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File: 160 KB, 1096x1197, tether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4476651 No.4476651 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are you faggots going to rationalize this? They blacklisted a particular address with $31m worth of Tether.


>> No.4476717
File: 91 KB, 1076x1078, negative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the negative balance a few days ago. -$30.6m hmmm its almost as if it matches. I guess they dont want you fags frontrunning their BTC pump.

>> No.4476747

post it on r bitcoin and you will be banned :)

>> No.4476753

So, who created all this USDT?

>> No.4476764

BTC Bitcoin is garbage now

>> No.4476767

>Could you please comment what's the purpose of blocking this address?
Someone asked this in their Github. They have yet to respond. I dont know how they will wriggle their way out of this. The $31m was issued directly from Bitfinex, no money was ever sent out from this address.

These faggots are definitely being investigated.

>> No.4476785
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 923984_471773739591903_729142695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cashed out this morning. I don't care if i miss the run to 10k.

I'm gonna sit this one out. fuck this

>> No.4476805

if it isn't open source, the owner of the address couldn't change the code for another address and compile the shit

either way, tethers are worth nothing. they literally tell you in their ToS

>> No.4476836

I really dont care about Tether but if regulators expose that theyve been pumping BTC since April, there will be no bottom.

>Is $1000 the correct price for BTC?
>No dude, Tether pumped that shit since $900
>So is $900 the correct price?
>No dude, Tether pumped that shit since $700
And so on.

>> No.4476865

Let it burn. I'm all in on Link and this will ironically untether alts from BTC and to ETH.

>> No.4476903

Its going to hurt for alts too for a while. Everything will dump. But yeah, after the massive dump, i dont see BTC having that much dominance so it should be good for alts.

I mean will you be able to take the store of value meme with a straight face if you find out Tether has been pumping it since April? I surely wont believe the store of value meme anymore. The value has to come from utility at that point.

>> No.4476944

What would the safest alt to move into be? Even if all of them tank somewhat, I'd still prefer crypto over fiat.

>> No.4476967

This is it...

>> No.4476971

can you go back to your shitty twitter account instead of spamming all these threads finexed?

We get it man you sold at $1000 and are salty as fuck, but starting your spam crusade on biz just shows how desperate you are.

>> No.4476973

why areyou posting about tether on r/bitcoin...? post it on r/tether or the cryptomarket subs you retard lmao

>> No.4476980
File: 246 KB, 404x274, 1510702219984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tether FUD

>> No.4476981

>What would the safest alt to move into be? Even if all of them tank somewhat, I'd still prefer crypto over fiat.

Well tether has always been a safe haven during selloffs... uhh wait nevermind.

>> No.4476997

it will recover quickly
alot of normies wait for this chance

>> No.4476998

that would be telling ;)

>> No.4477003


>> No.4477023

Too much of a faggot to look at Tether news? How the fuck can you rationalize Tether blocking transactions from a particular address with the same amount that caused a negative balance.

Just stop looking at biz then and pray to your god that this Tether fud isnt real.

>> No.4477035



>> No.4477059

Nah, if you noticed its actually Tether money saving Bitcoin during large dips (China FUD etc). If Tether is busted, not only will it cause a dip, there would also be nothing to save its price from plummeting to 3 digits. You are overestimating normie money.

>> No.4477245

unironically BAT, the only crypto with a non-vaporware working product. if BTC goes to $1000, BAT will hold steady above $0.12, i promise you

>> No.4477246

And you are overestimating the effect muh tether has on reversing a dip.
Keep your shitposting in your twitter with your brainwashed followers.

>> No.4477270

>And you are overestimating the effect muh tether has on reversing a dip.
>Keep your shitposting in your twitter with your brainwashed followers.
Pretty sure I'm not. You're the one who has been brainwashed, just how blind are you? Its quite obvious that Tether is the one pumping BTC hard. Alright, why the fuck would they block this particular address? Go on, humor me.

>> No.4477295

Probably ETH.

>> No.4477306

because this is how tether destroys tethers to keep the price pegged to 1$ you fucking idiot
notice how the transactions are being sent TOWARDS that address in you screenshot?
what a fucking stupid retard lmao

>> No.4477318

>Alright, why the fuck would they block this particular address?
I don't know, why don't you ask them. Or even better, post about it on medium

>> No.4477328

>because this is how tether destroys tethers to keep the price pegged to 1$ you fucking idiot
notice how the transactions are being sent TOWARDS that address in you screenshot?

You fucking DUMBASS. That it is not how they keep it pegged to $1. They dont block transactions from an address to keep it pegged to $1. How retarded are you fags?

>> No.4477339

You obviously didnt even bother to check the github link. Someone already asked, but Bitfinex wont answer.

>> No.4477354

Lol @ the normies thinking they're buying the dip right now.

>> No.4477375

yes, some whale with enough money to go through the process of cashing out USDT could have been responsible, which isn't surprising due to the recent drama

>> No.4477424

Kek im fucking out. Going outside for a while after i finish taking profits. I need a goddamn beer.

>> No.4477429

you stupid nigger, sending the coins TO THAT FUCKING ADDRESS then BLOCKING THE ADDRESS KILLS THE COINS
this isnt fucking hard you puny brainlet

>> No.4477489


jesus fuck, you think the devs change the protocol source by hand to blacklist individual addresses to keep the value pegged to $1, I can't even wrap my head around how fucking stupid that is

sell all your crypto and then kill yourself

>> No.4477512

Queen Ethereum. She doesn't go down due to news anymore.

>> No.4477520
File: 9 KB, 300x168, spit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit.

>> No.4477526

>brb dozens of millions of dollar buy walls at 10x leverage at the right moment pop up

It's enough.

>> No.4477543

you're so fucking stupid, they literally sent the coins themselves to that address to then lock them and reduce the supply
they didn't just blacklist some random faggots address, that is their own fucking address designated for this purpose you fucking dumb ass

>> No.4477559

like they LITERALLY fucking call it, "special address"
you're actually so fucking stupid
they dont need to do this again, they just block transactions FROM that address and can keep burning coins by sending TO it

>> No.4477577

Then explain why that check and counter isn't built into the system from get-go, why it's only being added now.

>> No.4477585

>tether devs change the code every fucking time they need to peg the value to $1
>t. brainlet

just how fucking dumb are you? something sketchy and huge is happening in the backend and they are also about to wreck your backend/anus

>> No.4477587

What does this mean?

Why is it hard coded?

>> No.4477588

> A 600 million asset managed to pump a 130 billion one
Yes man sounds legit

>> No.4477595

Don't listen to the dumbshit bagholders shilling some lowcap trash like fucking BAT
XRP is the only coin that consistently holds its USD value during BTC moves. It has gradually increased it's floor over the last 4 months during the BTC run with a few bumps a long the way. If you get it around $0.22-0.25 then you'll be fine and won't suffer the sort of double drops (both BTC and USD drops) that every other coin experiences.

You don't have to like it, but you will preserve your wealth with it and remove a bunch of volatility from your portfolio.

>> No.4477597

>Doesn't understand how market cap works

>> No.4477600

For me, XMR or XRP. I’m holding ARK and NEO as well but I would leave those where they are.

>> No.4477614

>t. marketcap doesnt mean shit, its a meme thats why bitcoin wont have a hard time pumping to $1m
>t. marketcap is fucking real, 600m in tether can only pump 600m in the marketcap

Choose one dumbass.

>> No.4477618

Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
We develop and publish EA (automatic trading tool) of FOREX.

>> No.4477621
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1509302101908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4477623

why is op so aggressive? Easy he has an agenda, thus types with such rage.

We get it buddy you sold at $1000 you're angry, your twitter account didn't get as many followers as you wanted and now spam biz.

>> No.4477626

parity hack and confido exit scam have established this imo. set buy orders in 2's after both and nada

>> No.4477628

you dumb retard, it literally only blocks FROM that address
for future burns, they can continue to send to that SPECIAL ADDRESS

>> No.4477639

Why the fuck would they not just burn the Tether then?

According to the Tether whitepaper, Tether will destroy tethers when popel cash out their USDT for real USD. Surely the mechanism for this isn't blacklisting the address containing the USDT lol.

It means the Bitfinex house of cards is starting to collapse.

>> No.4477645

If we can all be as dishonest as this anon we might be able to survive this.

>> No.4477667

>why is OP so aggressive, stop giving proof that the store of value meme is a myth and that BTC isnt artificially inflated with fraudulent Tether
Why do you even browse biz? You faggots have a safe space in r/Bitcoin already.

So you're saying they only have a burn address now? Then how did they peg the value to $1 before? You're dumb.

>> No.4477672

i feel sorry for you

>> No.4477675
File: 269 KB, 1305x605, happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hum... its happening?

>> No.4477682

dont tell me you think they set the fucking coins on fire or something
just how do you think burning works you dumb ass?
look up burn addresses you stupid fucking retard, stop commenting on shit you dont understand based off your retarded feelings

>> No.4477685



>> No.4477688

>doesn't know how MC works


>> No.4477691

maybe this is the first time a whale actually did cash out

>> No.4477692
File: 208 KB, 1185x1018, hacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




*breathes in*


>> No.4477703


Not a great news at all.

>> No.4477716

>devs change the code every fucking time
Nigga they changed it once then reuse the address.

Jesus this is painful.

>> No.4477727


>> No.4477733

>you're so fucking stupid, they literally sent the coins themselves to that address to then lock them and reduce the supply
now tether is claiming that they've been hacked, and the 30,000,000 was stolen yesterday

>> No.4477737

lol @ u faggot

>> No.4477743




>> No.4477761


>> No.4477798
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 600 million asset that is used to trade btc at 20x leverage managed to pump a 130 billion one

>> No.4477806

Sites now down, but I archived it https://archive.is/ZFDBf

>> No.4477821

what's the difference, you wasn't getting USD for that shit anyway

>> No.4477831



>> No.4477850


>> No.4477875

Tether coins be dumped in their USDT values across the board. Get into BTC pairs ASAP

>> No.4477879

Its still burnt now you stupid retard.
The end result is the same.
You had NO fucking idea what the address was for, you made ZERO fucking commitments into anything this entire thread, all you did was sit there retardedly implying tether was exit scamming
You were even more wrong than I was, at least what I was saying was based on actual fucking mechanisms on how burns work.

>> No.4477890



>> No.4477917

>These faggots are definitely being investigated.
> Tether pumped that shit
Tether has been pumping it
I love how OP is trying to pretend he knew they got hacked when this ENTIRE THREAD he's talking about how they're exit scamming ROFL
PUNY 30 mil hacked and already locked down, and OP is pretending that ANYTHING he wrote in this thread is correct at all. 200 BILLION is bitcoins marketcap.
dumbass lmao

>> No.4477981

>Its still burnt now you stupid retard.
>Hacking is a feature


>> No.4477982

So now what?

>> No.4477996

>hacking is an exit scam!!
how dumb are YOU?

>> No.4478016

literally nothing. they blocked the address and that's it. and it was only 30 mil to begin with.

eth got hacked for 30 mil like last week. and unlike

>> No.4478021

Yeah and Confido actually had lawyer troubles. You tell him man.

>> No.4478038


Yeah sure bro, keep ignoring the red flags. You think regulators will allow them to continue at this rate before the CME futures without a full audit?

>> No.4478074

The bottom is 8k
Tether didn't pump btc from 1k and anyone who thinks this is a dumb fuck who is eternally salty about selling at 1k expecting another mtgox

>> No.4478113

hahahahaahahahahahaha this much denial lmao. i am not Bitfinexed, I just took profits today because of Bitfinexed's livestream where he gave evidence.

then a few hours after, poof Bitfinex gets "hacked" the absolute state of tether's timing. God i feel great.

>> No.4478139

What's wrong with all these people believing in conspiracy theories? Better load up on BTC you fags, it's going to 9k next week

>> No.4478147

Evidence of what?
And it doesn't change the fact he's gone off on some autistic conspiracy hunt because he refuses to accept the fact he made a bad call selling at 1k
He's a literal fucking kike by the way nothing he says should be trusted

>> No.4478209

DAO again

>> No.4478215

Evidence that Bitfinex is making fraudulent tether you dumbfucks. HAHAUIDAHIUSHDASUIH just how much can you guys get BTFO?

Tether literally annoucned they got hacked minutes after i made this thread. I told you fags that it wasnt normal that Bitfinex is pumping BTC so hard this month.

Bitfinex could easily pump BTC to $100,000 in a subtle manner over the span of years. But instead they acted retarded pumping BTC so hard in a single month. Only reason why they would do this in a non subtle manner is an exit scam.

>> No.4478356

lolll how dumb do you feel

Usually when people burn they just send to 0x00000000...0 (not create a "special address in the code")

bet you feel pretty dumb

>> No.4478393

Is there an exchange that has a substitute for tether?

>> No.4478409

Caps spam tells me you're a stupid fuck who cant think for himself and instead believes whatever some ass mad kike on Twitter with zero credentials and zero credibility says

>> No.4478508

Poloniex offers FIAT pairs

>> No.4478572


Neo is down a lot, I think it will correct upwards

>> No.4478591

To those that havent exited yet, wait for a BTC pump then exit. BTC will most likely pump TEMPORARILY because of people existing Tether to get BTC then to get fiat.

>> No.4478615

wut lol, you are so clueless i actually feel bad for you

>> No.4478695

fug this makes sense

>> No.4478738

Since someone "hacked" the Treasury and essentially minted unbacked USDT amounting to 30M, there would be a negative balance in the "Transparency" page. What can we infer from this?

a) Maybe the Transparency page is legit, and because there was unbacked USDT that was minted from the Treasury, which reflected in the liabilities portion of the Transparency page. This increase in liabilities did not have a corresponding increase in assets, thus the apparent conclusion is that Tether only mints USDT if it is sufficiently backed and the Transaprency page is automatically linked to the minting and deposit of assets/USD.

or the conspiracy laden, b) All of this is orchestrated by Tether/Bitfinex so they will look legit in the eyes of the public.

>> No.4478744

>Bitfinex could easily pump BTC to $100,000 in a subtle manner over the span of years.
again, see the old MtGox charts to see some real washing trading thanks to willy the bot, if bitfinex was really buying they should be a premium in price on bitfinex and thats not the case

>> No.4478816

Volume of BTC-USDT is still low in exchanges, I don't think the market is reacting fully yet. Just getting started

>> No.4478858


Buy Amazon stock. Enjoy nice steady yearly gains.

>> No.4479023

To word it better, assuming the Transparency page is legit:
The asset portion will only increase if there is an actual fiat USD deposit to Tether Inc.
The liability portion will only increase if there is issuance of USDT from the Treasury.

Hack happens and 30M is minted, thus liabilities increase as per the Transparency page. Since no USD was deposited to Tether Inc., the assets portion is stagnant, thus causing a negative amount in Equity. I'm saying this supports an argument that the Transparency page is legit. Or if you are a conspiracy theorist, its all an act, which using
Occam's razor, is the unlikely reason.

>> No.4479078

Is no one else confused here? If you could mint new Tether to the tune of $30M wouldn't you not sit on it for 2 days? Or at least have a better plan?

This whole thing is sketchy af

>> No.4479088

banks already dropped the company behind tether.io

>> No.4479129

So when are they going to realize they want to buy bitcoin with their tethers?

>> No.4479142

And how does this tie with the FUD? A rational explanation is that big investors (or Bitfinex themselves) are depositing with Tether Inc. the USD needed to issue the USDT. They don't need credit facilities with banks to issue USDT.

>> No.4479187

No matter what happens BTC just keeps winning. Makes me want to kill myself because I didn't get in and now that I'm ready there aren't any fuckin dips

>> No.4479198

Stagnation made currency.

>> No.4479214

lol it's crashing the hardest today