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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4381190 No.4381190 [Reply] [Original]

this is the worst fucking coin on the planet. i legit lost 100k usd on it. please buy my bags

>> No.4381196

Fuck this fucking shitcoin

>> No.4381217
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1501755550349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4381223

suck it nerd

>> No.4381222

How? You must of went all in at the very peak with a lot of btc?

That brings my second question of how you got so much btc being a complete fucking retard and making trades like that

I’ve never lost a penny on link, been in since ICO and it’s never even once came back down to ICO. It’s it comfiest hold and really excited about the future because it has so much more room to grow compared to other coins marketcap

>> No.4381249

You ICO buyers are the only people defending this shit because the price hasn't effected you YET. Once this shit crashes below the ICO level you will sell

>> No.4381259
File: 104 KB, 473x632, 1354878254497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pure shitcoin.

Stay poor. Do not forget this: BHSL (BuyHighSellLow)

>> No.4381280

Nice larp

>> No.4381302

Let's be real here. In the deepest part of the BTC rally when the FUD was the most intense it was stil 4 cents above ICO.

It isn't happening. You had your shot.

>> No.4381328

It never will lol. If we resisted ICO levels at the past btc pump we will always resist it.
I think a lot of you guys forget that this ICO sold out in literally 5 seconds. Also look at other ICOs realised during this month REQ is fucking 50% below ICO and it was actually promising and hyped up too.. all alts in general are just low we haven’t had an alt market for months now with this btc fuckery... links gonna have its time in the spotlight soon enough, mark my words

>> No.4381336

Hellraiser meme please

>> No.4381348

>it never will
Delusional. Sorry, but its priced in. Obviously if people really wanted LINK they would continue to buy rather than sell

>> No.4381350

Serious question here....why is Chain Link so bad...just checked their website and it looks like a good idea (?). Their stock/rating is shit af when i check it on coinmarketcap though... (??)

>> No.4381392

How the fuck is it bad?


>> No.4381423

there is nothing giving value to the token

>> No.4381427

I can't believe people keep falling for this meme. Shitcoins that fail at their one use case of making money are literally worthless.

>> No.4381444

fucking anime-chan

we need to hunt down that tranny and rape it

>> No.4381453
File: 1.20 MB, 848x7714, 1510756418413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smart contracts are more secure and cost less than current alternatives. They will in future be used (whether it's Ethereum and LINK, who knows) to enforce futures contracts, derivatives, and all sorts of financial stuff - the kinds of markets measured in the QUADRILLIONS.

Obviously we're quite far from the time when smart contracts are industry standard for derivatives and financial shit. But this is where the market is going

Banks, investment firms, etc. (like SWIFT) will start by testing out smart contracts in small areas of their business and as trust grows they'll look to implement them in more and more areas due to the security and cost benefits.

I thought the crypto bubble had got too hot around summer time but if LINK (or some other middleware) can bridge the gap between the walled garden of smart contracts and real world data then this really is just the beginning

pic related

>> No.4381493

> its all priced in

>> No.4381508

> live rent free in your head

>> No.4381511

The teams unwillingness to market the token sure is.

>> No.4381537

What the fuck?
Is today your first day?

>> No.4381539

>partnerships announced
>mainstream adoption
>price flushes down to 5 cents

>> No.4381567

Only because people will have no clue that there's a token.

>> No.4381582

For what it is worth, it seems to have hit rockbottom..

>> No.4381604

market cap $64,420,300 with 350 million coins
= $0.18
say it goes up 20 times today value
market cap = $64,420,300 *20=$1288406000

price now = $1288406000 /21billion coins
= $1.2

kek you never going to reach even $1 because sergei will start dropping coins every time it rises.

good luck with Lambo, you will be lucky to get second hand Ford
Sergei releases the other coins into market so he can buy more lambos

>> No.4381617

oops meant
>price now = $1288406000 /1billion coins

>> No.4381618

>market cap $64,420,300 with 350 million coins
>= $0.18
>say it goes up 20 times today value
>market cap = $64,420,300 *20=$1288406000
>price now = $1288406000 /21billion coins
>= $1.2
this math

>> No.4381630

>For what it is worth, it seems to have hit rockbottom

I think you need to talk to the Digimarines son. You know why we don't see them post anymore? Because they're dead. They all killed themselves...There is no bottom except Hell for Linkies.

>> No.4381735

12K digimarine reporting. Not worried in the slightest.

>> No.4381913

Where did you get the 1 billion coins from?

>> No.4382299

Just sell low if you lost money. Then be on suicide watch in 1 year from now when you missed x50.

>> No.4382309
File: 13 KB, 369x406, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first time i've had an in depth look at the DGB chart. did you know that if you bought ATL and sold ATH it would have netted you a 120x profit?

>> No.4382324

there was an anon who had like a million DGB and sold right before the pump. would legit kms if i was him

>> No.4382354

Welcome to the world of investment, newcoiner. You can basically make profit with every shitcoin in existence.

>> No.4382384

>biz was wrong once again

How unexpected.

>> No.4382385

says the brainlet

>> No.4382390

I think people are tired of coins that aren't immediately functional anymore or aren't immediately understandable to people.

>> No.4382502

no brains, no gains.

>> No.4382521

Gtfo newfag

>> No.4382580

talked my dad into investing in crypto. man hes gonna love these link bags.

>> No.4382682

There are man Linkies with 100K plus and one anon who posted 1mill worth of Link as well.

I just hope Sergeys' BMI will stay below 50 before the product rolls out.

>> No.4383428

Sergey still hasn’t hired a marketing department. Probably feels like there’s no need for one.

>> No.4384041

Source on the pic? MoneyProject doesn't say anything about a 630tril smart contracts market

>> No.4384101

If the adoption becomes a reality for LINK, even holding just 1k for 10 years should let you retire later.
Women will unironically suck your dick for 0.01 LINK

>> No.4384123

there's 1 billion total supply, and according to;
the lower end estimate of the derivatives market is $544 trillion with the high end estimate of $1.2 quadrillion
(They also the gross market value of derivatives at $20.7 trillion as a low end estimate)
Now with 1bil token supply, assuming with the integration of smart contracts we see low level adoption despite LINK potentially likely to partner with 11,000 banks, we'll see a potential market cap of either (and these are assumptions)
1% adoption at 20tril = 20,000,000 market cap, meaning 20c token price at max supply
0.1% adoption at 544tril = 544bil market cap, meaning $544 token price at max supply
0.1% adoption at 1.2 quad = 1.2tril market cap, meaning $1200 token price at max supply

The 544tril and 1.2 quad numbers can't be used though

>> No.4384134

So you did 0 research huh


>> No.4384313

No lie I'll buy your bags off you if you want to work out a deal. Won't even ask you for a price below current market price.

>> No.4384323

Buy high, sell low.

>> No.4384386

>d estimate of the derivatives market is $544 trillion with the high end estimate of $1.2 quadrillion
>(They also the gross market value of derivativ

>> No.4384398

Most honest LINK shill ever

>> No.4384413

Did anime-chan recommend chainlink?

>> No.4384438


How to find a Delusional autist. The post

>> No.4384488

Shill your bags on this discord, they are a bunch of guillable idiots that will do anything https://discord.gg/MmXHNwG

>> No.4384713

Adoption isn't a fixed rate though, it grows over time if it turns out to be more efficient than traditional technology
Also your numbers are a little bit off, but anyways nice work, for such a short time for a response

>> No.4385039
File: 2.07 MB, 2144x1896, 8rtnv4hatcgz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you bought at the ATH.

Did you know that if you bought into the presale pool anime-chan gave us you would be at 1.5x your initial investment?

Fucking brainlet lmao this is why you'll always be a bottom feeder.

>> No.4385122

If you sold at ath instead of holding like the greedy faggot you are, you would have 5x'd.
But nah
Literally bragging about 1.5x when you could have had fucking 5x
What next? "I've got the exact same usd value it's just like using a bank but I'm not supporting kikes huur"?