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4430098 No.4430098 [Reply] [Original]

Why is economic growth considered a good thing? Why is it considered a good thing that trees are being chopped down just so McDonald's and Starbucks can have an extra 1000 locations? What does this have to do with scientific innovation?

>> No.4430118


>> No.4430121

It's all or nothing. Either we moon physically and spiritually or all die. This is it. One day if we all make it. There could be businesses on Mars.

>> No.4430125
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Get out commie scum.

>> No.4430145


OP here. I'm not a communist by any means. I just don't understand the "economic growth" meme. What is it really about?

>> No.4430160

Socialism is a disease of the mind. It's best if you isolate yourself and don't infect anybody with it.

>> No.4430177

>Why is it considered a good thing that trees are being chopped down
So you're against renewable resources?

>> No.4430194
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Growth only means that progress happens.

>> No.4430206

It's not sustainable. The economy can't keep growing forever and it's really only a good indicator for new/developing countries.

>> No.4430282

shut up faggot youre an idiot. economic growth = high quality of life, comfort, security. no economic growth = youre a nigger living in a hut shitting in a hole in the ground and dying of aids in somolia.

>> No.4430312

Economic growth is good. Chopping down trees is bad. These are unrelated concepts.

>> No.4430346

>Chopping down trees is bad.

No, it´s not. Trees are a renewable resource, retard.

>> No.4430375

I know reading is hard but you should really try it some time.

>> No.4430451

>chopping down trees is bad

it is bad to chop them down and completely strip land of its resources but there are ways to chop them down and not destroy forests

>> No.4430455

>Why is economic growth considered a good thing
Because the Jews will it.

>> No.4430551

the right answer

>> No.4430590
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Bitcoinistan makes no room for this kind of "sustainable practice". Any and all regulations are an affront to muh freedums. Stop getting in the way of progress!

>> No.4430646

Genuine Question: how old are you? How many periods of both economic decline and economic growth have you lived through?

>> No.4430666

The Jews have done everything they can to stifle America's economic growth for decades... What the fuck are you talking about?!