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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4375023 No.4375023 [Reply] [Original]

No Link thread for hours? Ok, lets have one, since everybody is desperately waiting for one.

Price predictions EoY?
Why is Link not moving and doing fucking nothing?
When can we have news?


>> No.4375027

>why is link not moving

Because there's been no news. It won't move until news

>> No.4375031
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>> No.4375049

70 cents
No news
This week

>> No.4375064

$1 EOM
$5 EOY
$500 Q2 2018

>> No.4375243


deluded linkies gtfo

>> No.4375249

This coin is dead mate

>> No.4375259

man if that actually happened I think i'd do not much of anything and dump half of it into REQ

>> No.4375266
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I'm happy to hodl or die

>> No.4375283

I get they want the mainnet to be top notch but cant Rory give us a fucking ballpark estimate?

>> No.4375300

What exactly killed it?

>> No.4375305

I guess the reason would be to avoid idiotic ADHD hordes of degenerate millennials being all over their asses when they delay it 3h, even though they would just give an approximate date in the first place. After lurking here in LINK threads for quite some while I begin to understand why they are so reluctant to communicate.

>> No.4375308

so is now a good time to accumulate bags of this shit, or could it even go down more?

>> No.4375329

it is highly unlikely that it will drop in $ value, but if BTC surges it will drop in satoshis, I'd guess

>> No.4375343

Are you joking, or is there some actual math involved in your prediction?

>> No.4375363

>I guess the reason would be to avoid idiotic ADHD hordes of degenerate millennials being all over their asses
Yep, this board is the single best evidence for this. Just hold and wait you idiots, there are people on this board legitimately thinking that LINK is a shitcoin because you idiots shilled it to death like any other shitcoin. I remember the ICO and it selling out within minutes, and the pre-ICO when this board was absolutely full with links to contribute because literally everybody wanted to get in. Don't look at the chart, don't look at the price, be confident that you invested in something very good and just hold. If you're not confident then you might as well just sell right now and continue gambling on 0815 shitcoins.

>> No.4375433

that's a solid, non-generic, response that indicates what many here have been saying: they're focused on the product and partnerships rather than marketing and exchanges

just be patient. This thing is going to the moon

>> No.4375550

>Price predictions EoY?

>Why is Link not moving and doing fucking nothing?
because it's shit without any serious developers

>When can we have news?
any kind of news push the price down

>> No.4375581
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Sorry for you to be you.

>> No.4375633

I think you mean
>no news

>> No.4375681

God I hope so. Holding 350 link, just want to pay off my $35k student loans and have enough left over for a down payment on a starter home. Basically be able to start out at age 33 how my parents started out of highschool.

>> No.4375718


you're gonna make it brah.

>> No.4375892
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I love Link threads,
But what hasn't been said
Already? Without new news
This topic's practically dead.

However, that said,
In this comfy Link thread,
We can say what we please:
Shilling or fudding or something else instead.

End of year speculation?
I see many ask,
Knowing in their hearts
What they know shall soon pass.

Ten thousand satoshi,
Hundred thousand,
A million;
(Don't forget: Link's supply is a billion).

I reckon by end-of-year,
As many have hoped,
That the price of a Link
Shall eclipse fifty cents.

But such a pump
Shall bring a dump
As ever it has been;
Forced equilibrium.

For the whales they push,
And the whales, they pull,
The price stays depressed
Til they all get their fill...

And then, with the pump
Comes the dump and the bounce;
The whales won't stop
'Til they accumulate every ounce.

And so, my linkholders,
Though your bags be real heavy,
I'm sure, at least, if no lambos,
We'll all drive fords & chevys.

For long will the price
Continue to suck
Way down near the bottom
Below half a buck

Below even a quarter
(Which is under the price
That this modest anon
Acquired his slice).

And so it is now
And so it shall be
Until, oh, perhaps June Thirteenth;
For then, I suppose, we shall get news.

And, by Rory's promise
We'll soon shoot for the moon,
Because SWIFT adoptation
Was guaranteed last June.

We'll get some news
Eventually, I'm sure,
But with NDA-covered NDA's,
Covered by NDA's, it's not clear

Whenever such good news
Will maybe appear.
I guarantee a dollar by 2019,
With parabolic increase afterwards, never fear.

Just hold your bags tightly,
In your hands of iron;
Trust Sergey's vision,
And simply buy in!

For every dip is a blessing,
An opportunity to accrue;
Even a brainlet can tell
The value ChainLink is due.

>thanks for reading

>> No.4375922
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>How much LINK are you holding?
>What price will you sell at?
>When do you expect to reach this price?
>What will you do with the money when you sell?
>What is the single most important reason you believe in this coin?
>What is the most effective FUD you have heard that caused you to doubt?

>> No.4375976

Obviously LINK dropping like a rock as soon as BTC rallies slightly. This is so disappointing. :S

>> No.4375991
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shut the fuck up

>> No.4376023

>jack off with it
>that an average shmuck cant run a node

>> No.4376040
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>> No.4376171

>mid 20ies
>living at home
>suffers from anxiety and panic attacks since having two heart ablation
>all my "friends" made it
>fearing to lose GF because my anxiety to go on dates etc. pp.
>all in Link
>planning to sell at 10 USD to build my parents a home where i can live too and take care of them when they cant. Because thats what they do with me right now.
>fucking onion cutting ninjas

>> No.4376187


>> No.4376978
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LINK is tapping into a QUADRILLION dollar market

pic related

>> No.4377031

wait, doesn't main net imply that we're getting off the ethereum standard? if so, wow

>> No.4377071
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>> No.4377076

5 dollars end of 2018
Only money in it is now

>> No.4377078

are you done accumulating? if not why posting this???

>> No.4377117

EOY? Likely .30-.40.

EOY 2018? Likely $5-$10, easily.

I think people tend to forget one full year in the crypto space.

See Bitcoin Prices November 2016.

>> No.4377146

I remember when I bought ETH at $17 back in March and people on here were laughing at those predicting $100 ETH by EOY

I believed in ETH but even I thought $100 ETH was outrageous

shows how much I know

>> No.4377166

I'm trying to keep morale up in the trenches of the LINKmarines

Faithful LINKies will be rewarded

The prophecy will be fulfilled

>> No.4377191

Here's a ((you))

>> No.4377227

>April 2017
>Total market capitalization for Crypto-Currencies
>30 Billion
>June 2017
>Total market capitalization for Crypto-currencies
>114 Billion
>Ethereum market cap
>31 Billion

Im two months ethereums market cap became bigger than the entire crypto market was in April.

>> No.4377413 [DELETED] 

Not giving you my LINK
but thanks for the lyrics
You think as I think
This time next year we'll be stratospheric

>> No.4377490

Exactly. People so easily forget, and 2018 will be a huge year for these markets. Everyone's looking for the next big thing, where do you think they'll be drawn to? Market-changing tech.

>> No.4377505

to people who doubt chainlink, just take a fucking glance at this whitepaper, which was PEER REVIEWED, something unheard of in the crypto space:


you think this is a JOKE? compare this to some of the erc20 token shit coins out there with 3 page double spaced white papers. seriously. jesus christ.

>> No.4377547
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>> No.4377573


i need a new digibyte-chan

>> No.4377628
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>> No.4377666

>$500 Q2 2018
Good luck getting that $175 billion market cap.

>> No.4377687

no bully pls :(

>> No.4377699

Joined the Linktrain, 200 euros since this is the absolute first time doing any cryptocurrency stuff

>> No.4377788


Your gonna make it brah just HODL

>> No.4377878

Quick question how the fuck am I supposed to get google auth to work

>> No.4378048

create a new profile, paste in the privacy code that the exchange gives you and there you go, new code every 30s or so

>> No.4378208

Well, I mean, I keep getting bond failed and fail etc etc, is it the pw for the binance I'm supposed to type in first or what?

>> No.4378272

It takes weapons-grade autism to figure out that fucking whitepaper.

>> No.4378475

How was ETH perceived earlier this year? Did anyone think it would get to where it is now? Was it shilled as heavily on /biz/ as LINK is?

>> No.4378909

Oh wait, seems like most people got problems with google auth on Binance, never mind

>> No.4379159

nobody believed

>> No.4379209

100 EOY was laughed out of the room.

>> No.4379227

Guys I met people working for Swift at a financial event. They confirmed me about the POC and said it was a success. The board of Swift will decide in the incomming months if they launch an offer (with Chainlink) to all their banks clients. Shit it will be huge if it happens !!!

>> No.4379243

Fuck off Pajeet. Your English is terrible and the larp obvious.

>> No.4379262
File: 430 KB, 800x493, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulating this coin the way I did Neo when it was Antshares last year at 20 cents.

>> No.4379289

No it is true. My english sucks because I am French. The event was in Paris and called AFTE. It is not big news. Just that it is not decided if Swift will do it or not. But it is a fucking moon mission if it happens. Don't believe me I don't care.

>> No.4379322

It was FUDded as a Russian scam, they talked shit about it being inflationary vs BTC being deflationary

I invested at $17 back in February or March this year and even I remember >>4379209 being sceptical about $100 EOY price predictions

>> No.4379335

fuck, if "we ethereum but for china" coin could go from 20c to 50$ why on earth would LINK go to 100$

>> No.4379352


>> No.4379387

Tu as vraiment été à l'événement ? Et de qui tiens-tu cette information ?

>> No.4379399

Oui, j'y étais cette après-midi et il y avait un stand Swift du coup je leur ai posé la question.

>> No.4379409

Ils ont dis quoi exactement ?

>> No.4379421

Que le POC avait bien fonctionné. Le board de Swift va décider dans les prochains mois s'ils lancent une offre (associée à Chainlink) à leurs banques partenaires. C'est pas forcément des grosses news mais c'est rassurant

>> No.4379436
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>most effective fud
Price bleeding out, rabid and deluded investors, project held together by duct tape, Sergay is fat. Did I miss anything?

>> No.4379469

Ouais c'est pas mal, merci pour l'info

>> No.4379493


>> No.4379523

Just bought 3k link will I make it?

>> No.4379530

This pretty much.