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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 876x267, photo_2017-11-20_13-51-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4468682 No.4468682 [Reply] [Original]

TokenLot to the rescue

>> No.4468690
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oh good. the FBI is on the case

>> No.4468713


Why do you dumb niggers have to keep buying into these obvious fucking scams? The last thing we need is the FBI and SEC poking around bittrex holy shit

>> No.4468762


Sooner or later Congress will start talking about recent cases with crypto scams which will lead to stricter framework and eventually plague us investors/traders

>> No.4468780

>people allowbthe fbi and sec to get their hands in crypto
>muh decentralization
>all of the work by the initial adopters of bitcoin and bitcoin clones of 2009/2010 is destroyed in an instant because pajeet lost all his coins to some turks

Truly the world Satoshi envisioned

>> No.4468817

>everyone too busy watching Craig and Jihan
>everyone too busy whispering in hushed tones that tether is the crypto boogey man
>no one saw Joost luring FBI and SEC into crypto was the end.

Was a pleasure, gentleman.

>> No.4468892

the scammer probably used a patsy and has already placed his btc into multiple cold storage wallets

>> No.4468918


Are Turks the next enemy? Fucking roaches.

>> No.4468960


>> No.4468979
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>America is the whole world

>> No.4468986

the fbi will hunt down a dutch person?

>> No.4468999

>he thinks you can stop the inevitable
>trying to swim upstream
>calls others dumb niggers

it doesn't matter if no one ever reported to the FBI or SEC, sooner or later they're getting balls deep in this crypto world.

>> No.4469019

They will actually

>> No.4469021

The rest of the world is full of irrelevant and useless poor subhumans so America might as well be the only relevant part of the world.

>> No.4469046

And what should the FBI do? Did he commit the crime in the US? Pretty sure FBI will start a world-wide manhunt for 400k. Grow up, kids.

>> No.4469067

They literally will if he swindled Americans.

>> No.4469073

>satoshi invisions a world where people get away easily w/ theft

>> No.4469074

I bet that there are US holders who got cucked

>> No.4469095

Do you really think it's actually a dutch guy named Joost van Doom?

>> No.4469106


He isn't even dutch, its a fake name. They're all from Germany.

>> No.4469108

bittrex is based in the USA, so they must comply with AML protocols. money derived from a fraud would constitute a crime. the fbi can ask bittrex to freeze the account while it investigates.

>> No.4469138

Don't almost all ICOs exclude US investors? Also, the guy was smart but also stupid. Why not just let it die? That's what will happen to 90% of 2017 ICOs.

>> No.4469147
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>mfw watching burgers going all MURRICA FUCK YEAH FBI YEAAAAH
you deserve to be poor

>> No.4469155
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>> No.4469158

>Freeze the account
Pretty sure he left the BTC in the bittrex account before going off the grid. KEK.

>> No.4469184
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shill me the next confido

>> No.4469246
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>> No.4469250


no wait, that one already mooned, we're now patiently waiting for their exit scam.

>> No.4469265
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>thank god big government will come and help me!

>> No.4469282
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>my money was lost because of my stupidity

>> No.4469283


>> No.4469299
File: 17 KB, 528x301, maga8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest of the world is full of irrelevant and useless poor subhumans so America might as well be the only relevant part of the world.

>> No.4469302

land of the free
home of the slave

deluded amerifags

>> No.4469321

Wait, why the fuck didn't you retards cash out earlier?

I had enough the moment it broke $1 and jumped off the train at that moment.

>> No.4469340
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>damn the local church got shot up again
>guns should still be legal

>> No.4469342
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>shitskin anger

I'll make sure to donate 20 cents a day instead of 15 to your local missionary fund since you all seem to be in special need today.

>> No.4469343

yeah why the charade with the telegram announcement and shuttering of social media. could have just walked away, now they have heat and attention on them

>> No.4469355
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>I'll make sure to donate 20 cents a day instead of 15 to your local missionary fund since you all seem to be in special need today.

>> No.4469364

I love how everyone on /biz/ either knew it was a scam weeks ago or sold at the tippy top. Bunch of financial geniuses I tell you.

>> No.4469380
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>im a big boy

>> No.4469399
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>> No.4469404

No, rather we aren't so greedy that we all delusionally expect 50x returns on every investment. You do realize that there is wisdom in playing it conservatively and leaving the market after 3 - 4x gains. I made out with a tidy ~$7K profit.

The problem with /biz/ a lot of the time is that you expect to get immediately rich off a home-run rally... and that's just an overly optimistic approach to coin trading.

>> No.4469438

>I'll make sure to donate 20 cents a day instead of 15 to your local missionary fund

maximum kek

>> No.4469450
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>maximum kek

>> No.4469466

Exactly. Why exit that way?

>> No.4469485

Im Scottish you absolute retarded mong

>> No.4469510
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>Im Scottish you absolute retarded mong

>> No.4469538

But where do you draw the line? You could have sold at 10x, but apparently it isn't greedy to wait for 25x. There were other exchanges coming up and still had a mcap of 6mln, so scamming aside it had potential of going higher.

>> No.4469545
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>what do you mean I no longer have money to buy Doritos?
>FBI fix this!!!!

>> No.4469615

>But where do you draw the line? You could have sold at 10x, but apparently it isn't greedy to wait for 25x

All of this depends on your appetite for risk. Some like to ride it out to the very brink, others like me chicken out after making adequate returns on initial investment.

My point is that when dealing with highly unstable and speculation sensitive coins, my philosophy is that humbly cashing out after a 200% - 400% return is a wise and healthy thing to do. Of course, it'll take you much longer doing this, but this is the same method that took me from an initial $400 investment back in 2015 to $90,000 now. The only coins that I intend to hold indefinitely are BTC and XRP(inb4).

TL:DR; Slow and Steady never lets you down. Always learn how to control your FOMO

>> No.4469645

that's why you sell in increments...i always keep like 20% just in case shit gets REALLY crazy.

>> No.4469651

Very wise.

>> No.4469740

>Tutorial on Laddering
>Tutorial on Buy/Sell setups

@Haejin_Crypto has put together a fair few basic intro lessons on basic TA shit like the above.

@PhilakoneCrypto also does really lengthy in depth vids on his strategies/margin trading.

@cryptowilson posts his TA with superb step by step labeling explaining what's going on/what he was thinking.

>> No.4469806

Go fuck yourself. America is the most powerful city in the world.

>> No.4469864

My point is that you say cashing out at 400% is healthy, but somehow in this case you claim to have waited until 25x -
the absolute top. You are larping is what I'm saying.

>> No.4469880

It did sell about half my ICO stack, so well in profit. It just annoys me that all of the sudden everyone knew it was a scam, while a few days ago they were shilling.

>> No.4469918
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>Go fuck yourself. America is the most powerful city in the world.

>> No.4469935

..............what? The absolute top was $1.20, i cashed out a day before that at $1.02.

>but somehow in this case you claim to have waited until 25x -the absolute top
nowhere did I say or even imply this

>> No.4469936

Literally this. Shit like that is how it starts. Once it starts, it's over so fast that you can't even see.

Oh well, at least we have good memories and hopefully a few bucks from the times that not every cryptocurrency in the world was tied to either a government or a bank.

>> No.4470083

Imagine being this person and collecting a bunch of derpy american pictures just hoping and praying that one day you'll be able to post them. And then today, your chance finally arrives. I bet he's euphoric right now.

>> No.4470103
File: 37 KB, 680x429, maga15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being this person and collecting a bunch of derpy american pictures just hoping and praying that one day you'll be able to post them. And then today, your chance finally arrives. I bet he's euphoric right now.

>> No.4470147

Joost is shaking in his little scandanavian boots rn

If you're reading this, Joost, just know. You can't hide forever. The JOOSTening is coming

>> No.4470279

Those pictures remind me of the people i see at Walmart.

>> No.4470338
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>> No.4470774
File: 377 KB, 820x1020, 1511038721666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest of the world is full of irrelevant and useless poor subhumans so America might as well be the only relevant part of the world.