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4374747 No.4374747 [Reply] [Original]

I am quite afraid that in 1-2 days we will see another BTC rally way over 7500$. I already see my alts getting holocausted all over again and already think about switching to BTC EARLY this time instead of when it is too late.

I also think that the failed hostile takeover attempt was just more confidence inspiring for the average normie investor and many people managed to buy BTC at the 5500$ levels. Big money could be interested to see the price rise again.

Bow to the king?

BCH cucks btfo btw. Nobody will buy your shitty bags.

>> No.4374769
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>I also think that the failed hostile takeover attempt
What are you talking about? It didn't fail, and it happened years ago.

You'll kill yourself in a couple of days you retarded fucking corecuck.

>> No.4374772

Since we all now the next BTC rally is gonna arrive sooner or later, dumping your alts now is a sound plan. Everyone holding on to their alts is just hoping to edge out a bit more profit in the meantime.

>> No.4374791

Why? Keep it on alts. As soon as the pump is over your alts will get the same gains. Doesn't make sense to trade for btc just for muh pump.
Doesn't matter,

>> No.4374794

see above, fuck off BCH shill, nobody buys your heavy bags. I hope you bought at 2000$+

>> No.4374823

Kill yourself you fucking redditor shill. Nobody wants your rothschild shitcoin anymore. i hope you hang yourself after btc drops down to sub $100

>> No.4374831

there's no reason for alts to dump because of btc pumping anymore, theres no fork. people wont be chasing these btc mini pumps, if it does pump its going to be a lot more gradual.

>> No.4374839
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I like your tears. You must have lost so much money for being a retard. Selling BTC low to buy BCH high. Hahaha.

>> No.4374843

You bought bch at 0.4?



>> No.4374865

I haven't lost a single cent, I bought in low unlike you retard, you're gonna have to panic buy lmao

I bought in at 0.05 pajeet nigger

>> No.4374892


'Pajeet nigger'

>Hear the big boys insulting eachother
>Wants to be a part of it
>Sub 50 IQ shows

>> No.4374894
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sure buddy, you're so emotional about your investments because you're that good of a trader.

>> No.4374900

>le emotions!!!111!!1!
Yeah kill yourself cuckold autist

>> No.4374913

it never was at 0.05, mongoloid

>> No.4374947

I feel like talking to a 15yo autistic retard, which is even for 4chan quite rare and disappointing. Not even worth the time to trade insults. This is just pathetic on another level.

>> No.4374956

fucking brainlet

Just kill yourself then.

>> No.4374990
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this is pretty bad, even for 4chan standards. Please take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror,kek.

>> No.4375005

kill yourself corecuck

>> No.4375029

>imagine being as desperate and pathetic as this guy

How much money did you lose faggot?

>> No.4375032
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It sure is. Probably the most pathetic and sad guy I've seen for months on 4chan. It almost physically hurts to see such human existences.

>> No.4375106


>> No.4375121

anon it's okay, you don't have to try so hard to fit in

>> No.4375129

Does anybody think investing long term, i.e. 10 to 15 years, in a single Bitcoin is a bad idea?
At its current value it's about a third of my savings.

I was reluctant when it was a few dollars, I was reluctant when it was over $100, I was reluctant when it was $1000+ and I'm still reluctant but this thing just keeps going up.

Are there any announcements or issues expected in the next few days that could cause a drop in its value giving me an opportunity to buy in?

>> No.4375148

some people are more concerned about their BTC holdings than the USD value of their shitcoins
nevermind that they never recovered entirely from the last crash

>> No.4375219

Well, that is the point. It very often just dries up a could-be pump in the process when BTC rallies again. Some alts just never recover, especially some older alts when they lose hype and attention due to it. Look at DGB, Siacoin, ICN, Bitshares and how hard it is for them to recover. If you had serious money in those you can forgot about it for years.

>> No.4375270


>> No.4375380
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Get a load of this guy! HAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHHHAHAH. BitchTrash scum on suicide watch.

>> No.4375393

Which one of you fat finger autists bough a bunch of btc for 200k+ euros?

>> No.4375401

Is there an alternative to https://fork.lol

It's down and BTC's mempool is piling up fast. I wanna watch every detail of BTC's death.

>> No.4375443

>BTC continues to go up since 2 days
>BCC keeps bleeding dry since 2 days

Is this some cognitive disorder? The levels of delusions of the average BCH bagholder are just not fathomable.

This outshines pretty much every other bagholder, and we've seen a lot of delusions lately.

>> No.4375453

Bitcoin moons, retards sit and watch while their alts burn to the ground. This shit is too funny.

>> No.4375475

The retard level can be explained by their heavy bags. Same thing happened to Chainlink and Chaincoin bag holders. "The price is just being suppressed, buy more, buy more." Fuck those BCH bags

>> No.4375496

Now broken $7000, fuck my arse, why did i ever buy any BCH.
Fucking gooks started buying first thing and its just one way traffic.
$8k ahead.

>> No.4375510

oh for fucks sake can bitcoin stop for just one second so my shitcoins can do their thing
already noticeable trend reversal from the current slow /non-spiked bitcoin pump, probably going right back down in the drains within the day.

>> No.4375543

Yea, probably it'll drop after it's hit 10k and raped your shitcoin in the ass. Sell now and buy BTC you retarded fag.

>> No.4375634

I actually lie to buy the coins that are doing well despite BTC pump, because it shows they are not too correlated.

IOTA is up 13%, for example.

>> No.4375913
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Put whole life in made in china bag, however absurd it sounds i would want it to suceed too

>> No.4375940
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It's a normal response to crisis

>> No.4375959

ofc you would want it to succeed if money was to be made from it

>> No.4376239

you were manipulated, lucky for you it seems you woke up

>> No.4376297

So, was I right or was I right? Luckily I am 75% in BTC.

>> No.4376326

Yes it was retard

>> No.4376357
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>Not understanding that commit access is highly controlled because it represents a serious security vulnerability.
>Jeff Garzick was hacked
>Gavin hadn't contributed in months and was basically a useless security hole.
>Forgetting that the reason Satoshi disappeared was because Gavin went to meet the CIA

>> No.4376375

Now BTC will have its final pumps to 8k+ before the biggest red candle in the history of BTC

>> No.4376381

oshit its about to dip SELL SELL SELL SELLL

>> No.4376411

It was.
I got in at 0.08 and completely out at 0.4

>> No.4376644

BCH will take a second shot at the king before that happens

Probably coordinated with the supposed 2x fork that may happen on friday

>> No.4376957
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>Spend millions of dollars to pump and shill your shitcoin up
>Barely any resistance, already sure of victory
>Enemy EMPs your chosen exchange out of commission and drops a 30 million dollar tactical sell nuke on your coin
>A red candle the likes of which no one has seen since mt gox
>Thousands of bagholders created
>Confidence in the flippening forever shaken
It's over, kid. Move on.

>> No.4376997

So many bagholders and people who literally lost thousands of dollars. The momentum and belief is just lost. Of course they will try to get rid of their bags as soon as possible to break even. You just can't fuck it up if you want to succeed, there won't be another chance in the next months. Maybe try again August 2018.

>> No.4377218

invest what you can responsibly invest. If you have like 20k, drop like 2k on bitcoin and look for other investment opportunities with the rest

>> No.4377569

no futures are in december. it's only going up

>> No.4377967

>2k on coin
by 2018 that will be the transaction fee

>> No.4378445

If you’ve been “reluctant” since sub-$1k and still wondering if you want to invest or not, you probably don’t have the balls to do it so I know you won’t anyway. Don’t bother.

>> No.4378641
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>> No.4378691


> Pajeet nigger
> Sand nigger nigger


You're a fucking retard. Sub 80 IQ definitely. Please go kys.

>> No.4379072

Cant rally with 91000 unconfirmed txs

>> No.4379579

yeah man, youre a huge faggot

>> No.4379611
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>> No.4379631
File: 202 KB, 567x567, JUSTroger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this dude

