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442875 No.442875 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit /biz/, I really fucking owe you people one. So about two years ago I met this girl at work (this was right out of college so it wasn't a career job by any means, but it was something). We hit it off and got along well. She had a steady income but I was making considerably more than her. A few months after I met her I doubled my salary at my new job.

So fast forward about a year and six months and I pop the question. The wedding was to be had in May of this year. About the first week of March however, I was on here reading about prenups. I read that divorces can be seriously messy and I have an above average net worth (~$1.3mil). To protect my assets I asked her to sign a prenup. At first, she almost called off the wedding but I told her it's only to protect each other (which was a full lie, it was to cover my fucking ass). So in May we were married and had a great time. Fast forward two months and she cheated on me with a guy she found on Facebook. At first I was furious since I thought it was going to be a fucking downhill adventure, but after talking with my lawyer I found out that prenup covered my entire ass, and I would barely lose anything from this ordeal. My lawyer said that had I not signed that prenup, I would have been out on the streets with the fees and everything.

In court she was with her new lover, he looked like a stoner, which made me even feel better. I walked away and it was nearly the best day of my life, I decided to take a Vegas trip to celebrate and won over $25k, which covered the entirety of the fees.

A fucking piece of paper will save your ass. I swear, don't think "you found the one", 40%–50% of all first marriages will end in divorce. I don't care about feelings much, but those are statistics on fucking paper. I'm not going to wager my entire life earnings for it to be on the edge for 50%.

It will be hard telling her to sign it, but had I not signed that paper, I wouldn't be under a roof right now.

>> No.442878

>It will be hard telling her to sign it, but had I not signed that paper, I wouldn't be under a roof right now.
congrats OP

>> No.442880

Any text Anon? Whats a good prenup template?

>> No.442890

Congrats bro. Thanks for sharing.

Where did you stay in Vegas? If you just went out and gambled, you should go back and enjoy the shows and night life. Stay at the Cosmo

>> No.442917

Congrats on living in such a fucked up society where the rate of divorce is so high and your legal system is so fuckrd up. Why haven't you left yo a better country?

>> No.442919

What does prenup look like?

>> No.442924

good for you. it's always nice to hear of a man not being fucked over for once.

>> No.442929

I doubt I'd ever marry a guy in the first place, let alone someone I don't like just to steal their money. This one time a guy 30 years older than me tried to leverage financial worth to get my interest. I thought about it and was totally grossed out by the idea I might get trapped in a relationship with a senior.

Just dating seems so much better in every way ...

>> No.442934

>would have been out on the streets with the fees and everything.

But not because of her taking all your money. More like losing it all paying lawyers so you can try and keep her from getting it. Those jew bastards are worse then the cheating bitches when it comes to taking a man's money. Trust me on that.

Good advice though. I wish I would have had one myself, even though I wasn't worth shit really, but it really would have stuck it in her ass to not get a dime from me. I was left with noting because not only did she try to take all my things (even the shit she only wanted because it was something I liked, cold bitch), but the lawyer expenses....and I went through 3 of those fucks and not a damn one didn't anything they were paid for.

>> No.442937

Nice job. As an accountant, marriage is a terrifying proposition. Once you enter the court system you have already lost.

Can you post the document?

>> No.442944
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Fuck yeah, OP.

>> No.442946

So much this. To ensure that I'll have a successful marriage I have used subtle psychological manipulation with my current gf into making her completely agree to sign a prenup (at first she was put off but I told her that I didn't want our marriage to be about money but about love, also I said I just think people should be allowed to keep what they had before a marriage, and told her to give me a logical reason why it shouldn't be so, protip she couldn't). Also, and I have sugarcoated it so fucking much because this is REALLY tricky territory, but I've effectively instilled the idea of "if you get fat I leave you" in her head.

Be a man and set down the line, gents.

>> No.442962

I agree that prenups are probably a good idea and being fat is gross, but the whole psychological manipulation thing makes you sound like a creep.

>> No.442964

Everything is a game, IMO he was just being frank for the sake of brevity.

>> No.442973

Go talk to a lawyer. A prenup isn't something you can just knock up on a napkin.

>> No.442978

Girl plz...

Good on you OP. Money is a very touchy thing. I have about 2.6 million in investments. You wouldn't know it though since I live modestly. Don't get me wrong I'm not frugal or anything but I don't spend like a mofo.

My last gf somehow found out. I have no fucking clue how though. I must have been logged in while I went out to do an errand or something(she has a key).

It was plain as day because usually she was distant, I had to try and do everything. Bit yeah I come back and all of a sudden she's ALL lovey dovey. That part was nice. It's when she started trying to live the high life on my dime that was disappointing. She started booking vacations, high end restaurants etc suddenly. I usually covered our outings but that was just off the deep end. I confronted her, even though I knew the answer , and she simply stated "your rich you should treat me a bit better instead of hoarding"

Dumped her there and then.

>> No.442981

I was lucky.

I have an annuity worth a little over $1M, spread out over the rest of my life.

Got married in 2010. 9 months later, discovered she was sleeping with one of my good friends. Didn't sign a prenup. (Looking back, I was kind of beta, living in a real town, and she had huge tits and a mediocre face. I thought that was the best that I could do).

Fortunately, since she and my friend went off to date for a while, she didn't press for my things and I was able to pay her off with the $9500 car I bought for her.

This time, however, I won't be so flippant. I'll make sure to wait at least 2 years before even popping the question (we're 1 year into it). Prenup is a must, but I have a way to ease the pain of that conversation... letting her know that while I love her dearly, marriages end, and I have proof! Thus there is no way I would get married a second time without one.

However, I haven't brought this conversation up with her yet. I'm not looking forward to that moment.

>> No.442984

bro the sooner you do it the better
I did it after like 4 months, but you gotta ease her into it. Don't go "If we get married I want a prenup". You have to slowly introduce the idea.

>> No.442987

Maybe, but it just sounds like he's trying to trick her into things so it sounds just as bad.

What tho?

I just don't see why people can't be honest with each other. Like that whole idea that a girl only loves you if she's with you when you act like a loser, but doesn't love you if she knew you were rich.

Spending your money on dumb stuff without asking first is awful. She could have at least asked you to help her with her dreams of opening a flower shop or something else.

>> No.442992

>2.6 million
>can't get "you're" vs "your" right

>> No.442993

How am I not being honest with her?
I have a desired outcome (her agreeing to prenup and keeping fit). Because I choose to ease her onto it instead of going "YOU WILL AGREE TO PRENUP AND YOU WILL BE IN SHAPE" I'm creepy? I'm not trying to trick her into anything.

>> No.442997

I know right what a fucking liar. I once wrote "its" when I meant "it's" on this anonymous internet forum and I lost all my money and my house immediately and spontaneously self-combusted. I deserved it.

>> No.442999

are prenups even useful anymore?

cant judges overrule that shit?

>> No.443024
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It's more common than you think. Try giving a proposition to someone that they wouldn't normally agree with but nod your head while you say it. Most likely they will agree. People like to mimic one another and doing this will increase your chances of them agreeing with you. There's many other forms of manipulation like the Ben Franklin effect. It's good to be well versed in these just to be able to pick up on them when they are used against you.

>> No.443029

What do you do for work?

>> No.443034

40%-50% of marriages end in divorce because people follow the story that's in their heads, not acting and reacting to reality. arranged marriages that are the union of two powerful families have the highest success rate because both parties understand that a relationship is work and that love is something that grows, not that happens.

>> No.443036

This I could double my salary

>> No.443043

>cant judges overrule that shit?
Only as much as they could any other contract.

I remember Wipe explaining it once, he had his lawyer write shit up, the girl had her lawyer check it over and they negotiated a few points or whatever before signing, so it was obvious they both agreed on shit.

If it's some stupid shit like "if we split the cunt gets nothing" with a pair of signatures then yeah, it isn't worth the paper you scrawled it on.

Do your research though, shit would vary between states, etc.

>> No.443073
File: 6 KB, 225x224, 44topgun4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feels good man.

>> No.443081

>right out of college
>about a year and six months and I pop the question
>she cheated on me with a guy she found on Facebook
>I decided to take a Vegas trip to celebrate

Millennials, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.443117
File: 427 KB, 600x600, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes on 4chan
>complains about millenials
Baby boomers,ladies and gentlemen

>> No.443141

>If it's some stupid shit like "if we split the cunt gets nothing" with a pair of signatures then yeah, it isn't worth the paper you scrawled it on.
I thought any contract is legitimate as long as it has the signatures of all parties involved and mentions everything there is to it.

>> No.443148

It's legit, but open to interpretation, the lawyer is there to make it so you can't interpret it more than 1 way

>> No.443553


In a divorce, assets aren't distributed by the two parties. They're distributed by a judge according to his judgement. Marriage is legal binding of two people and it can only be unbound by a judge. He will read your pre-nup, and if he's in a good mood and the pre-nup looks reasonable, he will say that he sees no reason to vary from the pre-nup, and issue orders for things to be split up accordingly.

But your agreement with your signatures on in is absolutely not binding on the judge. It's merely a record that you and your wife have agreed on certain terms, and you are requesting that the judge follow them.

>> No.443566

What a fucking scam marriage is.

>> No.443567

But you tax break! It's good for you I swear.

>> No.443568

The goyim will truly fall for anything.

>> No.443612

why don't I just buy hookers?

I mean if my wife is on my wallet as well

>> No.443623

>How am I not being honest with her?

>I have used subtle psychological manipulation with my current gf into making her completely agree to sign a prenup

Jeezus, you're pretty dumb for someone with $2.6 million.

>> No.443634


you were still dumb despite the prenup, those things can easily get torn up by a judge who got out the wrong side of the bed, or a skilled lawyer

>> No.443645

So it's got nothing to do with the woman being so scared of the other family beating/raping/murdering her she wouldn't dare cheat/ask for a divorce?

>> No.443657

Prenups aren't very romantic...

>> No.443662

at this point I'd rather pay a prostitute to pretend to be my gf than have a gf

I mean what's the difference? prostitute might aswell be cheaper and less drama

gf might appear with "oopsie im le pregnant"

>> No.443664

>Prenups aren't very romantic...

Neither is getting half of the guy stuff after a few months where you get bored and decide to fuck his friend

let me fix it for you

>Prenups aren't very profitable for woman

>> No.443668

Well ok, won't try to change your mind

>> No.443685

this so much, hell at least you get a diferent gf every time

>> No.443689
File: 68 KB, 450x247, Ahnaldpartyhard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be bitter old man because we know how to rage. Your old ass probably jerks off with a belt around his neck to celebrate a joyous occasion.

>> No.443704

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.443705

>lying on the Internet

>> No.443711

This and...


Most states have an arbitration process whereby you go to court to argue over how to split up the assets. If you sign a reasonable pre-nup, then you skip all the lawyer and court costs associated with arguing over every piece of property that you own.

However, if you think that getting a woman to sign a one-sided agreement whereupon you keep everything and she gets nothing is going to hold up, you are sorely mistaken.

>> No.443717

>keep everything and she gets nothing is going to hold up, you are sorely mistaken.

you get everything yours before marriage, and she gets everything hers before marriage. aren't marriages about LOVE?

>> No.443736

...said the man as the police threw him the two suitcases containing all his remaining belongings from the porch of the house he once owned.

>> No.443738

> Thinks that will matter after about 3-5 years of marriage.

Unless you are literally old money who marries a broke chick who just moves into your mansion, you guys will get so much new shit together that it's even pointless to stipulate this.

>> No.443740

If your gf doesn't agree to a prenum DON'T marry the bitch and hope for the best, walk away and get a smarter girl instead, I don't care how much you love her or can't live without her - its gonna be better than living on the street later on.

>> No.443760

My husband and I signed a prenuptial and it wasn't an awkward conversation at all. I would have beee more put off had he not asked as that shows poor future planning.

>> No.443767

No. A dry piece of paper kills the mood and you know it.

>> No.443768

>I have used subtle psychological manipulation with my current gf

I, too, am a sociopath and realize that money is more important than any woman today (they can't help it, they've been brainwashed by our fucked up society).

Anyway, how did you/are you doing it? For example, how do you bring it up?

>> No.443770

I'm sorry but people in finance fuck too, rich people fuck too and not because you are a dronesheep that hollywood taught to be poor and to give all of your money to pretty girls because "love" or something it means that everyone has the same definition

check this chick here

My dick got hard thinking about how hard we're going to fuck each others bodies without fucking with each others finances and carreers

>> No.443774

Well that's an attractive reaction.

>> No.443777

if it's about love why do you lose the mood as soon as you cant get half of his money anymore?

>> No.443779

shut the fuck up, I bet your gf would suck my dick if I were to open my wallet for a second

>> No.443781
File: 35 KB, 460x642, 1405129584796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done OP congrats on shaking that hoe

>> No.443787

His reaction actually got me a little hard too.

You're either a massive beta or a typical female. The average girl doesn't understand planning for the future or protecting investments. Good job being a fucking basic person.

I wish both of you happiness and a long, beautiful marriage.

>> No.443815

No, but I bet yours would, if you even have one that is.


Glad you recognize the fact about the average girl, they're all bimbos with STD's.