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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4405902 No.4405902 [Reply] [Original]

True story:

My old man owns a car dealership. I stop in usually once a week just to visit. Today I swing through and he had been talking to an older (60ish) guy and somehow crypto currencies had been brought up. My dad is like: "Hey... talk to my son, he knows about this stuff." as I walk in.

So the old guy tells me how his "banker friend" called him up and tried selling him on something called "Procurrency". (I'd never heard of it.) Got him all excited about it. Tells me how his buddy knew people investing anywhere from $5k - $30k, that Procurrency was ready to go live in 130 countries with like 2 million retailers or some shit.

I briefly scanned their website on my phone... just looked like pajeet shit to me. Truthfully I didn't really spend more than 2 minutes reviewing it so I have no idea if it's a legit project or not, but that's not the point of this thread.

My point is, when 60 year old know-nothings are starting to think about putting money in random cryptos... I think we're close to seeing the start of a huge run in alts.

>> No.4405963

Same. It feels like the end.

Last weekend I went to a speed dating event, and half of the girls weren't even partipating. They were in a group talking about Ark.

>> No.4405985

>speed dating event, and half of the girls weren't even partipating. They were in a group talking about Ark.
kek deluded

>> No.4406005

Kek good one

>> No.4406053
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Was at a music festival a few weeks ago and the guy in front of us was trying to explain Ethereum to these girls.

They looked at him with this glazed over look and tried to abruptly walk away.

>> No.4406065


Ok... my story is actually legit, dunno wtf you twinkletoes are trying to prove here.

>> No.4406130

It's been pretty mainstream for the last month or so. 40 year old women at work who can barely open Microsoft Word were talking about investing in Bitcoin. A bunch of normal, non-tech savvy guys bought in a couple weeks ago.

I'm taking profits and closing positions. What was that saying about when the shoeshine boy gives you stock tips?

>> No.4406150

Man you're going to feel like a real asshole when Procurrency moons next week. Get in now or stay poor, and apologize to the old guy you spread your FUD to.

>> No.4406181

Dumb deluded Arkie

>> No.4406188

Yeah man, whatever. Btc is up 8x this year to a whopping 8k each, of course everyone and their mother is trying to get in. but just like we had our worthless ico phase and then an alt-death there's going to be a normie-bait phase and then the next until we're a consolidated market that doesn't oscillate so much anymore. i do think it's gonna be a good two to three years before it's seriously adopted though. just hang in there and celebrate that new dumb money is in and you're prepared to rape their wallets

>> No.4406216
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talk talk talk. creating an account on jewbase or gemini is too much of a hassle for most people. they want my social security number? my bank account information?! i'm hungry. that's shiny. i'm busy. there's too much to understand and no reliable source of information. we're a long way off for normies invading.

>> No.4406265

Completely agree. It scares the fuck out of people, despite the fact that cuckbase is FDIC insured

>> No.4406293
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Kek best post in a while

>> No.4406315

>the normies are coming
great more fucking pumping to Bitcoin so every fucking alt will fall even lower

>> No.4406403

I agree. Most people are too damn ignorant or lazy to get in. For as much retard dumb shit that is on /biz I bet the average IQ of members is higher than most. Actually the goes for most crypto investors. We are the ones who actually took the time to learn about it and buy in.

>> No.4406499

People hate on 4chan but nobody is more self aware than all us faggots

>> No.4406512

I like you anon

>> No.4406518

FUcking kek

>> No.4406540

give this poo a raise.

>> No.4406543

>joined the biggest australian crypto jewbook group 6 months ago
>starting to see single mothers post all of the time

>> No.4406553

Yeah, a family member came to me for some financial advice, and I told her about crypto.
She thought I was insane.

>> No.4406568


Single moms are good for phone sex. That's about it.

>> No.4406599

If you came in during or after the 2013 bullrun then you are the normie.

>doesnt understand the average joe getting into crypto means more gains
Try hard brainlet

>What was that saying about when the shoeshine boy gives you stock tips?
Thats not a saying. It was a bullshit cover for insider trading.

>> No.4406736

As I was going to work this morning I passed by a group of elementary school kids lead by their teacher who were all talking about Bitbean.

>> No.4406788

I feel the same way, I talk to my dad about crypto and he said I should get out since it's getting too popular now.

Things that have happened in the last 3 months in South Africa:
>Bitcoin mentioned all over morning shows as good risky investments
>My mother's friend keep posting shit on Facebook every time it takes and the equivalent of pink wojacks for normal people when it falls
>Plans to make a crypto tether for the rand called an e-ora
>My grandmother gave me 1k to buy bitcoin for her
>Bitcoin prices were mentioned at the end of the news along with oil/gold/exchange rates
>One of the big supermarket chains had a test run where they accepted bitcoins for one day

On one hand, it's lots of new money coming in that won't be used efficiently that we can take, on the other things always get ruined when it gets popular.

>> No.4406845

That's strange. I was just at the museum of natural history and I passed a group of grade school children. One of them was carrying a bitbean lunchbox.

>> No.4407036

Met one dude at a festival that used darknet markets and even knew about Monero. Also work with a bunch of nerds, one of them has $1k in, the rest at least have heard of the big hitters at least. But very few real normies are in. The old money is just now starting to figure out how to transfer their money into this newfangled digital currency. Soon they shall learn of alts

>> No.4407041

Yeah, yesterday grandma was taking a shit and started screaming hysterically BITCOIN ETHEREUM LINKKKKKK. I think crypto has really taken over guys.

Even Steve Mnuchin's wife would probably suck a dick for 1 BTC.

>> No.4407065

Motley Fool just did a big private thing on crypto - once those people get in they will spread the word so they make their "early adopter" gains.

>> No.4407109

I went to the grocery store today to buy horse radish. When the cashier asked me if I need any bags I snapped at her and told her I have enough bags already. When I left I heard her saying "stinky linkie" under her breath.

>> No.4407220
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>> No.4407275

those retards were publishing articles advising against buying BTC like 2 months ago

>> No.4407302

Had to get their sick gai- I mean do their research and due diligence first.
I mean 500-2200% returns YTD are risky things.

>> No.4407323
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I keked

>> No.4407348

Hes doing it wrong any girl I tell is amazed

>> No.4407421


Best laugh in a while, thanks, shitposter.

>> No.4407437

This is how we know the end is coming, I recommend we GTFO before these retards realize they've paid way too fucking much

>> No.4407579
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>> No.4407612

Time to load up on ETH and XMR before normies hear about that so it's all cool.

>> No.4407656

Is there still time for ETH? I bought $1000 of XMR the other day but I'm not sure if it's actually going to go big or not because it probably won't get adoption.

>> No.4407680

how many ico projects are sitting on hundreds of thousands of eth, just waiting to offload?

>> No.4407713
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Well done

>> No.4407722

Now is exactly the time to buy ETH before the normies get their mitts on it.

It's not hard.

BTC - Normie JewCoin
ETH - Corporate platform
XMR - unsavory types

>> No.4407726

It really did turn out to be the great Russian scam. The memes were real. Couple of decent ERC20 projects but the rest are a burning pile of trash. Everyday I wake up hoping eos, etp, xtz or another replaces it so we don't have to listen to that faggot anymore.

That being said eth to $600

>> No.4407799
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2-3x on eth is underwhelming. looks like kyber is going to list on bithumb soon. definitely more shekels to be found there.

>> No.4408673


bubbles and market irrationality go on for way way longer than people imagine.