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4385055 No.4385055 [Reply] [Original]

anon, why arent u living with ur parents and saving $$ on rent? my parents want me to stay with them for however long as i like which is great ! i dont need to spend $800+ / month on rent and i can use that to invest more in crypto~. im 24 yrs old

>> No.4385070

Because my parents live in the middle of nowhere and there are no jobs there.

>> No.4385073

I think your pic answers that question perfectly, anon.

>> No.4385113


my rooms downstairs, their room is upstairs.. no big deal

>> No.4385117

Parents pay my rent, best of both worlds. Plus, they live in an (((apartheid))) state.

>> No.4385204

Living at home might save you money but it stunts your personal development and you will stay a retarded Autist for far too long.

I made the mistake of living at home until I was 32. I am retarded now because of it. Also, the irony is that I would have made more money if I bought a property 10 years ago due to the increase in pty prices. Don;t be me.

>> No.4385225

it's not your parents you should be worried about in this scenario

>> No.4385230

My sister bought a house and my roomates were deadbeats so i rent a room from her but holy fuck women are so goddam annoying

>> No.4385235

I'm 27 still living at home and this is true for sure.

But I don't care enough to move out still. It's probably too late for me anyways. Really stopped caring.

>> No.4385239


How does it stunt your personal development?

I lived by myself for 4 yrs during college and i don't feel any different

>> No.4385262


It stunts your personal development if you're a shut in autist. If you live a normal life and just stop by home to sleep and clean yourself there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.4385265

it doesn't if you have friends are are relatively normal except for the fact that you live at home. Chances are though he's like a lot of the autists here and never left his room/house.

>> No.4385274

i moved back in and felt bad for doing so, my parents are really close to retirement and the last thing they need to worry about is their autistic manchild spawn of satan ruining the retirement boomer vibe

left home at 18, moved back in at 24, moved out at 26. there is nothing wrong with it if its temporary, but >>4385204 is right, my social skills went to shit during the 2 years i spent at home

>> No.4385291


I go to work, gym after, crypto at work / home, and go out every other weekend with friends.

>> No.4385326

because i'm 33 years old, have a kid and wife, plus my home makes me 20% gains per year at the moment.

>> No.4385342


how do you know how much your home is worth every year?

>> No.4385343


If you don't learn to live on you own, you're going to drive your wife insane and be alone forever, living with your parents

>> No.4385355

That's exactly what I do. Renting a 1 bedroom would cost ~$2k a month. And living with roommates would be a headache.

>stunts your personal development
In what way for you personally? Although I am a virgin I'm otherwise well adjusted and do fine in my professional life. I actually prefer working with adults to people my age. I have no desire to go clubbing and barhop like most young people. Just want to exercise and meditate (including hiking with "meditate"). I'm a 25 yo.

>> No.4385356

property value in the area of similar houses I'd guess

>> No.4385357

Because the $500 I pay on rent each month is far less valuable than the freedom living away from my family gives me.

Besides the percentage of my income I spend on rent is only 7% after taxes so I don’t consider it a big expense.

>> No.4385363

god i feel so sorry for you

you are literally more pathetic than the people living at home in their 30s

>> No.4385366


but i already did for 4 years during college and it makes no difference other than saving money

>> No.4385418


whats the point of having a kid??

they are permanent and you will have to invest so much in them and not every kid becomes successful.. what if they become a drug dealer and get caught and get sent to prison? what if they end up being serial killers?? how can u live knowing that your kid might become a horrible person? they're bound to cause some shit for u as they grow up.

why not just get a dog or cat... they're simple and loyal and won't fuk ur life up.

>> No.4385473

because I look at the local auction results and monitor the property market. I live in Melbourne, market here has been going beserk for a long time... (too long perhaps)

whatever makes you feel better

>> No.4385504

hell ya dude mgtow amirite

>> No.4385513

I use my child as essentially a long term caregiver investment. When I’m old and frail he will take care of my old ass. I’ve seen too many elderly childless family members condemned to suffering in the last stages of their lives compared to my grandparents who were relatively comforatable.

>> No.4385528

They are pretty fun. Currently trying for a second.

I'm sure my son will do more good in the world than bad.

There is something to be said for passing on your genes, in fact, it's a pretty basic instinct.

>> No.4385555

Lol I don't know of anyone who doesn't dump their parents in a nursing home now adays. Besides, 50/60 years from now there will be robots and shit and it won't be needed anyways.

Cucks, enjoy losing all your crypto when your wife/gf panic sells assuming you're dump enough to give her your password. (which you probably aren't because even the dumbest dudes know women can't be trusted with shit) also she's probably fucking a ton of dudes while you're at work and I bet the kid isn't even yours. Get fucked retards.

>> No.4385565


what if they accidentally burn your house down or what if they die before u do? there's just so many bad things that can happen with having a kid that i just CAN't see myself with a kid ever... maybe this mindset will change for me.. but for now, i just don't see it being a wise choice

>> No.4385590
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>why not just get a dog or cat


>> No.4385597
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>tfw paying $1551 base rent/month
im getting justed, but I hate room mates and cannot live with my parents.

>> No.4385610


why cant u live w ur parents??

>> No.4385617
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Passing on your genes and continuing your heritage, culture, and race, you dimwit.

>> No.4385618

>currently renting
>housemates are barely ever here

it has its downsides though, most of my friends are busy on weekends so it gets pretty lonely here

>> No.4385661


i honestly do not care about passing on my genes or any of those other stuff.. what's the point...

>> No.4385698

It stunts your growth by keeping you in the child mindset. Having your parents within a few feet of you every day & night makes a difference. No amount of going out during the day will fix that.

Chances are you are still living in your child-hood room. It's a mentality which is hard to break as long as you remain there.

I now have my own home and walk around in my underpants, fuck my gf real loud. No one ever tells me what to do in my own home. I now enjoy a freedom I never experienced living with my parents.

>> No.4385707

Because I own a home with my wife you little cuckboi

>> No.4385759

>so what's so great about living at home that justifies a thousand a month in rent
>u-uh i can walk around naked and fuck loudly h-heh it's really great goys you should move out as soon as possible this is living!!!

>> No.4385791

dont want to

>> No.4385814

>screamed the angry robot
Go back to r9k virgin fag. /biz/ is a Chad board

>> No.4385848


Shouldn't you be begging your wife to use the money you worked hard for to buy some ETH? Maybe if you're really good and do all your chores she will let you buy .5 this month! But that will have to be in exchange for sex, she's been fucking Tyrone every day and doesn't have the strength by the time you get off work.

Good job though! Alpha as fuck!

>> No.4385922

wtf else are you going to spend all your money on if not your wife and kids, a lambo? lmao what a child

>> No.4385957

im doing this right now my bro.
im 26. invested 2k last month into crypto.

turned it into 3k with the recent BCH pump

im looking for someone to school me tho because i honestly dont know what the fuck is rule number 1 about investing, besides buy low sell high....


>> No.4386004

dude it's a motherfucking CURRENCY
you can't fucking invest in currencys, you trade them!

>> No.4386023
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>I am retarded now because of it.
In what ways?

>> No.4386044

things i enjoy

if i get lonely, 9/10 hookers to travel around with, otherwise i enjoy being along

there is no loyalty anymore, family means nothing, divorce rates are over 50%, the kylo ren poster wants to kill his dad because he won't let him lose another 100k in link, it's all a fucking joke, i'm not going to sacrificie 90% of my happiness to make an ungrateful woman or son happy, and most of the people my age feel the same way. only the biggest cucks i know are married.

>> No.4386055

Yea things are bad, better roll over and let it all end!

>> No.4386083

I can taste your bitter tears anon...

>> No.4386088
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>I get to walk around in my underwear!
$1000 a month well spent

>> No.4386113

A guy I know that has a masters and is really successful is already getting divorced after being married for like a year kek

>> No.4386114

>suggesting to live on your own during your late 20s is a jewish plot
You're in too deep

>> No.4386126

not bitter, i've made peace with reality a long time ago. i feel nothing now, except pity that most people won't see what I see until it's too late. but they will see. keep trying the same thing everyone else is failing at and expect different results, i'll just do whatever makes me happy rather than sacrifice even more

>> No.4386149

Post the rest of her pics

>> No.4386194



>> No.4386220
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1308916498077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnnnnggggg thank you anon