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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4462667 No.4462667 [Reply] [Original]

>Not an exit scam

>> No.4462715


>> No.4462757

twitters gone...
wtf is happening lol

>> No.4462764

Apparently the problem with the project is that Joost and possibly one of the other team members (not sure about that) previously worked at eBay but left to develop CFD. Their lawyer assured them that Confido was different enough from eBay that the non-compete clause in their employment agreement wouldn’t matter. Apparently that was wrong and they’re basically cucked now

>> No.4462768

loost 50 dollerz on this, gunna bye power now, tim for a winning.

>> No.4462795


Sell low, buy high. Champ.

>> No.4462800
File: 49 KB, 788x324, xcczxxczc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, this is legit an exit scam, fuck these guys

>> No.4462829

lol confido.io is down as well

>> No.4462844
File: 221 KB, 308x348, joost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he took down his linked in too https://de.linkedin.com/in/joost-van-doorn

>> No.4462845

in fact, all of their social media presence is gone
..they fucking booked it HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.4462856

did they really pull an exit scam for 400k usd? lol

>> No.4462872

>they wouldn't risk their reputation to scam us for $400,000

I couldn't believe it when I saw a comfydo write that. Poor naive comfydos.

>> No.4462888

Chris - Confido Support:
Guys i'm seriously chasing this up hard right now. I'll be honest im in the dark on this

>> No.4462895


>> No.4462897
File: 624 KB, 953x498, DogeCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name of coin starts with 'Con'
/Biz/non you didn't buy any of this did you?

>> No.4462911


>> No.4462918

All you comfydos lurking on biz, where the fuck are you now?

The legal issues message did not justify such a big dip (fucking 80%?), it was obviously the team selling before the exit scam.

>> No.4462919

So far two exit scams this month, ExchangeN and this piece of shit.
They realized getting millionaire overnight with ICOs is easy. Get ready guys this is gonna get worse next year.

>> No.4462927

Bitpetite said the same thing. Idk how people fall for these scams.

>their support is so active tho!
Well yeah, it's because they aren't building a product so they have free time.

>> No.4462937

Chris - Confido Support, [20.11.17 13:28]
Guys I'm honestly as lost as you all are here. What has happened makes no sense to me, I hope he has just closed everything down so he can focus on the issue at hand. But I can't say for sure

>> No.4462940

Ppl are still buying it... Sell it mongoloids.

>> No.4462945

Probably automated bots

>> No.4462947


>> No.4462960
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exactly. it's like this guy (chancoin).
of course he's nice and spends all day in discord. it's literally the only thing driving any interest or buys in the coin--some coin leaders take the hard work route, spending time improving their product technically, some people spend time building a cult and creating hopeful bagholders to spam internet forums

>> No.4462994

>The legal issues message did not justify such a big dip
Of course it did you moron.
If a sudden legal issue prevented the people behind the project from developing the project, then it's very normal for the price to plummet.

>> No.4463002

it does when it involves ceasing development indefinitely

>> No.4463005

Where was this posted?

>> No.4463011


confido.io telegram group

>> No.4463026

>legal issue
You idiot there was never a legal issue, they performed an exit scam.

>> No.4463028
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>nothing but red on ED
has there been a bigger JUST in all of crypto?

>> No.4463036

Segwit2x futures. Look at the chart.
Confido icoers at least had the chance to x20 and x30.

>> No.4463037
File: 27 KB, 600x765, 53f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Managing to turn $2k into less than $300 in less than two weeks

>> No.4463038


>> No.4463051

>You idiot there was never a legal issue
Hence the "if" you brainlet.

>> No.4463059

nobody except an idiot invests a lot of money in futures, so that doesnt count

>> No.4463068

JOOST van der Laan

>> No.4463075

Why are people still buying?? The website has gone, the subreddits now private, twitters gone even chris has no idea whats goin on!! lmao this coin

>> No.4463085


>> No.4463161


Also I feel like confio controlling their own subreddit was a minor red flag.

>> No.4463180
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game over

>> No.4463192

Phew, out just in time!

>> No.4463211

weird, not just joost, the other main dev deleted his fb too.. this is so weird guys whats going on? is my investment safe? i believe in the tech

fb nick.m.spatz

>> No.4463220

dude get out and salvage some of your money.

>> No.4463255

another one bites the joost

>> No.4463257
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>> No.4463264

Is this illegal?

>> No.4463274

are you sure i should get out? this is my biggest hold, along with chancoin, masternodecoin, trumpcoin, putincoin, and russiacoin. rate my portfolio? i believe in the tech.

>> No.4463290

if you're not joking you're an idiot and you better sell for whatever price you can get at whatever loss you have to take

this is literally going to $0.00 it's the definition of a "dead coin"

>> No.4463297

Im waiting for the sad kitten copy pasta lol

>> No.4463303

Faggot. Getting paid to help this scam. Hope you go to jail.

>> No.4463348
File: 20 KB, 504x415, 1510218526805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Confido was a confidence scam?

>> No.4463354

Does anyone have an invite link for the confido telegram group, or has the group been deleted as well?

>> No.4463363

> tfw you used to be depressed about buyin LINK at 35c
> tfw you are happy now you're not one of those deluded comfiders

>> No.4463365
File: 40 KB, 600x400, cumrag fuckdoll tries to cross her fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope none of my chingus in here got scammed, hwaiting!!

>> No.4463396

deleted. only thing left is this, they forgot https://www.linkedin.com/company/confido-io

>> No.4463423
File: 115 KB, 1108x420, con.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like these linkedins are still active

>> No.4463605

I can guarantee it was a single guy running, 2 people at max. Getting 400k is a lot of fucking money, especially if you further reinvest it.

>> No.4463621

guys. seriously. who in their right mind actually put money into this?

Look at the LinkedIn profiles of the "team":

Liam Bellum

Nick Spatz

They have several years of work experience but only about 15 contacts each?

These are fucking fake profiles and they were literally featured on the website of confido.io

Lowest of effort scam. And people still fell for it. Says a lot about the state of crypto nowadays. DYOR you retards.

>> No.4463663

It was a lot more than 400k

>> No.4463708

Don't care, made money from this despite it being a scam lmao.
Does anyone have juicy screenshots from the tg group after people realized it was a scam?

>> No.4463730

If you find this funny you probably have the mindset of a scammer or a psychopath.

>> No.4463741


>> No.4463749

Actually, all the red flags were there, it's funny as fuck considering the amount of Comfydo threads biz had at one point :).

>> No.4463759

>t. Bought at $1
I've been in the telegram since whitelist. I can get screenshots, but a lot of the memes and pink wojacks got deleted.

>> No.4463787


>Don't care, made money from this despite it being a scam lmao.

There are two possible scenarios to this statement.

Option A: you knew about this scam but invested anyway
> that makes you a fucking retard

Option B: you didn't know about the scam and proceeded to invest into this project without doing proper research.
>that makes you a fucking retard

it doesn't matter that you could profit from this scam. you were just lucky and i hope you'll come to this conclusion as well.

>> No.4463806

it's fucking hilarious you moron, that's what you get when you jump into any bullshit /biz/ whispers to your ears. normies and newfags BTFO

>> No.4463817

please give screenshots, i want to jerk off

>> No.4463879

The only thing that's hilarious is that ICOs are all going to shit because of these events, that's pretty funny in fact, because when low IQ scammers do these blatant acts of fraud they are in fact burying their major current source of income: ICOs.

That level of stupidity is always hilarious lmao.

>> No.4463899
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>> No.4463914
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oh no

>> No.4463915


>> No.4463924

Ha, fucking retard. Sometimes you wonder if crime pays with idiots like this in the world. I could see this scam from a mile away.

>> No.4463928
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>> No.4463931
File: 48 KB, 1039x557, 04054a5e7df8ce4a916fc1ec598fff17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone track them by using their address linked to the exchange?
i believe they are forced to use real on the exchange.

>> No.4463941

>My wife or her son
Fucking lmao shitposts don't count.

>> No.4463942

yes, the internet police are tracking them now. we will have your coins back in a few minutes

>> No.4463943

they are larping

>> No.4463949

fucking idiot you can track the transaction to the account on the exchange. exchange has to tell names because this is literally fraud

>> No.4463960

Some of them aren't. As soon as the announcement was made people flooded the server to shitpost though.

>> No.4463970

>that extra 2nd dump from when all their web presence got pulled

>> No.4463973

This will make it to CCN really soon. These scammers are going down.

>> No.4464001

yes, we are working on it now.
fucking idiot, we have downloaded the transactions and have the account pipelines, so now we are cross-processing the names database. these literal fraudsters are on their way to jail right now and it's thanks to you. all investor accounts are being restored to their original BTC holdings

>> No.4464101

>pushing so much

you have to understand we know what their address are and they can be tracked easily to the exchange.

be a faggot somewhere else you broke pajeet

>> No.4464119

i may be broke, but i am easily tracking them through their address through the exchange, thanks to your suggestion

>> No.4464137

Dayumm, and I was thinking on buying the doip. Not anymore

>> No.4464152

they invested into their own ico for sure

>> No.4464213

update: we have almost got them, we are tracking them in the computer

>> No.4464234
File: 187 KB, 600x420, confido_CEO and expert troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

address, like physical address? they likely just created an LLC and registered this company in Mumbai or some shit, you'll find an empty dirt lot on a designated shitting street, but hey, good luck!

>> No.4464280


>> No.4464358

>Option B: you didn't know about the scam and proceeded to invest into this project without doing proper research.
>>that makes you a fucking retard
>it doesn't matter that you could profit from this scam. you were just lucky and i hope you'll come to this conclusion as well.
Hurts to admit, but you're completely right. In retrospect the website and linkedin profiles were shady as fuck.

>> No.4464359
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Is there anyone making a compilation of the people getting Joosted?

>> No.4464371


>> No.4464418


>> No.4464431

Just WOW.

>> No.4464439



>> No.4464464

Fuck dude I'd kms

>> No.4464555


Good, fucking retard.

>> No.4464683
File: 5 KB, 211x239, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip

>> No.4464820

just bought 100k

>> No.4464833

sharpie in jooster confimarine

>> No.4464890

bought another 20k too, hope this is gonna rise till the weekend

>> No.4464914

>buy the dip

>> No.4464998

> solid dev team

>> No.4465023

>low marketcap

>> No.4465030


>> No.4465207

I read on r/crypto that they think this is a scam from the start. And they cited FUD articles from some trolling anon too. I don't think they were scam artists. But I do think they were fucked by their lawyer. And that the JOOSTposting on their subreddit got out of hand and they had to delete everything. And since they knew they were fucked they might as well just scam everybody else out of their money.

>> No.4465365
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>> No.4465510

add him to the list of confirmed scams this year.
and there are only going to be more

>> No.4465524

Get rekt ! Stay poor. BHSL (BuyHighSellLow).

F***ing sheetcoin ...

>> No.4465533

you forgot link

>> No.4465573

Whoops, after looking at it myself, I can conclude that yes, this was a scam, plain and simple. In fact, I think that the fuck goes on /biz/ given the fact that he hyped it using LINK

>> No.4465595

They were fucked by their lawyer so they deleted every fucking thing about them and the token.


>> No.4465598

And /biz/ will continue to blame the victims and screech autistically at the SEC for wanting to protect investors.

>> No.4465668

Well, my bad. I retracted this statement though.

And I really really do think that the scammer browses /biz/. His name is JOOST for fucks sakes. He used Chainlink as bait to FOMO. The evidence is there.

>> No.4465863

I've said it before, and despite the "hurrr durrrr you're a retard" feedbacks I will say it again: THIS is the kind of shit that will have the Feds shitting all over the crypto market. They're slow to catch up but when they do it's going to be a fucking freight train rolling through.

>> No.4466504
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Honestly it's worth giving up some privacy if it'll avoid this kind of thing. Sure it isn't very smart to put your life savings into a single token, but either way, this isn't a minor fuckup. It's flat out theft. Even if you were conservative and had 20% in it would still be pretty unfair

>> No.4466652


>> No.4467300
File: 301 KB, 682x384, neWmmGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4467520 [DELETED] 

James - Confido support

Hi everybody, I've been in contact with Joost over the current technical issues and he has assured me that it will be possible to get all of your money back, however the problem has been with our server providers not receiving funding.

What we're advising is that to ensure the best outcome for you that donations are made to our Bitcoin address which we will use to reactivate the servers, thus allowing the refund process to commence.

The address is here:


Thank you for your patience but we really believe in this product and we understand that in the current circumstances that there is some alarm but we can now reassure our investors that we will be proceeding as normal shortly.

>> No.4467820
File: 3.00 MB, 1658x1246, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you meaning to tell me that you can do your own ICO with the intent of cashing out with retards' money like this, and no one will come after you for fraud?

>> No.4467847

fucking kek

>> No.4467853

You normies are such fucking cancer
SEC literally put out a warning that these are very high risk investments and are often scams.

>> No.4468110
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1511133976734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw joost browses biz and already posted in this thread

>> No.4468245

Long term hold

>> No.4468261
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>> No.4468524

underrated kek

>> No.4468547

So where's the dox or info on the guy who ran it? I sense a mercy killing in the future

asking for preservation of history purposes i'm too lazy to kill some scammer goy

>> No.4468746

Good luck catching these guys
And people posting that guys picture KEK
Do you think he would use a real picture of himself? Deluded

>> No.4469367
File: 40 KB, 300x373, 1465995400187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you did this?

>> No.4469526

Can I have the palm beach report????

>> No.4469582

Scam or not, you'd be one hell of a retarded bad investor if you buy into something that is x20 WITHIN FUCKING DAYS and has nothing to offer except a few linked in accounts. Come one, how can one be so fucking stupid anyway. This is so stupid, it physically hurts.

>muh low market cap
Oh boy, I did endless arguing, but nobody wanted to listen among the shill hordes.

>> No.4469868
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Alright I'm done accumulating this dump in the 4500-5000's so I'll put you in the know......

After Bitcoin stabilizes at 8300, ARN will be pushed up heavily to the 7000's by Korean PnD group. Got this information from a mod. Don't believe me, screenkap diz. It will be a multi day Pump than a dump on the 4biz plebs heads so buy now before the real shilling starts. Over n out -