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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4397769 No.4397769 [Reply] [Original]

Smug AF. And u guys said ripple is scam

>> No.4397812

Not a scam, it's coin doesn't do shit tho

>> No.4397832

this. ripple doesn't need xrp.

>> No.4397871

>doesnt do shit
>tfw it reduces fees by 60%
>tfw you ACTUALLY think ripple would let their currency fail for no reason while they secure all these partnerships and while they hold billions of the coin
are all no ripplers this retarded?

>> No.4397888

why does /biz/ have such low IQ?
Bitcion will end up the same if it wants to scale. It's exactly what Lightning network does, ripple already has the tech.
you never hear idiots saying "bitcoin will be useless if we get LN"

>> No.4397891

yup, all no-rips are ACTUALLY that retarded
you dont even need to know about the utility case of XRP to know that ripple is not going to let their multi-BILLION dollar asset be worthless, they want to realize those gains you fucking morons

>> No.4397925
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Better ready your rope when ripple company announces ripples as legacy product as they only specialise on business needs. Ripples aren't even shares of company

>> No.4398012

"Ripple said that it is has tested a means of speeding up payments with its cryptocurrency, XRP, and that this would become a feature in its partnerships with banks and other financial companies further down the line.

"The XRP currency will come into play later on in the evolutionary dynamics and the other players," Marcus Treacher, global head of strategic accounts at Ripple, told CNBC in an interview."

They aren't buying XRP, just using the application. Just like everyone keeps saying. The app is good, the crypto is not.

>> No.4398028

if they were fucking shares they would be illegal securities you moron ROFL
no rips getting dumber by the day

>> No.4398043

>tfw you think the banks won't create a blockchain version of the dollar to realize the 60% reduction in costs by the banks without having to invest in XRP.
Are ripplers this stupid?

>> No.4398093

100+ banks have already chosen to use ripple. Do you know better than them?

>> No.4398173

What a fuckin world we live in. Fat Sergey had made a Jason parser and the once dead ripple coin is back from the grave.

Having said that. Amex is a dead as fuck card and this early adoption of a block chain is probably more of a brand awareness move for them.

Amex is dead outside of the USA

>> No.4398231

it's meant to be burned. not speculated upon or accumulated. they will continue dumping on you hopeless fools until their entire financial network is setup and then drop xrp completely. they aren't going to use a publicly traded token for their banking transactions. use your fucking head.

>> No.4398307

yes ripple is totally market dumping billions in a market with this low a liquidity level
fucking moron
take a seat, you dont comprehend the scale of money at work here

>> No.4398320

amex isn't even going to use xrp, just the ripple ledger.

financial gateways using xrp will only need a handful annually to do so. xrp is an incredibly weak investment.

>> No.4398344

>heavy bag holder

>> No.4398367

>tfw i hold ZERO xrp
>tfw im 100% in btc
stay a dumb noob

>> No.4398457
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holy fucking shit this is one of the most retarded posts I have ever read on here, and that's including the pee pee poo poo guy. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Try do some fucking reading and learn what XRP actually does and how it works in the Ripple network. XRP is 100% NECESSARY to accomplish what makes Ripple stand out in the first place. That is, XRP's transaction times allow for an instantaneous transfer of monetary value.
>Bank A wants to send $100k to Bank B
>Bank A uses Ripple network to convert $100k USD into $100k worth of XRP
>$100k worth of XRP is then instantaneously sent to Bank B, where it is immediately converted back to $100k USD or whatever currency they want
This is literally Ripple's primary selling point. The ability for banks to instantly transfer monetary value without waiting 3-5 business days like you do with traditional systems, or 4-6 hours like you do with bitcoin. And it is literally impossible without XRP. You can get faster times than 3-5 days, but you won't get instantaneous speeds like you do with XRP.

No wonder you fucking kids lose all your money and post pink wojaks all the time. You have no idea what you're talking about you you just parrot a bunch of bullshit from one another that's not even true in the first place. Do some fucking research and shut the hell up.

>> No.4398580

I'm not huge on IOTA, but I see /biz/ repeating debunked bullshit about it endlessly.
It's like they only get their information from /biz/

>> No.4398619

Ripple is a scam.

Will still go up though due to hype.