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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 155 KB, 1913x912, 8000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448556 No.4448556 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4448573

10k by tomorrow

>> No.4448578

What happened?

Did Bitfinex just issue another 100 million dollars worth of Monopoly money?

>> No.4448590

Yes, its tether again.

>> No.4448594
File: 976 KB, 245x280, 1484959512067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being stuck in an echo-chamber
>muh tethers

>> No.4448596

It was 50million, but yeah, you got it.

>> No.4448613
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>> No.4448649
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>> No.4448650

Kys retards

>> No.4448666
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>> No.4448676
File: 95 KB, 874x572, oops we did it again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol @ this level of denial

>> No.4448685
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>> No.4448694

This fucking bullshit needs to end.

I prefer a legit 1-2 years bear market than this exit scam.

>> No.4448697

Can you send fiat directly to Bittrex? Poloniex? Bitmex? Binance? Yobit?

Yeah, fuck you.

>> No.4448714 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1913x870, over8000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITS OVER 8000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over 8000 original

>> No.4448739

do you retards even know how tether works?

>> No.4448770
File: 197 KB, 1913x870, over8000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh tether cucks coping


>> No.4448790


>> No.4448810

You should be legit worried why BItfinex is rushing things so much. If they made the pumping subtle, then they could easily make BTC's price reach $100,000 over the span of years.

But for some reason they are pumping this shit hard with no intention of being subtle trying to earn as much as possible. The end is near.

>> No.4448812


>look mom i posted the price again i am good at investing

The denial is real. I'm not even a fucking nocoiner, I'm making plenty of money out of this shit, but if you're ignoring the blatant evidence posted in this thread to protect your feelings about babby's first investment, then prepare to get assraided like all the fucktards that put their holdings on mtgox.

At some point the music will stop. And there's not gonna be enough chairs to sit on.

>> No.4448855
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>You should be legit worried
lol I made 20k this year wtf should I be worried from

>> No.4448892

>lol I made 20k this year wtf should I be worried from

Errr, why exactly should 20k be comfy?

>> No.4448941
File: 34 KB, 573x430, 1510990083226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC mooned and BCH also went up in value

I guess people realized that if BTC was at X price, why shouldn't BCH be close?

really comfy BCH :)

>> No.4448964

I invested ~800$

>> No.4448967

haha damn BCH fucking mooooooned as well

>> No.4448986

That's good bro, your $800 got you .9 BCH, which is like getting .9 BTC back in 2016. Hold it for one year and see the profits.

>> No.4448988

you can easily live a year with 20k

>> No.4449017

BCH is a fucking gay scam I'm not technologically illiterate enough to buy into this shit

>> No.4449055

>I invested ~800$
>you can easily live a year with 20k

No wonder you fucks arent worried, you have low dreams. I have 61k in crypto (house money too) and if this tether bullshit keeps trying to pump with no intention of being subtle, there is no way im going to reach $1+mil.

Bitfinex should keep things subtle. Pump BTC's price slowly to $100,000 in the span of years. Yet they keep pulling this hardcore pump shit that will surely attract regulators. Its almost as if they want to really do an exit scam.

>> No.4449071

>he will buy now
do you ever learn?

>> No.4449092


>the massive issuance of magic money and the immediate purchase of enormous quantities of Bitcoin is entirely organic customer driven demand! Please protect my fantasy with fewer facts!

>> No.4449175

maybe if you live in 3rd world country or some shithole in middle america if you live in a real city your rent alone is more than 20k

>> No.4449281

How is it a scam? Obviously you don't know anything about the history of BCH or else you wouldn't be saying that. Even the lead core developer of Bitcoin Core who was forced out of the group due to corporations and banks taking over BTC, said that BCH was the coin he worked on back in 2010 after Satoshi Nakamoto gave him the reins.

BCH is the original Bitcoin, without Segwit, without centralization, without censorship. The market will show its value in time.

>> No.4449290

you made nothing until the money is safely in your fiat bank account lad

>> No.4449305

A studio apartment or dorm room is like 6000 euros a year here in a relatively big city. I wonder why you would want to live somewhere to work to exclusively pay rent.

>> No.4449331

or bricks of gold

>> No.4449393

but why? what the fuck does BCH do that ten other coins don't do better? BTC is an awful coin, but it has the Bitcoin brand and the 'store of value' meme

>> No.4449408

$8400 and then it ranges upwards to $9040.

>> No.4449425

t. Boomer

>> No.4449458

Ah you're right, I forgot BCH doesn't have the Bitcoin branding because it's not in the name or anything /s

>> No.4450019
File: 2.88 MB, 1297x7650, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fiat bank account

>> No.4450065
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the fucktards that put their holdings on mtgox.
How about not leaving your coins in exchanges you dumb fuck

>it crashes
So fucking what, buy the dip mong.