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File: 11 KB, 225x225, buttcoinery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
444795 No.444795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Awwwww yea! Buttcoins to the moooooon!


Stupid faggots and your fake internet money. Take it in the ass and watch this shit keep falling.

>> No.444797


>> No.444828

>implying i didnt short bitcoin @580

>> No.444831

how can you short bitcoin? what trading platform you using?

>> No.444835

>implying no one bought btc for $100 last year

>> No.444856

I don't really care much. Its just funny to see buttcoiners get buttblasted.

>> No.444867

If you did you're retarded for not selling at $1100

Kick yourself in the ass a bit. Don't worry, I'll wait.

>> No.444886
File: 313 KB, 700x700, buttcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friend tried to get me into anuscoins

>> No.444916

>spending hours to draw a maymey comic

>n-no they are the losers

>> No.444920

>implying I drew that
>implying editing over some old-ass comic would take hours
>implying you're not a faggot

Get back to your monopoly money, junior

>> No.445197

From the comic ATH $250. LOL that guy in the comic is rich today. If you had listened to your friend when that comic was produced you would be laughing to the bank.

>> No.445201

Lmao. No. Buttcoins are only worth double that right now.

>> No.445228

>getting this pissed off over an anime website

>n-no they are the losers

>> No.445229

When was the last time the price was sub 250?
It was prior to the $1100 ramp, our friend in the comic might not have been "rich" by everyone's standards the point remains.

It''s called irony if I must spell it for you anon.

>> No.445234

It's not ironic. The price tanked hard then and its tanking hard now. That's the point. It's volatile and really unpredictable. Smart people only put money towards sure things.

>> No.445237


It depends on when they sold. The guys who are in it for the long run haven't made squat.

>> No.445240

The irony is that the picture depicts bitcoin tanking, however the ath in the picture is only 250. If you had bought then and sold now you would have made money. This would have made it a good investment at the time the comic was drawn.

The intend was to bash bitcoin due to it's volatility using a comic strip showing definitive measures of success, ie btc price. The opposite is true however, as revealed by time. If you had bought the "bad" investment as the comic strip states you would have in fact made money today. This would have made it a "good" investment.

Now where you get super plebby is by ignoring the irony and clinging to the appeal to tradition.

>> No.445247

> If you had bought then and sold now you would have made money
Yes because that person would have known the future and sold exactly at this moment. Just like everyone knew to buy Apple stocks in 1980 and sell today right?
Your argument is stupid.

>> No.445251
File: 49 KB, 1144x940, buttcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mead you a comic

>> No.445425

>sell today
hahaha no

>> No.445428

>retarded for not being able to tell the future
This is how you sound.

>> No.445443

>not buying at $5 for other uses and being pleasantly surprised


>> No.445453
File: 50 KB, 1132x463, bitcoin difficulty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people profiting off bitcoin are the scammers selling ASIC miners, and the exchanges.

>> No.445466
File: 72 KB, 600x285, buttcoin speculation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what happened when Mt Gox ran off with everyones bitcoins.
Notice those blue bars? That's trade volume, which was up over 500 million. A lot of that was from Mt Gox trade bots trading back and forth, artificially inflating the price.
For the last 7 months now bitcoin has been dropping in value back to what it's supposed to be worth.

>> No.445487
File: 407 KB, 535x480, 1397493489599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily bitcoin troll thread

>> No.445507

Its late. Im buzzed. But I'm laughing because bitcoin is taking a beating. These things make me happy.

>> No.445528

How come?

>> No.445530

I don't know. I don't like the progressive girl either.

>> No.445539

Shadenfraude anon.

>> No.445650

Is it dead yet?

>> No.445685

Are you French?

>> No.445707
File: 160 KB, 1816x391, to the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll thread
how is this thread "trolling"?
Bitcoin is legit crashing in price at the moment.

>> No.445725

You make the same thread every day, and then you stay for 24 hours straight trolling, so I don't know.

>> No.445728

inb4 this is the first time I make this thread lel

>> No.445809

>You make the same thread every day
umm, are you legit retarded?
didn't you notice those weird coloured things next to everyone's posts here?

>> No.445815


>"Yes because that person would have known the future and sold exactly at this moment. Just like everyone knew to buy Apple stocks in 1980 and sell today right?"

Knowing the future?
straight retarded/10

>> No.445830

>every time bitcoin goes down "it's really dead this time, lol fake money"
>every time bitcoin goes up "*crickets"

I'm buying when it's > $400

>> No.445835

This is the lowest it's been since last year's breakout.

>> No.445837

>forgetting the MtGox crash this soon
Come on man, we hit $300 in the middle of that shitstorm.

>> No.445902

Someone's mad that they didn't get on the train eh? Bitcoin's not going anywhere buddy.

>> No.445910


>> No.445941

lol this is barely even a price swing w/ bitcoin. this shit is going to go up and down for a long time guys just don't even worry about it

>> No.446042

> Bitcoin's not going anywhere buddy.
Not anywhere but down. wackawacka

>> No.446052

you're the same retards over and over again, arguing with the same butccoiners, don't play dumb.

>> No.446062

There is a ton of people that think Bitcoin is stupid. One of them wandering in this thread really isn't that much of a stretch.

>> No.446098

yes, if you buy an asset at a certain prie and then sell it when the price is higher you will make money, especially when you have the power of retrospection, brilliant insight, do you work at Goldman Sachs?

>> No.446589

Just bought a little bit when it was at ~510 and coinbase needs 4 days for it to come in.

How much does it stand to move in 4 days? I wouldn't be out much it would just be fucking annoying because what I'm trying to buy is priced in USD but purchased in bitcoin. I did buy like 10$ extra just in case it moves too much.

This currency is so fucking volatile I don't understand why anyone would use it aside from ordering illicit goods on the internet, and even then its shitty because of how volatile it is and getting ahold of it, etc.

>> No.446801


That's because there's no trust in Bitcoin... Yet.

Fiat currency only works because it is backed by the government. Currently there isn't even a commodity backing it up.
Bitcoin is going to be backed up by trust in the collective community.

The reason Bitcoin is still volatile is because of a low level of adaption. People join the market, whales still have considerable power, etc.

I doubt Bitcoin itself is the future, but the technology behind it is.

>> No.446824
File: 160 KB, 599x602, crash already.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it finally time?

>> No.446878

Still hasn't addressed the deflationary spiral m8.

>> No.446962

I bought 2 coins at $600 just for a laugh, if it goes up some then nice, if it gets obliterated from the face of the earth I don't really care, $1200 is under 0.5% of my net worth so I chalk it up to gambling.

Let's see what happens!

>> No.446963

Well, right now it's under $500 already.
And if you continue to throw out money like that, you'll soon notice that rich people are rich precisely because they don't do that.

>> No.446968

I personally like the idea behind it and think it has the potential to go higher than $600, certainly not to the ludicrous $10,000 or whatever the moon people are saying. But it still is gambling in the end.

And I don't throw money like that, most of my portfolio is solid blue chips and index funds.

Gotta have some excitement in your life!

>> No.446969

>implying anyone can tell the future
Yes, we can read the price, too

>> No.447013
File: 1.28 MB, 1177x1631, 1408082852588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we still up 400% in the last 52 weeks.

oh yeah, we are.


Why do you nocoin poorfags insist on reminding us how rich we are in moments like this?

>> No.447017

Lol this. Just a few years ago BItcoin was like 5$ or something. $490 now, that's insane.