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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4375807 No.4375807 [Reply] [Original]

> invest 120k USD in request (paypal 2.0 - lol)
> do an ico 2 months later for 40 million - muh, yc backing.
> wait for trading to start on etherdelta
> congrats your 120k USD are now worth close to 10 million

boys, how can you be this retarted. you are literally funding yc exec mansions and ferraris. dont have inside contacts at yc but i bet they are laughing their asses off. 10 mill profit with ZERO risk. I repeat ZERO.

meanwhile the Jew in chief of YC calls ICOs a bubble: https://www.coindesk.com/y-combinator-sam-altman-icos-bubble/

wow, wow, wow

>> No.4375817


>he still doesnt belive in REQ
reminder the platform is coming out NEXT MONTH!

>> No.4375837

did you read what I wrote? obviously not. Req can still succeed BUT YC are already in the GREEN. BIGLY.

YC sold you their bags for a 100x premium and you BOUGHT it. RETARTED.

>> No.4375847

120k is one quarter of the company? Fuck YC is aggressive af

>> No.4375880

Quality FUD keep up the good work. Nothing better than a solid buy signal from biz.

>> No.4375902

why r so many people trying to discredit request network ?

are these the idiots that bought the ICO and then sold at -50% ? and are now salty cause it's moving up again?

>> No.4375944
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>> No.4375953

Likely yes.

>> No.4375978

> zero counter arguments given
the moment you know you are right.

>> No.4375990

Being wrong feels the same as being right. Time will tell.

>> No.4375996

Your argument is that they raised money? Lol errr yeeaa how dare they raise money to fund the development of a game changing technology

>> No.4376002

so what? even if YC dumped their bags on us its their loss. thats like saying ETH is gonna die because all the original ETH holders dumped when it hit $5.

>> No.4376101

no argument against this
the moment you know you are right.

>> No.4376126

Right about what? Someone funds a start up and the start ist successful, oh nooooo he made money.

Giving Mark Zuckerberg 100k for facesmash was really idiotic. He made money!!!

>> No.4376157

if they would pull that money out
the price would crash
companys have to think for the future
let's make that 10 million 1 bilion
and let's crush paypal too

>> No.4376197

i think youre replying to the wrong guy mang, im saying i have no problem if YC dumped their bags and it wont affect the coins future in the slightest

>> No.4376269

Congratulations, you just discovered how 100% of ICOs works. And you know what? Who cares, joke is on them, we will make 20x of what we paid.
BTW, your FUD attemps are so lame that you are probably clinically retarded.

>> No.4376677

I like REQ

>> No.4376724

Sorry bud. Hard to ping the right one one the smartphone

The last part made me laugh, gj anon

>> No.4377211

Can someone redpill me why we would need a "decentralized paypal" since we already have cryptocurrencies?

I did my own research and I don't get it, they basically just want to do a wallet and an app, I mean outside of the escrow mechanism who the fuck needs that?

>> No.4377456

>no reply

I guess it's a real shitcoin

>> No.4377632

Intermediary businesses is where the big money is at. Simplified payment services using request, omg, bitpay, shapeshift and similar.

Normies are dumb and lazy. Think coinbase, credit cards, banks. Normies need these kind of simplified services where things are taken care of for them. No need to handle cryptic addresses, no need to manage private keys and shit.

Sure, it's not as secure as holding the coins yourself, so we the more technically inclined know better and stand to profit from it.

>> No.4377662

Why would anyone spoonfeed you? Either you are able to comprehend the project or you don't. Clearly you are a nigga with a low IQ.

>> No.4377670

he hasn't read about the continuous payments they will be bringing.

they will make it possible for companies and employees to pay and get paid by the minute / hour / day instead of big sums of money coming in and going out at the end of the month.

This improves cash flow.
The better the cash flow in your company the better.

litteraly EVERY company in the future will be working with continuous payment systems.
and REQ happens to be the first coming out with it.

>> No.4377734
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>Still better than 800 million dollar skateboard.

>> No.4377899

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY passive. YC completely fucks around with their startups. They will not push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will drop their bags like addicts. They did nothing to help Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc to go mainstream and they will definitely not make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

>> No.4377988
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>use the word "nigga"
>call other low IQ

Ok "nigga", you realize that shilling your bag and asking people to put their money in your coin to make it grow actually requires that you convince them in the first place right? You won't convince many by spamming the same FOMO/buzzword/name dropping garbage.

Maybe but you don't need something decentralized for that, also the biggest thing about normies is that they are risk averse, I mean if I get my paypal account hacked (not necessarily via the software but by social engineering for example) I have someone to talk with who can eventually guarantee my funds, with blockchain I don't now how it's doable.

Sure Request will most likely have far better tarifications fee wise but that's not enough.

That's actually interesting.

>> No.4378108

Your research suck.
Their main point is that most business money transfers originate from an invoice. Their project is to leverage the blockchain to issue and manage invoices, payments, accounting and audits.
Payments will be possible in crypto or fiat, blockchain tech is just the backbone, not the end of it.
So who will want a decentralized trustless automated accounting and invoicing/payment system? My money is on a lot of people.

>> No.4378282
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_multiracialists_are_crazy_part_3_iq_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to convience nobody of the potential about any coin. Do you srly think this pajeet / nigga board has any real influence over a long term price impact change with his trillion dollar purchasing power?

You did zero research so far and now ask random pajeet for help. Is it really so hard to read a 20 Page whitepaper and some blog articles? You don't even know the CP was a thing...i mean come on.

>Pic related and sage that this shit quality thread dies

>> No.4378816

There are 50k other pajeets shilling their shitcoin everyday on /biz/ with 10 different projects released everyday with their WP each, especially since payment projects are already legion on the blockchain (Monetha, Omisego, TenX, etc... who all argue to do something special and target paypal/visa/mastercard), I have time to look at their websites but not to read 250 pages of WP everyday.

Also I just looked and their roadmap, the "continuous payment" is mentioned in small for Q3 2018 (and these roadmaps are always optimistic, I know it by experience, half of this shit will most likely not come before 2019).

This will definitely not grow anytime soon, I would even say it's vastly overvalued considering it has a 30 millions marketcap with nothing to show for it but ideas, it will bleed massively at the next BTC/ETH rally, we will see who is the brainlet then.

>> No.4379008

Do what you have to do. No one gives a shit.

>> No.4379028

just because somebody profited off of something, doesn't mean others can't profit off of it too retard.

>> No.4379061

Be prepared to be labeled a brainlet. Honestly, a low fee alternative to PayPal is enough to sell me on the project. Not to mention all of the extensions coming on top. PayPal suck and charge crazy fees, not to mention the ability to revert legit transactions just because the buyer requests it. Ask anyone who sells through PayPal what a pain in the arse it is and you will see a better use case for Req. Even so.. Less fees and a good user experience are enough for most people..

>> No.4379076

If you don't have enough "time" to do your due diligence you don't deserve money. It's as easy as that.

Wont respond to any of your points, because you don't have enough time anyway. You have enough time to discuss random BS on a pajeet / nigga board. But not enough time to read WP's. Oh dear , something is clearly wrong in your life, set fucking priorites.