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4378498 No.4378498 [Reply] [Original]

I have a jerb, I make meh money but I hustle two side jobs too so I can put money into crypto every few weeks.

My main issues holding me back are all sexual.

>used porn so much from ages 12+ that I can barely get/keep erection
>addicted to reddit, craigslist, dating sites to find hookups
>never had long term gf, just an endless string of fuck buddies or one night stands
>best times ever were when I actually made it 60+ days of no porn/NoFap/no orgasm at all

What the fuck can I do to break the cycle? I've cut back drastically but anytime I get bored my mind immediately gravitates to random hookups.

Only positive here is I don't have a kid or any long term relationship to deal with which gives me decent freedom and flexibility, and some spending money which I use for crypto since I'm kinda a jew with my funds.

>> No.4378536

I will give .05 eth to the best advice in the thread.

Sometimes I hear something and it just clicks. A friend told me "carbs are poison" and I immediately eliminated excess carbs/sugar from my diet. Like right away, no questions asked and stayed with it. So tell me something that can change my life and post your eth address.

In before "porn is poison," I've heard and thought it. Be creative or original.

>> No.4378620

Make a bet with your friend, or group thereof.

Tell them you'll give each one of them $100 if they ask you if you fapped or slept with a women before a month of actively meeting her and you won't be able to convincingly tell them that you didn't. Till the end of 2018.

I'm doing something very similar (without the hookups part) and it works beautifully.

>> No.4378643

Your only hope is to buy link.

>> No.4378651

Join the army, go to stan for a month; no such problems anymore :)

>> No.4378670

only thing you can do is make a commitment to yourself to be a better person. i don't think extremes and hardlines really are sustainable solutions - what works for me is saying that today i will be better than yesterday.

it's a low bar to set and essentially you're saying that i will not commit the same mistakes today that i did yesterday. I won't eat an entire pizza. I won't bang that fat chick at the bar just because i can. I will take responsibility for my choices and recognize that I can make other better ones in the future.

tl;dr - grow up and own your life

>> No.4378698


I own a little over 10k link, will be adding more in the near future

>> No.4378704

just go all in bcc right now and just yourself completely

>> No.4378712

You're not the only one, brother. My life would be gangbusters if it weren't for some sexual issues.

>> No.4378719

I posted this in the "proper" forum (adv) and barely got replies. Biz is best forum

>> No.4378777


Yeah when I was on the 60+ day run of no orgasm, no porn it was AMAZING

Girls I worked with for 3 years and barely knew existed came up to me, approached fucking me and started talking about work related stuff. Like wtf, we worked together for years, never said a word other than a random "hi" passing by each other and now you're asking me about so and so at work? It was surreal.

Eye contact was better

I started getting morning wood again

My voice got deeper

My hearing improved

I could focus on what I was doing way better

List goes on.

I notice that anytime I go a week now, girls react differently, they actively start flirting and hitting on me automatically. Girls blurt out stuff about dating/marrying me or make jokes about similar things. But if I binge, it all stops.

>> No.4378790

Are you just hear to moan and cry or do you want change your life right now?

Delete all apps that could be distractions.
Install "block site" addon for Chrome/Firefox and put in every site that is a time waster.
Open a calendar. You will now start making plans to be productive. At least three times a week should include any form of exercising. At least 15 minutes of meditation every day.

If you managed one day of no wasted time and distractions then you are allowed 30 minutes of free time the next day.

If you fail at these things don't lie to yourself. Deep down you know. The first step is to be aware what your issues are.

Good luck.

>> No.4378813

whoops, what an embarassing typo

>> No.4378836


I appreciate the advice. I do want to change things

Why was it so easy for me to just give up 100% on added sugar/carb heavy foods when my friends said carbs and sugar are poison? I didn't plan anything out it just happened. I want similar results here, I think I just need the right frame of mind and it will naturally happen.

>> No.4378837

Don't consume anything with high fructose corn syrup. Since the 60's, the rise in the use of HFCS matches the growth in obesity very closely.

Also, it sounds like you have little energy. Get your T levels checked, start out doing light exercise (even just push ups, bicep curls if you have a dumb bell, etc) to jump start your body. If you're under 35, there's no reason you should be having erection problems unless you have a bad health problem or you're taking medication.

>> No.4378869


I like your advice. But what happens for me is I go on a streak of "better today than yesterday" for a week or two, then I binge and all progress is lost in two hours.

For me it causes me to compare myself to the past versions of me and I see all the failure and think well, what's one more?

Maybe I need to stop looking back to yesterday and start focusing on today

>> No.4378895


I'm actually under weight if anything, I don't drink soda/alcohol and keep carbs very low. I lost a bunch of weight and I wasn't obese to begin with, just had some extra gut fat that totally disappeared. Now I'm becoming skin and bones with little extra fat

>> No.4378916

I think you need to try Yohimbe supplements, it elevates your blood flow. Thus you can get some really good boners going. It also speeds up your heart rate a little so don't freak out. Try to get the natural type. The lab one doesn't work as well. Don't think about your dick so much. I guarantee you it causes issues for everyone when they're constantly thinking and judging themselves. Read "Be Here Now" to change the way you think. It helped me during my path of betterment
Anyway if my advice helps, thanks.


>> No.4378918

Don't wait. You will not wake up one day with "motivation" or "frame of mind". Successful people learn to be disciplined. They are hard on themselves.

The human brain can easily be tricked with single techniques. Reward yourself for doing what you planned.

Restrict access. You are doing this stuff on autopilot because there is nothing better (which is obviously not true) to do. Teach your brain that other things are rewarding as well. You just have to first do them though.

First few days are easy. Then you will feel very tempted because you had three successful days. If you make it though these phases then you win in the end.

>> No.4378939


I think my boners will come back on their own with enough healing time. It's a mind problem not a dick problem. I can get it up fine for porn, and I'm not totally limp but just not where I should be when I'm with a girl.

>> No.4378972

You obviously have a sex addiction. Get that shit dealt with before you end up like Weinstein masturbating into potted plants while forcing horrified women to watch.

Most serious addictions like you have are not something you can handle on your own. It's possible, but don't kid yourself.

>> No.4378979


Read this and understand what it is saying about why you and everyone else feels bad in modern society. Either inject testosterone, take clomid, or live outside somehow because the environment you live in is destroying your testosterone.

>> No.4378985

failures will happen.
setbacks will happen.
you're human and you'll make mistakes.

all you do is recognize it. state it plainly and even out loud, and then you try and do better tomorrow. it's about building better habits for most days so you don't end up reaching this breaking points as often.

>> No.4378997

Oh and I should add you can buy clomid on sites like alldaychemist.

>> No.4379019
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>how his body evolved into an efficient, fat-burning, testosterone-fueled machine
>his body evolved into a.... testosterone-fueled machine

He looks like your typical numale soyboy cuck. Well-groomed beard, faggy smile, pastel color clothing. In short: faggot.
Does he know what that word means?

>> No.4379031

Honestly sounds like you have low T. Forcing yourself to start exercising is the hardest part. Once you get into a routine, it becomes something you look forward to. Exercise will help your T levels.

Best thing that ever happened to me is when I got a dog. Forced me to get off my ass and go on walks/hikes for his sake, not mine.

>> No.4379106

What is wrong with you, are you retarded? He literally has perfect testosterone bloodwork and you are worried about him wearing pastels...>,<

>> No.4379132

if you are going that far, please describe how you look, or even better post a picture. tell us that you know what he should look like.

>> No.4379151
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Fuck, sometimes I forget where I am: beta numale land.


>> No.4379161

Just see your brain as a malleable entity which you can bend to your will. Try doing things that strengthen your prefrontal cortex.

eg. Running. This is the most powerful primitive way to strengthen your prefrontal cortex and increase your self-control, ultimately leading to increased BDNF levels even weeks after your last run. I discarded this as "normie" advice for a long time, but it sure really is one of the most powerful things you can do for your brain health.

Meditation is a powerful tool too, it should drastically reduce sex drive and increase self-control in return.

Try Chasteberry, Valerian or some herbs and supplements that typically reduce sex drive.

Try changing your beliefs by spending time in echo chambers of belief, such as MGTOW communities etc, which will make you not want women so much.

As people say you are the average of 3 of your closest friends, I would add that you are also the average of the 20 browser-tabs you have open.

>> No.4379166
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You sound just like me, OP, so here's how I got out of the cycle:
>be me, tried for steady gf in high school
>dumped over and over because I was a secret pr0n freak who wanted to 'wait til marriage' to fuck
>become 18, no gf, want to fuck like mad suddenly
>hook up with chick down the street, lose my v card
>fast forward thru 10 years of hookups and wasted time trying to converse with American whores
>finally sign up for facebook
>years of hiding my pron and sex addiction have made me into Patrick Bateman
>begin having non-sexual discussions online about space and science and shit
>develop new love for scientific progress
>galaxies and plasma begin to give me pleasure
>begin to find excitement in discussing futurism and planning on spending cryptos on space elevators
>two months ago, I get into discussion about manifold dimensions with 7/10 QT Korean gril
>discussions continue, I realize that I am in love with this woman, her brain is amazing and I can speculate about shit with her for hours
>introduce her to crypto
>she takes to it like a dolphin in water
>find out she is a kissless virgin at age 27
>my dick is flipping between babbyholes and brain
>she invites me to spend Thanksgiving with her and her adoptive family

I'm flying to California next week to see her for the first time irl.
I've only spent two months talking to this woman but I have decided to keep it in my pants and really be /gentleman/ around her.
I guess the example I am giving here is that just like your portfolio, you need to build something stable - even if it isn't glorious at first and cherish it into the future.
I can't guarantee you'll meet a sweet rare girl like I did, but after a decade of having booty and tits shoved into muh dick, I now realize all I ever really needed was someone who understood the need to build up something.
I hope you find this too.
Godspeed, OP

>> No.4379176

I'm pretty sure I'm talking to a far neckbeard right now

>> No.4379196

aww, good luck man.

>> No.4379224

Take time off from the world to just relax a bit. Go on vacation somewhere and have some clean fun. Try jetskiing or snorkeling. You know, live life

>> No.4379241

Move to a place where you don't know anyone and have to start your life over again.

>> No.4379255

a man who weighs less than 200 lbs isn't really actually a man. Fatbois don't count.

>> No.4379294
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>> No.4379306

Just don't invest in Dolphincoin!!!

>> No.4379310

>eg. Running. This is the most powerful primitive way to strengthen your prefrontal cortex and increase your self-control, ultimately leading to increased BDNF levels even weeks after your last run. I discarded this as "normie" advice for a long time, but it sure really is one of the most powerful things you can do for your brain health.

This is very true. When I was going through a really rough breakup with a girl I had strong feelings for, the thing that helped me most was going outside to a nearby national park and hiking in a random direction for several miles, intentionally getting lost, then forcing myself to find the way back.

>> No.4379323



Funny because I was in a good habit of running 6x a week but then just kinda lost interest

My legs got stronger and I felt good but I just quit.

>> No.4379334

>Addicted to porn to the point where you can barely get an erection
>Somehow also fuck people regularly


>> No.4379343

how do you get hookups easily on dating sites ? which sites are good for it ? also how do you avoid getting robbed when using craigslist ?

>> No.4379378


Yeah it's pretty bad

I've cut way back on the porn but it used to be something like

>surf porn for 3+ hours looking for perfect scene
>cum and instantly go soft and regret everything
>15 min later, start browsing Craigslist or dating sites sending messages to find hookup. Also text old hookups to see what they're doing
>do this for hours, if nothing happens then go back to porn
>wake up, repeat

Crazy because I've held two steady jobs the entire time and actually got promoted due to good work ethic, performance
and attendance. But my free time is fucked.

>> No.4379404
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Anon, doing NoFap all at once isn't a good idea.

Try only fapping once a week, this way you're weaning off of excessive masturbation without quitting cold turkey.

Cut it with the porn. If you can't, keep it lite and vanilla. Small doses moderated keeps you in control.

Delete your reddit account. But more importantly, try to go out more often. I don't know what your life is, but I'm 99% sure you're only going out for dates. When in reality, you should just go out to go out. Ask out girls you think are cute, go on a couple dates with them. Don't sleep with them immediately, even if they want to.

Sounds like you have it made, so tone down your two side hustles. The stress will make it more likely for you to crack. Try jogging in the mornings instead, or get /fit/.

If it's that bad, look into sex addiction therapy. If you can afford it anyways.

Hope this helps, you're gonna make it.

>> No.4379461


For me it wasn't "easy," it was actually a lot of effort that eventually would pay off.

What I would do is download tinder, pof, OK cupid. And I'd also use craigslist and reddit.

I'd make a blank profile, not even a picture. Then I'd just message dozens and hundreds of girls either saying "hi" or sending a dirty message right away. If they responded favorably then it was easy to hookup. Worked maybe 1/200 times

Craigslist I'd just post my own ads. I'd have one up for cougar/milf, one for college girl, one for Asian, etc. Different things. I'd reply to almost every ad.

I've easily banged 200 girls, no joke. Surprisingly I got tested and it came back clean, and I don't have any kids.

I'm not bad looking but I'm not Chad either. And I look awkward and stupid in every picture. If you saw a picture of me you'd think no chance I'm getting laid. If you met me in person, slight chance. My personality is actually my best trait, I'm witty and funny and very sharp and smart. If I "tried" I'm sure I could get an amazing girl or at least hook up with high quality qt pies. Aka, dress better, work out and stop wasting time.

>> No.4379505
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Are you me? I've fucked around 90 girls and do the same thing. POF is shooting fish in a barrel, it's insane how easy it is.

How do you hook up on Reddit though? I feel like it would be way too much of a sausage fest.

>> No.4379535

no fap is a meme. I need my Hardcore porn otherwise i dont function

>> No.4379592


Post ads to your local r4r, dirtyr4r, random act of muff, or random act of blowjob sub

Or search your city in each and reply to ads you like

>> No.4379608
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>i have jerbs
>i have ONS sex
>i have munnehs
>i have FB sex
>i have coins
>i have NSA sex
>i have gainz0rs
>did I mention no yapyap from a gf
>also amma jew
Bitchin rap mah nigga!

>> No.4379640
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You're the man. Good luck on getting over this addiction, it's fucking hard. The thing for me is I'm hooked on the seduction aspect, which makes it really hard to have relationships. Fucking sucks

>> No.4379657

Empty sex is meaningless and soul sucking. It's fun for a while until it hits you like a train smacking into the side of a mountain. It leads you to a pretty dark place. There's a reason society tends to discourage it, it's just a shame that people have to figure that out the hard way now.

>> No.4379696


Yeah it's tough.

I think a part of my success on quitting sugar and carbs is that I can just eat other stuff and be fine

With this it's like okay I set a goal of no orgasms. But then what? I'm forever shut out of sex and relationships?

So it's something like "no meaningless orgasms" which is totally subjective and I can hijack it.


>> No.4379730
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>Search my local town on all of these just to see what's there
>Literally all dudes

>> No.4379741

Go to church and stop being degenerate. Maybe you'll meet a girl you can marry and have kids with.

>> No.4379886

Trips for truth, this is so real.

>> No.4379904

Do yoga, anon - the spiritual and authentic kind, not the new agey kind. There is no shortcut. You need to do yogic practices to gain a reasonable amount of mastery over your body, mind and energies. You can not only pull yourself out of this cycle but empower yourself and attain heights making the experience of your life magical.

I will recommend Sadhguru who started Isha Yoga. DYOR.

>> No.4379955


Yeah it depends on where you live. Bigger city better chance for girls. Post your own ads under a throwaway and maybe you'll get results.

>> No.4380002

Also I'm probably slightly to very autistic

What does it mean when girls and women in general tell me I look way younger than I am

I'm early 30s, when I interact with someone at my job they often comment how young I look and if I'm even old enough to work. I tell them my age and they always say I look younger. Sometimes like a "wow you look 15!" with a laugh and sometimes a more "you look much younger" comment that has vibes that they wanna fuck.

I'm retarded

>> No.4380049

Here's the thing Anon. I doubt that every single person wants to fuck you. It's entirely possible that porn has warped your social skills and now you think that every person is a horny ball of fuck.