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4480288 No.4480288 [Reply] [Original]

Is something wrong with me? I'm 29 years old and I made 1.8MM in crypto in the past 10 months off a 55k investment.

Super lucky right? I should be happy? I gracefully quit my job (said I was going back to school) and have been living it up for about 2 months, making trades every now and then.

Why am I unhappy still? I'm really not larping, but I went on a CRAZY two month spending spree. Bought a bunch of designer clothes, ate at the best restaurants, fucked a bunch of girls off tinder by flexing my new wealth in front of them (all girls are whores, I'm convinced), fucked a bunch of escorts and even a famous porn star.

Now I'm fucking bored. I'm still making a lot in crypto (at least recuperating whatever I spend). Everyone's like "hurr durr find your passion". I have no passions, I don't give a fuck about anything. My passion is going into space exploration but that's not fucking possible in my life time or at least while I'm young and strong enough to do it.

What do I do? Nutting in a girls mouth is always a good time, but even that becomes uneventful after enough repetition...

>> No.4480297
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Looks like it's time to end it all OP

>> No.4480302
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>> No.4480306 [DELETED] 

Send me some: 36tVrpXTfjnyxqENSCQWHh5YY5m6eGoQbG

Thanks anon.

>> No.4480313 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x200, yjimage4BHZROTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
We develop and publish EA (automatic trading tool) of FOREX.

>> No.4480317
File: 130 KB, 992x1240, 1510857822460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowzer. Can you give me suggestions for generic profile pics i can have to get said girls?

also, do you think there would be a chance some girls would like you if you didnt flex wealth?

>> No.4480331 [DELETED] 

Op it will get better. Find a new hobby that involves being social so you can make friends and enjoy life.
Also send some BTC to a poor guy trying to make his first 5 figures in crypto I want to make it to where you are.

>> No.4480334

OP, you have learned that we as humans need a purpose in life and money is simply a means. Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.4480338

get an investor visa in some shithole, buy a nice condo and play video games all day

>> No.4480342

You should find a hobby and dump a shitload of money into it, how about sports cars?

>> No.4480345

Is BCH gonna moon? Give it to me straight up, OP.

>> No.4480347

you know what makes me happy? giving to the less fortunate


thx bb

>> No.4480353

Just do like politicians and celebrities and start raping children.

>> No.4480359


mostly in btc

>> No.4480372

You must be fucking hideous to look at, OP

>> No.4480375

nice larp fag

>> No.4480383

OP now that you have learned that you need meaning in your life there are teo ways to proceed: either find something you like and do it, or find something you dislike and change it.

>> No.4480391

You need to find "the one"

The one who will take the place that your mother once filled

>> No.4480400

Welcome to the reality OP, hedonistic lifestyle isn't satisfying.

Either find Jesus or get a dog or something

>> No.4480409

begfags need to die

>> No.4480411

Find something meaningful to invest your time into. if i had the same luck as you i'd probably quit my job, buy a big rural estate where no one can bother me, build a big fuckoff house and lift weights till the end of time

>> No.4480428
File: 26 KB, 300x292, 300px-Challenge_vs_skill.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is a game. Fun games are composed of goal + obstacle. Set some new goals that are achievable, but have a reasonable amount of difficulty to accomplish. Too easy and it's boring, too hard and it's frustrating.


>> No.4480449

Also use some of that money to promote veganism

What we do to animals in the meat, egg, and diary industry is sickening

>> No.4480463

Fitness and body sculpting is the ultimate goal you can never achieve. It gives you something to always strive towards.

>> No.4480468

Literally same position, pull in nearly $10,000 a week from crypto now and find no meaning to anything anymore it just seems meaningless honestly. I've started to go into property development have a duplex starting soon but just tedious paperwork at the moment.

Have traveled to asia regularly and even that gets stale, no idea how anyone could live there and wake up with that headache every morning.

>> No.4480487
File: 36 KB, 367x451, 1510632915265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing bait

>> No.4480513

Try DMT. I can't imagine ever getting bored of hyperspace.

>> No.4480515 [DELETED] 

I dont know maybeee if u helped the lessss fortunate

----> 1Hgfn2dAKL2Jzt2v42BnmSNATFgiwby8qY

>> No.4480550

OP, money is good but it's bit everything in life. Tons of celebrities are depressed and unfulfilled. I only have a few thousand in crypto, but I have a wife and baby that I love more than anything and a well balance life. I know this stuff can be hard to chase, but it's more fulfilling than money ever could be.

>> No.4480551

maybe you should become the dick sucking faggot you know you are

>> No.4480568

I live like you but I also cure cancer as a profession. its the curing cancer that allows me to survive. id like the massive $$ too but all that other stuff of blowing the load in a girls mouth ya once you do it a lot its like whatever, they're all ho's

>> No.4480572
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> My passion is going into space exploration but

>> No.4480582

venture capital?
learn an instrument, learn jujitsu, travel, promote the political aspects of crypto

>> No.4480591

Just jump on POWR make ur times whatever amount then pay elon musk to send u to mars

>> No.4480593

i blew a load into a cancer victims mouth. how do you feel about that, nigger?

>> No.4480604

Soy boy detected.

>> No.4480609

careful dont cut urself on that edge, faggot

>> No.4480631

Learn how to play piano.

>> No.4480645

I'm serious meatcuck

>> No.4480649

This is actually a good one, use your money towards a cause. Or start a mercenary war in Angola.

>> No.4480666

Pay SpaceX to get you a space holiday, OP.

>> No.4480684

save your father from the belly of the whale

>> No.4480692


How do you cash out and deal with taxes?

>> No.4480710

Dude if you want to be an astronaut the closest you will get is becoming a dive instructor. You get to be weightless under the sea exploring alien landscapes and you will get to bone multiple hot chicks every week.

Trust me, I have been there. Only reason I am not a dive instructor anymore is because I got one of the multiple hot chicks pregnant..

>> No.4480711
File: 104 KB, 750x1021, 1654337y4534586255876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alot of rich people who have 'made it' tend to have a similar problem to you, almost like, "you have money ok great now what do i do with it"

i knew a guy in our town who cut everybodys front law like once a week, his family were high class super wealthy from selling rifles in WW2 so he never had to do cutting of grass but he said he liked doing it and it was the only thing that kept him sane for so long.

i think it would be a good idea to go back to work or try find a different job. do SOMETHING that keeps your mind ticking over, you never have to worry about money again but thats just one aspect of life, so putting that aside, try achieving things that dont require using money (ie, writing a book or inventing something or building something) there are plenty of people who arnt rich and are happy and certainly arnt bored with their life so if they can stay occupied you can surely do it too.

and if you took in some of what i said, i wont say no to a few sats. 1NPqTDVjUHkztn43vLd6z7A7dW4Wza4DD2

>> No.4480723

Space doesn't exist. At least not as you know it. If you eventually become rich/connected enough to heads of state you will find that out. Life is seemingly littered with "Santa isn't real" moments. Turns out most adults are far less mature and able to accept them.

>> No.4480726

you literally eat a diet that makes you weak and girly, and have less testosterone.....

>> No.4480736 [DELETED] 

>What do I do?
buy kneepads, and then an hero

send BTC here --> 12qYbjw3ypTjJp2eKHu954RR6fxuXJaLKy

>> No.4480740

Probably didn't buy a lambo yet. That thing is happiness on 4 wheels.

>> No.4480753

Don't listen to these losers. Either start a business or run for office. I would recommend starting a business first. You will find fulfillment in making an impact on the world.

>> No.4480765

Promotion won't help much. People don't want to hear it. Artificial meat that is cheaper/tastier/healthier is your best bet. Engineers are working on it.

>> No.4480767

>challenge level high: skill level medium
i see why rape is a thing

>> No.4480789

Please go on

>> No.4480795 [DELETED] 

The only thing left to get passionate about is charity and giving my friend. it is nearly Christmas after all. Do some LSD too, that may expunge the cynic in you


>> No.4480800

I dont trust you, but do exercise, keeps you away from killing yourself.. how did you get so much? can you teach?

>> No.4480816

Oh really? I'm a vegan but I also don't eat soy

Soy is shit I agree but I get 90g of protein a day from non-soy planted based protein and could get more if I want to

>> No.4480820

Prove it by showing btc address and sending a specific amount to another wallet or larp

>> No.4480857

just travel and find yourself anon, also lsd and shrooms help greatly, also dmt.

also i could use some funds, poor as shit because of hospital bills and mortgage, tis the season, am i right?


>> No.4480858

>my job is curing cancer

how does it feel to be a massive failure at your job?

>> No.4480866

I am in a similar situation, I am going to go traveling next year.

>> No.4480882

There's a reason every single on of your ancestors had children

>> No.4480893

The impossible burger is actually not terrible. I think we'll have almost perfect meat replication for vegans in 3-4 years.

>> No.4480917

It's quit simple, Anon! Just travel! Especially to poor countries like Dominican Republic. But not stay in the expensive Hotels,Bars, Beaches. Leave the safe areas. Be normal and talk to normal people. Never talk about or show your money. Just be a normal guy who makes holiday. For sure this will make you see and make you feel in completely other direction! Thank me later and teach me how to trade. I almost loose there finally in some way (robbed at Gox for example.).

>> No.4480919

wingsuit basejumping is always an option...

>> No.4480932
File: 426 KB, 560x382, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you want to post this shit?
I have seen it here at least 2 times in the last weeks.

I myself actually own a similar amount of crypto wealth and ironically feel similar, except I didn't spend more than 4-5k$ in total (on good headphone setup, T470s Laptop, quality towels etc. etc.). The only good thing is that you buy nice stuff without having to optimize every penny e.g. I don't care so much anymore if I spend 5-10% too much for an item. I still buy food at Aldi and I didn't fuck any girls besides my smart girlfriend. She knows but I had to tell her since just playing computer all day sounded not very credible over time and she got worried.

>> No.4480938

Want to take my advice anon, go to Western Samoa and live there. You don't know what life is like until you love somewhere easy going and non materialistic. Just find a small house in Apia, learn the language and relax. Your life before was centered around materialism which is an endless void of unhappiness and consumption. It's designed that way to keep you miserable and yearning to spend more. Life it up. Go to Samoa, rent a place and live. Sounds cliche but it will make you happy.

>> No.4480979

anon teach us how to get this far in crypto :)

>> No.4480984

Despite what I've said I need to nut in a few ten dozen whores before I settle down, unless I meet the right woman but that probably won't happen in America. Women here are TERRIBLE.

I've traveled basically everywhere worth going. Would like to go to some more "unsafe" middle eastern of african countries, but also don't want to get beheaded by savages.

I've driven a few super cars on tracks. Not really my thing. Also owning one would give me supreme anxiety because I'd always be worried about it getting damaged. Also it makes you look like a complete douche, there are more attractive ways to display your wealth to women.

Actually I'm considered pretty good looking. My mom made me audition for a boyband that never took off when I was a teenager, and I made it to multiple rounds of auditions.

I'm heavily invested in powr at the moment. I prefer coins that I don't have to pay much attention to and will probably moon hard.

I used to day trade hardcore when I first started but that became very tiresome and stressful. I invest in 50k chunks. If a coin seems like it will do well then I double or triple down. The BCH bullshit gave me a lot of anxiety, for no reason, and I lost some money there.

>> No.4480985

Maybe you need a friend op to do some cool shit with. Hit me up and let's make even more money in crypto to start a space X and fuck that's on the moon.

>> No.4480992

go to mars and gib me coins

>> No.4480996

any tips or insights how to be successful trader like you?

>> No.4481015

go to lebanon dickhead, it's safe and the summer's there are wild
guaranteed you'll find what you're looking for

and don't FUD to CNN's bullshit coverage of the country
it's one of the best places in the world and the people there are fucking amazing

>> No.4481022

My favorite thing about 4chan is the lies people write to make themselves feel better

>> No.4481035

I hope your not a bored nocoiner larper. My advice to find a non gold digger bitch is to buy a shitty apartment and not show off your wealth. If she's worth it you can show her. P.S. Western bitches are shitty so yeah.

>> No.4481036

Travel. Drink fine wines and cheap swill. Eat at Michelin 3-star restaurants and at street-side stalls. Learn a martial art. Solve a Rubix cube. Become the most interesting man in the world.

>> No.4481044

>eats meat cuasing massive amounts of suffering
>Doesnt accomplish shit in life except grandiose sense of ego and lame attempts at hedonism, nothing special
>"but muh testttt!"

>> No.4481067

Pure humblebrag.

>> No.4481068

hmm seems like a creative POWR shill

>> No.4481076

Spend some actual time in a foriegn country. Live in the woods or a desert island for 6 months catching fish and eating them.

>> No.4481078

Anon do you think Vechain will take off?

>> No.4481089

Like I said I like to invest in coins now that will have steady upward projection. I don't want to worry about checking blockfolio every 2 seconds, and sitting in front of a computer all day gives me a headache.

I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning but hit a few amazing moons, ETH, DGB, ANS, RDD, etc. If I had been a smarter trader I'd be worth like 6-8MM in crypto right now.

Here are some tips I learned.

-always cash out at 10x
-If you ignored the previous rule, DEFINITELY, ALWAYS cash out at 20x (I've ignored this and felt regret for months)
-don't get meme'd, there are very good posts on Biz and I've made a lot of money listening to people here, but don't fall for dumb shit. Listen to whoever is shilling and do your research, also, look at what the coin actually does. Does it do anything? Is it useful? Is there a working product? Do we NEED it? There are a lot of smart investors in crypto and hordes of dumbass, follow the smart investors.
-DO NOT "DAY TRADE". It is effectively gambling and you will always lose in the end. Might as well go play roulette if you're going to try and "time the market"

>> No.4481094

Coupd be. Even with all the shills I'm thinking of buying in.

>> No.4481095
File: 47 KB, 736x747, 14e5fcb4f5e03f533c72c194bb8cf4c1--helping-hands-quotes-helping-others-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What non financial thing did you dream about before making all the money? What did you dream of becoming when you were younger? go do that.

If you can't think of anything, go teach, volunteer or do something for someone else. You might find life rewarding when you don't make it about you.

Inb4 get out fag. If you are not making money gains for your family, projects, or something that matters to you, you are gonna end up sadder than when you started.

>> No.4481099

The great thing about four chan is that it causes emergent phenomena

>> No.4481117

Set a physical fitness goal. Always helps me when I feel purposeless.

>> No.4481118

I tip my hat to you fine gentlemen

>> No.4481144

hm. ive always dreamed to have my own software studio (programming all kinds of applications ive in my mind. maybe also small games). thats my goal. if i make enough with crypto, i will do that. and if i make more than enough i dont even have to mind to make money with it. ofc thats something i could do without crypto too - but wagecucking 40-50hours a week is draining.

good luck to you.

>> No.4481148

I want to be an explorer but there is nothing left to explore, hence why desires of space.

Besides that, I just want to cum in girl's mouths. My favorite is holding their mouth to the base of my cock and nutting down their throat. The more innocent the girl, the better. Sometimes they get upset, but not as much as you think.

I've learned that if you're wealthy and good looking, women will let you do anything to them.

>> No.4481157

>I'm still making a lot in crypto (at least recuperating whatever I spend).
Please dont tell me your money is still in it‘s majority in crypto

>> No.4481170 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 377x297, img_e4de7540cf7f19ddfb465993c5e7889d66386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
We develop and publish EA (automatic trading tool) of FOREX.

>> No.4481186

Printing out and pinning to my toilet door!!!

>> No.4481222

This is what I mean by travel, spend at least a couple months at one place, meet new people and create connections with others while simultaneously living in a new setting.

>> No.4481258
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1511167284688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking-
This is such fuckshit
Rich people who don't know what to do with their money piss me off more then people who go on a shopping spree every fucking day.
What was the point of getting rich then?
>inb4 "never worrying about money again"
Go fuck yourself.
That being said,
Go find an expensive hobby, or a time consuming one. Dungeons and dragons, video games, cars, wine.
>Actually, guns.
>Full giggle autogats can go for 80,000 sometimes.
>Cars get expensive asf
>Video Games are fucking best, escape this world, go on to the next.
Ffs, man

>> No.4481264

We've mapped about 5% of the ocean floor. We know almost nothing about what's going on down there. Get onto it.

Also you have money and a healthy sex drive, it's time to breed a dynasty. What's the point of existing if no trace of you will exist when you're gone? Find a good god fearing white woman and put 5 kids in her.

Get off tinder. Tinder is just a backpage. Respectable woman who had good father figures in their lives don't jump on tinder to be casually ass and face-fucked on the weekends by douchebags like you.

>> No.4481318



>> No.4481323

>I made 1.8MM in crypto in the past 10 months off a 55k investment

>Why am I unhappy still? I'm really not larping,
Because you're full on shit who keeps posting this crap every day.

>> No.4481348

dude...are you me?

>> No.4481454

no, you're poor.

>> No.4481455 [DELETED] 

buy top tier pc setup + vr system
also please spend some btc my life sucks and im soon to off myself
i would really appreciate it

>> No.4481458

fuck off and stop posting

>> No.4481461 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 478x338, img_e213495d3db3067cae3276aeb9f3f4a568891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
We develop and publish EA (automatic trading tool) of FOREX.

>> No.4481464

i hate these humblebrag threads

fuck off op no one cares

>> No.4481467

Yup, you're larping

>> No.4481493

haha i was before that's for sure. i'm also pretty bored now, i just travel a lot because i can and i love to fly. thinking about starting pilot lessons and following some childhood dreams i never had the chance to explore until now.

>> No.4481553

no, I can tell by the way you write you're poor. keep trying, larping isn't good for you.

>> No.4481630

Try fucking some cute traps in stead of girls. A whole new world will open OP....

>> No.4481638 [DELETED] 

OP, if you're legit please give me a coin.


If legit, I can teach you jiu-jitsu in socal and I will fast track you to a black belt holding nothing I know back.


>> No.4481675

nah it's pretty obvious you're the larper now

>> No.4481680

I have more than you in both Fiat and crypto and still have only had sex with one girl like 4 years ago.

>> No.4481744

why not pay for it?

>> No.4481756

You done Good anon

>> No.4481957

Purpose. Love. Family. Money to support all of this and your loved ones and what they want will bring more happiness than just bringing yourself what you want. You can't easily make a great celebration from fucking a pornstar and share that with your family. You can have this with your child's first word, or birthday, or doing well in their choice of sport.

Not for everyone though or different lifestyles and sexual orientations of course.

In short, you've got a few more years before it all gets a bit too late to truly enjoy all this but it's such a hard sell as no one ever truly knows what this is like until you have it and all we hear is how much hard work it is. It is hard work. But that's what makes is a fucking achievement and brings satusfaction.

Keep it up with the cryptos and in the meantime

Choose life.
Choose a job.
Choose a career.
Choose a family,

Choose a fucking big television

You can still go fuck a hooker on the side of that's what you want but if that's all you do then you'll get to 50 and and start feeling empty or be the weird old dad at your kids things

>> No.4482008

so true

got in crypto before the 2014 alt bubble and was daytrading like a mad man till mid 15

if i just hodled since 2014 i'd be millionaire, now im "only" in the six figures

hodl is the best performing strategy by far

>> No.4482037

Just wait for the bitcoin crash OP, your life will suddenly get a lot more exciting.

>> No.4482126

Idk you could shoot up a festival or something, maybe


>> No.4482131

Become the next Hitler. What you seek cannot be bought with money. Keep the seat warm for me, I'm on my way.


>> No.4482203
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1511189305998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMMEDIATELY FIND WEALTHY OLDER MEN to offer perspective, investment/life advice etc. you have to learn how to (even what is) the long game becauseyoung money corrupts, find mentors. im not kidding at all

>> No.4482247 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 482x305, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money isn't the source to happiness OP but you can use it to get to places which will heighten your innate abilities as a human being and hopefully you wont even need to go to space because everything is within. I suggest you visit all these sites. Have a safe journey OP.


>> No.4482264 [DELETED] 

You should feel the join of giving by throwing some btc my way

>> No.4482467

Fuck off already soyboy

>> No.4482554

what clothes? I have some money to waste

>> No.4482792

Burberry is real nice this season

>> No.4482864

If you like space exploration you probably have the mindset of an explorer or a very imaginative person. Try to find a way how to contribute to those fields.

>> No.4482903

Looks good. I'm in cali so I need to replace my daily wear as well. Is there anything like uniqlo / lulu I could start buying? And you're right, the impossible burger was alright.

>> No.4482924

NYC bro here. I used to like Uniqlo last year but now I think it's for poor people and wouldn't touch it.

>> No.4483186

Gj you're a brainlet who got lucky, watch teevee now

>> No.4483518

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/18956777