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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 294x106, Crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4388043 No.4388043 [Reply] [Original]

Fat finger autistic fuck up

>Two nights ago I stayed up late to talk to e-thots on discord
>browsed /biz/ b4 bed was really really sleepy
>Make a bid for 82 RCN @ .312 ETH
>go to sleep
>Wake up late with 20 minutes to get to work
>browse exchange quickly to see RCN go up by a bit
>ez gains ez life
>put sell order
>go to work happy af
>Come hope with dick in hand ready to beat the foreskin off to my small ez gains
>Look at wallet to see .041 in eth in wallet
>Looked to see I fat fingered an extra 0 AND sold for less SATs
>Lost 20% of my portfolio because im only working with $500 in crypto
>Never felt this sad before
>Emotional wreck so I go balls heavy in HST and EPY with no money left for other cryptos

This is my portfolio in crypto, will I recover from this fuck up /biz/?
Ark 22 , VTC 32, HST, EPY, ETH .000882028, BAY, RKC, SNT, SYS, BAT, MUE , XLM

>> No.4388075
File: 24 KB, 1246x200, Mana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about this OP? This was me trading Mana the night it hit Bittrex.

>> No.4388083
File: 6 KB, 421x109, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im yet to do this, but at some point its gonna happen. thank your lucky stars that you got off lightly, some poor fucker on /biz/ got JUSTed real hard a few months ago when ED was starting to get popular on this board

>> No.4388085


>> No.4388108

Have you been successful trading despite this incident?

>> No.4388114
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Here's another one of my best mistakes. Don't be like me guys, seriously.

>> No.4388147
File: 116 KB, 609x799, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 4.59.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ can I please help you?

I teach people how to day trade

>> No.4388158


I went from 49btc to 4 now. I really need help. My last photo here >>4388114 was DGB

>> No.4388159
File: 32 KB, 651x799, 1509920110381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you give me 0.05 BTC you'll gain good karma and never get JUSTed again

...please I'm so fucking poor


>> No.4388167
File: 108 KB, 1037x668, Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 6.37.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty please?

>> No.4388174

that's nothing. i've seen a 500+ ETH mistake before.

>> No.4388177
File: 90 KB, 1105x542, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 4.59.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4388219

How did you get 49 btc in the place? How much fiat did you spend on it?

>> No.4388250


>> No.4388314


I went all in on ETH at $50 with like 18K and sold around $340 or something. I also bought 1btc at $900 Then proceeded to trade a lot of alt coins. And now I'm at 4.4 btc.

>> No.4388345

>tfw sold 3000 ans during the rebranding conference because it looked like a distaster

>> No.4388380

Man, I hate you. I'm a fucking poorfag I started with 50$ I'm now up to 8100$ and 1.10-5 BTC

If I wasn't a fucking 19yo poorfag student and if I had 49 BTC I would have been fucking rich. How the fuck did you lost 45 BTC ?

>> No.4388383

Sooo no free money for me?

>> No.4388400

Ouch. Well you still have like 31959.42$ right now. Its more than the majority of people here will ever see in their entire life ))

>> No.4388421

And what trade ended up capping you in the knees?

>> No.4388434


well if I would have known that BTC was going to 7K I would have never bought the alts but who would have known? I constantly regret it and I lose sleep sometimes.

thank you that makes me feel a little better, but i still would have had like 400K or something, instead of a measly 32K

hopefully the btc goes to a million dollars and i won't feel so bad.

>> No.4388439
File: 11 KB, 445x213, etherdelta2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly a JUSTing but it looks hilarious

>> No.4388455

Yes right now bitbay is treating me kindly. I got in GRS at 4k sats sold at 17k
VTC at 37k (hodling for a bit)
RKC was 18k when I got in, its at 26k now
Ive had only two major fuck ups at that was losing half my GRS profit by selling for 12k sats when I bought in for 16k(first ever time FOMOing, lesson learned) and this little RCN ordeal. Sold most of shitcoins i had b4 because VTC/RKC just evened it out for me.

>> No.4388461

hey anon it's me again. give me my fucking money

>> No.4388465

bought 50 bitcoin at $110 and sold it at 300

>> No.4388471
File: 15 KB, 1234x149, Bancor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bancor really fucked me up. I had a load of these cunts all the way from July12th. Kept on buying and buying and buying until I couldn't take it anymore. DON'T TRUST THE JEWS WITH ANYTHING EVER GUYS

>> No.4388489
File: 105 KB, 1079x1123, Screenshot_20171113-135705-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still trying to recover from this one

>> No.4388500


To add I also bought like 300 something NMR at like $110, but I can't find that in my orders for some reason. do they dissapear off Bittrex?

Does anybody have losses like me? Or am I the biggest loser on /biz/?????

>> No.4388505
File: 25 KB, 1804x87, ethfuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold for $10 in 2016

>> No.4388937

I had loss's like you initially, but I was only playing with small amounts (250 to start) so it wasnt a crushing mega loss when I fucked up. I ended up buying Monaco at that massive ATH for my first buy, I think it was $23 that I bought it at and it immediately tanked. After clawing a $100 dollars back I got spanked on edgeless and lost another 65%. I quit for a while, but within the last month or so I turned the 50 I was left with into 650 so now Im feeling fairly comfortable in tossing some hefty sums in.

>> No.4389029
File: 33 KB, 720x795, AnimuFoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never lost big -lost money I actually had but then pissed away- on crypto or regular stocks. My JUST moments are all opportunities I thought had potential but didn't take for whatever reason. For instance I should have doubled down hard on Canadian marijuana on the dip this summer and didn't. Could have made.... fug, I don't want to do the math but it's five digits for sure.

I was also too conservative on crypto and got in too late but I don't consider that a mistake given the volatility.

>> No.4389066

too easy to fuck up on ED what a piece of shit

>> No.4389127

I don't feel as bad anymore. I went from 14 to 9.5 BTC due to trading mistakes.

>> No.4389170

The one smart thing I did was consolidate to all BTC before the first fork. If I stopped right there, I'd be at 100k+ instead of 69k.

>> No.4389337

Any of you ever consider pulling out a large amount of your investment and dumping it into a huge mining rig? The return is 100% in 6 months, and then after that its all gravy.

>> No.4389671

I tried to do extreme damage control in the POWR pump the other day after accidentally deleting a 0 and thinking I bought at a much higher price than actually went through and trying to ride the wave to make back my losses, ended up bag holding ATH.

>> No.4389757


You help people new to trading?

>> No.4389947

Any one that advertise on /biz/ is someone you should take with a grain of salt.
All they want is someone to help pump and buy their bags.
Good groups don't advertise on /biz/

>> No.4389960

Figured, thanks anon