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4450091 No.4450091 [Reply] [Original]

This growth is complete bullshit. The fact that it's having a hard time going above 8k is a telltale sign that this pump is artificial at best. We won't be going to 9 or 10k anytime before January. Why? Because before the end of the week, Bitcoin is going to crash to around 6k. It needs this retracement to prove that there are still higher lows and higher highs, to keep gaining. There is ultimately no reason why all this money is in the slowest moving, most dated coin. Why would you keep buying bitcoin past 8k when you know it's going to go back to at least 7?
Be smart folks. Sell now.

>> No.4450116

>oh no i have to wait a few weeks to make 20% gains.

How terrible. Sold all my crypto.

>> No.4450133

At this point it's becoming so obvious it's not even funny. Prepare for Mt Gox 2.0.

>> No.4450147
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i hope you guys dont store any coins on bitfenix

>> No.4450148

A large sell off tipping point will happen tonight, a bull trap at around 7500.
When Monday trading starts, people will notice the trend and trade it down as far as they can.

>> No.4450156
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>> No.4450165

Short bitcoin now. I dare you. Go join the ranks of pink wojacks who did so in the past. Why is it so hard for you autists to keep at least 50% of your blockfolio in bitcoin and dump the rest in shitcoins if you really want to?

>> No.4450166

I don't know. It is also not logical for me and fucking annoying as hell to be honest. There is literally no reason to pump this shitcoin up and up again. Every fucking alt is just dead as long as this shit keeps getting pumped and dumped. Either there are hordes of retarded normies FOMOing into BTC right now or it is just lots of artificial pumping/insitutional money.

I really was a Bitcoin defender all the time, but this growth is literally what makes it a bubble. For fuck's sake, just stay stable for at least one fucking week. One fucking week to reduce the overall chaos and madness.

>> No.4450180

>A large sell off tipping point will happen tonight, a bull trap at around 7500.
>When Monday trading starts, people will notice the trend and trade it down as far as they can.
Good... My buy orders will get filled

>> No.4450191

you pulled 100% of this long ass post out of your ass. this is entirely bullshit and you have no idea what youre talking about. check em

>> No.4450192

I'm still keeping a large percentage of my portfolio in bitcoin, but to not see the writing on the wall and hedge a sale on BTCUSD is stupid. Tethers are maxed out and soon people are going to see the writing on the wall with that scam, the dollar value will go down as everyone tries to redeem their tethers and the dollar:tether ratio dips.

>> No.4450217

how can you autists not understand that if bitcoin drops to 6k, i'll fucken buy all of them. so will everyone else with half a brain

>> No.4450254
File: 265 KB, 1311x540, TA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm sorry that no one ever told you how to read . I didn't know that 4 sentences would be so difficult for you, baby. Maybe that's why you think that there will be a continued rise in the short term. You can't read words, why would you be able to read TA?

The sell off's happening, you're missing it.

>> No.4450263

All we skeptics are asking you of is to at least consider the possibility that this might not be the best time to buy more, just consider it.

>> No.4451180
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what do you tards not understand about technological adoption? this is how every new technology was adopted. it's called an S-curve - look it up.
say it with me - bitcoin is not a stock, it is a technology

>> No.4451201

Trouble? It's 8.1k already

>> No.4451243

oh, and if you think the recent BTC rise has been crazy, you're going to be shitting yourself for the next few years. this is nothing, it hasn't even reached the 'vertical' point in the S-curve adoption, but it's in the last stages before liftoff

>> No.4451257
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>The fact that it's having a hard time going above 8k

>> No.4451283

It already had a correction to 5500 last week.

>> No.4451405

I'm buying at $6001, and everyone with a brain will do the same. No cheap coins for retards like you.

>> No.4451425

It's crashing right now. Next stop 4k.

>> No.4451434

It did crash -- did you miss all the wojaks on here? Maybe you were too distracted by the chink mania surrounding Bcash?
BTC is in a parabolic growth path that is turning vertical, so we'll see less and less retracement as it pushes through each order of magnitude higher in valuation.

>> No.4451468


True, but BTC is also a shit technology. There's tons of alts that do its job better. One day something will overtake BTC since first-mover advantage doesn't last forever, but it'll still probably be a ways off and people should hold BTC

>> No.4451551

>BTC is in a parabolic growth path that is turning vertical, so we'll see less and less retracement as it pushes through each order of magnitude higher in valuation.
you're right, and i agree. i have 1/3 in 1 other coin that i think will be the one to overtake down the road

>> No.4451615
File: 140 KB, 1050x500, gobern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went in 100x short at 8100 let's do this

>> No.4451623


>> No.4451633


I've also got my eyes on what I think could one day usurp the throne. Hopefully one of us makes it

>> No.4451644

which is? no reason to keep it a secret. if you want others to adopt it you should prolly tell us about it lol

>> No.4451651
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or both

>> No.4451672

We had a 30% retracement last week, you're an idiot. We are testing new highs today and you call it a fake rally?

>> No.4451692

Good shit.

>> No.4451787
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Chia. Not even gonna be out until some unspecified time in 2018 so no reason to shill super hard

>> No.4451847

We had a fork cancel and a fake flippening last week. You haven't seen shit yet.

>> No.4451862

>Competing with both an established brand and a biological name for web traffic

>> No.4451876

What if everyone already decided $100k is the natural equilibrium price?

>> No.4451888

Fucking this so much.

>Earlier today on Nov. 14, Multicoin Capital Managing Partner Kyle Samani revealed that he had met with an institutional investor with a $30 bln fund. The investor disclosed the fact that fund managers within the company are restricted to issuing checks with the minimum value or $300 mln.

“More. Just met with an institutional manager. $30 bln fund. Minimum check size $300 mln. Current crypto allocation: $0. We aren't even close to the top,” said Samani.

Previously, even up until early 2017, it was not possible for institutional investors to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars in Bitcoin because the market was premature and the liquidity was limited. In January of 2017, the market cap of Bitcoin was only $15 bln. The market was simply not deep and mature enough for institutional investors and large-scale hedge funds to commit.

>> No.4451893

The dollar would already be dead, then.

>> No.4451895

>You haven't seen shit yet.
I've been in bitcoin since late 2011, I happen to have seen plenty of shit before. You could be right, I'm just saying if people wanted to buy at those lows they got their chance, we don't need to probe them every fucking week. Also, a called off fork and a fake flippening are just window-dressing for the market prices.

>> No.4451944


Definitely a concern, but the thing's not even out yet so who knows if that will change

>> No.4452070

Can someone please explain to me a theory I ready about CME futures and how they'll want to short bitcoin just before futures start trading? I remember reading about this in some thread but I didn't bother to ask for explanations.

>> No.4452074
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trips confirm. liftoff imminent.

>> No.4452109


How excited are you for $10k end of year? There will be no stopping at that point

>> No.4452155

>trouble going above 8k
>literally the opposite
lmao k

>> No.4452170

i can't get this grin off my face. i think it will be $10K before December and $17K by eoy. you're right, $10K seems to be a big mental barrier and by the time that's broken, the CME futures will be trading and the FOMO train will have full steam. unironically, i think btc is at $100K this time next year, for those reasons listed and others

>> No.4452201

they will want to do it, but they won't have any to short. for the first few years, most of the action will be on the buy side and it will drive the price to crazy levels - then it will "crash" and level out. imo, this is a 3-5yr projection

>> No.4452222
File: 13 KB, 369x406, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you finally realize that the bitcoin marketcap is complete bullshit and doesn't actually reflect the amount of money "flowing in"

this shit is going straight to 1 million per coin at this rate.

>> No.4452303
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>> No.4452382


I'm sure BTC's replacement, whatever it is, will be here before that. Still, it's fucking gains time

>> No.4452548

looking pretty good right now? you still in?

>> No.4452670

sucked in, I'm buying at $6002. Stay poor yadayadayada

>> No.4452998

>I'm sure BTC's replacement, whatever it is
>you bought into this meme

Bitcoin can support billions of transactions / second with the proper (non-fork) upgrades, now that we have segwit.

>> No.4453467


>> No.4453543

still in

>> No.4453725

let me guess, you have no idea what futures even are...
They don't need any bitcoin at all.
They just bet whether or not bitcoin will go up or down, and they settle in dollars...

>> No.4453787

>betting on it to go down
>not actually selling any btc
>thinking this makes it go down
topkek, anon. it's better for people to think you're stupid than to open your mouth and prove it.

>> No.4453804
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>> No.4453974

you're an absolute retard lmao
they're futures contracts...
that's not btc.
let me say it again - they are fucking futures contracts, which again, are not bitcoins.
they do not need any bitcoins to bet among themselves on the direction of bitcoins. Just like oil, orange juice, coffee, bitcoin, whatever the fuck. They do not actually need to trade barrels of oil to trade oil futures, they will settle in DOLLARS.

>> No.4454029
File: 46 KB, 600x632, 343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit, moron. but the arbitragers will make crazy money until enough btc have been bought by them to start covering shorting contracts. so, for the first few years it will be bullish because no one in that market will have any btc to cover the shorts. i don't even know why i bothered explaining this to you.

>> No.4454172

goddamn some people (YOU) are actually honestly retarded...
you literally have no fucking clue what they are trading and how they will be trading it do you?
I mean honestly, do you even have a clue????
HAHAHAHAH what the fuck lmao

>> No.4454260

>Why is it so hard for you autists to keep at least 50% of your blockfolio in bitcoin and dump the rest in shitcoins if you really want to?

People FUD here because they're trying to manipulate the market. They want you to sell because they NEED you to sell.

>> No.4454297

You're a shill or seeing what you want to see

>> No.4454308

bro, only a small percentage of these contracts will be settled in USD. the people who make major moves in futures actually buy the commodity on which they are betting. then, once they have a large amount, they can influence the market and make mad gains on their futures. so, for the first few years, while they're collecting BTC the price will rise. you literally have no idea what is going on, which is why what i'm saying seems retarded to you.

>> No.4454349

>1 week ago

can't even stay over 7k lmao

>> No.4454707

slow or expensive transaction time shouldnt be looked at as a disadvantage entirely. it prevents algorithmic trading which is completely standard for foreign currency exchanges.

if anything, it keeps the game human

>> No.4454719

>bro, only a small percentage of these contracts will be settled in USD
bro, you're a fucking idiot ok.

>> No.4454779
File: 9 KB, 236x225, uigiugfuhsdif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topkek. you really think you're smart., you walked right into what i thought you would.
this just happened - https://custody.coinbase.com/ and in case you can't grasp the implications, read this https://medium.com/@barmstrong/announcing-coinbase-custody-a-digital-currency-custodian-for-institutions-907166d7af85 and read my post again. you're out of your league, son

>> No.4454808

Guys when it BTC going to go down? I dont want to buy high again

>> No.4454885

>bro, you're a fucking idiot ok.
let me guess. you made big gains with ETH, NEO, OMG or some other shitcoin and you think you know the game. lmao, get out of here, kid

>> No.4454976

Just put a buy order at 7000.

>> No.4455229
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This is how stupid you are -
>bro, only a small percentage of these contracts will be settled in USD


>cash settle by reference to Final Settlement Price, equal to the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate on Last Day of Trading

Do you even know what I mean by the word "settled"??

Why do I get the feeling that is you projecting?

>> No.4455517

>Why do I get the feeling that is you projecting?
lol, because it's really you. i don't mess with those shitcoins. also, your link still doesn't disprove what i said.
hey, man. if you think BTC is going up then who cares about my semantics. if you think it's bearish for BTC, then you're in for a rough next couple of years. i'm just sharing what i know and those who understand will make gains. later, bruv