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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4480605 No.4480605 [Reply] [Original]

>You were one of our top employees anon and we did everything we could

I got laid off my job of five years a few months ago. This was my first and only job out of school.

Income was comfortable enough to lull me into complacency now I'm fucked.

A few months of job searching, interviews, and answering the same GODDAMN stupid questions over and over again I'm done. I can't deal with the bullshit.

Looking for anything on setting up alternative income streams/businesses. Books, blogs, anything reasonable. I'm too fucking stupid to innovate on my own. I need ideas to shitball along the wall.

Save me from beating my dick raw to fucked up anime pornography all day long.

>inb4 lrn2code
>inb4 buy shillCoin.meme

>> No.4480621

buy doge coin, delete your private key and then kill yourself

>> No.4480624

Learn how to manipulate people into do things for you.

>> No.4480657

>kill yourself

After you.

>Learn how to manipulate people into do things for you.

That's how I've gotten this far in life, but it's not working anymore.

>> No.4480659



I'll probably be joining you soon

>> No.4480668
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why would you want to be anything but a neet

>> No.4480677
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>I'll probably be joining you soon

Hint: The unemployment numbers in the news are still bullshit.

>> No.4480682

Go all in Oligarch
Only 33 Million tokens
Nobody knows what it is but it will transform crypto

>> No.4480690

Try to join a discord group that invests as a group. That way you aren’t investing in shit coins, and if you are at least it’s as a group and you will make profits

>> No.4480712

Shit coin no goes.

>> No.4480744
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why would you want to be anything but a neet

Because anon I enjoy expensive things.

Such as eating.

>Try to join a discord group that invests as a group. That way you aren’t investing in shit coins, and if you are at least it’s as a group and you will make profits

You win for best shitcoin advice.

>> No.4480807

what did you do for work?

>> No.4480874
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>what did you do for work?

Crude oil facility operations/longshoreman

I took crude oil off of trucks, put it in big tanks, blended the oil in tanks for refinery contract, then loaded oil onto barges.

>> No.4480923

I started freelance writing and I can write a few articles a week, for which I'm paid anywhere from between $250 to $800 (rare times over 1k). Of course it helps that I got a PhD in neuroscience just before attempting this, and it took me many months before I got paid anything, despite writing and pitching articles every other week.

I don't make too much, but it's enough to invest a little in crypto (been in it about 3 months and am barely in the green) and contribute some towards my rent, insurance, and food (I have a (very hot) wife who works full time) while I write my near-future sci-fi novel that imagines a blockchain future, which I hope will solve all my financial problems. Luckily I pitched one of the top agents with a few sample chapters and he offered representation, which I accepted.

I'm in tons of student loan debt, which I am paying a little towards, but will need something drastic (like the novel) to get me out of this if I don't want to work my life paying it off.

I think I'm gonna fucking do it though. A main motivation for a book advance is to get more to invest in crypto in 2018. That will be the year alts make millionaires.

>> No.4480950

why 2018 & not 2021, mr phd

>> No.4480967

Cause it's sooner.

>> No.4481007
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>PhD in neuroscience

Now what exactly was the point of that PhD?

Some next level procrastinating or what?

>> No.4481018

What kind of articles, how did you start out

Im looking to do the exact same thing as you, except eventually novels of another genre

>> No.4481046

Are you gay or willing to go prison gay? There's money in sugaring.

t. frequent user of SeekingArrangement

>> No.4481093
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>Are you gay or willing to go prison gay? There's money in sugaring.

I considered putting "inb4 suck dicks" in the OP but decided against it last minute.

You did not disappoint my expectations.

>> No.4481125


Fair enough. I mean, it's a real option that I, selfishly, wish more young men would consider. But if you're totally against the idea, then that is fair. Best of luck to you, anon.

>> No.4481240

im willing to help you on a small amount if you can prove you are dead broke with no way out

>> No.4481263

>im willing to help you on a small amount if you can prove you are dead broke with no way out

Na bro, I've still got five months of unemployment insurance coverage on top of a year or two worth of savings.

>> No.4481270

Salty fucking nocoiner bitch detected. Bet you wish you invested your lullaby babby boo money into Ambrosia when you had the chance, huh? Huh? Huh huh, huh?

>> No.4481304

I was obsessed with skateboarding in high school and playing music through college, but I always had high standards for myself academically. My dad wanted me to get to med school so I went the biology route, went to med school for a semester, said fuck this and went into a cognitive neuroscience PhD program, which was great because I was always obsessed with science and consciousness and philosophy of mind/brain. I had never written before graduating almost three years ago, but I was very active in discussing and explaining science on message boards, starting with MySpace.

It was kind of a crazy choice because I never imagined working as a neuroscientist. I just wanted to write books, and write music and screenplays. But I knew to do that I had to prove myself academically. As a mentor of mine said, "get your union card" (PhD), then people will listen to you.

I'm in an amount of debt that I don't feel comfortable acknowledging to myself. But I'm a few chapters from being finished with my novel, which I feel pretty confident about. It's the best thing I've ever made.

I should mention that I basically had a mental breakdown my second year in grad school, but after getting the right medication for insomnia, and off klonopin, I came back a year later and quickly did my dissertation and wracked up publications.

In the previous post I said I can write up to three articles a week. For the last six months, I've been writing about one since I'm trying to finish my book by new year's.

So I'm hardly making anything. I have a few thousand invested in crypto but less in savings.

I wish financial success and critical success were the same thing, as I've written for every publication from the NY Times to the Atlantic to Scientific American.

If my novel doesn't come through in the way I'm hoping for, I'll probably just take modafinil every other day and try to write 5 articles a week to invest more in crypto and try to get out of debt that way.

>> No.4481308

>Salty fucking nocoiner bitch detected.

You would be correct.

I remember reading about BTC when it started making news in 2011 or 2012. Having the urge to purchase some then forgetting about it.

I dun goof'd

>> No.4481336

>I dun goof'd

Actually now I remember I set my computer up as a miner in late 2011 but gave up after not much effort.

>> No.4481398

>I'm in an amount of debt that I don't feel comfortable acknowledging to myself.

Interesting story.

I exited school, weighed the options of going into debt or getting a job. I just went out and got a fucking job. My self assessment I wasn't intelligent enough to be successful in the STEM fields also weighed heavily on my choice.

Sometimes I wonder, but I haven't regretted my choice almost six years on.

>> No.4481400

>exited school

*high school

>> No.4481417
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This. I have my grandparents hypnotized under my spell. They are basically my slaves at this point

And comfy little Neet gets a big mansion and free food for life

>> No.4481428 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 299x169, yjimageAWKGD0JE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
We develop and publish EA (automatic trading tool) of FOREX.

>> No.4482013

fuck off

>> No.4482078

Do you have any advice for biochem student like you? Im approaching my 4th year and ive always though I needed to go to dental or med school like my family. I have top grades so I think I could get in, but I fucking hate this shit and the idea of going 300k into debt terrifies me. Is there anything you would have done differently in college?