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File: 90 KB, 1080x675, Seeking-Alpha-Article-33-Pic-1-Original-Dollar-Photo-Club-UPDATED-RESIZED-1080x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4443766 No.4443766 [Reply] [Original]

How would a gloval recession affect Cryptocurrencies?

This is something that we havent experienced before and im interested to know the answer.

>> No.4443770

Everything would rise.

>> No.4443771

What is that.

>> No.4443810

Gold rose during each recession.
BTC is supergold.

Put everything you own into BTC at the first signs of a recession m80
You should put 5-20% in shitcoin tho, there'd be moon missions everywhere too.

>> No.4443895

They'd look for anywhere else than the stock market to park their money for gains.

>> No.4444049

Yeah if fiat currencies tumble it’s usually good for gold but we don’t really know how it would effect BTC since it was invented in response to the last recession. Don’t worry, your question will be answered in due time. Recessions are inevitable. I think the price of BTC in response to a recession will depend on when it occurs and the level of adoption of cryptos in general. For some investors, it will be a safe place to park some assets, for other more traditional investors, it may seem too speculative and risky to seek refuge in during uncertain times. They may sell stocks and just hold fiat, gold, real estate, or other things.

>> No.4444480

Fucking moon brah
In terms of fiat, which will be a bag however, brutal moonage, but in absolute value as well
Check Zimbabwe , Venezuela

>> No.4444578

>what is rush to safety
In times of recessions, investors to for safe invetsments, and crypto is exactly the opposite of that. They go for bonds, commodities and real estate. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4444588
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if that happened nuls would moon

>> No.4444598

investors go for safe investments*

I included you but didn't mean to

>> No.4444620

Pink wojaks everywhere

>> No.4444646
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t. Paul Krugman

>> No.4444654

IMHO the USD and EUR are 2 faggots falling from a roof at the same time. The recession will probably kill all of the banks and the only thing left not burning will be crypto.

>> No.4444686

And Gold if they don't confiscate it from ppl.

>> No.4444714
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We have to meme the crash of usd. Let's fud the fuck out of it I'm tired of waiting. PLUTO MISSION BLASTOFF

>> No.4444740
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Joining the army

>> No.4444749
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you know it bruhs

>> No.4444751

That's flattering. And you're still not refuting what I said.

>> No.4444772

Anybody hold gold? Physical or vaulted?

I'm looking to buy maybe 5oz in UK.

>> No.4444784

That's in a normal recession not a straight collapse like the Soviet Union. US is literally like Russia in the 90s.

The public will eventually drop the cancer tumor off its back which is the banking system. Before there weren't too many alternatives.

>> No.4444799

Don't buy it via Amazon, the Maybot will find your receipt, confiscate it and put you in prison.

In US for example they confiscated gold in the past.

>> No.4444809

I hold silver on BullionVault

There are fees tho

>> No.4444843

Fuck yeah nigga meme war 9.0. Let's raid pol and tell them they can come to lamboland with us

>> No.4444926

What you said is reasonably accurate in the broadest terms for institutional investors. Exactly the kind of bland dissembling and distraction Krugman does rather than reveal he's absolutely shitting himself about cryptos; are you doing it for the same reason?

By the way, while you were sucking Krugman's cock you might not have noticed but the Internet is now a bit more important than the fax machine.

>> No.4444952
File: 135 KB, 1000x607, Market_Collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't take much to tip the system over. Even Bloomberg can see that retail, bonds and the USD are about to collapse. China stopped trading in dollars and US couldn't do shit about it. The only thing still propping the old system is that some foreign ppl still trust the dollar. Remove that trust and the global economy will collapse.

>> No.4445040

Perhaps we can convince all the people in the middle east that Muhammad would not accept Haram us dollars for oil

>> No.4445086

In a global recession the only safe heavens would be BTC and Gold. Since gold is difficult for normies to acquire, people would start buying BTC in masses and we could see BTC go 10x in couple of months. Alts would also rise as a result since more money would be flowing into the crypto markets and it wouldn't all go to BTC.

>> No.4445132
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We can tell them there's pig blood in the pigment

>> No.4445189
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I would add that all it takes is a small nudge fro the entire US economy to collapse. This recession is going to be the final one for paper.

>> No.4445214

what are the biggest companies now?

Indeed TECh/innovation aka people with vision have most money now > Crypto boom 2.0

2.5 trillion total marketcap atleast

>> No.4445296
File: 1.13 MB, 1198x1008, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the recession coming in the next few months the dollar itself will be attacked therefore I think fiat will be fucked as never before in history. Definite moon for crypto.

>> No.4445308


What about goldmoney.com?

>inb4 Schiff plz leave

>> No.4445330

I was thinking, if the dollar becomes worthless it should be easy as fuck to pay off all debt. Will crypto free mankind from (((debt))) at least for a while?

>> No.4445337

Doomsayers never ceased to exist, they are eventually right but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I'm not saying a collapse of the actual economics as we know them can't happen, I'm just saying that it's not very likely. I'm still invested in crypto, don't get me wrong, but not all in and certainly in hopes that the whole system collapses.

Institutional investors are the bulk of the money, if there's a crisis cryptos will at best stay stable, but probably not gain value.
I never read any of Krugman books and I'm actually not very well versed in macroeconomics yet, I'm simply pointing out that historically flight to safety is a thing. And like said above, I'm invested in crypto, mainly because I hope not to be the greater fool and because it's fun to do small scale venture capital.

>> No.4445343

one would be betting on BRINKS keeping it safe from govt
(before someone asks)

Hide the gold in your ass

>> No.4445438

Provide a counter argument rather then calling me a broken clock. US is clearly in another bubble about to pop. It's like very 10 years 1987 1997 2007 2017.

>> No.4445462

But this time the fed used up all the ammo.

>> No.4445533

It's always before the collapse that normies can't see it.

I will stock up on more alternatives to fiat in the meantime.

>> No.4445660

I have no counter argument, I'm just saying that you can't predict when it will happen. A lot of investors have been saying for years that the stock market is overvalued but markets can stay irrational for a long time. CBs cut interest rates like crazy and pumped billions of QE into the economy, and as long as everybody puts its head in the sand the bull run will continue. Though when recession hits it's gonna be bad if CBs can't resort to traditional methods like lowering rates, which are as of now in the gutter. Good times.

>> No.4445689


>> No.4446187

They really haven't: The cashless society common in parts of Europe (everyone pays by card, never by cash) allows economists to dip into people's accounts whenever they want. NIRP allows them to fine people for not spending money. They've got lots, lots more they might do

>> No.4446984
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global recession > not enough taxes > print more $ > bank panik > Bitcoin $1,000,000.99 per coin

>> No.4447952

>measuring it in dollars