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4421351 No.4421351 [Reply] [Original]

I've made about 800k in crypto since May. I keep 500k in my portfolio and cash out everything above that (since who knows if this is a bubble).

I've quit my job (making 110k a year), told my boss I was going to graduate school as not to piss him off.

Trips decides where I go traveling and what I do there.

>pic related kind of, always wanted to go to India.

>> No.4421370

Barbados or St Marteen.

they are the best places on earth

>> No.4421374

South America. Cocaine and hookers /thread

>> No.4421377

Well done, anon. Give us some tips.

>> No.4421382

>told my boss I was going to graduate school as not to piss him off.

>> No.4421435

Yeah I guess being a contributing member of society makes me a cuck. Do you do anything besides consume hot pockets in a dark basement?

I'm invested in BTC, ETH, Metaverse ETP, NEO, POWR, XRP, OMG, AE, XBY, LINK, DGB

>> No.4421491

go to mammy's house

buy her a nice meal :^)

>> No.4421554

too dangerous

>> No.4421570

you are quitting you're job cuz you made it, why do you have to lie to your boss who's no longer relevant?

>> No.4421591

Lets say i have 5k $
How should i diversify my folio with the coins you just mentioned?

>> No.4421596

Other people are important in life, anon.

They also have this thing called jealousy. Maybe you're feeling it right now.

>> No.4421611

go live in a small village in southeast asia, trade, and be the token foreigner

>> No.4421660

Even if I made 2-3MM that is not "making it".

Yeah, if I want to live like a post college bachelor for the rest of my life then it's enough. But raising a family in a major U.S. city? Not even close. Private schools (k-12) are 50k a year.

I plan to continue working, but I'm just taking a break.

BTC and ETH are stores of wealth and investing coins for me. I plan to go heavily Bloom and Omega one ICOs.

Right now might not be the greatest entry for Neo, but with crypto you never know. I buy in heavily when it's low and just hodl. I don't try to day trade because if you miss one big moon mission you're screwed.

5k into Metaverse might make you a lot very soon.

OMG is kind of plateauing I think.

Maybe 5k into ETP and POWR 80/20 split

I only hold link cause I want to be part of the biz memes, and I only hold DGB because it made me 300k (I only hold 1MM dgb now)

>> No.4421693

Both of those ICOs you have mentioned I have looked at before, they have high marketcaps. What bloom is trying to do is nothing much really, and they're asking 50 million, though I like their name and design.

>> No.4421768

I literally don't even know what either coin does. I like Bloom's name and website design, and I think Omega One is a cool name so I want to own coin called that.

You may think I'm joking but this is how I invest in crypto. I know nothing about the tech and I don't care. It's all about hype and exit points (except BTC and ETH, and probably NEO now, which are always safe holds I think. ETP will be good too I believe)

>> No.4421781

I would invest but their marketcap seems too high to start with

>> No.4421783

It's all about marketing is what I have learned on the vast majority of these shitcoins.

OMG had a fucking skateboard that made them moonshot. That's how bush league this market is. Fat ass Sergey can't take five minutes to maybe try to hype his coin.

>> No.4421787

So you haven't graduated and you make 110k? Must be one helluva job.

>> No.4421799

Lets see some proof that isnt blockfolio pajeet radjaneesh

>> No.4421872

How did you cash out that much fiat? Did you use coinbase for that?

>> No.4421873

I'm 27, been working for 5 years out of school already. 110k is actually not a lot for my academic pedigree

>> No.4421884

There's this one ICO going one RIGHT now that is low marketcap and have very good fundimentals, I might post it on biz soon. Its like really really good.

>> No.4421888

Yes I pretty much cash out 15k every week or two.

>> No.4421928

How much do you pay on taxes?

>> No.4421958

Haven't payed any yet since this is my first year, but I'll probably owe 35-45% of my gains since I made so much

>> No.4421998

If you held for 1 year capital gains are 20% max aren't they?

>> No.4422020

So yeah I posted the ICO called Genaro Network, its going on right now for only 22 million marketcap. Cloud storage on a blockchain

>> No.4422033

Also what coins were your biggest gains? Just curious.

>> No.4422077

Go to goa and do lots of lsd and mdmaa

>> No.4422140

>why do you have to lie to your boss who's no longer relevant?
Anon, I... You see, all people are relevant. If he told the boss that he was quitting because he made enough money, the boss would know that the only reason his employeee worked there was because of the money. What if the boss actually believed that he was friends with the employees? What if he believed that people actually enjoy working for him? The truth would crush him inside. A person who's been crushed inside, will spread misery and sadness upon the world. misery is a disease, which infects people's hearts, passing from one to the next, through acts of lack of compassion and empathy. Today, OP anon-san broke that cycle. This is big, if true.

>> No.4422171
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Missed the pic...

>> No.4422202

Each trade is a taxable event. I've trade in and out of BTC/ETH too many times to count.

That being said, you don't pay tax on every trade you make, only when you cash out. How you do it depends on how your want to tax-loss harvest.


cloud storage on block chain is a meme. won't be used. people want centralization for storage.

I've made a lot of 2-5xs, my biggest gains were RDD and DGB. I made around 450k with both of those.

>> No.4422218

We'll see where it goes, it seems promising

>> No.4422245

How did you know to keep RDD and DGB for so long? I sold RDD too early , in at 6 sats out at 18 sats cuz i thought 3x is already a ridiculous return. I also held DGB for too long and missed the top. How do you time these things, how do you know when to exit?

>> No.4422255

Larp and hubris. What's not to like?

>> No.4422283

DID you pay you taxes??

>> No.4422379

most of my friends make well above 250k. Most work in law or finance. I chose something less lucrative but more fun, though I have B.S. in physics and a B.A. in econ

>> No.4422512

post blockfolio

>> No.4422923

OP is obviously a fucking larper.

No quitting an 110k job because you got lucky with crypto.

You have to be some sort of retard, 110k is a good salary. 800k might be enough for the rest of your life, but you'll have to manage it.

Hell a fucking house can cost 800k. What a retard larper.

>> No.4423007

He's made 800k since May. Who's to say he can't keep this up? If he does he'll making 1.5 mil a year. Plenty to retire off of. It's not like he's cashed out and is done forever

>> No.4423086

check em. you come to south florida and hang out with me. i could use a rich friend.

>> No.4423136

>I know nothing about the tech and I don't care
How can a retard like you make 800k? How much did you put in?

>> No.4423312

why quit your job????