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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 176 KB, 1620x682, oldfagbiztardwasright500b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376723 No.4376723 [Reply] [Original]

Have a few appts. to keep this morning, and then we will have another go at it. Assume your Positions. Sources indicate we have Royalty on board for this push to a new ATH on Friday

>> No.4376803

Oldfagfan reporting in. Strapped back in and ready for Blastoff. I will gather the Others.

>> No.4376820

Oh shit, Oldfag is the only one whose advice actually makes sense

>> No.4376824
File: 84 KB, 1440x1892, 20171113_212732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, this was you on the STORJ Pump, wasn't it?

>> No.4376838

I didn't know you did Alts. This is huge news. Why did you not use your Tripcode and Name?

>> No.4376858

Ummm. Your creepy. Thats what I was going to ask.

>> No.4376860

I know.

>> No.4376883

I don't usually do Alts unless they have huge potential, and on the rare occasion when I do, I do not use my name. To my Fans, the style is distinct. They just Know. If that changes, I will reveal myself with a trip.

>> No.4376911

Pls mr Oldfagbiztard - do you think chainlink has huge potential?

>> No.4377107

Ummmmmm. Boy. My sympathies are with you. My tendrils reach everywhere, So I saw the Chainlink deal in its infancy.The Project had great potential, but was unheard of at the time "The Path Of Light Raid" took form. The very first posts on /pol/ were brought to my attention by an INTEL associate. I watched as it coalesced in to quite the Frankenstein. When it was ready,"They" picked the most obscure coin they could, for maximum "Keks". Think College Frat Raid mentality, and you will be inside "Their" heads. "They" then bought in, and showed up on /biz/ en masse. I followed them. I posted many warnings on /biz/, even as it rocketed. When "They" decided it was enough, and I had presented so much evidence of the scam, they bailed, dumping their bags on /biz/. It was a sad thing for me to watch, and even sadder to see /biz/ turning on itself. The /biz/tards who got dumped on then began shilling the coin themselves in the same fashion they had seen, which was so succsessfull. /bi/ thought it was the OG shillers, but it was not, merely the second round of bagholders.. This process continued through a series of 6 different set of bagholders, until it is where it is today. It will always have that blight upon it. The only way for it to EVER recover is for someone to buy it, bring in new Devs, and rebrand it. This will happen, but it is in the distant future atm. I will give you somewhat of a tripcode on a post, so you will know I was there. I was the one who was always posting"There will come a day when being"Chainlinked" is synonomous with being scammed in crypto. You will one day look up "Chainlinked" on Wikipedia, and there will be an entire page on the scam". I'm sorry Bro, I tried to warn you.

>> No.4377157

I didn't know who you were then, but glad I listened.

>> No.4377229

Mr. Oldfagbiztard, is ~7100 the new consolidation point? Will it go below $7000 before the next moon mission?

>> No.4377290

It consolidated at $7050.

>> No.4377325
File: 98 KB, 1192x441, OLDFAGBIZTARDWASRIGHT500G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the point at which I made the above referenced "Breakout" post.

>> No.4377355

do you use ta or inside info

>> No.4377365

He's using his ass.

>> No.4377449

what's your price prediction for btc in 1-3 years then?

>> No.4377463

Staymad I blew [Your] Chainlink scam. lel. Look, I'm not anti pol, myself and a lot of contacts use it to transfer information securely.

>> No.4377482

It is a Holistic Myriad.

>> No.4377508

BTW; Go Flag forming now in the chart. When Green Candle pops, the Bullshit stops.

>> No.4377660

Yesterday. I put out an invitation to His Royal Highness, Prince Bin Salman to join us in this runup to a new ATH, and put the final nail in the coffin of his Adveraries BCH Scam. We will see if His Excellence decides to grace us with His Presence today.

>> No.4377669


>> No.4377694

Is this real or have you finally transcended into the realm of glue and psychosis

>> No.4377708

We have Liftoff.

>> No.4377866

wait, so LINK was basicly a big Pump and Dump organized on /pol/ ?
are there any archives of that?

>> No.4377903

Another oldfagbiztard reporting in.

This is a bull trap. Sell now. We have 2 russian oliarch onboard for this dump.

>> No.4377987

"oliarch" / Post. Grichka and his Brother are actually on board with this runup to new ATH, Child. Mum has tendies ready upstars, run along now, you will be late for Grammar School.

>> No.4378019

Look, you and i both don't know what will happen to the price. Someone will be right. (probably me) It's just evil to lure in people

>> No.4378021

Holy Shit, Anon! You just got Anally Pillaged. Better call 911, that is one nasty rectal bleed. Kek. +5000 Oldfag.

>> No.4378051

Which platforms do oldfags recommend? Is Binance good?

>> No.4378053

I suggest you shut your pie hole, show some Respect to your Betters, and refresh your chart, Child.

>> No.4378072

Binance = avg. and mildly dangerous. Bittrex = God Tier.

>> No.4378084

why mildly dangerous? Poloniex?

>> No.4378095

Sorry i have long term vision, i can't be bothered with short term views. I'm making big money.

Poloniex is shit, it's all good untill you need their support and then it takes 6 months before they reply and your coins are worthless, don't use it

>> No.4378126

I have to step out for a few minutes for the first appt of the day. (you) have been promoted to Petty Officer First Class in my short absence.

>> No.4378149

Aye aye Admiral.

>> No.4378176

I am sorry you never knew your father. It is not necessary for you to hijack this thread for attention. You may participate, but if you insist on being an asshole, I will invite you to leave and make your own thread. If you refuse to leave, you will be reported to Wetworks for further processing.

>> No.4378214

Other Anons habe dropped off the radar after doing this to you. What is wetworks.

>> No.4378322

theres a reason he doesnt use a trip and always uses the firebird institue and some dumbass colonel story


>> No.4378385

There's nothing royal or excellent about the sand niggers of Arabia. Fuck off you larping faggot piece of shit

>> No.4378415

Oldfag is trolling you poltards.

>> No.4378666
File: 1.20 MB, 848x7714, 1510756418413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I go through the /pol/ archives I can find evidence of this?

Chainlink can unironically make $100+ per coin. Pic related gives you a sense of the scale of the market LINK is lookint to take a slice of. There's a REASON why /biz/ loves this coin so much and why it gets so many memes

>> No.4378703

Should I sell my storj is the run over?

>> No.4379489

Lol. Oldfag pissed the Poltards off, and they started dump attacks . Other buyers are stepping iin

>> No.4380395

Oldfag, is your appointment over yet?

>> No.4380429
File: 1.54 MB, 1400x2371, 20171008_162509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanic trips do not bode well for you, friend.

>> No.4380526
File: 50 KB, 663x707, 1510577143118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday is such a long time from now

>> No.4380662

OK, I'm back. Secured more Global Participation for Bitcoin with that meeting. Looking at charts. Holy shit, really pissed you poltardz off. Just a prank, Bro. lol

>> No.4380806
File: 10 KB, 300x225, 07-minister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shit can't break the 7180 resistance line which used to be at 7300... where is your god now???

>> No.4380885

you are mentally ill. please seek help before you hurt someone

>> No.4381073

More meetings. Back soon. Very busy. A lot of work behind the scenes to do. Good work Petty Officer.

>> No.4381098

Please capitalize, Pajeet. Also, take down the mirrors in your room and bathroom. You will be much safer. From the person staring back at you.

>> No.4381135

Achtung. Quick pitstop before next ATH TA confirmed.


>> No.4381151

Nailed it. Those who scream the loudest and are most obsessed with mental health are usually the most violently unstable.

>> No.4381168

Are you black?

>> No.4381170

Wow you are literally the biggest faggot I’ve seen on this board.

>> No.4381198




>> No.4381208

As long as it is contained to this own threads it is wonderful

>> No.4381231

you approve of the video...

>> No.4381295

Stop trying to steal my trip... faggot...

But you're right. BTC is going down

>> No.4381301
File: 11 KB, 480x360, meatwad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do what now ?

>> No.4381469

You will find Honey Badger Bitcoin does not give a fuck about people fuding it who are invlolved with the Link and BCH scams.

>> No.4381849

Oh, forgot to mention. The BCH FORK and resulting scam were financed by Prince Al Alaweed, so you can knock of the false indignation gaslighting bullshit, Faggot. You KNOW you are a BCH scammer Faggit.

>> No.4382066

watch "The Eiger Sanction" with Clint Eastwood and you'll have your answer