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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4449906 No.4449906 [Reply] [Original]

Ok fellas serious question here. Let's say pic related is real, that wouldn't make link crash or anything right? If anything, if they just announce that they are indeed working with link the price would go up even if everything is not 100% implemented and working right away.
After all OMG and all those mooncoins mooned without even having a working product yet.
Am I correct? Yes/No?

>> No.4450098


>> No.4450279


>> No.4450402
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no one knows. It seems totally irrational. OMG is meme hype but currently has a market cap of $800m

Just hold and wait for the market to correct. I just hope the correction is LINK up, not OMG and every other shitcoin down.

Since you obviously need reassurance, remember:
- It's not on any major exchanges
- It ICO'ed just a few weeks ago
- It's still relatively unknown
- They registered smartcontract.com before Bitcoin was even invented
- They are working with SWIFT, AXA, Sony
- Mainstream smart contracts = a ton of use cases
- first mover, furthest ahead with very little competition re. oracles

Relax, it's just a matter of time. You'll loo back on this uncertain period with nostalgia. You'll go back through your LINK memes folder and reminisce about the excitement you felt when this thing started to gain traction

>> No.4450473
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Fucking hell OMG is such a joke. You could literally copy and paste pic related for about 90% of the generic bitcoin ripoffs that are out there

>> No.4450500

>real-time, peer-to-peer value exchange and payment services
How revolutionary, this has never been done before

>> No.4450535

OMG were amazing at shilling their coin though and building speculation.

This whole market runs entirely on speculation and that's the reason why OMG reached 1bil marketcap with nothing but a whitepaper and a couple stickers

>> No.4450614

OMG also had explicit support from Vitalik back when he hadn't outed himself yet as a communist dictator in the making.

>> No.4450728

Rory has pretty much said outright there won't be any announcements until the network is up. However they also said they will announce when the network goes live before it does so that is when the moon mission actually starts.

>> No.4450754

No one doubts the project, but this is a year or 2 before moon. Devs said they dont care about their marketcap or to list it on any major exchange any time soon. WHY would i buy now, not trying to hold a bag when other coins are mooning right now.

>> No.4450780

>It seems totally irrational
No, its perfectly rational.
No one wants to buy it. Most people keep unloading their bags. The market has spoken.

OMG also had the backing of Omise, an extremely successful payment processing company that handles billions and is getting larger month by month.
Not just a philosophy major and a single dev.

>> No.4450781

And that's p much the only reason why this shit mooned

>> No.4450805

>OMG also had the backing of Omise, an extremely successful payment processing company that handles billions and is getting larger month by month.
>Not just a philosophy major and a single dev.
Chainlink had the backing of Swift, which makes Omise look like a lemonade stand.

>> No.4450816

To get the most bang for your buck. Sure it won't be $50 in 6 months, but it'll definitely be higher than $0.16.

>> No.4450827


OMG is the best ever. it has vitalik, mcdonalds, banks and apple partners

>> No.4450844


maybe even google partner, but not yet confirmed though

>> No.4450847

>Chainlink had the backing of Swift
Backing how? "come and do a demo for our customers so we can show them we are pursuing options in blockchain technology and they stop looking elsewhere like they have been"?

OMG is a direct project of Omise.
Smartcontract.com and SWIFT arent related.

Market has spoken dude.
OMG went from 20c to $12 in two months.
Link is still trading near ICO after two months.
Deal with it.

>> No.4450858

I get really annoyed by OMG FUDders because you literally never have an argument.

No other coin is developed by the Ethereum team, the tendermint team, AND Poon. No other service is being designed for Plasma by its fucking authors, no other network is able to use Vitalik's connections to talk with regulators, nobody else is completely agnostic both with respect to currencies AND the wallet infrastructure itself. There's a REASON the """"shilling"""" was successful.

It's almost like you're just a bunch of teenagers who are annoyed they'll have to wait more than a week for the OMG moon mission. Oh man, a whole year! They're all scammers!

Fuck you idiots. You know damn well OMG is the payments dApp of Ethereum. If you miss out on the moon because muh skateboard or whatever then that's on you.

>> No.4450873

Remember many buy the rumor sell the news. There's ALWAYS the chance that any announcements, no matter how positive, will cause a big dip in the immediate day after if it was hyped up in advance of the news. Only if the news is a surprise does a moonshot occur

>> No.4450900
File: 573 KB, 762x663, IMG_1522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't intended to be a coin wars thread, it's just an example of how not having a good project but having a good marketing team does vs having a good project but no marketing.
Let's keep talking about link now.

>> No.4450926

>Backing how?
Swift asked Chainlink as the only external crypto dev to develop a proof of concept and showcase it at Sibos.

>Market has spoken dude.
>OMG went from 20c to $12 in two months.
>Link is still trading near ICO after two months. .
The market wasn't the same when Link came out. Pretty much any ICO mooned during summer.

>Deal with it.
Not sure what you mean.

>> No.4450944

>implying OMG doesn't have an exceptional product developed by the best team in crypto
Do you literally have no concept of the future?

The year 2018 will, in fact, occur, you know?

>> No.4450947

yea, but market has wisened up since that time, people start demanding real shit, not hype
eventually when the entire market wakes up 99% of coins that are useless will die, no buzzwords/hype/conferences/promises will help

>> No.4450945

>not a good project
Keep flapping your arms and crying bro, doesnt change the fact that link is dying and no amount of rationalization will change that.


>> No.4450958

>all coins are in the top 10 or 20.
No they're not.

>> No.4450959

I could say the same to defend link really.

>> No.4450963

OMG has nothing yet, they're not going to meet their Q4 deadline and their roadmap was only revealed a few weeks ago, to roaring laughter from everyone.
Meanwhile the Chainlink v1.0 network was finished even before the presale, and in time for the Sibos demo.

>> No.4450978

>Swift asked Chainlink as the only external crypto dev to develop a proof of concept and showcase it at Sibos.
I'm so fucking tired of LINKers.


You fucking moron.

>> No.4450981

I didn't say that though.

>> No.4450982

Do you know what the word "customer" means?
Omise is paying google to use their products, in this case google cloud, not the other way around.
I want to think this is a tongue on the cheek thing and you don't really believe google is interested at all in using someone else's erc20 token. Kek.

>> No.4450991

>Meanwhile the Chainlink v1.0 network was finished even before the presale
Oh, so how much are you earning from your node?

>> No.4451013

Hey dude I was just posting that in case youre one of those literal retards who seriously believes they just snuck into a building and started taking photos.

>> No.4451026

>erc20 token

>> No.4451051

>>real-time, peer-to-peer value exchange and payment services
a truly exceptional product

>> No.4451059

We'll it's not that far from that really. They tried to sell us that google was interested in the omisego project when in reality omise wanted to lay google for google cloud. "Deeper partnership"? That's not how partnerships work, they are just paying for a service to google. Sorry if you fell for this and I hope you can recover the losses.

>> No.4451071


Troll or not, it's still an ERC20 token.

>> No.4451078

Excuse me?

Did you expect a fully functioning, fully rolled out product at ICO?
Why would they raise funds if that was the case?
Do you not understand the concept of developmental stages of network systems?
What in the world do you think they used in the demo?

Fucking hell anon, get your head out of your ass.

>> No.4451081

OMG ERC20 token

>> No.4451099

>apple partner


>> No.4451106

ahahaha omisefags trying to justify that their exchange and payment service is better than the first decentralized oracle lmao. do you fags realize that OMG will most likely need to use LINK to get the prices for conversion trustlessly?

Ever wonder why the REQ team is in constant communication with the LINK team? im fucking out.

>> No.4451129

And payment agnostic and decentralized exchange.

You do realize SOMEONE has to win the crypto wars, right?

Someone has to become the protocol level coin for the major operations of crypto?

Who is going to win?
>network developed by Plasma authors, Ethereum and tendermint teams, with complete agnosticism everywhere, public, with the head start of an existing payments company and plenty of announced partnerships
>some coin with a whitepaper and a website

How does this not make sense to You? I honestly don't fucking get it. The only way I can make sense of it is to say youre shilling for other coins.

This is such an obvious moon i refuse to believe you're this retarded.

>> No.4451147
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>> No.4451149

No shit. Want to go down the roadmap?

>> No.4451150

>Link was the ONLY external crypto dev to be asked by Swift to develop a PoC and demo it at Sibos

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4451166
File: 227 KB, 680x443, IMG_0542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG is not an oracle you fuckin tardo

>> No.4451172

>Ever wonder why the REQ team is in constant communication with the LINK team?
super vaporware bros

>> No.4451174

Did you see what I'm replying to?

>> No.4451177

>Ever wonder why the REQ team is in constant communication with the LINK team?
Because they are both no name scammers? REQ is literally just a whitepaper and nothing else, lmao.

>> No.4451186

Man just don't bother that pink id guy is trolling us hard and we're falling for it like retards.

>> No.4451193

so what?
the token is just used for payments you brainlet
it's about the entire infrastructure, not the token itself, kek

>> No.4451194

Everyone, including the important developers in this space, hates unnecessary intermediary tokens.

And that's exactly what fucking LINK is.

You can fucking guarantee someone will develop a way of getting rid of LINK for an untokenized system

>> No.4451196

Youre right, its something with actual value.

>> No.4451197

>Because they are both no name scammers?
By this logic, Swift is also a no name scammer.

>> No.4451198

>Someone has to become the protocol level coin for the major operations of crypto?

What major operations is OMG trying to dominate specifically?
>Transfering? Supported by ETH natively
>Fiat/crypto payments? Good luck with so many competitors. You're even going to compete with REQ who is backed by YCombinator and ING
>Yes yes, OMG and REQ arent direct competitors but with payments they are
>Exchanging? Vitalik also supports Kyber

>> No.4451211

I'm bullish on both OMG and Link and you are a fucking moron if you don't realize that this isn't a war and more than one coin will succeed over the next two years as they don't all do the same thing.

Jesus this feels like a console war thread on fucking /v/.

>> No.4451214

Where the fuck did I claim it was an Oracle?


>> No.4451232

Nowhere did my post imply that OMG and LINK are competing.

The post I replied to talked about OMG as a product specifically

>> No.4451234

>Everyone, including the important developers in this space, hates unnecessary intermediary tokens.
>And that's exactly what fucking LINK is.
Except Link represents the perfect use case for tokens.
Why are you so salty that you suddenly expect Link to defend the very existence of tokens?

>> No.4451237

>Everyone, including the important developers in this space, hates unnecessary intermediary tokens.
So how will the incentives for a decentralized oracle work with ETH, Bitcoin, Hyperledger if there is no token?

Use ETH as payment? What if Hyperledger BTFOs ETH. LINK node operators would be fucked even though the ChainLink network would have high usage with Hyperledger.

>> No.4451240

>You're even going to compete with REQ who is backed by YCombinator and ING
No they arent. And friendly reminder REQ is literally nothing but a whitepaper (and a shitty one at that)
Unless REQ, a white paper and nothing else, can eat into Omises customer base then they arent competitors and never will be.

The absolute state of linkies.
Its pretty clear you newcoiner faggots discovered /biz/ a couple months ago and went all in on two of the most shilled scam ICOs.

>> No.4451248
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>> No.4451273

>ou can fucking guarantee someone will develop a way of getting rid of LINK for an untokenized system
yea, someone will create that system and run it for free,
what a brainlet
the tokenized business model is the future of how creators will make money, deal with it

>> No.4451295
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh stop playing dumb. Acting like OMG will do LINK's job. I'm sick of this shit. I never liked OMG, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is LINK has its own niche. OMG doesn't go anywhere near it. Period.

>> No.4451325

You're fucking retarded just like all LINKers.

Look at the post I'm replying to. Jesus christ

>> No.4451327

>No they arent. And friendly reminder REQ is literally nothing but a whitepaper (and a shitty one at that)
Yet they are going to release a prototype on december. LMAO. Yet you fags get excited over a fucking roadmap with no development releases until late 2018.

They are fucking competitors for the payment feature you dumbfuck. They just have different markets. Read my post again, what is OMG trying to do that is so "revolutionary"? kek

>> No.4451380

>You're even going to compete with REQ who is backed by YCombinator and ING
god i love this board. dance for me clowns.

>> No.4451415
File: 111 KB, 540x499, IMG_1698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give it a rest dude this a link thread.
LINK. Not omg. Stop.

>> No.4451429

Just because you throw together some bullshit doesn't mean anyone is going to use it.

If you talk about decentralized networks and applications, you have to actually be capable of BUILDING IT, and people have to BELIEVE youre capable of doing it.

>everyone believes OMG. Ethereum, Poon, tendermint, tons of partnerships, etc.
>nobody even knows about REQ, let alone thinks they're capable of anything

Why do you shill so stupidly? Why bother spreading 2/10 FUD.

REQ will literally never amount to anything.

>> No.4451453

You and the other faggot LINKers changed that.

Too late.

>> No.4451486

>link and req bag holders literally this emotionally invested in their shitcoins
And you think you can shit talk OMG? Top fucking kek.

>20c to $12 in two months
>11c to 16c in two months

>> No.4451500

>REQ will literally never amount to anything
>nobody even knows about REQ, let alone thinks they're capable of anything
Yeah sure, completely ignore the ING and YCombinator backing plus the fact that Moneytis delivered with their product.

I'm not here to shill REQ. I'm here to say that OMG is absolutely shit compared to LINK. Are you really comparing this fucking payments and exchange shit to a decentralized oracle?

>> No.4451521

Lol. Enjoy your bags you fucking retard

>> No.4451556

ING does not back REQ. ING and REQ have no direct ties at all.
You fell for shilling and now youre a bag holder. Deal with it.

>> No.4451567

Now that Jun overplayed the hypebeast game, the price barely even reacts anymore to new OMG announcements. Every other exchange already has OMG so there would be no new exchanges to expect.

So what will you fags do until late 2018 to early 2019? This shit will continue dropping. There is literally nothing more to expect to pump the price. They overused the hype game to the benefit of those who bought low but the guys who bought OMG at the top are absolutely fucked.

>> No.4451659

Wallet and intermediate system are functional by July next year. Staking is literally happening by July. It doesn't require plasma to start the network.

You know how """"""""""working products"""""""""" tend to spike prices?

That's how.

>> No.4451691

>this shit will continue dropping
Its not link

>> No.4451713
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Woops forgot pics

>> No.4451727

So since everyone knows that OMG wont do anything until mid 2018, why dont you drop your bags and go to other moon missions? Thats what you LINK fudders use right? Drop the bags since its not pumping until 2018.

KEK. Meanwhile, just a single announcement of LINK being added to another large volume exchange would pump us up to $1 plus. Drop the bags omisefags. You literally just proved how stupid you are by saying OMG is more revolutionary than LINK.

>> No.4451769

>just a single announcement of LINK being added to another large volume exchange would pump us up to $1 plus
Literally this delusional.
What happened to $1 before SIBOS bro? $5 by november?

>> No.4451777

The wallet is out much sooner than July, probably even by end of December. So that will pump it too.

But, here's the thing, not everyone in this space is a fucking teenager trading lunch money. Some people are actually in this for long term holds and real investments.

I'm not jeopardizing my OMG for hoping to find a moon mission like some faggot. I'm accumulating the only coin that is an obvious protocol coin.

Do you have any idea how much passive income can be generated by staking the payments dApp of blockchain?

I'm not gambling.
I'm investing

>> No.4451800

Bitcoin happened you stupid fuck. What happened to OMG from $14 to $7? Good luck pumping back to that price with a whitepaper project when everyone believes in the marketcap meme for alts.

>> No.4451844

>What happened to OMG from $14 to $7?
Blood for the blood god. You cant go 20c to $14 in two months without having to give a little back :^)

>> No.4451927
File: 33 KB, 672x378, 0300080200569F06A8B4D505017057B13087E7-D03E-88E3-64FF-682E571DA056.mp4_snapshot_02.28_[2016.02.21_15.53.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold more LINK then 80% of /reddit/ combined. Can you faggots stop making 20 threads a day? You are making this project look like pajeets. Fuck off please. Make a thread when news comes out so we can coordinate a pump to $1+until then shut the fuck up, this could be tomorrow or this could be in 3 months.