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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4486562 No.4486562 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is GTFO'ing of crypto right now?

>> No.4486596

Already did last night.. wont be surprised to see it hit 9k though but I'd rather not get caught in the massive rush to exit if it does happen.

I've made insane money this month and I'm not going to be greedy anymore and i would advice everyone to at least take some profits along the top now, we are flying way too high..

>> No.4486604


me. nothing is making money and a crash seems imminent. maybe i miss out but i feel good about stepping away up 50%

>> No.4486618

got out today at 8310. feeling good about it. shit is going to crash any day now. 3x gains in 2 months vs the past 10 years. gtfo

>> No.4486620

I'm out. Greed always kills gains. Always.

Back in when it dips hard.

>> No.4486621

but muh taxes

>> No.4486669

>3x gains in 2 months vs the past 10 years. gtfo

Totally agree. inb4 the "btc to 50k" tards.

>> No.4486670
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Hell no, not until I get my lambo bitch

>> No.4486705
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The decision is hard for me. I am 100% in alts that have not fully recovered. I am 2x my initial investment but still down 60% from ATH.

When BTC comes down cracking, everything drops like usually. There is no way around it.

But I am not in the game for pennies. I want to make it or lose it all. Nothing in my life changes about wagecucking if I lose it all. I'd just start all over investing.

Solid alts that already lost much don't lose much more again and again anyway.

Also the whole thing seems to much like the next FUD agenda with nothing really backing it up than a missing correction. If it corrects, it will rise again much further. Crypto won't die as well. FUD never ever happened to be right in all those years.

I'd actually calm my tits and hold, even though I am missing out on a possibly solid rebuy at lower price. Maybe going out 50% and staying in with the other 50% is reasonable. Then it doesn't matter in what direction the market goes.

>> No.4486774

If you're not going into (((tether))) you'll take a nice tax hit on your gains. Will the correction be larger than 30 percent? If not, might as well stay in.

>> No.4486783

all the weak hands, apparently. the wojacks will be in abundance when BTC hits $100K next year

>> No.4486788 [DELETED] 

Just sell your BTC OTC, what's the matter.

>> No.4486794
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>exiting crypto

>> No.4486804

Guys, you're making me worried

>> No.4486813
File: 53 KB, 642x333, YOULOOKLIKEAFOOL!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the way you get beat to death with a bowling pin. Pic related.

>> No.4486824

God dammit, I lost 0.15 BTC last 2 days.
Not really relevant, I just want to get it out there and cry.

>> No.4486825

Why would this be a smart idea when it just happens that mainstream/institutional money is flowing in? This could be another HUGE catalyst we've never seen before.

>> No.4486829

localbitcoin is literally chock full of FED plants (in the USA atleast)

>> No.4486830

Why is biz always like this when india is awake and home from work?

>> No.4486838


If you wanna stay in alts, focus on ones that are heavily traded to FIAT. XRP would be one.

>> No.4486839

Its the same bullshit FUD every time. Its been going on since 2012 if you cant handle and panic get out of crypto

>> No.4486851

I converted my BTC into fiat.
I kinda already regret it, but i know it's the FOMO talking.
I sold at the ATH, and will wait for the next dip to get back in.
All the FUD getting thrown around tells me, artificial or not, there'll be a dip at least to 7000.

If not, i'll buy back higher, no big deal.

>> No.4486855
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I was stupid enough to believe the NEO news hype bullshit and put sold 0.2BTC for NEO almost at ATH. I'm down over 20% vs BTC, and all I had to do was just hold.

>> No.4486869

I don't see any compelling reason to exit ATM, I mean the price pump is never-ending. If there's going to be a dump it'll probably be above 10k anyway.

>> No.4486876

Yeah, Fiat pairing usually helps to buffer the panic sales. Also at the moment there is like no drama/serious FUD going on. No China banning bitcoin, no hardforks, nothing. So might as well stay in crypto. Only the usual "OMG ITS A BUBBLE" talk.

But this is how it works. Over the years it increases exponentially.

>> No.4486898
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18K ATH before next 3k dump.

>> No.4486911

You seem to think that people GTFOing are nocoiners. No, we've made profit since way beginning; we're just trying to see if it'll drop into a massive dip any time soon, and then buy back in when it's a good time again.

We've seen this pattern before, which is why we're wary. Of course, we might be wrong, but honestly it's chump change compared to the risk of losing it all or missing potential gains by needless hodling.

>> No.4486957
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>> No.4486959



>> No.4486974

You must admit, just HODLing sure is cozy.
But yeah, the pattern repeated so many times, betting against it is not a good idea. Probably.

>> No.4486977


I shall enjoy your wojaks.

>> No.4486985


>> No.4487020

I would actually be just fine with crypto going to zero right now because the taxes are going to ravage my sexhole pretty hard this year.

>> No.4487056
File: 201 KB, 1785x779, BitcoinHero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you should do some remedial reading. I suggest you review Archives for this Legendary Bread.

>> No.4487080

Look, it doesn't only go up, it will go down once. That's basic chart knowledge

>> No.4487106
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I'm out since a few hours ago.

Bitfinex still haven't delivered their 'announcement' and its been almost 2 days.

Some bad shit is gonna go down soon imo.

>> No.4487108
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>> No.4487126

>3x gains in 2 months vs the past 10 years

You realize the gains percentage wise were MUCH higher in the early years right?

>> No.4487139


the one where you called a runup right before it tanked $500?

>> No.4487142

It is definitely comfy, esp if you're looking at it over a very long term. Nothing wrong with that. Do what fits your trading style.

Just keep your coins in a hardware wallet or a trusty insured exchange, and maybe think of diversifying into major alts if possible.

>> No.4487143

>Gee, I wonder what's better, 100% of nothing or X% of something

>> No.4487144

the scam of bitfinex is just too much

>> No.4487174
File: 58 KB, 1718x872, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not be deluded, this is unhealthy as fuck

>> No.4487238

Considering liquidating my BTC for XMR

But I don't want to miss out on potential BTC gains...I like holding BTC :(

>> No.4487254

It's crazy isn't it...but still, the price isn't stopping...it's still going up

>> No.4487297

I remember thinking the same at about 3000$ though. I don't know, there have been too many times i regretted not selling something, but also regretted not holding something.

Hard choices

>> No.4487309

Make a log chart and you will have a different picture.

>> No.4487317

i'm still cozy af holding onto my Ethbet - https://ethbet.io/.. good shit anons.

>> No.4487318


This is almost 4 years in a fast moving market that is just hitting mainstream attention. Anything else would surprise me actually. Also the minidrop to 7800 last night (for me) showed how strong the support is.

>> No.4487346

Well for me the question is whether or not to liquidate BTC for XMR, because both are on an uptrend so I *shouldn't* miss out on gains, and XMR will be more resistant to the tether fiasco if it kicks off. However, I am reluctant to liquidate BTC because it's well...bitcoin...

>> No.4487358

Yeah, i know, but something will happen, i've held through the mtgox crash. And sold low, sadly.

>> No.4487373

Also the first pump was in november too, to 1000$ after the new year it crashed. Just all feels the same