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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4390264 No.4390264 [Reply] [Original]

One day you're checking your online bank account and you find out you have exactly 1,000,000 USD in savings. You don't have to pay tax and no-one will ever question how you got it. What would you do? My plan.

>drop out of school.
>buy 4 rental properties for about 100k-120k each.
>put 50k into BTC.
>put 50k into various other stocks.
>buy a nice 20k used car.
>buy a nice comfy home in Vermont/new Hampshire for 450k.
>keep 30k as money for emergencies/repairs.
>use 5k of my savings for fun spending money pc parts, vidya clothing, hookers ect.

>> No.4390280

Put 1,000,000 USD in Bitcoin immediately

>> No.4390300

Rental properties are NOT cash faucets dude.. do your research, whatever, just don't think it's free money

>> No.4390306

Hodl Eth for 1 year

Donate 80% of earnings to promoting veganism

>> No.4390313

Only 50k in BTC?

Bro, drop at least half that into crypto and a good chunk of it better be pedo skelly tokens.

>> No.4390348

>Buy about 100k in mining equipment
>Make 5 copies of a diy 4 axis steel milling machine
>Buy a cheap ass property in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for 250k
>Reinvest the rest, branching out from cryptos for about 2/3rds of it

>> No.4390362

Rental properties need you to be a landlord and that can be very time consuming+stressful.
Also, you need to diversify on cryptos. BTC has a real chance of failing at some point. LN being at least a year away is worrisome. 1 more year of high fees and congestion is just begging competition to overthrow BTC.

>> No.4390365
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>One day you're checking your online bank account and you find out you have exactly 1,000,000 USD in savings
Happens everyday

Then I wake up

>> No.4390366

soooooo much this

>> No.4390374

>hire a financial advisor
>buy several rental properties via wholesale/refi so they're still low entry cost for high ROI
>be a hard money lender to other real estate investors
>large amount rests in index funds while not being used
>50k cash/gold stashed in various locations
>buy large tract of land to build monolithic dome prepper fortress where the /k/ave project can begin digging
>10% BTC
>10% in my "be stupid" fund, to stretch out over time doing stupid things to my existing cars and motorcycles, buying guns and such toys, and playing with altcoin markets
>keep working my job until I'm bored, go to college for another degree in something interesting to me without worrying about the job prospects of said degree, probably anthropology and political science/history

>> No.4390380
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I'm going to fucking slam dunk that mother fucker into dodge coin you fucking chuckle fuck.

And maybe some Link

>> No.4390384

1 Million straight into link, effectively pumping the price up exponentially only to dump it immediately afterwards

>> No.4390385

Leave job, put 500k on crypto, use the rest to start a business in my field of expertise. Stocks are overbought and bonds lose you money right now, there is lots of capital around, it should be pretty easy to get financed.

>> No.4390434

>25% to crypto
>smart a small side business
>buy a house from my home town
>rest to a wherever my financial advisor wants
simple man

>> No.4390527

any of these
>Buy Rental Properties; apartment/condos/rentable storespace
>Buy small to medium Farmland
>Buy small to medium Poultry Farm
>Buy New Home somewhere not too urban but very close to one, with renewable power sources, pref micro hydro
>mining rig for 50k
>Get a good, reliable, efficient and easy to service car
>keep 75k on bank for who knows what would happen

>> No.4390566

All in BCC before the next BTC difficulty adjustment happens. This shit will pump right back up when miners abandon BTC for 2 weeks

>> No.4390567

What is with you retards and rental properties. Thats not how you make money. If you upgraded them Id agree with you but youre looking at a couple decades to pay off most houses initial investment through rent alone.

>> No.4390587
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100% in BTC
wait a few years until it gets to 100k
cash out
have $10 million now

>> No.4390610

I'd use some of it to take a math class.

400k + 50k + 50k + 20k + 450k + 30k + 5k = 1,005,000

480k + 50k + 50k + 20k + 450k + 30k + 5k = 1,085,000

so in both cases you failed to do basic math.

>> No.4390619

Depends on whether or not you think the property will gain or lose value too I guess. Sure you have rent as consistent income but you can also sell the house.

>> No.4390654

It'll gain but its going to be slow as fuck. Much better to just update them and then flip and reinvest. If you're handy it can be done dirt cheap.

>> No.4390668

And its much much better to just drop that money on mining equipment if thats your plan.

>> No.4390697

> buy some rick owens and flex on yall niggas on /biz/

>> No.4390709

You don't understand how markets work

>> No.4390724

all in on ETP

>> No.4390971
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alright fag
>pay off any debt
>100,000 each in BTC/ETH/LTC
>300,000 index funds
>check in to a nice hotel and get deal with manager for paying 1 year upfront in a quite town with fast internet
>advance medical test and surgeries to maximize health status
>minimal lifestyle ~ clothing, devices, eating, etc.
>limit travel and contact with normies to prioritize safety and instead explore the web
>evolve using latest tech/biohacks to achieve eventual immortality
>explore omniverse with anime waifu

>> No.4391400

>buy a bunch of cars and video games
>buy big housr
>buy shitloads of opiates
>once I start to run out Just take too many opiates and nod off into the darkness blissfully

>> No.4391446
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A million dollars is literal baby money. The average American couldn't survive more than five years on it with no other income source unless they want to live like hobos.

Put literally 90% of your million into crypto. It's the only answer. You might have a decent chance of at least doubling it in the next three years.

Real businesses and real estate are crushing fulltime jobs unless you have many millions to outsource the grunt work to peons.

>> No.4391486

$999,995 on LINK
$5 buck box from taco bell.

>> No.4391626
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>wait the inevitable crash
>spread $500k over the top ten at rock bottom prices
>put $250k on the footsie 100 (safe returns)
>$100k on house $10k on car, $40k used to get a professional helicopters licence.
>never be a wage cuck again, but dont delve into being an alcoholic drug addict with nothing to do

>> No.4392313

Buy BTC on a dip.

>> No.4392337

The average american wont even make 1/2 that in 5 years you pompus fuck.

>> No.4392535

I'll buy the stuff that I actually need, put 400k in crypto (66,6% BTC, 33,3% altcoin speculation) and 100k in gold savings (just in case).

The rest of the money will give me free time for my hobbies, travelling, etc. while I do still make money.

>> No.4393577
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>900k into ETH
>10k on my new PC which should run Arma 3 at mid settings
>90k - drunk erryday