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4421075 No.4421075 [Reply] [Original]

Ask questions about your personal financial situation. Please provide your

>Any relevant information about yourself
>Goals (long term, short term)
>What you think you should do

I will provide personalized advice. I will not provide: stock / crypto picks, moon missions, and I will not accept any responsibility for this advice. Follow at your own risk.

Be kind to each other.

>> No.4421231


I know there are poorfags on this board.

>> No.4421346

Kill yourself

>> No.4421977

"your personal financial situation"

what kind of coin is this?

>> No.4422321

A comfy coin

>> No.4422596
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>$75,000 is my first goal

I had $2000 and I went all in on HST. Now I'm holding 7500 HST.

With the circulating supply of ~30MM HST, it would take a $300MM market cap for HST to reach $10 price.

When that happens, my portfolio of 7500 HST will be worth $75,000 which is my goal.

Do you think that could happen, anon? Am I rational or deluded?

I know a $300MM market cap is not easy, but I believe it's possible. I don't mind waiting 6 months or more for HST to reach that market cap. After all, there are hundreds of useless shitcoins out there with more than $100MM market cap.

What do you think?

>> No.4422785


I'll give this a try.

>Eurofag, currently taking a break from uni (at least until April) and work (at least until December) due to psychological problems (clinical depression, panic attacks). Taking meds. Work at a startup, own a small share (worth low 5 figures). We have contracts lined up that will make this worth 6 figures next year probably. Around 140k EUR in crypto. 3k in the bank right now and like 12k or so in gold. Making around 1k after tax and insurance from work as the company is still small and it's a student job. Single and unbound, ready to relocate anywhere.
>Goals: Not be depressed anymore, being retired and doing whatever the fuck I want when I want to would help a lot I guess. Does not have to be a lavish lifestyle.
>Most of the time I think I should either go to bed or kill myself. When I'm having a good day like to day I feel like I should find a way out of my situation, which would be making more money so I have fuck you money. Maybe wait and gamble with more crypto or until (if) my shares become worth a lot till I have 1M euro and move somewhere in SEA where this is actually a good amount and live there freely and figure out some line of work I actually like?

Opened my heart here, you better help me out!

>> No.4422792

I cannot provide advice on moon missions. All I'm on HSY is a very risky portfolio. If your total value is $2000, I would keep that in cash for now.

>> No.4422883

Obviously you need the more work in your im sorry to hear your situation. psychological situation than your financial. Once you have your Heath in order, the rest will follow. I recommend you move some money from crypto to cash to pay for psychologist. Feeling better should be your full time job. In addition, evaluate if you truly enjoy your job and work to improve other aspects of your life.

Financially, you are overweight on crypto and commodities. Consider diversifying.

>> No.4422937

I'm from SEA, anon. But currently studying in Germany. If you have any questions about SEA in general, maybe I could help.

Thanks for your advice, anon. I'm aware that going all in is a risky move, but I can't see myself reaching $75k portfolio by trading.

I've tried trading and I'm bad at it. That's why I think investing for long term would suit me better. Why do you suggest me to keep them in cash?

>> No.4423021

It is wise to keep an amount of cash for emergency situations. I'd say you want at least 3 months expenses in cash, minimum in case of unexpected expenses. Saving any amount, say $50 per month, will be more profitable than waiting on moon missions. Once you have a cushion of cash you can consider investments. Betting on moon missions is like investing in the lottery; it has negative expected value.

>> No.4423125


Thanks. I am already seeing a psychologist and have been for a few months. I don't need to pay for it fortunately. I might need to go to the hospital soon so they can pin down my actual illness, because there might be more to it. But I'm also considering popping some acid or something just to try. I hear it helps a lot of people.

What is there to diversify into? I know I am in a risky financial position, but as I said, I don't care about a lot in life anymore, so I'm not afraid of losing it all right now. What could I diversify into that still gives me good ROI so I can actually have a chance at retiring early?


Sounds good anon, is there any way I can reach you? Do you have a protonmail or something? I'm German so I guess I can repay the favor if you need anything here.

>> No.4423196

ooh tell us about studying in germany
where how also what its like

>> No.4423245

Dropping acid is a possible idea. I think you likely know more about what may help you than I. If you do choose to try acid, look up the "set and setting." Going into an acid trip with the right set and setting will get the most out of your trip; going into it with the wrong set and setting will be a disaster. Focus on your health like a full time job, it is likely the most important thing in your life right now.

Possible other things you can invest in: bonds, domestic and foreign stocks, index funds, cash. Try to have. 20% of your money in safe investments like cash and bonds. If you have no idea where to start, look into a Vanguard fund.

>> No.4423293

>Any relevant information about yourself
1 year left in Comp Sci with a shitty ~2.9 GPA but have had multiple internships (thanks to networking) and am guaranteed a job after graduating
>Goals (long term, short term)
$10M net worth before I die
>What you think you should do
Work, save up, invest in Crypto, hope ETH explodes. I could probably save a total of ~2M USD just by living frugally and working for 40 years but I want more than that.

>> No.4423324

I see. Yes, keeping a cash for emergency is a must. Thanks for your input, anon. Appreciate it.

You can email me at cryptocleve(at)gmail.com anon :) I'm good. I don't expect anything from you, just like helping people in need.

It's difficult. The lectures, the exams (there's no midterm exam) so you only have 2 exam weeks at the end of every semester. And if you fail a subject 3 times, you'll be dropped out.

Another horror is the German bureaucracy, especially for foreigners.

>> No.4423492

frugal living for 40 years should net you more than $2M. saving $40k a year with weak 4% return gets you past $2M in 30 years.

personally I'd pull the plug at a million or sooner because the NEET life isn't that expensive.

>> No.4423698

You're right that saving won't get you to 40MM. You'd need to put away 20,000 / month for 40 years with modest returns to get that. Unfortunately I ordinary advice won't bring you to 40MM so you're on your own with that. Take big risks and get lucky.

>> No.4423719


Thanks for the advice on acid. I just started looking into it, so that was appreciated.

I heard a lot about Vanguard, is that basically an index fund for new, fast growing tech sectors like robotics and machine learning?

>> No.4423889

Vanguard has a lot of different funds with a lot of different goals. Some track large companies, some small, some are funds for a targeted retirement date.