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4441016 No.4441016 [Reply] [Original]

Why is getting a gf harder than making a million dollars? What kind of fucked up world is this.

>> No.4441022

I have 730k at 25 years old and no gf in sight. My buddy has 3k to his name and is drowning in pussy.


>> No.4441050

You guys are looking at the wrong place.
Did the money just suddenly jump out from behind a tree, sucked you off and after it was your faithful but sometimes dominant, virgin wife?

>> No.4441058

Because you can inherit money, but not gf.

>> No.4441099

As a brainlet that is able to get a girlfriend, I wish I was in your position and could make big money instead. Grass isn't greener on the other side.

>> No.4441131


if you are drowning in pussy you arent productive. when you are dry as fuck you do crazy shit, like gamble or something to make up for missing out. especially for 10 years.

>> No.4441154

Fuck hookers man one will stuck wiht you ones she knows your loaded.

they always look for a white knight beta milk cow

>> No.4441434

You're probably ugly and insufferably autistic. I thought I could deal with negative qualities if I had a rich bf, but nope, money doesn't even matter enough to live with that shit. Especially if you can live comfortably already.
Maybe go 3rd world?

>> No.4441462

Can you, give us an example of what autistic guys do that you dont like?

>> No.4441506
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If you don't like autistic guys, maybe you should marry and breed young ?

Ah no i forgot, autism is because vaccines :DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.4441519

>Especially if you can live comfortably already.
Thats the key here, there are two kinds of women for rich "autists"
- well of women without self respect who wan't the status/power/fame - not so much the money
- broke women (Walmart cashier etc)

>> No.4441657

Okay in my case the guy I was with literally did not give a fuck if I was alive or not if I didn't initiate conversations / dates etc. I actually tested to see how long he would go without contact, lasted like 3 weeks before I gave in. I talk to him about it and he would continue to do the same thing. Then when I broke up with him he became completely insane and wouldn't leave me alone.

>> No.4441709
File: 456 KB, 929x707, reimu_hakurei_by_kareyare-d9vddu6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is weird; Im autistic myself, and honestly it was the complete opposite. I would text girl everyday and send her anime girl pics, but as ssoon as i realized it was not going to work, i completely cut them off.

guess my point is, i always thought autistic men would be clingy and dependent; not the other way around.

>> No.4441746

That guy was fucking other girls on the side.
The unsecure betas in this thread (me included ) would shower you in attention and would probably want to fuck like rabbits.
You seem pretty dense tho.

>> No.4441765

Plz, the loan sharks are about to cut my dick off :( any amount will help


>> No.4441780

For normal people it is easier to get a girlfriend, the problem is that most people here ain't normal.

>> No.4441791


>> No.4441800


>> No.4441890

>the problem is that most people here ain't normal.

Nah, the problem here is that a lot of people are too lazy to make any attempt to better themselves. It is easier to wallow in self-pity and blame literally everything else but themselves.

Self-improvement is hard, and acknowledging the need for self-improvement can be even harder.

For all you guys complaining you can't get a gf: There are a number of reasons that prevent you from being attractive to women. Make a list of those reasons, and identify which ones you can fix. Work on fixing each of them in turn, and in a few months you will be wondering why you ever had any problem in this area.

Shit, I'm a 6/10 at best, not rich, probably as partially autistic as some of you, and I never have a problem.

I should start a consultancy for you rich lonely virgins. Pay me in BTC/ETH/REQ/LINK and I'll be your romance coach. Then when your portfolio explodes you can have a real woman next to you in the lambo, instead of your anime body pillow.

>> No.4441930
File: 52 KB, 617x426, 1361922999425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill give you 10 k LINK if you get me asian girlfriend

>> No.4442096

No, he would hardly leave his house. He in no way had the capability to be seeing other girls as well.

>> No.4442187

>Then when your portfolio explodes you can have a real woman next to you in the lambo, instead of your anime body pillow.
Not having an anime pillow besides me in my lambo would make all this pointless though.

>> No.4442204

its not lol

money is much more competitive than dating

>> No.4442394

you can just buy a gf anyway

>> No.4442445
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Just sell me one of your gf's, do you accept NEO?

>> No.4442508

No but that would be pretty hot.

>> No.4442521

That's not autism, that's more like narcissism or sociopathy or some other form of antisocial personality disorder. I know because I'm largely the same and I'm a diagnosed sociopath.

>> No.4442538

this is what i'm doing right now. it took me a long time to acknowledge my faults, but i'm slowly coming around

>> No.4442602

You should invest in your personality

>> No.4443244
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But if you're a cute little girl, getting both will be 100x much easier.

>> No.4443359

Harder for you. There is literally 1 millonaire for every 25000 guys with a gf

>> No.4443777
File: 245 KB, 512x496, 1504202135443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw very well off compared to other people around my age
>tfw kissless hugless virgin

literally only using crypto to kill time, but i sure as hell would prefer a qt gf than stare at dumb charts all day