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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4391493 No.4391493 [Reply] [Original]

>First time getting into crypto, friends highly recommend!!
>Buy BTC at 7300.
>See it drop to 5400.
>Everyone says to buy BCH, its the flippening! It is the better Bitcoin with cheaper fees and faster transactions.
>See BCH go up non-stop.
>Sell BTC at 5400, and buy BCH at 2100.
>Go to sleep, wake up to -50%
>HODL just like everyone says, its just a dip.
>BTC is now at 7000 again.

I hate every single one of you god damn mother fuckers. Everyone in the god damn crypto-space is absolutely toxic and cancer. BTC and BCH communities are deluded with their monopoly money. And everyone's own agenda is to shill their bags no matter how shit their coin is in hopes that they take money from someone else.

Fuck this, I'm going to sell and buy blue chips stocks; at least they are real and give dividends.

>> No.4391512

>buy high
>sell low
But anon that's the /biz/ way!

>> No.4391517

>I lost; your game sucks: the post.

>> No.4391520

btc @ 7400


>> No.4391521

bitcoin is a meme.

>> No.4391527
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>listening to other people

>> No.4391528
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>being brainlet normie
>blames others for being brainlet normie


>> No.4391533

The smart people on /biz/ keeps telling you

don't fucking sell your btc

you buy btc, then you fucking hold it

if you wanna trade shitcoins you buy more btc and trade that to shitcoin

>> No.4391537

Try to be less reactionary and have a little bit of foresight.

>> No.4391553
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After you spend more time on /biz/ you can tell the difference between what is actually written by smart people with background in finances and what's just spat out by excited retards who think they're traders because they got lucky on a pumping coin.
Don't do any investments based on /biz/ unless you're completely aware and certain of what you're reading here.

>> No.4391556

You shouldn't invest any amount of money in crypto that you'd be upset about losing. If you just held the BTC you'd be fine. Everyone who says to buy a non-BTC coin is a pajeet. The 'superior technology' of other coins an absolute, total, utter farce. These are DIGITAL, FUCKING, COINS, nobody gives a shit about slow transactions or whatever. When you sell bitcoin at a price, you get it for that price. When you buy it, you get it for that price. It works, there's no reason to move to any other coin and all the smart investors know that. Every single other coin besides bitcoin will pump and fail...

....AND WHEN THOSE COINS FAIL, the money gets pumped into bitcoin, baby. It's one giant fucking scheme and its probably highly criminal and illegal, so just buy bitcoin and ride the wave. It's so complex and convoluted, that if there is a criminal scam behind it, nobody could trace it.

>> No.4391578

I was here during that shitshow and everyone here was definitely either talking out their ass or straight up lying. Even such things as the truth are mere memes here, nothing is real.

Even so, it's your responsibility to not listen to autists on /biz/. Seems like you learned something

>> No.4391581


I'm not super upset, since its not money for the expenses. But I'm going to beat the shit out of my friends for telling me to hurry up and buy bitcoin cash or I'll miss out until the next dip. Woop de doo, the "dip" is right now.

>> No.4391594


Think for yourself.

>> No.4391617

Anyone with common sense knows that:

1. BCH people hired social media troll farms and they got you

2. There's literally no long term dev being done on BCH, even if they won they wouldn't know what the fuck to do tomorrow, it was a cash grab from the very start

3. the ONLY selling point for BCH was that "btc is bad because X, this is kinda like btc but doesn't have that bad X", whether X is high fees or whatever - ignoring the fact that the high fees were directly caused by the BCH camp themselves

If you didn't know these things and traded based on popular opinion, which is what random degen gamblers are saying, you deserve a loss, that's like walking into a casino and hearing people say "omg bet on red, its so hot right now"

>> No.4391644

why the fuck did you think you were going to be good at trading if youre completely new at it? do some research before putting your money in anything retard, and dont try to be a wannabe "trader". people like you should hodl and forget.

>> No.4391661

>doing anything Chinese people do
The insect people are never going to win again anon.

>> No.4391682

1) Completely obviously not true. If you're going to spread filthy pajeet bullshit at least come up with something everyone isn't already educated on.
2) Completely untrue. Do your research. On the other hand, BCore is doing nothing but spending money on marketing and trolling, and pretending LN is coming to solve the problem of BTC being unusable.
3) BCH is it's own coin. It fulfils a use that Bitcoin isn't fulfilling. Blaming a clogged network and high fees on spam is like blaming the people during peak hour for queuing on your poorly built roads.

Try harder pajeet scum.

If you aren't just shilling - I've been through this for years. The only way you can lose money is selling. Right now, BCH is in the favorable position, and it will see the biggest growth and BTC is going to see a huge dip. I don't believe Bitcoin will die - there are too many banking interests and too much money involved, but it will take a hit and stay down for a few years, and will certainly not be #1 by Jan 1 2018.

Either way, I have no interest in telling you what to do with your money. The market moves in the billions, and you'd have to be an idiot to think shilling here effects the price and helps sell bags. Just make sure you DYOR and don't fall tor the Blockstream/BCore marketing campaign against BCH, where they accuse BCH of doing all the things that they are doing.

>> No.4391685

This nigger knows his cotton field.

>> No.4391687

this, clearly the OP is not white. Otherwise he'd know how to think for himself.

>> No.4391689

I did the exact same thing OP, just didn't sell my BTC bags and now everything is comfy. Learn the lesson, don't ever listen to /biz/ shills

>> No.4391691

it's called growin a spine you weasel fuck. information is out there for you to decipher.

>> No.4391711
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>gibs me info
Sounds like a shitskin. Possibly a mild toned brown poo from California with a mother from honduras. What kind of dumb fuck doesn't bail on a pump 'n dump at 30% profit ratio. Only an idiot would sit there riding the crux until the very end.


>> No.4391729

>pretending cash is just roger ver
ABC, unlimited have very active githubs. bitcoin cash has many people involved.

A simple PND wouldn't have surpassed Bitcoin in volume for a day.

>> No.4391742

>A simple PND wouldn't have surpassed Bitcoin in volume for a day.
Of course it would when every scalper moved from BTC to BCC to chase the dragon. You dumbass.

>> No.4391772

Got it in one.
Well, three. But he's still right.

>> No.4391782

but howd it become a dragon in the first place? why doesn't every coin just do this?

>> No.4391787

Respond to >>4391682
pajeet shills

>> No.4391804

>Only one group in the universe can hold power to do things
Are you literally a fucking retard?

>> No.4391808

1) Treat people with some courtesy when you are asking for something from them
2) Do your own research to learn why BCash was built for a single P+D. We're not here to spoonfeed the babbies.
3) Drop your bags

>> No.4391814
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Actually retard, you should of bought at low and sold when it was $2500 like everyone else.

Your friends were right, you're just a slow turtle fuck.

>> No.4391816

>getting scammed by Jihan and his pajeet shill groups

>> No.4391825

>If you didn't know these things and traded based on popular opinion, which is what random degen gamblers are saying, you deserve a loss

You can't see the forest for the trees. Buying and holding BTC is the popular opinion. More people know about BTC than other coins.

>> No.4391828


>HODL just like everyone says

But you didn't do that. You chased profits by buying stuff that had already gained value.

What did you learn?

>> No.4391887
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To be a successful trader in the currency markets you need to know the players involved, world history and geopolitics. If you don't have a good grasp on those things, you will just be 1 of a 1000 cucks following people around without a god damn clue about anything.

Typical fucking shitskin.

>> No.4391925

BCC sub $1000

>> No.4391943

preparing the rope, swinging at 900

>> No.4391987


This was just the prepump of the accumulators

>> No.4392009

Never read so much BS hahaha

>> No.4392010
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Kek. That's what you get for being a traitor. Hopefully, you've learned a very valuable lesson now. Never sell the King.

>> No.4392053
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Heavy bags sweetie? Remember its only money.

>> No.4392069

>nobody gives a shit about slow transactions or whatever
At this point I don't even care if you sell the futures of this dinosaurcoin to normies and let them shoulder the fall. Just stop holding the whole crypto ecosystem ransom.

>> No.4392237

How about you do you own research and make informed decisions instead of being a fucking lazy autistic nigger and following 4chan for investing advice. I am up 20% just from the weekend, enjoy the bags bizlet.

>> No.4392248

>A simple PND wouldn't have surpassed Bitcoin in volume for a day.
Yes is would since almost all volume came from bithump that has no trading fees. You can wash trade the whole day and drive the price up.