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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4455363 No.4455363 [Reply] [Original]

Here we are one more week:

>> No.4455426

it's only been a week? Feels like forever

>> No.4455461

Thanks for these.

>> No.4455466

I know, right? Crypto weeks are like dog years.

>> No.4455505


>> No.4455528

these are the best link threads

>> No.4455568


Please leave out the technical analysis part, you obviously fucking suck at it, and it works for shit.

Just track the wallets, okay?

>> No.4455584

butthurt confido investor

>> No.4455589

In your opinion, how a technical analysis on link should look?

>> No.4455616

Leave out the amateurish TA and everything is fine.
Not like that crap he wrote.

>> No.4455743

solid write-up! thanks, breh

his TA is fine, stfu.

>> No.4455797


TA doesn't work on low volume coins. Just don't do any TA

>> No.4456099

Shame you didn't like my TA. Here's more: https://medium.com/@CryptoTakeoff/alt-roundup-ba498a061ea5

>> No.4456318
File: 222 KB, 600x482, new_rory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK. Didnt rory just confirm that there are definitely partnerships that will be announced after the main net release? See upper right corner of your pic.

>The main net launch will be ready once it meets our expectations along with the VARIOUS BUSINESSES WE ARE WORKING WITH.

>> No.4456488

It's clear a lot is happening behind closed doors, but doesn't mean the partnerships are going to happen. Maybe some companies won't be happy with the main net. Nothing is confirmed until it's official. Look at the Confido 'partnership'...

>> No.4456598

Thanks for BBBBBBBBBBB's
Rly, thanks. I might have shilled for the vote on that exchange listing thing you made, did it get much past 10 votes in the end?

>> No.4456626

>Nothing is confirmed until it's official. Look at the Confido 'partnership'...
I agree, but the LINK team never really mentioned the Confido team before though... It was the Confido team that kept mentioning LINK.

>> No.4456651

Exactly. So let's not consider anything official or confirmed unless announced by Rory. Sure, they're talking to a lot of companies, but those companies aren't going to commit to anything until everything is up and running.

>> No.4456712

Man I can feel the struggle it took to write this one. You're not gonna an hero before the takeoff happens, are you?

>> No.4456791

I didn't even follow it. Right now, Link is listed on a bunch of small exchanges no one uses... and Binance. I don't think we'll see another exchange for months. It's clear the team is being very cautious about it. The sstatement 'we're open to BEING LISTED' is clear. Exchanges would have to do the work. Sergey doesn't want the SEC after him.

>> No.4456848

I'm not holding any Link at the moment. As explained in my articles, I feel BTC is about to either correct hard or take off to 10K. So, I'm all in on BTC and ready to sell for at a moment's notice. I'd go back into BTC and alts as soon as I think BTC has reached rock bottom and buy some Link and Salt, maybe some 0x.

>> No.4457050
File: 34 KB, 750x675, 0d60a029-d017-40e0-88bf-a47f934613cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that not you then?

>> No.4457064

Combining to delusional groups of people in one picture. Linkers are truly the grimesfags of /biz/. >Stay poor faggots

>> No.4457067


>> No.4457084

fucking. grim.

>> No.4457263

Huh. I probably saw you posting the article on the plebbit LINK page and saw LINKtraider and assumed when that's the groups(?) name. Prob an admin from there then maybe. I can't believe you dumped on us man... I am totally not currently holding my LINK stack in POWR or anything... The LINKs I will buy in a few days! ;)

>> No.4457277

you should do some grammar checking

>> No.4457302


This is my biggest concern. We can't expect shit from announcements if we can't get on a large exchange. Binance will just continue fucking the price.

Is it true that Chainlink is technically a security? That will make getting listed a real nightmare.

>> No.4457383


>> No.4457440

I just did and corrected some errors. Thanks.

>> No.4457454

If Link were a security, the ICO would be pretty much illegal, right?

>> No.4457470

What's your strategy? Chase pumps and get out of them as soon as they lose momemtum?

>> No.4457625



>> No.4457802

Well POWR I bought in 3 days ago. Mostly I wait for the pump and dumps and ride those and flip yeah. Then do some flipping on the alts with regular up and down cycles too (set it and forget it). I'll be honest, I still have a fair amount of LINK on a ledger I bought at about 35c, or rather my mate bought when he was drunk instead of waiting like I told him too. I would try flipping that but LINK trading isn't really worth it. So yeah, mostly I bugger about on alts and ill funnel the profits back into LINK as I go. I am willing to lose a few grand profits in LINK if it tanks.
The last two pumps I caught were XLM and NEO today. I have a bit of a profit from the BHC one the other day but that's way too chaotic.
I wouldn't listen to me though. I bought and am holding NULS earlier because of this >>4444444
I am still pretty bullish about LINK even though it has become a meme.

>> No.4457818

*LINK day trading isn't really worth it and I don't have access to the ledger/CBA to ask for the LINK from it.

>> No.4457937

I'm curious about your indicators, especially for knowing when to get out of a pump.Do you leave as soon as volume is lower on the 1h chart or something like that? Do you just use trailing stops?

>> No.4457948

For the record, I still think Link has an 80% chance of mooning like crazy, but it might take months.

>> No.4458151
File: 124 KB, 3300x2550, 1511126471397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think it will be 3-6 months before it moons.

Getting in is about noticing when they buy into them on the charts and I stare at them fairly often. Not even joking but if you look at new threads on here you can tell when the P&D groups are about to or in the process of pumping too. Their latest trick (well, old trick really) Is making a 'AHHH XXX IS MOONING' Thread and then 3-4 comments down they will have somebody offering 0.01BTC or something. This gets people to link their wallets to bump the thread up tot eh top so everybody sees it and buys in. So they are a good indicator too. Mostly though I am a bit IRL autistic and I watch charts and buy/sell books and look for the whales slowly buying in. You can see small mini pumps quite often before a big one. You often also see regular 1000-2000 or whatever is relevant for that token/coin-sized trades leading up to one.
Things like XLM with the IBM news and flipping rocket ship icon are easy for them to P&D, a coin must have hype to be pumped like NEO just was even though it had been steadily falling all day due to the news not being Chinas full-scale adoption. Then on top of all that you have volume indicators, that kind of links in with the whales buying in pre-P&D, often they will buy in outright as the main pump but sometimes they slowly buy in to keep the price low and get the most bang for their buck. You can see this on the volume indicators sometimes. It is all pretty autistic shit really. I also like to imagine what they are discussing in the discord during the P&Ds, you can see on the last NEO one they obviously left a few of their group holding bags so they went back in to set up buy walls and to pump it up a little bit again to get the rest of their group out of bag holding. They usually pump as high as they can get and it does depend on the whale group but 1-200 stats below a 3 day ATH is generally a good number to go by for when to sell. You can just sell into their buy walls anyway.

>> No.4458174

Thank you for the constant news updates!

>> No.4458192

>80% chance of mooning like crazy
What is even your definition of mooning like Crazy? A billion dollar marketcap?

>> No.4458251

Wow, those are amazing insights about the P&D groups. I'd like to know more about your techniques. Please drop me a line at my email if you'd like to discuss.

>> No.4458262

You're welcome!
Let's say 10x from where it now is.

>> No.4458377

Thanks. That's about it really and only relevant for the small discord groups and some small whale groups, I doubt the big hedge funds do that. Also a bit of luck is involved. I think NEO might be about to pump again, either that or people are getting the NEO news and panic selling. There was a pretty big buy a few min ago and some big BUY walls and they suddenly went down and were replaced with big sell walls, the volume went up too. I wouldn't expect it to pump again so soon after the one a few hours ago but maybe.

>> No.4458404

Something dodgy is going on, the sell walls just flipped to buy walls. It might just be Asian traders freaking out over the big green candle lol

>> No.4458461

On Bitcoin or Link?

>> No.4458497

Might just be the normal trading DESU, the volume isn't really high enough for a full-on P&D. They work best if they create a buy/sell frenzy first by spamming the market so the charts go crazy and people start panic buying and selling. There was a lot of big buy/sell orders on the exchange a few min ago that disappeared tho so maybe somebody is about doing something. Meh, who knows! it would have shot up now if it was a propper orchestrated P&D group. Prob just a few whales playing games.

>> No.4458571

Ah, you mean Neo. I thought of riding it but then decided to stay away. I would have gotten out of it as soon as possible and set trailing stops. No news could be as big as the hype made them to be.

By the way, I saw this >>4453001.

1. Subject: Bitcoin dump tomorrow.
2. A few messages in, 'The first post to get dubs after this post will get 1 btc!'.


>> No.4458707

NEO. You can see an orchestrated P&D group in action on the bittrex NEO chart earlier from 1:30-2:10 GMT and they went back in about 2:15 to get some of their group's bag holders out. I got a bit lucky with that one as I was watching the NEO chart as it started and saw the buying frenzy they created. I guess they did it on other exchanges simultaneously? I didn't check desu. I checked /biz/ and low and behold there were 3-4 NEO threads each of which had n 'ill send you XXX, post your address' comments in them. Some are prob still up. I was commenting in them in live time calling out prices, luckily I had the BBBBBBBB on after having a laugh with AAAAAA earlier so you can spot them. I was pretty close to calling out where they would dump altho I think I predicted it differently on 1/3. Pretty smart what they do, you could prob easily do the same with 20-30 ppl with 5k each. They must make a fair amount. My guess would be its a bunch of people sitting in an internet cafe somewhere in Asia if it isn't a discord group.Good stuff to ride if you can spot them tho. The XLM ones and things are far less severe than this one was, it was really crazy how much buy/sell chaos they caused. When the other coins P&D if its a smaller group you sometimes even get the shilling threads before tye try it to increase volume. The bigger the whales then more chaotic the P&D I guess. Doing it over several exchanges at once though is pretty impressive.

It is all just speculation ofc, Ill keep watching and learning tho until I get bored and move onto a new obsession, last month it was a game i was playing.
t. autist.

>> No.4458772

HAHA yep. boosting the thread to the top of the board with geibs. That is pretty ambitious trying to fud BTC on /biz/. Probably a BHC holder or somebody the BCH team paid. They are getting pretty desperate. IMO they might only have to wait but then again BTC could keep going to the 100k in a few years some are predicting. who knows. If they are fuding here you can be sure they are doing it on other forums and things too. How deep this shit goes is anybody's guess. It wouldn't surprise me if it was really big players doing things like this, I am pretty sure there are other entities on other boards pushing agendas so why not on /biz/ and places like Reddit too with crypto. I feel like I should be on /x/ lol.

>> No.4458805

I doubt they're big enough to try and crash BTC tomorrow. Any alt maybe, but not BTC.

>> No.4458809

Could just be a LARPer too. They happen as well. >oh look that guy is getting lots of (you)'s. I'll go try it in another thread.

>> No.4458819

Yeah, work on that conspiracy theory :D.

>> No.4458919

If anything they tried Friday/sat but got no real traction. I think it is more likely some people from plebbit/btc as they seem to be 100% BCC shilling from the blockfolio news I see from them. BCC shilling and r/bitcoin ''muh censorship'' crap. No idea whats going on there as I only see if from the next feed but every /btc post seems to be one or the other. seems pretty cancer even if what they are saying about the tethers and BTC not being the real BTC is true. Theoretically all they have to do is wait for BTC to crash and BCC can swap over. It might even be that places like coinbase are involved to keep BTC propped up with tethers for now. They don't have the infrastructure to switch to BCC in place yet and swapping over now would collapse a large part of their industry. Again, speculation. It wou8ld probably just be panicking BCC bagholders fuding BTC if that's the case. its a follow the money situation I guess.

>> No.4458988

lol, I spent far to much time in the early 00's delving into conspiracy theories. They all got overtaken by shills years ago (Tavistock, Shareblue). I guess i still have a part of my brain that thinks that was from back then.
Right, I am buggering off to bed!
Cool chatting with you. I really appreciate the articles. Not that there is much going on yet but fingers crossed with LINK and we get some good news with Sergeys AMA (if he agrees to one). hopefully not cossed, I could see that happening too lol.
Still pretty bullish over LINK, the memes alone have been worth it.

>> No.4459130

sUP with you guys?

I lost some to CFD and i really don't care about shit right now

feelin bleak about all my crypto choices, including neo and link, both of which doomed to fail

>> No.4459435

Depends on how long you want to hold, anon.

>> No.4459447

Thanks, anon. Have a great night and drop me a line at crypto@cryptotakeoff.com

>> No.4459675



My nigga!

>> No.4460292
File: 325 KB, 606x463, sergeyISsanta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Mr. Takeoff, it's me a "whale". Thanks for keeping link community informed. I am going to liquidate this week my neo position's and buy link bellow 2k if whales will continue artificials dips.

>> No.4460300

We're all going to make it.

>> No.4460326

I think the dips are very real. People are tired of holding and missing out on other opportunities but yeah, Link below 2000 is pretty cheap... unless it falls below 1700. I'll wait for it to show some signs of life.

>> No.4460575

Wait, so is this a problem or not? I can already see the FUD
>Linkies and their illegal token

>> No.4460734

Not more of a problem than for 99% of tokens.