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4443791 No.4443791 [Reply] [Original]

>(You) woke up
>Cuckfolio reads 1MM

>Now what mouthbreather?

Buy a sweet lambo to make your commute to wagecucking more enjoyable? A nice backyard in a good area so you always have somewhere to relax after cucking? 10 million kneepads so you can suck dicks for $1 indefinitely?

The choice is yours faggot, tell me how retarded you are

>> No.4443823

>implying I'd still wagecuck after 1MM

>> No.4443840

yes you fucking autist so tell me how you uncuck yourself with a million bucks

>> No.4443841
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>Towing a trailer with a Ferarri

>> No.4443851


leave 100K in crypto
setup 200K vanguard index fund
put the remaining 800K in real estate

>> No.4443857

only a million?
Probably just do the same shit im doing now except try to make even more money and then eventually move somewhere nice and continue to make even more money in crypto all while fucking random sluts and eating the dankest food

>> No.4443864

one million is not enough OP
need at least 5... 10 for ultimate comfyness

>> No.4443888

By quitting the fucking job, you brainlet, what the fuck other answer is there to that? Once you have a million you can say goodbye to wagecucking forever as long as you're smart with the money and don't unironically buy a lambo. Take 500k and leave it in crypto if you want more.

>> No.4443900

I just wanna own property man. I want my own place.

>> No.4443907

take out 500k
keep 100k in my bank account
put the rest in an index fund
keep the other 500k in crypto

>> No.4443918
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i made it thanks to nuls thanks guys

>> No.4443929

You'll still have to cuck but nice oseas holiday from your vanguard every year and a beautiful home providing cashflow or just to fall back on when you feel like it / if your crypto moons again and you can buy another.

I figured a million was the threshold for making it, leaving it all in is perfectly valid if you are greedy but don't any of you cocksuckers try and say USD1MM on LINK or fucking currycoin to buy and enslave bill gates family in 2018 or i will lose my fucking shit. This is meant to be realistic KYS if you can't try. Anyway anon HOW will you try and make more money

>> No.4443939

Why would I buy a lamb for 200k if I have just 1m? That's 20% of my wealth on a depricating asset.

>> No.4443956
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small wooden hut in the forest. life is simple. life is good. put money in may different investment funds, donating half of the profits to charities.if the universe is good to me, i must repay it's kindness. the profit gains should be enough for a life of simplicity, yet freedom. find some good, but unfortunate person to donate the remains of the money and property, for the day when death finally comes to bring me back home.

>> No.4443957

Buy lambo when you have 1mil?

You will never make it Anon lmao

>> No.4443961

Checked for many fortunes anon. Yes you can live passively off 1MM but you will basically be living the life of a pensioner, I think it will be hard if your friends arn't all fucking 90 year olds who's week climaxes in friday night bingo

>> No.4443970

> Buy house with two apartements in nice town
> rent one flat to airbnb people
> live in the other

Thats basically how you become an asshole with money

>> No.4443982


Retarded car threads go up all the time, it seems to be a goal for some anons although when I think they actually have the money their mentality might change, either that or they're the nigger

>> No.4444011

I like this one. But "putting money in different investment funds" isn't so much easier said than done, just that it doesn't really net what anons might think off the top of the head

>> No.4444018

This guy gets it, could have written it myself.

>> No.4444073

Really does sound pretty marvelous, if I tried it though I'd burn through the money pretty quick on ATVs alcohol and weekends in the city

>> No.4444140

Index funds don't even keep up with the rate of inflation. Maybe buy in when the stock market crashes. Real estate is in a massive bubble again. Buy when it pops. For now stay 100% in crypto.

>> No.4444158

Sell it all and give my family the money and promptly off myself

>> No.4444159

margin trade it all on Bitmex at 50x and probably lose it all.
1million isn't enough. At least 1 billion is comfy.

After that I can throw money left and right at every project that will leave me in history like Walter Disney.

>> No.4444215

You're a good man anon
>At least 1 billion is comfy
Right on, but burning a million? I don't think it's comfy alone but it can make life a fuck load easier even if you do still have to cuck

>> No.4444293

I'd probably buy a decentish 200,000 dollar house and put the rest into a dividend stock.
Assuming I only have another 500000 after taxes that's still a pretty decent 5000-6000 a quarter.

>> No.4444302

You'll laugh but unironically find a place for God in your life and you'll find some semblance of peace

>> No.4444320

i got a feeling you're going to make it anon

>> No.4444325

Take half out of crypto.
Buy 5 flats, and fix them up nice.
Rent 4 out.
Live in the one that's in the city where my cousin is studying. Offer her free residence while she studies.
Tap that sweet little ass eventually.
Have lots of healthy babies.

>> No.4444341

cash out 500k for a house and reinvest the rest

>> No.4444356

Unironically there's plenty of time for that after exploiting the novelties of this world

>> No.4444384

> marry cousin
> healthy babies

Pick one, Muhammad

>> No.4444523

invest in fucking what friend. you know i'm interested in these answers because i think most anons have literally no goal but to just let it all ride because they don't know what else to do with the money.

a million is not what it used to be but it can still go a long way toward quality of life if used carefully, and you might take your gains more seriously / keep greed in control if you have something really great worked out for them. we're being offered easy money here but let's try to avoid the easy go part

>> No.4444560

Cousin made babies have a 1% higher chance of there being issues. That's nothing.

>> No.4444590
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Hahaha fuck me that’s was top kek, but OP at least 1 gorillion for compfy

>> No.4444710
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You can easily live a nice life off 1 million, you gotta just have some money still generating.
>Take 500k and put it in bitcoin or some other big crypto that's gonna 10x within a year and hold
>Put remaining 500k in savings account
>Take out 70k to 100k to pay for year's rent and food/utlities/expenses
>Rent a nice 2-3k apartment in Manhattan (bonus points if with a roommate like most sane New Yorkers do)
>Have minimalist decor (pic related)
>Don't buy cable but buy internet and pirate/crack all the digital goods you want/need (make sure you check on crypto on a separate computer however)
>Take five to ten minute showers and turn off water when applying soap and shampoo. If you don't plan on being among people one day, don't shower that day, it's the NEET way
>Don't buy a car, NYC has plenty of public transportation. Uber if you need to go far
>Don't eat out fancy unless you're on a date, eat lunch and dinner from food stands and diners
>Watch your fucking tab at bars
>Don't pay for sex, look at your portfolio on phone and "accidentally" show girls the screen. Pump and dump in GLDGR ensues
>Dont. Fucking. Use. Credit Cards
>Move annual profits from crypto into savings account

I think I covered everything. Rich people stay rich by being cheap as fuck.

>> No.4444717
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my tinder ho after buy nuls

>> No.4444746

>spend a fuckton of money in expenses
>including living in fucking new york
>but turn off the water and pirate all your games and movies
>telling people to eat street food over healthy groceries

You're a fucking retard and have no business being rich. Stay poor and stop giving shitty advice.

>> No.4444861

>If you don't have capital gains tax lower than 10%, obtain citizenship from a country with little to no taxes. Don't do something stupid like remain in Burgerland.
>Leave 1/4 in long-term crypto (BTC, ETH, whatever) and don't touch it
>Take out 1/4, put into index fund(s)
>Use 1/4 to move to a cheap (European) country and buy 2-4 apartments. Live in one, rent the rest, live like a King
>Use whatever's left to dick around with crypto

If you do anything else you're literally retarded.

>> No.4444885

That's 1.1M nigga

>> No.4444905

I can't live a rich life, I'm not used to. 15 years ago I was finding glass bottles to hand in to recycling center, I was pooling in with friends to eat doner kebab (no teen can even imagine doing that right now), eaten bread with mayonnaise with punks in the streets. I've been wagecucking for so long, I can't even quit it (last time I did, it lasted for 2 months). I will forever be poor, and if I get any riches, it will be buried within my memory after death.

>> No.4444916

>Take 500k and put it in bitcoin or some other big crypto that's gonna 10x within a year and hold

I stopped reading senpai, I mean the play is real but if it fucks up you're left with 500k in the bank not even considering taxes and it kind of puts you in a funny position where you can't really buy yourself any real debt free comfort, at least with the gains alone and especially in NYC.

But shit, if you have the confidence on a 10x play and can make it without the cypto then fucking go for it, I mean you can't make it to a million by cashing out at 500k right?

>> No.4444949

How in fuck's name do you live a pensioner's life with $40-50k a year as a single man? Do you live in Manhattan or some shit?

>> No.4445021

After rent / mortgage, general living expenses, not much is left for a single man to have fun. I'd just cuck for something to do, but I'd take a fun job rather than a money job

>> No.4445061

>Don't pay for sex, look at your portfolio on phone and "accidentally" show girls the screen.


>> No.4445091

fucking this man.

>> No.4445104

Do the only thing that matters. Go after George Soros and fucking ruin anything he's ever built. Also privately fund RnD so I can have a nice big chunk of Mars all to myself

>> No.4445145

Admirable, but you would literally be squashed like a bug so fucking hard you would wake up as jihan himself

>> No.4445392

>spend a fuckton of money in expenses
Don't use all of it, you brainlet, just whatever you need.
>including living in fucking new york
Brainlet, New York isn't expensive if you plan right. Especially if with a roommate and no car. OP wants to balance frugality with a nice life, New York is a nice place to live. The alternative is to become a nature fag like this guy >>4443956
>but turn off the water and pirate all your games and movies
It adds up. Why pay $1000 for photoshop when you can make memes for free? Or $12,000 on every single train dlc in Train Simulator when you can be an autist for free?
>telling people to eat street food over healthy groceries
Groceries are expensive in NY and your whole foods organic hippie shit is worse. Why even live in New York if your intention isn't to eat out at the many cafes, pizzerias, diners, delis, and local food stands like a normal New Yorker? Just leave the five star stuff for dates or special occasions.

>> No.4445444

>Cuck for fun
Not one person would start a business

>> No.4445498

could just stay in bitcoin and ride to 20k, or just hold 250k and trade the other 250k if you're unsure.

>> No.4445501

Lol with 1k dollars you're pretty much set for life unless you have a real expensive lifestyle. Even then you can just change your lifestyle a bit and that's it.
One million is enough for anyone.

>> No.4445525

It's just satire/humor, no one buys a fucking lambo after getting 1m in crypto thats retarded.

>> No.4445585

from 0.001% to 1.001% is kinda much

>> No.4445597

fucking turtling anon, lets keep reliance on crypto out of this just for the fucking sake of it
at least one guy spent 10s of BTC on crypto on a BMW not so long ago, i think he's still mooning but did express some regret

>> No.4445659

Need an idea first mate.

My partner has family ties to Bangladesh, we live in the U.K, (hopefully if Brexit happens, trade will be good). Lots of resources, VERY cheap labour over there, has to be something we can do.

But ideas? All out. I'm a problem solver, she's a researcher, we need a visionary to actually come up with a sustainable, profitable idea.

We've sat and wrote down lots of ideas, but upon checking, literally all of them have already been done.

Currently still wagecucking, absolutely tired of it. Determined to do SOMETHING whether small amount of investing or what. I have £60k in the bank, live in the North so expenses currently not too high (About £1k a month). All that money just sat there in the bank gets me about £1.1k a year in interest, and I have it split into multiple-high interest accounts...

Got 18k in Crypto, but it's currently down to 12k.. (BAT) :(

>> No.4445693

Should be possible if done smartly.

Problem with all these super rich fucks, is they want a super rich lifestyle. Look at Johnny Depp, blew through his entire fortune on parties, drugs and private jets etc. They want to sit eating caviar, ride on super yachts, own a home in every country and so on, so they end up still working, still wagecucking, just our small expenditures, small salary, becomes their huge salary, huge expenditures.

A "normal" person like us with simple needs should be able to make that money go pretty far. Just need to make sure there's more coming in than going out over a lifetime.

>> No.4445904

>Should be possible if done smartly.

Sure it's possible, I called it the pensioners lifestyle but I guess you could be doing it from 20 / 30 or whatever rather than 70. The problem is most of us inherently want more now, you have that money lying around shit what's a couple hundred on a succulent lobster dinner really matter? Until you end up like johnno over there and have cucked yourself before you knew what happened.

All the anons saying invest I like it, but there's still been no really smart plans for how to do this. Where's the anon with the business he knows would work but can't take the risk because he needs his job? This should be all of us, this market will not last forever goys

>> No.4446428

Don't be lazy Anon. Create your own charity to ensure that funds will be used for actual good rather than rewarding the irresponsible morons who have kids they can't afford.

>> No.4446491
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ehh, easy

>live on a nice non expensive place like spain
>buy comfy 300,000€ condo with a pool at the outskirts of the city
>buy used 85,000€ Gallardo
>put the rest in some normie stock for passive gains or buy a secondary place in the city and rent it for 1000€ a month (minimum wage in spain is 650€ so you can live decently with 1000€ a month)

That's it. And if your parents aren't total niggers, you should inherit another additional property or two. With 2000€ in spain you can be fucking a couple escorts a month and enjoying life a single male. If you aren't a total idiot, you can supplement this with extra bucks from internet gains (adsense, further crypto stuff etc)