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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4121 No.4121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw /biz/ makes 4chan wealthy just like /fit/ made us healthy

>> No.4175

We're all gonna make it

>> No.4214

Who will be our Zyzz?

>> No.4225


>> No.4263

Start lifting m8. Everyone else here is doing it, you can make it too!

>> No.4267

>/fit/ made us healthy

Nope, Im still a fat ass

>> No.4244

healthy weathy and wise

and gay

>> No.4246
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>just like /fit/ made us healthy

>> No.4256


>> No.4260



>> No.4286

Okay so /biz/ makes us wealthy, /fit/ makes us healthy, /fa/ makes us



>> No.4289

>trusting people on 4chan to make important decisions for you

That's how you end up with fire cookies or exploding spoons

>> No.4291


But now you KNOW why you're still fat, /fit/ made you mentally healthier.

>> No.4295

I wonder if dubs market threads will be bannable

>> No.4274

>/fit/ made us GAY

>> No.4299
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Dolan Tramp

>> No.4303

I suspect /biz/ will become a /pol/ / /new/ lite.

>> No.4325


>> No.4342

You'd be a fool to trust 4chan. But you'd be doubly a fool if you refused to listen to 4chan entirely.

>> No.4329

/fa/ makes us nothing other than weird looking.

>> No.4350

Yaaayy!!!! L-Let's get rich guise.... robots get in here. This is how we get the girls. With a combinations of /fit/, /fa/ and /biz/ I will get all pussy ever.

>> No.4371

I'm thinking the exact same.

4chan is on its fucking game for everything from sports to anime. And now it is for business. Bunch of high iq autists telling me what to invest in and why, while the retard advice gets shot down with loads of replys. Just gotta try and avoid the trolls.

Dis gon b good.

>> No.4374


That doesn't sound like a bad. Thing

>> No.4353

>implying anyone on /fit/ besides cardio fags are healthy.

>> No.4391

This. 4chan is a matter of balance. Every board on here has something relevant and interesting to say (well, not every board, but you get what I mean). The trick is separating the wheat from the chaff.

And once you've spent a few years here that's not too difficult.

>> No.4421

This board will be dead as soon as someone sincerely uses the word degeneracy

>> No.4415

As with everything.

>> No.4418

If Moot actually made a /phi/, we'd be wise too

>> No.4394

The best thing to do is use 4chan as a starting point for further research.

>> No.4398

and /adv/ got us all gf's

>> No.4444


I lol'd

>> No.4446

Just a quick reminder that you CANT make the big money with trading, if you don't already have the big money.

I read a lot of posts here now... no offence, but if you have less than 100k or even less than 20k capital, then you should start to earn money and after you have money, you should try to invest it.

>> No.4453


>> No.4428
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>tfw /fit/ turned into a board for underage inexperienced weightlifters to experiment with steroids. Youtube has better fitness communities atm.
/fa/ can make us look good, but there also pretty basic. They banned all the trips and it turned into a ghosttown of semi-fashion repost.
/mu/ listens to the same music as 5 years ago
/b/ is the definition of a bad neighborhood
but not /biz....
We are something bigger.
We can become something greater than all those other boards....
For we are strong white men of /biz/siness...
We don't need no other boards to hold us back.

>> No.4466

>/fit/ turned into a board for underage inexperienced weightlifters to experiment with steroids. Youtube has better fitness communities atm.

Bullshit. It taught me strength training, how to do proper lifts and not to be a curlbro, and how to eat properly. I've never even got near roids.

>> No.4467

/biz/'s humor will always sound like 40 year old coworkers joking around a water cooler (this can be in a good way)

>> No.4458

Fully agree

>> No.4503


Old /mu/ /fa/ and /x/ tripfags were god tier

most of the good tripfags left to /tv/ and now /pol/

>> No.4504

I can deal with this. We'll be the office drone board.

>> No.4487
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>> No.4474

ikr that was a silly change to make to the fitness board. the two go hand in hand.

>> No.4531

Welcome to 4chan, new fags

>> No.4524

Nobody's expecting to make big money. But that £5000 I have just been given for my 21st would be better off somewhere making a little more money rather than sitting in my hand making bugger all.

>> No.4541
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>> No.4545

look at the front page m8

>> No.4564
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*nasally voice*
so, should what should I go long on? your mom?

>> No.4571

agreed. those were great times.

>> No.4588

If you look at the front page of any board you'll see mostly shit. As has been said already in this thread, it's a matter of working out what is good and what isn't. Also to lurk more.

>> No.4653

If you don't know shit about trading, then either invest it in bonds or in major shares(just follow like sheeps do: e.g. if you see "insert-company-name" rising, because of new innovations).

Government Bonds are the safe way, as long as you don't buy Greek Government Bonds.

Just read yourself through the options strategies and watch the movements for a while and then you can risk the 5k without shooting into the blue.