> No.4500373

As it should be

>> No.4500427

The benchmark is XMR.

>> No.4500462


that may be the case soon enough

XMR is what i thought BTC was when i bought it

>> No.4500484
File: 107 KB, 1080x687, 2487298074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I imagine a world where BTC is the world's money and Amazon knows absolutely everything about everyone since they have the transaction data of most of the world's suppliers and customers. Their blockchain analysis is unrivaled and they exert a kind of power never before seen in history.

>> No.4500494


we know xmr is great

but its stupid to be an ignorant ass and call zencash a scam

it's breathtaking and will never be adopted for the same use case as monero

it will be used by governments and the most private of transactions

the end bitch

>> No.4500515

You kids and your goofy ass Z-whatever coins

>> No.4500533


>> No.4500561

What are your thoughts on Dash?

>> No.4500568

Sorry sir but that is not the case. There's no use for a currency with optional anonymity. Just tumble your Bitcoins. Why would governments use ZenCash? If they were tying to hide funds they'd use XMR. Where do all these ZFAGS come from that shit is a scam.

>> No.4500598

Is this a serious question? Might as well ask me about Bitconnect

>> No.4500617


>> No.4500637


>> No.4500640

Buy in faggot, 300 in 2 weeks

>> No.4500648

Well it is the other big privacy coin and it is doing better than Monero right now.

>> No.4500650

This is music to my ears however any reason for this? Any evidence to prove it? I hold both of these....

>> No.4500686

Dont wait to buy at the top. That is how you get JUST’d

>> No.4500692

It's not a privacy coin, it's a masternode ponzi scheme.

>> No.4500699


>> No.4500708

Why are the Korean's buying it up like crazy then?

>> No.4500735

Because ponzis are actually profitable, but it will fall apart eventually because it literally has 0 use cases

>> No.4500745

Because most people are tired of scams and this idiotic bitcoin civil war. Monero is what crypto should be. What BTC should be...

>> No.4500746

zCash sucks, i won't buy it

zenCash on the other hand... i hold XMR and ZEN all day

>> No.4500750

Nice, bought 7 XMR and already going green

>> No.4500766

Except Monero couldn't handle the volume BTC has. It's over anyway, Bitcoin got segwit, BCH will slowly bleed out after this weekend when no weekend pump happens and Bitcoin gold is a flop.

>> No.4500770


you know nothing about ZenCash then

>> No.4500775

Says it correctly within 10 seconds here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICbs5Vs2-Vg

>> No.4500798

I have 2ltc and around .05btc and .35xmr. Would a poorfag like me have more luck just putting all of it in xmr

>> No.4500803


>> No.4500809

I think I'm just going to hodl, sick of fucking up market timings, also Bittrex's 0.04 extraction fee is retarded and I don't want to go through it again.

>> No.4500812
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>> No.4500832


>> No.4500841

This is true, but how exaggerated is it? Doesn't bitcoin use different addresses for every transaction? There should still be SOME disconnect there right? Or am I misunderstanding exactly how shit BTC is?

>> No.4500843

I'd probably hold the Bitcoin but Litecoin is obsolete trash. I'd sell it. Charlie is a loud mouth who set up litecoin in 2 hours and somehow got Coinbase to shill it. It has no use case other than being having a faster transaction time than Bitcoin.

>> No.4500864

>recommends mymonero over the official cli coldwallet

>> No.4500874

Why would you use Bitcoin over Litecoin for daily purchases?

>> No.4500877

I mean, you can look up all transactions that have been made with a wallet address, right?

>> No.4500893

Stratis Tumblebit will make Bitcoin truly anonymous, rendering Monero useless.

>> No.4500894

You would use litecoin but if you'd use litecoin to buy coffee it'd be cheaper and quicker to buy it with ETH. So why would you use litecoin?

>> No.4500909

Yes, but a wallet isn't a single address. A wallet is a collection of completely random addresses that you control through a deterministic seed. But no one other than you would ever know that those addresses are part of the same wallet as long as you don't crossover transfers and only use new addresses.

BUT you can probably seriously narrow it down through over/underspending because of change addresses etc. I dunno how bad it is, but it's not as bad as some people are saying. I still think BTC is shit and XMR is infinitely better at the job but I feel like some people here think a wallet = address, true for XMR, not for BTC.

>> No.4500912

Why would it be cheaper and quicker to use Eth? In my experience LTC transactions are much cheaper and faster. Anyway Ethereum isn't a currency.

>> No.4500946

Also it appears the koreans are pumping all the privacy coins, Zcash has started moving upwards now.

>> No.4500953

:Litecoin is stable

>> No.4500966

It is faster and cost less
Litecoin to Bitocin is what silver is to gold!
Litecoin is set to gain and rise in value as well

>> No.4501000

Litecoin is objectively better than Bitcoin and has been around longer than any other alt coin. It has proven itself to be an excellent store of value over the past months with it being less volatile than Bitcoin. It has excellent network security/efficiency due to it being mined by ASIC's, and it has Charlie Lee. What's not to love about LTC? I have a feeling LTC will be pumped up to a new ATH soon too (mining profitability is going down due to the market being flooded with ASIC's).

>> No.4501023

This isn't how it works. If done properly then a new address is generated by the website for every customer or transaction. And if the user is managing their wallet correctly then you shouldn't be able to simply 'see the wallet and all its transactions'. Bitcoin is shit but this isn't how it works.

>> No.4501042

>If done properly then a new address is generated by the website for every customer or transaction.
Forgot to mention, this is actually necessary because otherwise there's no way to know who paid what. Generating a new address per transaction in bitcoin is done (among other reasons) for the same reason Monero has transaction IDs.

>> No.4501060

>Ethereum isn't a currency.
Bitch please. Cigarettes aren’t currency but they are in prison.

>> No.4501095

There is no correlation between XMR and BTC.

>> No.4501144

It can anon, problem is blocksize. But I do agree, Monero is not ready yet for main stream adoption.

But it will be eventually and will compete with BTC for sure.

>> No.4501152

Just took the #8 spot on CMC. God damn I love XMR

>> No.4501203

It may be slightly exaggerated but I think most experts in criminology and academic researchers, as well, have learned that you take down bad actors and or political opponents buy following the money. I'm sure you've heard that term before; "follow the money." With BTC you can send the transactions through loops and hurdles but the block chain is public. The money can always be followed. You might make it difficult or hard but it can. Companies have large government contracts and grants to analyze the blockchain and put a name to specific addresses.

>> No.4501306
File: 458 KB, 1242x1227, 54ED2A96-FCDC-4C36-B9C8-3AA150F77F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a currency

>> No.4501328

Well it's a valid point.

>> No.4501363

no you are right i was just trying to make the point that that line of argument could go from ltc to eth to neo to gas and blah blah ltc is not very fast in comparison to the latter

>> No.4501370

It's fast enough, and will have lightning soon.

>> No.4501401

im sorry i understand people have emotional attachments to coins but i sold my ltc because a) it was costing me btc b) charlie lee is an idiot c) in a world full of "new cutting edge technology" it seems unreasonable to hold onto a coin that was literally created just as a parody/homage to bitcoin and nothing else

litecoin may see gains but it doesnt have a very promising future

>> No.4501427

have i missed the monero train?

>> No.4501442

Using ETH as a currency would be like using oil as a currency.

>> No.4501446


if you're willing to hold probably not but short term who knows this is an ATH in fiat but not in BTC

>> No.4501447


>> No.4501490
File: 9 KB, 181x181, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a position at 0.0152 a few days ago
>sold because I didn't want to get JUST'd once BTC decided to go for the 8k penetration bullrun

Whatever I do, I can't escape the justing

>> No.4501526

I don't understand. It's so fucking easy. Just hold the damn XMR and forget about it. Easiest and most guaranteed money ever made.

>> No.4501557


fucking agreed i have a fair amount of XMR and I can promise you one thing

I won't be selling

XMR is what BTC could have been

>> No.4501593
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>> No.4501602

Guyse, elaborate
Im in classsic ETH, got some comfy 10% gainz in 2 weeks but the shit is stagnant behind all the moon missions. However it had some in the past.

Is it good idea to switch into XMR?

>> No.4501604

What's the point of Monero once BTC and ETH can be tumbled?

>> No.4501614


OH AND ASIC RESISTANT?! lol yes monero is better

>> No.4501631

ASIC resistance isn't always a good thing. BTC and LTC have the most secure networks due to ASIC's.

>> No.4501661


post above sums it up better than i can

if i send .5 monero no one knows i sent anything no one see anything coming or going because though the transactions are public addresses/accounts and amounts are not made public just TXs

even if i tumblr my bitcoins if im watching the address i know when they send .08 and i can see the wallet it was sent to

and even if theres there option of anonymity i can watch the balance and know if the balance was `1btc and goes to .8btc but no transaction shows up i know u sent a private transaction

just knowing someone chose to send a private transaction makes it not private

optional anonymity is not anonymity at all

>> No.4501667

Yes. I always kept a small amount of XMR, and used 80% of my portfolio to flip shitcoins. These days I'm just tired. Too much idiotic shilling, too much bitcoin drama... I moved all to XMR, and finally sleep care-free

>> No.4501680

Is there another wallet for this coin other than the one from their website? It crashes my computer everytime i try to use it

>> No.4501694

>What's the point of Monero once BTC and ETH can be tumbled?
good luck tumbling btc with its fees and slow transactions

>> No.4501700

monerujo and mymonero.com

mymonero.com is run by fluffypony the lead XMR dev and btc early adopter

moreujo is well known in the community but i am not sure of its backgrouind desu never used it

>> No.4501710

That's all well and good but from what I understand Monero couldn't be scaled to BTC levels of volume. I'm not sure if there's really a market for complete anonymity anyway outside the black market, the anonymity tumblebit can provide is probably enough in most situations (unless there is a solution to Monero's scaling issues?).

>> No.4501740

What does everyone use to buy their crypto?

>> No.4501744


>> No.4501746


that is not true
if you asked your friend for his bank account balance and transaction history would he show it to you? no he wouldnt

what happens when normie figures out that when he sends BTC/LTC/ETH i can see all his form transaction and total balance?

i dont think it will sit well when everyone realizes this

as for monero scaling issues i understand it needs to scale but bitcoin has the same issue and high fees and yet it doesnt offer the security and privacy of XMR

normie might be okay with gov institutions with check and balances watching their money sure but i dont think you want the guy at home depot seeing it

that is were open ledgers like bitcoins fails

why pay a higher fee just to reveal your financial history from the dude bevmo

>> No.4501769

How would someone even go about assigning a name to a wallet (unless you were some billionaire or something). Example John knows Fred at work is always talking about the Bitcoin, so John is curious to know how many Bitcoins Fred has. How does John find Fred's wallet address to determine how many Bitcoins he has?

>> No.4501784



>> No.4501789

ex1 i say hey fred I bought some bitcoin can I send you 5 bucks to see if itll work i havent sent a tx yet

fred gives me his address and boom i look at the blockchain

ex2 hey fred i buy you lunch .0001btc

he sends btc i have his address

>> No.4501849

google Chainalysis they with Europol and international law enforcement their sole purpose is to identify bad actors and put a face to the account by analyzing the blockchain

the fucking IRS employs this company to find tax cheats using bitcoin by analyzing the blockchain

u guys dont seem to understand why bitcoin originally had value because u bought it in 2016

the reason i bought BTC in 2014 is the reason I buy XMR now

>> No.4501850

To buy XMR too? I cant find anywhere that doesnt look like a scary as fuck virus ridden scam site

>> No.4501876

u can buy at localmonero it is listed on the side bar of the monero subreddit

>> No.4501904

Okay this is making sense now, is there really no other solution to this other than XMR? It does seem like a pretty big problem. From what I understand Monero has scaling issues though so it wouldn't work on a scale as large as Bitcoin (never mind going mainstream).

>> No.4501919

Thanks alot!

But now I see how shit it is to be trying this and living in Kiwiland

>> No.4501935

Yes, there is literally no other solution at the moment. That's why it's such a no-brainer to own Monero.

>> No.4501945


if bitcoin is seen as a store of value and fee are this high i think its safe to assume the scaling issues tho an issue is a nothing burger

you pay less fees than btc and on the xmr blockchain your storing value that isnt publicly viewable

you might pay a premium for privacy but i think most politicians, crime lords, millionaires, and average joes are willing to pay a slight premium to maintain the integrity of their account and keep their personal finances private

>> No.4501963

What's the point of your post

>> No.4501995


also the more the public is aware of monero the more people will mine

and as monero can be mined in all sorts of ways including a javascript script coinhive used on websites like UFC the less of an issue scaling becomes

if u have a heavily trafficked site it probably more profitable to mine monero using coinhive than it is to advertise

>> No.4502021

I guess I could put some of my LTC into Monero, currently sitting on 180 LTC. Monero seems like it's at an ATH right now though.

>> No.4502039

Oh and I feel like LTC is gonna go up soon, it has remained around the level it's at for a while now.

>> No.4502054


Why does that mean anything? Perhaps the market determines it has no more additional value

I just can't see why Litecoin is still a thing

>> No.4502059


i dont know if its the right decision u gotta decide for yourself

but if you a holder not much of a trader its monero is probably the best bet

the btc bch war hype is incoming and ltc price is heavily associated with btc price

people will hedge using monero and it btc dips harder ltc goes down with it

>> No.4502069

So it seems that if you have ZEC in a Z wallet it is completely anonymous? As in you can't see how many coins an address has like Monero.

>> No.4502085

I see where you're coming from but the Korean's are crazy man. I can see them pumping this to 5b+ in the coming weeks.

>> No.4502112

Like right now the Korean's seem to be pumping zcash now, why? Because that's what they do.

>> No.4502169

>Okay this is making sense now, is there really no other solution to this other than XMR?

No. This is what makes XMR so exciting and so brutally undervalued. As it stands the dev team has (rightfully) focused most of their efforts on actually improving the underlying technology like with adding Ring Signatures or the future Kovri implementation, instead of user-friendly normie features like a mobile wallet (and until recently the only wallet available used a command line interface).

Bitcoin, and all other cryptos, are only as anonymous as you are capable of successfully preventing someone from figuring out who you are by blockchain analysis. As soon as they pinpoint you, they know how much money you have, who you are buying things from, and where your money is derived from. All three of these can be STAGGERING problems in a hundred different ways (e.g. imagine what the IRS will do to you), and because Monero is coded from the ground up to be the Swiss Bank account of cryptos, it is literally the only logical choice for anyone who wants to
>Launder money
>Hide wealth
>Buy illicit substances
>Donate to things anonymously

Furthermore because everything is private it's therefore fungible which makes it literally the only cryptocurrency that is actually a currency, as any "currency" that lacks fungibility is not actually a currency because someone can qualify specific bitcoins as being "bad" or "tainted" if you don't like their past transactional history and not accept those ones in a trade, and if you are a holder of some "tainted" bitcoins you are potentially fucked. This is a problem only Monero solves.

>> No.4502202


i not great at explaining thank you point was well made

>> No.4502261

Good explanation, thank you.

Do you think there's any risk of authorities forcing exchanges to cease trading of XMR due to the potential for it to fund terrorism/north korea and the likes?

>> No.4502355

i imagine they'd probably have monero at that point

regardless if they cant take down pirate bay they wont be able to hinder the XMR network

>> No.4502357

You're right, as of now tx size is pretty terrible.

This will greatly improve with the implementation of StringCT and Bulletproofs. The latter has been already tested very successfully with a Java implementation. Production-ready C/C++ impl is around the corner.

>> No.4502389

They may not be able to take down the network, but they could force exchanges to not facilitate trading of it. Of course people could still trade it without centralized exchanges though, but that would probably significantly limit its growth and result in an extremely volatile price.

>> No.4502422

In theory, zk-SNARKs is better than RingCT that Monero has, but in practice the whole trusted setup thing makes it worthless.

On the other hand, zk-STARKs may be implementable without a trusted setup. But then again, Monero devs have said that if a better solution comes along (as zk-STARKs may be) they will consider it.

And don't forget that Monero has two math PhD's working full time on the crypto stuff.

>> No.4502441

I'm personally of the opinion that any real censorship of XMR would have a Streisand effect. Government censorship only serves as further proof of it's use case. Just my opinion.

>> No.4502455

>They may not be able to take down the network, but they could force exchanges to not facilitate trading of it.

I would assume that a lot of exchanges would just move to TOR.

Plus as it's real-world usage increases it's value will be derived from the buyers and sellers actually using it to facilitate transactions, not from speculators on exchanges.

>> No.4502479

kek keep living in your delusional world

>> No.4502545



>> No.4502603

What? It had crazy pumps this last week.

>> No.4502645

>Furthermore because everything is private it's therefore fungible which makes it literally the only cryptocurrency that is actually a currency, as any "currency" that lacks fungibility is not actually a currency because someone can qualify specific bitcoins as being "bad" or "tainted" if you don't like their past transactional history and not accept those ones in a trade, and if you are a holder of some "tainted" bitcoins you are potentially fucked. This is a problem only Monero solves.
This is its biggest advantage imo, and the understated and under comprehended meaning of fungibility in crypto is a big problem.