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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 940x705, 9033902-4x3-940x705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4457530 No.4457530 [Reply] [Original]

Not going to warn you fucking faggots again.

There have only been 3 coins in crypto that have achieved real world use.

1) Bitcoin (including it's forks+LTC)
2) Ethereum
3) NEO

The next one is POWR.

Don't care if you think I'm shilling, I'm not. If I can help even one of you make money and improve your worthless life then this post is worth writing. I don't know how to explain to you fucking idiots any more clearly, LISTEN.

1) Powr had a working product upon release, it had partnerships upon release, it's team highly accomplished in the real world as well as crypto, they have confirmed future partnerships, have made contact with Tesla. They have been funded 8 million dollars by the Australian government, and are CURRENTLY partnered with Origin, which is AU's largest energy provider, and they service NZ and India as well.

2) This is not a "shitcoin". A shitcoin has no working product, is run by scammers, and rides pump and dump waves based on "announcements" that never happen or are so out in the future they are irrelevant because by that time the crypto world will be a different beast and that coin will probably be irrelevant under newly released tech.

3) AU really is struggling with an energy problem right now. Elderly can't even heat up soup because power bills regularly exceed $1000-$1500 AU dollars. I know it's hilarious memeing on Biz, and I know you're a fucking loser in a basement, but this is your chance to actually make a change in the world for the better and support a greener future. Who knows, maybe you'll become a better person yourself.

4) Powr is being used. Right now. Do you understand the magnitude of this? Partners with Origin, Government backed and supported, talks with Elon, working product and support apps currently being utilized. The reason you're not investing in this with is because YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THIS IN CRYPTO BEFORE. You've never seen a coin be used to solve a major problem, you're witness history. I suggest you act upon it.

>> No.4457548

i've heard token is useless

>> No.4457572

>adding NEO
>excluding Ripple

>> No.4457574

I've heard you're a useless pajeet scammer trying to drive the price down so you can buy in. How about you put a loaded shot gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, it would be a huge relief to your parents.

>> No.4457579

>not shilling
>only reason its rising is because of pbc
>top kek

>> No.4457587

Sorry yes Ripple too, so Powr will be coin number 5.

>> No.4457596

PBC is irrelevant. It's a pajeet run pump and dump ponzi scheme. Powr does not need or want PBB's smelly indian approval.

>> No.4457603

10/10 shill, overpumped right now, expect mild correction too much resistance
if PBC isnt pick, expect huge dump

>> No.4457615

>driving the price down on MUH SUPER SOLID SHIT
i like this project, but explain why token will be valuable.

>> No.4457637

I think its overbought but still bought a tiny amount because I'm very bullish on it longterm after realizing that it is building legitimate partnerships. Hoping for a correction though so I can buy more, only reason I bought a small amount is because I'll be kicking myself if I'm wrong and miss the rocket entirely because of pure shortterm greed.

>> No.4457655

Did you post a few days ago? I followed your advice, bought 2BTC worth of POWR on bittrex. It's gone crazy! God bless the Australians

>> No.4457656

How about read the fucking white paper you idiot.

Powr is used to convert fiat into energy currency and energy currency into fiat. It's literally how you will make money from the grid.

>> No.4457663

To summarise briefly POWR tokens are needed to be converted to sparkz on the pl platform to trade energy peer to peer between microgrid communities and not limited to solar energy. What you guys need to realise is although you don't need India's approval there one of the largest populated country's in the world...

>> No.4457710

You are all fucking idiots.

Smart people would be buying ZENCASH right the fuck now.

>> No.4457739

Is ZEC (ZCASH) on Binance the same as Zencash?

>> No.4457775

No, what would make you think that?

>> No.4457785


>> No.4457804

Because its only rank 46 on coinmarketcap and the majority of cryptos above it have far less going for them.

>> No.4457805

possible PBC but it's looking like it might be SLR so be careful leading up to 5pm EST. Also the team is meeting with power leaders in India and some other countries. This isn't really a pump imo this is some really solid natural growth. Normies are eating this up like they should be, BIZ literally ejaculates at speculative garbage coins so they FUD powr

>> No.4457812

It's not pumping, people are learning about it and investing in it long term.

>> No.4457820

I sold after making a $30k profit. Will be buying back in after a dip due to the long-term gain. This shit will 500x by EOY 2018.

Also forgetting TenX also has a working product too which may boom soon OP

>> No.4457836

Aussies get it done
Thanks for shilling this to me the past few days OP, read the whitepaper and bought in

>> No.4457895

watch for bearish candle fractal to confirm the double top

>> No.4457916

Because it's a good fucking project that's why!

It's not a P&D it's a fucking HODL for massive future gains!

>> No.4457983

This coin looks way overbought. Only fucking /biz/ would be shilling and buying right now lol

Get the pink wojak's ready

>> No.4458011

it keeps steaming out at 6k sats at 50% increase for the day
fucking sell if you want to keep your money

>> No.4458064

Last coin shilled like this with practical use and genuine partnerships was XLM which im bagholding from 950 sats. Why will this be different? More use in the coin itself?

>> No.4458067

I'm hoping it crashes so I can buy more, this will definitely be a top 20 crypto within six months.

>> No.4458070
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LOL look at the charts. This POWR train isn't stopping any time soon.

>> No.4458109

Easy saying that during the euphoria, and harder to execute when POWR drops hard during the next BTC pump

>> No.4458146

>Easy saying that during the euphoria, and harder to execute when POWR drops hard during the next BTC pump
Its not difficult to execute plans you make, not sure why anyone thinks it is. Then again /biz/ has plenty of people that somehow manage to lose money in the largest bullrun in history so its not shocking to me that some of you can't.

>> No.4458309

shut up faggot you live in a moldy basement don't ever try to TA powr with your low IQ

>> No.4458345

Because Binance uses BCC for Bitcoin Cash while everyone else uses BCH. And Kraken used XBT rather than BTC for Bitcoin. There's no universal standard for these currencies so I wasn't sure if it was the same thing.

>> No.4458381

oh dear, where to start. first off, op is a retarded inbred. there are many coins with actual working products that he failed to list, like ripple, siacoin is literally being used. bitbay is literally being used as we speak. i could name at least 10 more.

secondly, this is a pump and dump scam. its literally australian solar power: the coin. lol. seriously? this will moon for a few days and then it will go the way of bitbean and monacoin, and you will not hear from it again and no one will mention it ever again.

>> No.4458417

do people think you can use to trade electricity worldwide or something? you cant even sell it to the house next door, you have to be in a shared meter situation like an apartment building or tract housing

>> No.4458464

I said I forgot Ripple you dunce. Can you literally not read?

Ok Sia, who is using Sia? Who is using Bitbay? They don't have working products and the only use for them is to move around on exchanges. As for your 10 more, go ahead, name 10 more coins with working products that are being used in the real world and not as test software by a few developers.

fucking faggot.

>> No.4458484

Actually, yes, you can. That's the whole point of POWR. You can sell your access energy through Origin's grid. Other people can buy it for their homes, or even to power their cars. Tesla is in talks and guess what... the PL app is already designed to work with Tesla motors and home batteries. Literally kill yourself you pajeet nigger.

>> No.4458507

if you google and look at slack or github stuff, so many people are calling powerledger a scam.

"There is no other people than from your company, no international team, no experts, no developers, no international reputation guys from energy, IT or legal, no experts, no knowledge on energy business, no trading energy experts, no blockchain experts, no nothing on this team"

its the truth. these people are not transparent at all, they dont answer questions, they literally have no idea how they are going to do what they want to do. they have a few paid reviewers shilling for them, thats it. they have no blockchain developers, they have no energy experts, nothing.

>> No.4458514

Trust me guys, I'm not shilling *shills pie-in-the-sky overly grandiose gimmicky shitcoin that'll never replace actual energy companies*

>> No.4458551

decentralized energy is never going to be a thing. like energy companies like pge and other utilities are just going to open the door and allow everyone to cut out the middle man and eliminate them. lol. yeah ok

>> No.4458592

They don't get cut out. They cut down on operating costs for energy distribution with this, and make money still.

>> No.4458601

this is going to replace my energy bill LOL. Right imma going to teach my parents and friends on how to use this new erc20 token. Fuck this is deluded.

>> No.4458603

l0l0l0l0l0 found the linkie

>> No.4458611
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>like energy companies like pge and other utilities are just going to open the door and allow everyone to cut out the middle man and eliminate them. lol. yeah ok
If you believe that, why are you even in Crypto? You are fucking with every governments ability to control capital. You are fucking with the lifeblood of power, look outside the charts for a minute, there is a massive shift happening quickly. The only reason crypto hasn't been killed in its cradle is the people that rule us are just as greedy as we are. Shit is in motion my friend

>> No.4458618

They've received 8 million in funding from the Australian government. lol. Kys.

>muh bitcoin will never rise above $10

You both are stupid people, I can tell. Good, stay out of the moon mission.

Also, I recommend you DON'T watch any videos on the energy crisis in Australia right now. I want you to bask in the darkness of your ignorance while I make a million dollars in the next 3 months.

>> No.4458620

its a scamcoin with no product but thats no reason not to profit from dumb people still buying

>> No.4458632

NO PRODUCT ROFL I'm 100% certain there is a linkbag pump group on the verge of killing themselves trying to FUD

>> No.4458636

Japanese still talk about this and use it all the time though plus its at a far higher price than when it was originally shilled on /biz/ and seems to be consolidating at its current price point.

>> No.4458680

Power Ledger is based in Western Australia, where the public still own the entire energy system, from generation to transmission to retail. However, more and more people and businesses are becoming independent private generators themselves through solar panels. Power Ledger allows these people to trade their excess energy on the market.

POWR have already partnered with half the state's universities, and the green hippy ecotopia City of Fremantle. POWR's Chairwoman is also the motehrfucking Lord Mayor of Perth, the capital city. She has a pHD in Energy Markets and make bulk money working for JP Morgan in London. She knows what she's doing and what she's doing is makign the planet a better place by putting renewable power on the blockchain.

>> No.4458712
File: 103 KB, 1271x686, powr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive sell wall? What does this mean?

>> No.4458785

It means there's a bit of resistance at 6k.

I means, you have enough time to buy in now before tomorrow's mission to Mars.

>> No.4458790

Accumulation before tomorrow's insane moon mission.

>> No.4458794

She's the deputy mayor you stupid fuck, and this shit coin will have a run and then die like the rest of them

>> No.4458832

You seem bitter, which crypto hurt you?

>> No.4458859

Lol chasing poweledger at ATH instead of Zencash lmaoooo

>> No.4458864


Or it's a PND which will be dumped at 6?

>> No.4458870

The current Mayor is suspended while the corruption and crime commission investigates her ongoing corruption.
Greene is acting Mayor. She'll probably not contest the election though and install her ally Reece Harley while she focuses on Power Ledger.

>> No.4458871

Alright I'm in on this. Lets fucking go. We're becoming astronauts over the next year. Get in now while you can boys.

>> No.4458890

>A PnD
>Curtin University
>Murdoch University
>City of Fremantle

That's one hell of a PnD.

>> No.4458916

>No rebuttal coz my points are correct

>> No.4458935

>implying you had any points to rebut

>> No.4458945

hey dingus, the POWER token is for IPO funding, the actual network will run on SPARKZ token which is generated on an as needed basis and destroyed afterwords. SPARKZ is what they will actually use to exchange energy for fiat and the reverse, which is actually good for you because your investment isn't tied to the supply/demand of the electrical system, and is actually based on the company's projected value

>> No.4459001


This coin has gone up like 10x. Surely these people will want their profits? The real question anon, is it too late to get in on the moon mission?

>> No.4459019

Damnit, Im waiting for my account to be verified before I can buy some BTC to buy POWR..

Anyone generous enough to give a man 0.01 to buy into this moon mission please?


>> No.4459055

I sold this coin the other night also. Not sure if its a scam or not but just cant trust it and i live in australia. I want to invest in it but i just can't see how this will work

>> No.4459089

if dubs POWR M O O N S

>> No.4459106

Cause you're a retarded australian degenerate and you make poor decisions, otherwise your country wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. Don't worry, big daddy America will save you.

>> No.4459152

shilling and pump and dump. max it can go 50 cent, and fall like rock to 20 cent.. useless shitcoin with hyped up tweets with no substance.

>> No.4459158

>AU really is struggling with an energy problem right now. Elderly can't even heat up soup because power bills regularly exceed $1000-$1500 AU dollars.

this is horseshit

>> No.4459163

POWR going to the MOON! $2

>> No.4459168


In what situation? Having slightly inflated electricity prices? Our median wage is way higher than USA so we're fine. If you think we have more problems right now than the USA you're insane.

>> No.4459219
File: 20 KB, 450x299, 9qowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is horseshit

first of all pensioner get gov support on bills... really big cut on electricity bill

also elderly never rank up bills of $1500 lol

>> No.4459222

More like going to be corrected, you'd be wise to sell and buy in again at cca 55 to 58

>> No.4459291
File: 208 KB, 693x690, powrman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait until its $30 by the end of 2018

>> No.4459310


Big question: When does SPARKZ release???

>> No.4459314

Pls sir, may I have some internet money

>> No.4459404

The POWR token is pointless. There is no reason the whole thing can’t just run on ETH.

They even say in their blog that the token is there for ‘capital raising’ lmfao

The token is fucking useless with no value proposition other than to dump on the even bigger retard who buys it tomorrow.

This is scam ERC20 token 101. You’d think biz would learn after watching the bancor, district0x and SWT dumps which are the same thing: a useless token with pajeets buying it because the idea is good even when the whole thing could just run on ETH

>> No.4459445

Finally someone who gets it. I have been saying the coin is worthless for two weeks. Nobody reads the whitepaper.

I just imagine the team laughing about this entire pump.

>> No.4459465

Do you even understand the repercussions the company would face to be a scamlet coin? They would get RAPED by aussie litigation.

Especially considering they've accepted a government grant of $8mil and working with CISCO.

Educate yourself.

>> No.4459469


They introduced the concept of SPARKZ to avoid POWR traders fucking with peoples power bills. Still, easy way to make a few eth I guess

>> No.4459483

go to their fucking website for info,
I'm not going to fucking spoonfeed you, jeez

>> No.4459537

56 cents.

>> No.4459540
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Fuck this is a wild ride

>> No.4459612
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This is my first ride.
This intensity, this high, this POWR

>> No.4459624

70 cents.

>> No.4459627

>another fucking ETH dapp token


>> No.4459629
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wew lads

>> No.4459654
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OVER 9000!!!!

>> No.4459661


>> No.4459681

look at that buy wall jesus. Its going to keep going up

>> No.4459693
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 40EF0A53-DA4A-49F7-A917-B8E796FC6D7F-3174-00000399F2867A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a surreal feeling. Watching myself become rich in real time.

>> No.4459694

75 cents.

>> No.4459709
File: 31 KB, 641x93, POWR 7911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What country club will you be joining anon?

>> No.4459715


>> No.4459716

Starting my own.

>> No.4459722

2x in a week, not that wild lol. *yawn*

>> No.4459723
File: 31 KB, 666x101, powr 8835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah looks like it

>> No.4459727

organic growth guys loool
seriously when the fuck do i sell im already 8x on this shit

>> No.4459730

I want to kill myself for missing YET ANOTHER FUCKING BULL RUN

>> No.4459744

Too late to buy?

>> No.4459746
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Sold all my NEO for POWR this morning

>> No.4459749

Sold at ATH, whens a good time for re entry?

>> No.4459756

Any blockchain can do what this does, it creates no new use case and offers nothing, a freaking ETH Dapp could do this. It's another "we're putting X on the blockchain!", yawn. But the real players in this space with be IoT systems like IOTA where trillions of feeless transactions can manage micro payments of power usage. But even THEN, power will be in surplus by 2030, we'll literally have too much of it and no need to trade it.

>> No.4459767

Will be $1 within the week.

>> No.4459770

Kill yourself

>> No.4459771

Barely had any of this stuff compared to other anons. Congrats on the lambos lads

>> No.4459773

You guys are fked, its all dumping to SLR nowr, all part of curry muchers plan!

>> No.4459774

like 6 - 6.6? honestly who knows though it could start up again and get $1 in like the next fucking hour with the way this has been going

>> No.4459782

hahah i was in at 57, it limbo'd for a long ass while , caved and sold at 58. then this happened....

i didn't want it to dump on me. meh,,,

>> No.4459783

where to buy it?

>> No.4459801

hard rock cafe

>> No.4459802

I’m sensing there are going to be extreme fucking bagholders

This is district0x on steroids

>> No.4459810

Sold all my POWR for NEO last night, you're welcome anon.

>> No.4459813

Don't! Show is over, unless you want to be a bagholder for the rest of your life.

>> No.4459822

Not really district0x is a shitcoin with no working product. And even if it did, no know knows what the fuck it does.

Powr has a mission, clear marketing, real partnerships with gigantic corporations, in talks with Tesla, ETC ETC ETC.

Don't compare the real deal to some shit scam coin like districOX or whatever you fucking faggot.

>> No.4459823
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>all my NEO
>7 NEO
my net worth is like .049btc don't get too mad, I'm a newfag riding his first high. let me enjoy it

>> No.4459843

idiots who point at 9k sats will be for a while probably, its a $1 coin flat with its supply and it wont see that for a good few weeks

this was just good old alt party ?!?! fomo!! moon guys!! suppoman!!!

>> No.4459855

I'm an oldfag loser. I want to kill myself. I never ride anything. Good job anon. Fuck, man I'm so mad.

>> No.4459900


ill buy the dump.

>> No.4459913
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>> No.4459917


I will be waiting for it. Getting dumped on Binance now

>> No.4459920

look at everyone get butthurt over it.

i was talking about this a 2 weeks ago on here

and everyone was telling me i was full of shit.


>> No.4459933


>> No.4459937

fuck yeah.

keep dumping boys. ill be buying.

you have no idea what this coin will be in the coming months.

>> No.4459938

You are nobody in the sea of shilling shitposters. Don't be so smug because you got lucky.

>> No.4459950

No one is going to buy your bags m8, better sell now before you have nothing left at all...

>> No.4459952


>> No.4459960


im not lucky. just look at all these day traders.

>> No.4459965


>> No.4460107


Lucky has nothing to do with it poor fag.

How about instead of investing in bullshit like "confido" and "district0x" and other gay shit that does nothing useful, you invest in a real product like Power Ledger? Stay poor fag.

>> No.4460158

here we go again!

>> No.4460182

What is this coin good for?

>> No.4460184
File: 151 KB, 421x500, 1495312035979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the transaction fees for this shit? Is buying/selling a few cents apart even worth it? Retard here.

>> No.4460196

I'm American. Lived in Australia first part of this year. Australians constantly parrot their belief that their wages are higher than ours, probably because their uber nanny state told them so. This is not true. Even at 1:1 ratio USD vs AUD your salaries are lower, ad to that fact your silly lil AUD is worth like .75 cents to a USD. To make matters worse you live under socialism and don't even know it and fail to realize your tax rate is over 75% after you price in cost of goods and every other thing that is way overpriced in your shitty lil egalitarian society. I literally paid $20 to copy 2 house keys.. Why do you think your gov made it mandatory for everyone to vote?

So your country has zero chance of escaping the leftism it is drowning in.

All that aside, i do hate your gov, it's the biggest gaggle of cleptocratic money grabbers i have seen outside of some EU nations and maybe canada, but i don't specifically hate ozzy's, many cool people i have met.. you just need to get the gov buttplug out your asses, and stand up for yourselves..

>> No.4460198

Making people like me, who care about the future of the environment, rich, and keeping people like you, low class uneducated dunces who drink redbull and jack off all day, poor.

>> No.4460218

What is this coin good for?
Why does this project need a token?
What advantage do I get as a tokenholder?

>> No.4460219

When should I buy?

>> No.4460237

Seriously do some googling or look at power ledgers official youtube. look at the interviews and summit interviews

>> No.4460253


>pajeet confirmed.

>> No.4460278

I'm not buying this overhyped shit that has like 15 threads on the frontpage no matter the answer.
I just want the people on biz, that got scammed again to ask more questions .
For example :
Why are there 15 threads about this unknown coin on the frontpage?

>> No.4460299

Fucking idiot. This is the first legit crypto project besides bitcoin, eth, neo, and XRP. You're fucking lucky it's being shilled on biz this early. Get in or KYS in 2 weeks.

>> No.4460331

>you got lucky.
This is what losers tell themselves about winners to cope.

>> No.4460363

>I wasn't here a few months ago to see all the threads on NEO at $10
You're going to be kicking yourself just like I did.

>> No.4460367

>I didn't get lucky I'm just so amazing
This is what eternal losers tell themselves when they get lucky.

>> No.4460409


>> No.4460494

this. invest in something more practical like RLC or MOD, this shit is HYPERLOOP tier, only good for pump and dump which is why OP is shilling so hard.

>> No.4460508

Stopped reading after NEO

>> No.4460515

lmao. This is all hilarious because on the surface Powr looks like a shit coin. I mean really, Powr??

But when you research it, it dawns upon you just how much potential this coin has. Top 10 coin for sure. It's fucking incredible.

You're the fucking retard for not investigating and researching. Don't call us lucky you faggot. I don't throw 60k at "luck". I'm going to be a millionaire in 3 weeks.

>> No.4460527

Op you have convinced me. Thanks

>> No.4460554

POWR is working as part of a project that has recently been granted over $8 million (AUD) for conducting research into a blockchain energy project. POWR cannot be written off so easily!

>> No.4460598

That's what I'm here for.

And to all you other fucking faggots: You're investing in a real working product, no some speculative scam coin with no product and only "announcements" to come 2 years later. This is a 5-10 dollar coin. Easily.

>> No.4460635

fuck the fud. You didn't buy at $0.60. You will fucking regret this. Mark my words.

Tonight we will know which coin teeka will shill.
There is a huge chance it will be powerledger.

I know 2 coins that receives government funding.
Icon and powerledger. I own both.


>> No.4460694

So guys, this was my first trade in my life and I'm a little bit shaking from all the anticipation.

I bought at 0.58c and can't calm down about it. What is the best idea to help me fight this feeling? Just check the price every morning, but don't care about the whole thing for next 1-2 months?

>> No.4460710

Also, I've just noticed my ID is: YE BOI.

Coincidance, or is the kek answering me?

>> No.4460731

>So guys, this was my first trade in my life and I'm a little bit shaking from all the anticipation.

I bought at 0.58c and can't calm down about it. What is the best idea to help me fight this feeling? Just check the price every morning, but don't care about the whole thing for next 1-2 months?

You are looking at a $5-20 dollar within a year. Have you even looked at their roadmap?

>> No.4460744

You're fine. this coin is going to $5 very soon.

>> No.4460755

It's consolidating, going to make another run up soon.

>> No.4460764

I really want to buy the dip right now but that huge sell wall on Binance is really worrying me

>> No.4460766


It happens to everyone. If you want to hold it for a while to make a bunch of money then look at it maybe once a week.

If you want to trade it everyday then look at it as much as you can.

If you're holding, looking at it everyday will just fuck you up.

>> No.4460771

if u ask questions ur pajeet luuuuul
buy buy BUY DUMMY!

>> No.4460791

Dumb retards ended bagholding again.
Congrats you inbred retards
You are even dumber than the pajeets creating 10 threads at the same time.

>> No.4460837

Is it smart to transfer my new POWR tokens from Binance to ETH paper wallet? I don't feel safe having it on exchange, I know I'm kind of answering my own question, but what kind of value do you hold on exhchanges?

>> No.4460865

Even if it is worthy of investing, the current prices are unsustainable. As an investor I will wait until it comes back down a considerable amount. With enough time it will, I'm fine waiting a few weeks

>> No.4460888

Long term holds should go to your wallet.

>> No.4460899

You retard got scammed into buying by a pnd group creating threads on biz the moment they start pumping.
They accumulate, then coordinate shilling on multiple forums and then inject some btc to get the pump going.
I hope your first lesson wasn't too expensive and you can deal with the loss.

Don't get too attached to your tokens they are worthless.

>> No.4460917

Nah, feel pretty confident around the whole technology. I will screencap your comment however to keep it in mind. Yes I can take a blow if I need to.

>> No.4460963

.. with blackjack... and hookers

>> No.4460970

What do I have to lose? I lost 90% on some shitcoin called Astro that was shilled by pajeets and I fell for it.

I want to be rescued.

>> No.4460976

you're an idiot, literally everyone in crypto is hyping on POWR, use the resources that are available to you for fucks sake

>> No.4460977

You guys want to know where POWR is heading? Look at chainlink. I bet it was shilled by the same group.

>> No.4460984


Don't panic sell this one and you'll make back that 90% and then some. Just hold.

>> No.4461010

This shitcoin is just staying around 59 cents

You do realize that the PnDers are making it stay at that price while they are selling then it will crash right?

>> No.4461024

You do realize the technology and the undervalued market cap right?

>> No.4461031

Alright here is an answer to your questions.
Exchanges have better security than your computer... Probably.
Buy also get hacked more frequently.
Putting your shit into a paper wallet means transaction fees.
You can also not sell instantly incase it ever goes to 8000 sats again.
You can use myetherwallet for that.

If you think the exchange getting hacked is more likely than your house burning down and you really want to hold this shitcoin go for a wallet.
Remember: you will need ether to get your coins out.

>> No.4461042

>Thinking technology is the reason for pricing in crypto

>> No.4461049
File: 55 KB, 1024x364, tesla-battery-1024x364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the POWR token is for.


Asset Germination Events are defined in our White Paper as:

‘the sale or crowdfunding of an autonomous renewable energy asset which allocates ownership and distribution of income’.
In simple language, they are events whereby POWR token holders can purchase a fraction of ownership of a renewable energy asset, be allocated its revenue accordingly to its share of the asset, and even trade their ownership with other POWR holders.

Further information about Asset Germination Events:

Crowd-fund renewable energy assets on the blockchain
Contributors will be allocated revenue of the asset based on their proportion of ownership.
Power Ledger is the first platform to offer the ability to trade ownership of these assets. If a contributor needs immediate liquidity they can sell it through our platform to other buyers.
An asset may be a solar, wind or battery farm
Ownership does not have to be inclusive of everyone, a community could have a community-owned asset where only those who live there are eligible to contribute.
By owning POWR, the Power Ledger Ecosystem token, holders can also access a range of Power Ledger Applications, such as peer-to-peer energy trading in markets Power Ledger is operating in.
The future energy system will be low-cost, resilient and owned by the people of the world.
Initial projects will be announced here first when they are open for contributions
Power Ledger aims to deploy this application in 2018.

>> No.4461055


This is a meme in this irrational ass market.

>> No.4461080


Did you guys FOMO'd out of buying?

>> No.4461102

Are you fucking braindead?
This coin is WORTHLESS

Read this :

Why the fuck would I want to own this?

>> No.4461123


You are going to end up holding another shitcoin in your long-term portfolio if you're not smart about this.

>> No.4461154

The 1% of users who has 90% of coins start to cash in.

>> No.4461157

8 million dollars in government funding. lol. you're going to kys in a week.

If you're going to try an FUD, at least do a good job? Oh I forgot you're too low IQ loooool

>> No.4461169

Did you even look into technology and all the news/team?
It's undervalued you pajeet.

>> No.4461173

Because as the solar industry exponentially grows... which it apready started to do... POWR grows with it. You realise that this token will allow people to 'mine' POWR if they buy solar panels. Or you can invest in solar farms for proportional returns. Everything in this equatiom benefits eachother. Gl being poor forever

>> No.4461183

Where did this deal take place? What platform/exchanger should i be using?

>> No.4461255

mine powr?
so unlimited supply?

>> No.4461317

Why would you want to own NEO? Same principle exept you generate solar $$$.

>> No.4461320

Solar energy..... Grows?

Holy shit

>> No.4461422

no u get paid in sparkz isnt it? then u can convert sparkz to real money or buy powr with it

>> No.4461491

Neo+Gas but for solar power energy that they have deals set up with for the whole of India via a NZ company so I assume Aus and NZ too, minimum. If Tesla is interested it could hit the US too.

>> No.4461551

How does one acquire this shitcoin?

>> No.4461704

It isn't a shit coin but binance or biittrex are trading most of it.

>> No.4462648

>shilling a coin that just went parabolic
even if he WAS going to shill it he wouldnt now