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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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434321 No.434321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Can we please get a book/documentary thread going?

Books on making money, investing, motivation, self improvement. Anything that helped you add more zero's to your bank account.

>> No.435036

Courtesy bump because I want info on good investing books. I've been looking at older stock market textbooks, although anything will do. Any recommendations?

>> No.435073

bump for bookz

>> No.435097

I can't read ;_;

>> No.435155

Interesting, you have my bump.

>> No.435312

I'll bump, there's way too many financial books out there that it's hard to tell which ones are full of shit

>> No.435326


>> No.435329

This is good, I'd only add The Richest Man in Babylon and the Basic/Advanced Economics books by Sowell.

>> No.435333

don't read "how to get rich with stocks" or any books with similar themes
don't read overly ideological books

read liar's poker

>> No.436353

Does anyone have that "Essential /biz/ Reading" pic?

>> No.436389
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>> No.436392


>> No.436491

There are three good documentaries about the different economic ideologies. Done by the BBC.

Masters of Money -- John Maynard Keynes

Masters Of Money -- Friedrich Hayek

Masters Of Money -- Karl Marx

>> No.436796
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Why there are a lot of books without the pdf symbol?

>> No.436810 [DELETED] 

Is worth to watch this documentary, or is it just waaa waaa the 1% are bad people waaa waaa I'm so poor waaa

>> No.436817
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Reading classics definitely helps, maybe not directly, but indirectly for sure.

>> No.436823

The Big Short

just for inspiration and an awesome financial story

You'll learn a good deal about bond markets and their role in finance too

>> No.436952
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I love all of you, /biz/rael. Thank you.

>> No.436964

Can you stop being so fucking retarded weaboo animu retarded in this board please?

>> No.436966

That book is useless, it contains no actual information on killing those annoying birds.

>> No.437003

I don't think books will help you become motivated OP. Sure, you can read them and learn valuable shit and tips etc but you need self motivation and the will to succeed more than anything. (Unless you're reading about how to understand markets or shit you can't learn unless you study etc) but I mean from a purely hands on approach, books won't help.
The bottom line is:
The people you see who are extremely motivated are either naturally self motivated or have endured a terrible fucking life, so bad, that they see any obstacle in front of them as nothing more than a challenge or speed bump. I think there is a danger in being middle class because you are comfortable. Similar to how most people who go to the gym get slightly above average and then don't take it any further even though they want to be bigger. Their motivation dries up, they cant tap into the same motivation anymore. Yet people like arnie who had nothing to fall back on out performed on a mass scale. (No pun intended)

Look at businessmen who grew up in sheer poverty, they are like machines. If you're middle class or perhaps even poor but still relatively comfortable, you can't compete with these people in terms of drive and motivation.

Reading other peoples rags to riches stories doesn't motivate me. I've heard too many of them. Seeing other peoples success doesn't motivate me, It doesnt hit home hard enough because wealth is everywhere you look.
The only thing that gets me motivated, and I mean to the point where I don't want to sleep for weeks on end is when I try something. I ingest as much info as possible, learn all I can... And sometimes fail at what I set out to do. Nothing motivates me more than past failure. Nothing.

My advice:
Try having a more hands on approach. You should still read because everyone should read and there is no excuse for not reading in this day and age but I think past failures and overcoming them are the key to being a self motivated fucking machine.

>> No.437008

But thats just my opinion, man

>> No.437064

What's your deal?

>> No.437086
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>> No.437092

>I don't think books will help you

>> No.437127


bumping baby, because now a friend made 3000k meanwhile i am here, trying to get more, anyone feel like this?

>> No.437180

its epub and mobi, which im sure are ebook formats.

>> No.437198

So I have to download one program to read the mobi and other program to read the epub?

>> No.437412
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Use Calibre, anon. http://calibre-ebook.com/

>> No.437439


more on jesse livermore


also this which is difficult to find, paul tudor jones keeps trying to shut it down so it must be good, already downloaded it from somewhere but the link no longer works


>> No.437443
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> 3000k
> 3 thousand thousand

3m idiot!!!

>> No.437462


By motivation I mean self-help and just general life improvement material. I am trying to get rid of TV from my life and I need some good books to keep my busy while I have down time.

I am learning the family business right now and am struggling with everything I need to learn and do. So I need to cut TV and all distractions while I focus on learning.

>> No.437465
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Then how did you read the original post.

Also, I can't read either, so I have no idea what you said. And I don't know what my picture is saying.

>> No.438167
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>> No.438357
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I didn't knew that Warren Buffett disinherit his granddaughter after appearing in this documentary, he say that she is not part of his family anymore..

>> No.438519
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>> No.438572
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>bitching about anime on 4chan

>> No.438629

>posting animu in a business related board
manchild please

>> No.438631

>Richest Man
I vouch for this book. I have like 7 copies for idiots that ask for advice on savings, I give them the book then they're all over my ... well you know :3

>> No.438636

author name please

>> No.438654

why is everyone on this board obsessed with books? you think some book is gonna make you rich? don't be so naive

learn the basics on the internet and then APPLY it. experience is the most important thing

>> No.438665

>reading is for faggots.jpg

>> No.438678

books are just as bad as shitty blogs only just bigger waste of time

>> No.438680


>> No.438683

pretty much

>> No.438688

read business news, text books, SEC filings and finance/trading tutorials


then look up terms you don't understand on wikipedia and investopedia, read everything, even the disclaimers and shit, from one end of a quarterly (10-Q) to the other, find out what the other forms mean, try to think and use your critical thinking skills and fit them into your world, how events affect the business, how significant they are and so forth

you could start with this


>> No.438706


>> No.438715

Why babypips anon?
Learning forex is useful to finance or is just like a plus?

>> No.438733

It is strongly related with other types of trading and covers quite a lot besides forex, I found it useful.

>> No.438735

Cool! is good to know

>> No.438873

Please get out.

>> No.439426

interesting thread

>> No.439501
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>not getting rich off weebs

>> No.439983
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deal with it sperglord

>> No.440156

Why we have animetards here?
They don't provide nothing to this board

>> No.440593 [DELETED] 

Why nobody respond this?

>> No.440594

Anyone post "early retirement extreme" yet?

>> No.440606

tl,dr of early retirement extreme?

>> No.440633
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I hated reading this in high school, I was expecting full blown bird on bird gore, what did I get? a retarded nigger and a whore... fuck this shit

>> No.440678

why are micro/marcoeconomics books there.. most people here wont understand it

>> No.440783

Because wathever retarded add books to that pic
But, aren't you suposed to understand AT LEAST basic economics?

>> No.441925


>> No.441959
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>> No.441961 [DELETED] 

Then when you're rich enough to get into the Illuminati you need to read these.

>> No.441962
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>> No.441994

What exactly is this for?

>> No.441995


epub and mobi are such shitty formats, I don't know why anyone publishes in anything but .pdf. I would rather read in .txt than epub.

>> No.441999

I have a Kindle (the cheapest one, paid $49 on sale) and reading pdf's on it is a fucking nightmare. epub is pretty good, and I dont have no experience with mobi.

>> No.442007

>i'm too poor to afford a kindle

>> No.442691

>muh mommy has money and she bought me a kindle

>> No.443174


>> No.444348

wrong board

>> No.444370

>muh mommy doesn't like me enough to spend $50 on me

>> No.444380

Nop, muh mommy teach me to earn my own money and not be a retarded manchild who like to showing off the toys that mommy buy to him

>> No.444381

Well you're on 4chan so she obviously failed

>> No.444439

>if I'm in 4chan and I'm a loser, everybody is a loser too

>> No.444454

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World by Niall Ferguson


>> No.444459

I guess you didn't have Thyme for it.

>> No.444618

I have been looking for something exactly like that. Thank you!

>> No.444848

Watch it, is very informative and interesting

>> No.445914

After reading "The Millionaire Next Door", which book should I read next?

>> No.446870

Write a book on making money and sell it

Bit dot Ly slash passinc123

>> No.447565

Yeah. A friend just bought his second brand new car, while im wage slavin'

>> No.447582

But does it work?

>> No.448913


>> No.448934
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Haven't seen the documentary but the book is very good

Pic related by Raghuram Rajan is the best book on finance/economics I've read so far

>> No.449504
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>> No.449506


Why the hell is The Idiot on there? That's literature, and it's set in 1840s Russia.

>> No.449507


Calibre will read them both.

Epub and mobi are pretty much the standard ebook formats, for stuff like kindles and tablets. Epub is more widespread.

>> No.449508


Not his real grandaughter. She's some sort of adopted daughter of one of his sons, or maybe a stepdaughter. At any rate, he's never acknowledged her as his granddaughter, he's never liked her for some reason. But there she was in the movie acting like she and him were thick as thieves. He got pretty annoyed at that and wrote her a public letter to that effect.

>> No.450292

Unplug from:

1. daily shit tier news (local news)
2. hollywood movies
3. idle gossip
4. tv shows of any kind

If you partake in these activities daily, you're not going to make it.

*haven't watch TV in 7 years

>> No.450323

This is retarded. All of these are opportunities to connect your business with your customer base. You can even find some great ideas this way (local advertising, people gossiping about their problems) Just don't get sucked up into any of this shit (i.e. Doctor Who Fandom) and think critically about what you're watching and participating in. Learn to effectively allocate time.