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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 31 KB, 200x200, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4441435 No.4441435 [Reply] [Original]

it's gonna recover right

>> No.4441443

The only thing that will recover overnight is your anus from the pounding you just took. Make sure to apply the cream around the rim, and set up a sell order on that NEO before you got to sleep.

>> No.4441460

Of course it will brother, it's just me and my whale my accumulating, sorry I should have warned you guys.

- Hotoki Whale

>> No.4441469
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>> No.4441473

lol, you are currently missing the exit, anon.

It is going down to about 35 until after the news breaks. then depending on that up to 40 or down to 32ish

>> No.4441474

Buy NEO now guys! Huge pump incoming :)

- Merk

>> No.4441489


I can barely hear you over the sound of this Eth rocket ride.

>> No.4441511

haha someone sold LINK at 2010 sats to buy NEO at 630k. now LINK is at 2250 while NEO is 550k. it actually feels amazing that someone did this.

>> No.4441537
File: 565 KB, 1920x1200, 1471923034196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people get emotional and get FOMO.

NEO's pump is done. it happened. if you missed it no biggie, there will be other pumps. Just dont jump on a pump after its been going for >24 hours.

People are right this second exiting NEO, and if you hold NEO it would be wise to sell now and wait for lower re-entry points.
If you dont, you will lose money purely because you are fucking lazy.

>> No.4441587

hahah i know. but the fact that some poor sap literally sold ATL to buy ATH, god fucking damn lmao

>> No.4441605

hey man, somebody has to buy at the ATH for you to sell at that ATH.

For each success story there is some lazy bitch pajeet who didnt set a stop loss, or bought into FOMO

>> No.4441615

is bitcoin gold dead?

>> No.4441618

is 41 low now?

>> No.4441635

You all fell for the fake rumor about the fake news lmao.
I hope you learn from this.

>> No.4441646

lol, no. It will drop to somewhere around $35 and stay there until the announcement and then most likely drop a smidge more.
If the announcement is really good it will only go back up to around $40

Also no, the announcement isnt that China will only use NEO... Governments dont let business entities make major announcements like that. The news is almost certainly the opening of NEX - a NEO peer to peer based exchange, and the onchain development that was begun.

>> No.4441685

NEX isnt news idiot, weve all known about this. NEO doesnt hype or tease news either so it has to be somewhat major.,

>> No.4441687

Fuck me im in at like 42. Fucking knew i should have brought in at 28 friday night but was watching what shitty bitcash was doing, fucking hurt me big time. Where is neo set to go in the future guys?

>> No.4441696

just sold at 42. you faggots better be right
I dont want to kms

>> No.4441704

Jesus...the constant panic every time this even begins to drop single digit percentages. NEO has a ton of stuff coming up. It's one of the most legit alts there is. If you don't believe that, sell and never buy it again. Otherwise just hold and be confident it's going into the hundreds of USD eventually.

>> No.4441753

lol bye

>> No.4441776

Just moved my Neo to my wallet, locked in now boys. No panic selling

>> No.4441821

lol FINALLY i made the right decision!

I rode this train, sold near top, got back on on dip, sold near new (lower) top

The fudders on biz actually convinced me to pull out, and im glad I did.

They are absolutely right. HOW THE FUCK do you think it would look if NEO announces a GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP!??!


The government/news would announce that. Not Da Fun Ghei or whatever

>> No.4441823

Dont mind the shills, Anon.

I love NEO as a coin and think its going to go far in its lifetime but I also like making money, and the best solution right now to make money is to sell at this pump and buy back in when it corrects itself from the announcement.

People who think this announcement if going to be life changing really need to understand that NEO would never make an announcement like that themselves. If they partnered with a big entity, Government or Company, that entity would make the announcement and NEO would not dare do it first.
NEO holders need to take emotion out of this right now and just relax a bit and think it through rationally.
I want us all to make money, especially while the normie flocks arent in it yet. Sell while its high, and buy back MORE NEO when it dips.

or get defensive when somebody tries to help you out.
I'm just a waspoor that wants to help other anons get a foothold for their future wealth because I know what having nothing is like.

>> No.4441827

I priced in at .35 - not selling until we hit .65 or higher and only selling half until the news drops. I expect it to hit around .7 sometime tomorrow if we can get some kind of backup tweet from a NEO account. I think it'll be a roadmap that shows they're working with the Chinese gov but nothing 100% official

>> No.4441834

Congrats anon.
Im happy for you man : )

Feels good right? Its so simple to just get more coins for almost no work. Just have to take emotions out of the equation.
Take care for a further dip though. sub 40...
Just get a stop loss up is all im saying.

>> No.4441837


Btw, I'm NOT Saying it wont pump agian.

But this should be looked at as a high-stakes pump and dump, complete with fake news and exaggerated rumors.

>> No.4441844


And what I mean by that, is that remember with pump and dumps, your other predictions don't mnatter. Unless you're on the inside, it's out of your control. So be careful.

>> No.4441852

this. exactly this. and I fucking love NEO.
Dont do whats best for the coin, do whats best for you and believe in the devs for the future by buying back in lower for more coins,

>> No.4441875

What exchange do you use? And how do you deal with using BTC to buy these small alt coins when btc is fluctuating so much?

>> No.4441896

BTC is fluctuating less than $100 so its not a major deal. If it was moving around more I would hold my coins in something stable like LTC or XRP until I was ready to trade.

I usually use Bittrex since it has all the coins I care about on it, but I keep all my coins on a Ledger nano s. If you have over 5k in crypto you should get one, The peace of mind it gives is amazing once you have 20-30k on the line.

>> No.4441910

It's not fake news, it's a matter of putting all the pieces of the Puzzle together and I think we are going to hear something to the effect of China is allowing NEO and NEO Pairs to be traded on exchanges, which would essentially push NEO to ETH prices. I don't think it's going to be set in stone but I think we will get a roadmap for this, it's been rumored for long, and for a NEO Council member to tweet they have been working on this for a long time and it's 3 lifetimes of blessings is a big deal. I don't normally gamble but I'm putting half of my stack on this come Monday 100% until Sunday. Watching ETH moon has been painful to say the least as this was 70% of my stack before Thursday of last week.

>> No.4441923

I have a rule, what I plan on trading goes into the exchange at least 2 hours before - sometimes 24 hours before. Everything else I keep in the wallets hooked up to my Ledger. I wish there was one wallet that handled all currencies so I didn't have to constantly cycle between ETH / BTC / ARK / NEO wallets.

>> No.4441967

Nobody said it was fake news.
the fact is if the news was big enough to make NEO go to $100 it would be announced by the Government directly.

any "working with the government" that is "not set in stone" means they arent working with the government. its literally binary. You are getting hyped up and thinking irrationally.
Or thats my opinion anyway. Im not trying to put you down, I just know what its like to back something strongly and want to be part of a major movement in price. The fact is its just not going to happen. NEO would never make an announcement FOR China or its Government. That is something that will never ever happen and thats just a fact. That means this news is probably more orientated around onChain info, and the NEO nodes. While those things are good because they are progress, they dont add up to NEO prices staying as high as they are.

If I believed everything you did, I would sell now and wait for the news. If its as good as you say, just have a buy order set up and boom your fine.
But if Im right, you get to keep all the money you made from the pump.

Either way, I wish you the best of luck, anon

>> No.4441970

I haven't started setting stop losses yet, I'm too scared of being caught in a dip then it shooting back up.

>> No.4441974

Just bought the dip with 14 btc. This ride is not over gents.

>> No.4441989

thoughtful post, i am not the op but thanks for your insight

>> No.4441992

Yeah, I agree with the wallet thing. Luckily Ledger added NEO support not too long ago so I have all my major stuff on it at least.

>> No.4442006


Thanks! Definitely feels good after a string of bad trades


Fair enough. I definitely don't think that there is zero chance of substantial news coming out! But I think the people spreading the rumors and amplifying them are sophisticated pump and dumpers.

Those same whales who have the capital to plow through huge sell walls also have the NEO to dump on you at a moments notice.

And they will probably do their final dump BEFORE the news hits, and only buy back in if it is substantial.

As long as one understands the risks, I'm all for speculating!

>> No.4442032

no worries. Just trying to bring up some counter points. 3am seems to be the only time you can have rational discussions on this board without people getting feelings involved.

Also, care that you bought a bit high in the dip. It has touched this price point a few times today already.

Set your stop loss at at least .00515
If it drops and shoots back up you will be fine, if not you still probably come out with a little profit.

Either way have a stop loss above where you bought at as the very least precaution wise. Assuming you had NEO before it was $35 you will make profit either way by settings a stop loss slightly above your buy in.

>> No.4442195

Neon Meta Exchange
Neon Meta Exchange
Neon Meta Exchange
Neon Meta Exchange
Neon Meta Exchange
Neon Meta Exchange

>> No.4442201

I hope you fags bought the dip

>> No.4442240

Nobody in their right mind believe in "Government partnership". It's the Microsoft and Alibaba partnership from ANS days all over again.

>> No.4442261

lol the dip hasnt even come yet my man, wait a bit for it to actually go lower then it has in the past 24 hrs.

>> No.4442262

The "annoucement" is the ICO for Ontology, ONT.

Screencap this.

>> No.4442283

People are buying back, it's up again.

>> No.4442289

this was confirmed to not be the case a long time ago. Do you even read slack? The twitter guy was there for hours

>> No.4442290
File: 41 KB, 400x416, pinkwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bougth at 0.006

Thank you guys.

>> No.4442305

i took some profit on 45$, got a bit scared desu -.-

IF this crypto world was not programmed like Sell the news and pre sell the news becaus everyone sells the newsi would hold but i think i can get in cheaper

>> No.4442324

I set a stop loss... At 450k, after the first day's pump. It dipped just enough to trigger it then resumed to 600k. Either way, you get burned.

>> No.4442334

exit on GAS
buy NEO at B w/ GAS profits

>> No.4442447

Fucking need to stop listening to you cunts, honestly. Why cant anons have helpful tips, i swear you are all teenfags thinking its funny playing business men on 4chan

>> No.4442458

Kill yourself.

>> No.4442506


Buy the rumour, sell the news. Don't expect neo to moon tomorrow

>> No.4442516

I was a pussy, ride the fucker all night, slept through the high and woke on the huge dip, was like fuck it ill sit, was out all day because of shitty family crap, check to see everything is ok, come home seems not to bad, next thing in loss then faggots on here get into my brain saying your fucked faggot. Sell at small loss. See its regaining. Story of my life, thanks anons.
Fuck it im saying out of it, probably will go up to $100 now so get in guys. Its sure to fuck me like that

>> No.4442552

Everybody knows that NEO is a vaporware and western meme.

>> No.4442555

k, gtfo

>> No.4442599

Its lorping you tards its all over boards lol....

>> No.4443220
File: 36 KB, 326x289, CHINKYKEKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chub fud club trying to drive Neo back down to $30 so they can buy back in before the next moon mission. Honey Badger chinks don't give a fuck about no fat kid basement dwellers. $42 is the new Neo Baseline. any moon missions will start at $42.50. Deal with it.

>> No.4443706

This. I'd be surprised if it moons tomorrow.