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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4452531 No.4452531 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4452583
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>> No.4452606

*breathes in*

>> No.4452643

Ouch. Not so confi now, is it?

>> No.4452658

Fucking hell 30% was held by them at the very start and 60% was sold instead of mined?

Fucking pumped and dumped.

>> No.4452673
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>> No.4452712

lol obvious exit scam.
congrats on all those that profited.

but yeah, the team (or person) took the ico eth and transferred it all to bittrex on day 1

>> No.4452721
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1499192436091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it.

>> No.4452725


>> No.4452733
File: 125 KB, 637x476, 1510544185331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it time to buy more?

>> No.4452739

>confidence game

>> No.4452751
File: 90 KB, 477x768, nintchdbpict0002705231652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder crypto is a 0 sum game
nothin' personel kids

Greater fool theory at its finest

>> No.4452759

everyone knows its a shilled scam except for complete newfags

>> No.4452765

They still going to use LINK tho right?

>> No.4452775
File: 611 KB, 780x720, desu5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are u confido shills now?

>> No.4452782
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>> No.4452795

>implying LINK will ever want to have anything to do with scamers

some pls find the pasta about the stuttering potheads hahah the panic already has ensued

>> No.4452799



>> No.4452824

the comfydo difference

>> No.4452830

not a scam just a misunderstanding they are working on things and theyre being honest about it, scams would just leave, anyways watch it closely could be a good opportunity if they are legit

>> No.4452880
File: 210 KB, 1001x1620, laughingblackman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't sell all his coins the minute it reach 0.003 for literally the easiest 20x gains of his life

you guys deserve to lose money
stop being so damn greedy

>> No.4452947

I'm buying 10 eth worth of cfd right now...buying the dip. I will sell at $2

>> No.4452961

This is some segwit2x futures level of adJOOStment

>> No.4453079



>> No.4453096
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>> No.4453099


did u not learn anything from the MCO scam?

>> No.4453116

>Buy a Bitcoin whose first three letters start with CON.
>Be too stupid to understand that the word Conman, comes from "Confidence Man"

Smart investing there biz.

>> No.4453139
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>They made fun of my REQ and told me to buy this shit


>> No.4453148

>being this naive
This exit scam is going to zero. There won't be any bids left on the order book by this time next week.

>> No.4453156

>buy a bitcoin
Get the fuck out of here faggot

>> No.4453158

> buy a bitcoin

at least lurk for a week or so before u post normie

>> No.4453163
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>> No.4453170

didn't this coin go like 25x or something from ico?

no wonder this is crashing hard, everyone with a brain is obviously taking profits

>> No.4453176
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1511053900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repeat after me

>> No.4453178

Ahhh fuck all the people who had buy orders super low on the off chance someone would fuck up a decimal somewhere and all the bots. Buy high sell low!

>> No.4453198

mfw dumped my bags at $1

mfw a plebbitor probably bought them

>> No.4453233

Can dump to ico price which is more than -65% from here

>> No.4453251

I don't know why you guys are laughing. Just lost literally 300k. Not so funny

>> No.4453266
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>> No.4453271

I lost $300k all because you guys in here were shilling it and it looked like a legit project. thanks

>> No.4453282
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>healthy correction

>> No.4453290

What did you own a tenth of the coins in circulation you fucking idiot

Any exposure close to that large, and you should have been in personal contact with everyone in the team so that you would see something like this coming

>> No.4453305
File: 124 KB, 383x298, 1508807234619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the confido reddit
so many bagholders telling FUDers to fuck off and bragging about how much confido they just bought

>> No.4453306


>> No.4453311

>taking profit
they have legal problems and blew the news right now

>> No.4453321

Holy fuck... I went all in.... /biz/ said it was a sure thing...

>> No.4453335

holy shit

>> No.4453345


>> No.4453359
File: 78 KB, 734x794, 1506875213761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going into details
theyre fucking making shit up for an excuse to dump their bags on their investors this is fucking unspeakable. confido investors should band together and sue these fuckers

>> No.4453363

Another bites the Joost

>> No.4453386
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Citing its faggit :
" I'm a patient investor. I know this project offers real use case solutions. Cant' wait to see it getting the growth that it deserves. :) "

Now where the fuck did I hear this before...

>> No.4453398

here's what happened
all the presale whales were friends of the team members or even th team members themselves
they locked up their official tokens to boost up confidence in people, meanwhile unloading those presale bags at 20x profit,
M a s t e r p i e c e

>> No.4453399

not fucking funny assholes was about to buy a new home but decided to put all 400k into CFD on biz recommendation and now this. wtf this better be a fucking joke.

>> No.4453401

In any case they have already dumped at the top and now they are making excuses to not deliver anything. I was wondering who the fuck was putting buy walls and manipulating the prices up, seems like it was the fucking founders themselves.

>> No.4453402


>> No.4453445

>an anonymous speculative gamble

haha you deserve to lose your money with this mindset.

>> No.4453449

Prove it.

>> No.4453458

>SEC says a lot of IPOs are scams and wants to step in to protect investors
>/biz/ tell the SEC to fuck off
>/biz/ gets scammed by pajeet IPO

>> No.4453509
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shouldve bought link

>> No.4453541

>You bought 1/10th of the mcap
At least make a believable larp

>> No.4453546

I still want the SEC to fuck off. People are responsible for their money, you deserve to lose all your money if you're putting more than you can afford to lose in an ico shilled in biz.

>> No.4453566

I was considering buying into ico even though the team and entire project looked fishy as fuck, but if someone bought anything above 2x is just an idiot, no compassion

>> No.4453573

Confido was a very lame idea, but could have actually been pretty useful. Someone with more than a couple braincells should jump on this chance to fork this piece of shit and do it right.

>> No.4453579

Is it possible that LINK gets some "legal stuff" problems?

>> No.4453588


Anyway I never heard of this shitcoin and I guess I'm glad.

>> No.4453594

this is why you don't hold alts

>> No.4453606

>tfw was actually going to cash out my ICO bags since it's been holding at $0.70 from $0.04 and that's enough for me.
>tfw log into Kucoin
>tfw it's literally unsellable.

>> No.4453615

there's zero chance of that happening. swift, santander, paribas all fo those would stay the fuck away from them if there was any chance of something going south

>> No.4453630

some retard buying for 28 eth as we speak. i-i.. dont know what to say.

>> No.4453649
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omfg i forgot my limit buy order FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.4453664

Phew, good. Yeah, you're right, those big players wouldn't even bother to examine it in detail, if there were such major flaws

>> No.4453672

Devs talking about prices and marketcaps is a huge red flag. This was the case with Confido.

>> No.4453687

I mean they wouldn't be interested in actually featuring LINK at SIBOS etc.

>> No.4453713 [DELETED] 

Also Joost didn't act really professional, imo. He for example told some guy to "Stop bullshitting.".

>> No.4453764

I tried to be good anon and warned /biz/ before and after the ICO multiple times. I warned biz after I exited at 9x not to be greedy
In the end this is good things the only people who fell for this stupid shit were plebbitors and the boomerjews who lurk here that can't figure out how to verify a captcha maybe now they'll finally leave

>> No.4453771

oh shit hope you cfd cucks weren't too heavy on this... no one was fucking all in, right goys?

>> No.4453773


nice try. your own fault for being a shitty investor and not doing your own research

>> No.4453799

Wonder how much of Ed's volume is sustained by bots. It's weird that the price keeps being stable.

>> No.4453811
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Put fifty bucks on it just in case.

>> No.4453839

>fork this piece of shit
how do you even fork such a shitcoin kek

>> No.4453887

enjoy being scammed over and over

>> No.4453918 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 990x643, 27-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will shill you a nice discord group I just became part of
We pump on bittrex, +10k members, active channels on trading/rumors and admins who find a good coin to pump and shill.
Last week I made 30% on Bitbean in several trades under 15 minutes and 20% on a Bitbean pump.

Join us or stay pajeet faggots!


>> No.4453933

This is just a joke right? Something like this must be the whales keeping the price down or something. I went all in on confido at $1.10 because I trusted the project. I just got home and it's 10¢??

I literally put 22 bitcoins into this, the bitcoins I bought back in 2013. That was 4x my fist life savings.


>> No.4453948
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>Whales are keeping the price down

>> No.4453965

kill yourself

>> No.4453968
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>I went all in

>> No.4453976


>> No.4453978

this shit pumped x15 the first day it got listed in etherdelta. Everyone who lost money buying this crap deserves to lose the money. And people should assume all icos are scams until proven otherwise.

>> No.4454005

>4x my fist life savings
Well it sounds like you just got fisted by your life savings. Nothing personnel.

>> No.4454009

yeah sure, show me the transaction...

>> No.4454134
File: 87 KB, 400x300, IMG_0228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Chancoin mooned by +108% today. We told you all like 1000x times. There will be more. Watch it!


>> No.4454164

>24H Volume: 1 BTC
who fucking cares lmao
great job, you mooned your lunch money

>> No.4454189

lmao, you're right...fucking pathetic pnd attempt.

>> No.4454216
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how long until this hits zero?

>> No.4454275

Delisting soon

>> No.4454340

hahahahahahahahah i made 20x on this shitcoin

>> No.4454348
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>> No.4454389

FUCK, i lost $10 on this

>> No.4454390

Still x2 ICO price. more joost coming hahahahaha

>> No.4454617


>> No.4454641

CFD telegram is taking a dump

>> No.4454776


these things are the fucking best

>> No.4454786


>> No.4454814

so now's a good time to buy?

>> No.4454821

>400k is humble
Its fucking useless longterm, how on earth could anyone hold such an underfunded project. Fucking iota lead dev gets paid a million a year for fucks sake you cant possible think this shit could of last

>> No.4454854
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>healthy correction

This beyond comical, this should be a new meme.

>> No.4454871

uh no JOOSTED is the new meme of the day

>> No.4454907

I think it's a meme that's gonna stay for long

>> No.4455016

This isn't funny.
I literally lost thousands of dollars because you told me this was a good investment.
I'm fucking leaving this board forever.
You guys are all retarded.

>> No.4455026

>You guys are all retarded
Says the one who trusted this shitcoin

>> No.4455041

>You guys are all retarded.
/biz/ is retarded? You put your own money into this project, nobody has ever pressured you to do so. Stop blaming others for your personal fuck ups.

>> No.4455047


>> No.4455068

The coin is ok, who cares about some legal problems. Every fucking company has them. But it was just overpriced at x20 ICO within days. You morons deserve to learn your lesson and not FOMO.

>> No.4455089
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Holy fucking shit kek

>> No.4455096

>I lost all my money and I refuse to take personal responsibility for my actions
Tough shit.

>> No.4455106

>read this

Unless you have a VERY SPECIFIC LIST OF REASONS why you're investing in a coin, DON'T.

For everyone who has been here >4 months, this was an obvious scamcoin from the second it began getting shilled.

PLEASE study this area before you invest

>> No.4455140
File: 5 KB, 205x246, shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this is hysterical

>> No.4455150

>all my money
hahaha you think "thousands" is all my money?
how precious

>> No.4455159

Considering that you're blaming others for your own mistake like a small child I considered it a reasonable assumption.

>> No.4455162

and a new meme is born

>> No.4455165

this is why im confy with REQ.
they can't just exit scam.

>> No.4455166


>> No.4455178

Pink wojak out of control lmao

>> No.4455260

Can't you morons fuckin read? This is just a healthy correction

>> No.4455366

I love when others lose so much money

makes me feel better about my own fuckups

>> No.4455417
File: 41 KB, 640x633, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this meme

>> No.4455418
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do your own research fag if you did you would see this shitcoin was made by a couple of fratboys fresh out of high school with no real use case
>uhhhh you can use our coin to prevent scams h-heh
>what do you mean this is not needed
>fucking fudder get him reddit

>> No.4455467

The ridiculous bit is that its still 6x ICO, the only way he's actually lost a bunch of money is if he watched something go up 20x in two weeks and FOMO'd in despite that insane growth. Only a fool would have bought it that high.

>> No.4455844
File: 5 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev team will now go on vacation for a year and post pictures of their luxury hotel suites filled with bottles of champagne and beautiful hookers. All the while telling everyone to keep Hodling

>> No.4455864



>> No.4456084

it's already recovering

stop fudding

>> No.4456445


So.... Buy the dip?

>> No.4456469
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>Losing 90% of your portfolio in minutes
Now that's the comfydo difference!