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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4484151 No.4484151 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of Bitfinex users complaining they can't get their money from the exchange. Looking more Gox by the minute yall


>> No.4484191

Why are you people so slow...give it a day or two and the exchange will shutdown for an "update" or some bullshit.

Guys better pull out of all exchanges ASAP

>> No.4484200


>> No.4484208


Is coinbase OK?

>> No.4484211

Many warnings last night. Freaky shit.

>> No.4484225

Oh I'm sure it'll be fine.


>> No.4484229

i got mine

>> No.4484243

They are probably the only exchange I'd trust the most. Granted going to your own paperwallet or hard wallet is the safest.

>avoid mobile wallets as an exploit was shown on Android to record keystrokes and screenshot without the user knowing

>> No.4484293

I've been waiting like 3 hours for a small ETH transfer

Fuck bitfinex, exit scam imminent

>> No.4484356

If you didn't see this coming, you're not reading enough cause people been talking about it since saturday

>> No.4484357

It was so obvious, lmao.
I'm glad I got my coins out on time last Sunday.

>> No.4484416

How deep will the dip be ?
7500 ? 6000 ? 4500 ?

>> No.4484433

Why FUD? Why would they exit, do you even know how much they earn of fees, and they would go to prison for long long time if that would happen.

>> No.4484463


>> No.4484470

I'm out completely, I fucking hope it dips hard but that's just me

>> No.4484472


We already had the dip you retard

>> No.4484496
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How do we know that this in't fud astroturfing? A group could easily spam /r/Bitfinex with these threads.

You can shit on tether all you want, but the other side of the story is that people can profit off of spreading FUD too.

>> No.4484512

on Reddit some goy has $25000 entrapped

looks like a class 4 cucking, niggers are in the room, fucking your wife, stepping on your dog, its bad fellas

>> No.4484530

There are certainly people overusing the tether problem as a FUD tool to crash BTC, but you have to be totally ignorant to not see that the Bitfinex/USDT fraud is true.

>> No.4484531


>> No.4484543

We don't. But keep this is starting to feel REAL sketchy.

>> No.4484563

the exit fomo itself is likely responsible

>> No.4484574

nice try NSA

>> No.4484634

This is exactly what happened just before Cryptsy turned out to be insolvent, and I lost my 3.5 BTC.

My withdrawal transaction was pending for almost a week and then the cuck CEO started spewing his lies about why he had to steal our coins

I have trouble trust any exchange any more...unfortunately they're a neccessary evil when trying to catch the next moon coin

Any recommendations on an exchange that isn't likely to rob me would be appreciated

>> No.4484657

I would say Bittrex but SEC and Binance is Chinks.

Stick to ED and wait for more DEXs.

>> No.4484678

Bitflyer, they're nips.
And ethnic nips to boot, no stealth gook or chink.
Awesome support.

Gdax/coinbase have governmental cock deep in its ass, so despite being a bunch of literal kikes it makes them somewhat trustworthy, and they have a good track record.
Shit/no support.

Don't know about the others.

>> No.4484713

We still need to retest the breakout at $1300

>> No.4484754
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I did't ask for ballsfondling or to be whispered sweet nothings into my ear, but an estimate.

>> No.4484798

I guess this makes me feel better about being kicked off with all the other Americans. I've had my stuff out of Bitfinex for a month now

If Bitfinex really were to go down that could send us into many months of down trend as we slowly fade out with an eventual bottom at 1300 before we begin creeping up again and eventually pump to 20k or more

>> No.4484820

May Moloch hear you.

>> No.4484821
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I would advise everyone to get their money out of that shithole. u have been warned .
screencap this

>> No.4484852

aaand its starting. Mt GOX v.2

>> No.4484926
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>mfw holding alts and no BTC

>> No.4484943

Alts will crash along with BTC if the crash happens.

>> No.4484960

what matter is the ratio with btc. Doesnt matter about USD

>> No.4484964

But BTC will never have the same market dominance once everything starts pumping again. If its true that Tether is inflating bitcoin massively then the "store of value" meme which BTC heavily relies on is dead.

>> No.4484987


If BTC crashes EVERYTHING crashes you dimwits. Nobody gives a fuck about alts in BTC value because everybody is cashing out for FUCKING FIAT. So the money gets drained. Alts always die when BTC is not stable - in both USD and BTC value.

>> No.4484988

Will you say the same if BTC crashes to let's say 500$ and gets more and more abandoned?

>> No.4484998

No, they won't. The crypto market is much more than just BTC nowadays, if BTC crashes 25% of normalfags will panic cash out in FIAT but the rest will get into other crypto.

On the other hand if it happens, BTC is dead, completely dead. There are many much better coins around now, much faster and cheaper, BTC can't take a MtGox2.0 nowadays, it would kill the coin and something else would take its place. Hopefully it does happen, it's about time for the greatest shitcoin of all to be put to rest.

>> No.4485007

spotted the pajeet

>> No.4485009

>Just finished pulling all my coins out of buttrex into paper wallets
>Sipping peppermint mocha while exchanges go belly up
>Portfolio nearing ath again

I'm pretty comfy lads

>> No.4485010


Oh ya guis just like with 130mm being Frozen in eth. Niqqa only reason mtgox happened was cause it was the only amd oldest fucking exchange.

Now you have multiple. Plus everyone who didn't pull out of that exchange IS A DUMB KIKE.

>> No.4485011

>once everything starts pumping again
That's not going to happen anytime soon and could possibly never happen. A major BTC crash will send crypto straight into a nuclear winter it very well might never recover from.

>> No.4485033

Is bitfinex the one where they kicked out americans?

>> No.4485121

Yes. Note that Bitfinex made 25 million dollars yesterday alone and over 300 million in the last month. Not sure this doom and gloom scenario is real...

>> No.4485195

>already been hacked
>can't withdraw USD
Why would anyone use this

>> No.4485220

My withdraw was completed, even though it was 0.03 BTC. Stop fudding.

>> No.4485321
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Top KEK!!!!! I sold all my alts on Bitfinex and bought MONERO, then sent my MONERO FAST AS HELL to my private wallet, safe from the IMMINENT BANKRUN WHEN BITFINEX COLLAPSES. I'm glad I did this 4 days ago already, when I saw the first signs of the Tethercrisis unfold. I can't believe all the stupid drooling retards who actually believe they can withdraw fiat from Bitfinex.

>> No.4485388

Bitstamp has a Banking license in Luxembourg and are audited regularly by PriceWaterHouseCoopers. Bitstamp is the only crypto-exchange to have a banking license and is thus backed up by the European Central Bank with deposit guarantees of up to 100 000 EUR for every customer.

>> No.4485471


>> No.4485505

Besides the fact that they give all your info to the IRS, yes they are trustworthy

>> No.4485522

Guys, how can i withdraw fiat from bitfinex?

>> No.4485548

ltc withdrawal finished in less then 5 minutes
but monero still processing after 30 minutes

>> No.4485554

what makes you think you can? if it's not a lot and you're lucky, maybe you will be able to do it.

>> No.4485581
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MFW the only reason bitfinex can keep withdrawals open is by handing out Roger Ver's 10,000 BTC which he sent there the other day

>> No.4485595

'Muh safe haven from volatility'

>> No.4485602

I sold based on this fud, pls spread

>> No.4485720

So glad I sold my last IOTA bag Saturday and sent the resulting ETH to a private address. Crypto moves so fast. One day you secondguess yourself for selling due to red flags while everything is mooning, and just two days later you're vindicated.

>> No.4485738

How's bittrex my dudes?

>> No.4485763

You click on each individual name making these threads and you see if their post history seems legit. It's tedious work, but that's what it takes (if you're genuinely interested in the truth and not clinging to unsubstantiated hope it's just fud).

Tried a couple accounts myself, they seem real.

>> No.4485765

Big if small

>> No.4485825

They have a large exposure to USDT.
Their "office" is a random home apartment.
People WITH 2FA enabled randomly lost their coins from "hacks" specific to bittrex during a time period going back a good 6 months. Meager amounts (low thousands), but with a consistency suggesting an inside job.
A Bitfinex/USDT collapse would affect them as well, and if their finances suffer too much I wouldn't put it beyond them to exit scam.
Don't entrust them with any money you can't afford to lose.

>> No.4485840

That being said, Bittrex's risk profile isn't bad as Poloniex or Bitfinex. Bittrex employees have a relative public presence compared to the other two, and their methodology can suggest incompetence more than malevolence.

>> No.4485849

FUD. All user accounts were created less than a day ago

>> No.4485885

Top exchanges uses tether. If bitfinex goes down. All of them will go down.

>> No.4485892

That’s why you only invest in 1 sat coins now.

>> No.4485978

How much of this year’s gains were the result of USDT? I’m wondering if BTC is gonna get completely nuked

>> No.4485986

I've been using bitfinex since 2015.

Withdrawals can take up to 24 hours to process. Usually done within 2 hours though.

I can imagine with all this FUD spam that the withdraw queue is massive

>> No.4485996

Dunno, but USDT-USD is slowly falling, at .975 now on kraken.

>> No.4486002

6 hours waiting now for a tiny ETH withdrawal

Should I be worried?

>> No.4486006

This. It's just FUD induced panic.

>> No.4486010

It will recover. If bitcoin could survive gox in it's early days it can survive anything. Doesn't mean exchanges won't crash and take everyone's money with it but if you can get ur coins off exchange you will be fine. It will be a winter thought, that I agree with. 2 years of measly gains and nothing but accumulation. Which isn't so bad if you missed the first one.

>> No.4486231


Most will, but not all. I suspect alts like XRP which already sees 60% of it's trade volume in FIAT instead of BTC to weather the storm better and recover faster.

>> No.4486250



>> No.4486260

Just take tethers lol

>> No.4486424

>the exchange that shuts down peoples accounts when they send bitcoin to 'bad people' is the one you trust the most

>> No.4486427
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That's why you buy only ALTS that are trading to ETH or other mains.

Like FunFair

>> No.4486464


True, but coinbase is FDIC insured and there's definitely legal recourse you can take if they fuck you.

>> No.4486482

Same ECB that is considering to withdraw those guarantees.

>> No.4486568

Bullshit. Bitocin is a dying idea but blockchain itself is near to real world use and will work without Bitcoin.
Best what can happen to blockchain tech and blockchain startups is a dead Bitcoin

>> No.4486694

Blockchain is literally just a ledger. There are no entity that needs it when they already have one they use that works.

The features blockchain have that those ledgers doesn't can be easily applied to ledgers themselves.

Most of the hype surrounding blockchain tech is just fluff. The only good thing blockchain gave the world is an open source ledger system that is almost free to set-up that you can easily apply to what you want it to be applied to. Also modifiable to be centralized/decentralized/etc but other than that, it's just a ledger.

>> No.4486907

>other than it’s revolutionary world changing feature it’s nothing special

Wew lad

>> No.4486930

>withdrew everything from bitfinex ytd night
shit i knew it

>> No.4487054

There's zero reason for Bittrex to take a few thousand dollars from their customers with an inside job when they take 0.25% of every transaction. They make millions, why the fuck would they do that.

>> No.4487067

>revolutionary world changing feature

>> No.4487101

quick cash

>> No.4487110



>> No.4487330

This is the dumbest post

>> No.4487443


>> No.4487468

A few thousand dollars PER INSTANCE. There has been dozens of reports on just 4chan, ditto for bitcointalk, reddit... If you extrapolate that by 10, and that's a conservative estimate, you're already close to a cool mil.
"Bittrex" is not a hivemind, any employee on a wage could have motivation to use a backdoor. The other explanation would be that a mysterious hacker manages to trick bittrex and only bittrex users, as there is never any similar report for polo, liqui, even yobit, which would signal some systemic failure from bittrex. So, malevolence or incompetence, take your pick.

>> No.4487487

8 hours now

Where can I sue ?

>> No.4487574
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>> No.4487683
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you're either trolling or just retarded

>> No.4487706
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but if you're genuine then i'd suggest you just wait, and get more verified in the future.

I just withdrew 1000 eth about an hour and a half ago and it took an hour to process

>> No.4487734
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>> No.4487765





>> No.4487807

There was no hack of the tether, This was Bitfinex offloading some of its tether debt my refusing to honour its commitments to legitimate customers.

It is not enough to stop it from failing though.

NOw they are just buying time while they try and collect enough revenue to make up for their own greed. (They were investing themselves with the tether assets that should have been held in a trust account, and either made bad decisions of have their investments locked in)

>> No.4487894

Wouldn't it be so easy for them to cut back on personal gains and slowly pay it off with their transaction fees?

>> No.4487910

This is a coordinated attack against finex/crypto/btc. Who has the best Motive to do that?

>> No.4488014

How about binance?

>> No.4488035
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>being an amerishart

>> No.4488417


>> No.4488612

What is a paper wallet? Like an external hardrive you store coins on? Why is using something like coinbase bad?

>> No.4488633

>the exchange backed by the federal government is not safe
its the safest

>> No.4488651

bitfinex kicked out americans to avoid the inevitable IRS SEC FBI disaster

>> No.4488658

A paper wallet is a cold wallet that can be created and restored using only a collection of words that you can write down on a piece of paper. So you generate the wallet, write down the wallet seed (apple defeat question...) and at any time any place you can restore the wallet with full access.

You could simply keep the already generated (and hopefully encrypted with a password) wallet on a USB if you'd like.

The advantage of storing things long term in a cold wallet is that no one but you has access or control over your coins. If they're sitting on an exchange they can be hacked, deleted, you could be banned and lose access etc, at any time. No one can take a cold wallet from you. But you have to back it up properly because there's NO recovery.

>> No.4488661

im debating getting off of there now

>> No.4488697

A paper wallet is just a software wallet where you write the key/seed down and don't save anything on the computer

>> No.4488730

Fucking kek i cant wait for the pink wojaks

>> No.4488783

shut it down! !@

>> No.4489029


>> No.4489217

You've got to print them coins, then fold the paper carefully and there you have your paper wallet

>> No.4489268


>> No.4489708

>transferring btc
You are really stupid.

>> No.4489771

you can talk to bitfinex and bitmex employee on whalepool TS

>> No.4489820

You all realize they have about 146,000 BTC in their cold wallet, right? https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/3D2oetdNuZUqQHPJmcMDDHYoqkyNVsFk9r

>> No.4490052

'Withdrawals are guaranteed to be processed within 12 hours for crypto-currencies/tethers, 1 business day for express wire and 7 business days for wire. Do not contact support if your withdrawal has not been processed yet but is still within these limits.'

>transferring btc

>> No.4490129

Look at how much is being withdrawn...

>> No.4490172

approaching 11 hours now, still no ETH

Bitfinex just killed crypto, fuck these people

>> No.4490192
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>> No.4490219

Should have put it in Monero.

>> No.4490351

I just transferred some XLM into the exchange. swapped it for BTC, bought ETH and sent the ETH out to MEW in about 5min. IDK what you or anybody in this thread is on about.

>> No.4490450

Oh look more retarded fud
At least you aren't posting reddit threads like last night with a single comment saying it took a couple of hours to xfer out of bitfinex, claiming this is proof they've frozen all withdrawals

>> No.4490708

>80% of those accounts are less than a week old

>> No.4490721


Happened before. Calm down.
Bitfinex worked fine till this day.