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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4370442 No.4370442 [Reply] [Original]

>"hey man having CP shouldn't be a crime"
>ETH goes up


>> No.4370456

because it's common sense that what you own on your PC is yours and shouldn't be a crime as long as you're not a producer.

>> No.4370462

One person morality =/= everyone's money

>> No.4370463

chart patterns.

Vitalik was just fucking with us the same way he did a few months ago when he told us "sell your neo" 3 days before it crash

>> No.4370469


>have cocaine in my house
>shouldn't be a crime cuz I'm not el chapo

do you fucking hear yourself

>> No.4370482

Gave the green light to pedoes buy CP with ETH.

>> No.4370488

>having this terrible comprehension skills
He said you could make an argument that possession is harmless as a way of arguing against legalizing heroin.

But /biz/ doesn't DYOR ever

>> No.4370493

Um having cocaine shouldn't be a crime

>> No.4370497


Having cocaine shouldn't be a crime, though.

>> No.4370503

>having cocaine should be a crime
do you fucking hear yourself

>> No.4370511

>equating 1's and 0's on my harddrive to a drug
fucking brainlet

>> No.4370520

Cocaine isn't even dangerous, or addictive.

>> No.4370523

>having bitcoin in my wallet
>shouldn't be a crime cuz I'm not Satoshi Nakamoto

do you fucking hear yourself

>> No.4370526


you buy CP though, so you're obviously financially supporting abuse

>> No.4370535

can someone give me what he actually said?

>> No.4370539

Because fucking pedophiles pumped it. CP is big business.

>> No.4370545
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>nothing on ETH for weeks
>The fud is delicious
at least we're talking about ETH

>> No.4370548

i reality though a certain combination of 0 and 1 should not be illegal.

It is unfortunate CP exists, however the damage is already done and it's irreversible.

Imagine making images of executions and accidents in which resulted in death illegal.

>> No.4370565

All these twelve year olds trying to act cool.

Crack is a very real and terrible thing.

>> No.4370593

That's not the point

The point is that making that legal would encourage it

Just like how because booze and cigarettes are legal, lots of people consume it. If heroin was legal, it would be similar and encoraged as normal by those peddling it.

>> No.4370598
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We're trying to literally bread out the pedo scum from society by ostracizing them, retard. This is political, not logical.

>hurr durr, yes im ur neighbor i slep with little girl

>> No.4370609
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exactly. brought in all the pedo dollars. if you've been tuned to the proper frequencies you know already some very wealthy and powerful people are indeed sick fucks. well now they can play with smart contracts too.

>> No.4370618

ur dumb and this fud has no correlation

>> No.4370627

yes, but who is to say that the owner of CP did not influence the creation of more? If someone gives money to the distributor of CP, then that in turn affects demand and therefore contributes (at least a tiny bit) to the supply.

CP should be illegal but I'm not sure how illegal.

>> No.4370634

Could be a flase flag to get ride of holders idk.

>> No.4370638

why aren't videos of executions also a crime? there's victims there too

>> No.4370641

how long before Vitalik gets the Michael Jackson treatment?

>> No.4370653
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Hollywood and Silicon Valley just wired all their cash to coinbase.

That's how

>> No.4370659

are they snuff films to be sold?

>> No.4370673

So if I torrent cp it is it legal?
it's not buying cp that's illegal it's having it on your computer.

>> No.4370711

>i reality though a certain combination of 0 and 1 should not be illegal.
Yeah but contributing to the production or demand of that industry should be.

Every time you buy a baggie of coke you're literally bankrolling militias in Columbia who have caused generations of hardship and civil war.

>having a snowclone in my post
>shouldn't be a crime because I'm not Amy Shumer stealing jokes

do you fucking hear yourself

he deleted it but the jist of it was
>I could easily ague that a) heroin possession does harm to nobody other than the user b) possessing CP doesn't do any direct harm

Don't need to be - it's literal evidence of murder. I'm sure a person who video tapes it can be done for accessory to murder or accomplice.

How about just not getting involved in CP at all? Pretty easy.

>> No.4370712

sexual acts upon a child is already extremely illegal.

Same with murder.

There is a market for both, logically the consumers haven't directly caused any harm, if anything these people need to seek mental health treatment not a jail sentence.

>> No.4370779

Ok, well that's very reasonable. I think it's important that no matter what the issue, that we can argue the "other side". Vitalik is saying that he can argue the "other side" of both heroin legalization and CP.

If anything this goes to show how smart Vitalik really is and shouldn't be used for FUD.

There's too much one sidedness in society. Just look at politics. You're either left or you're right, you know what I mean?

>> No.4370796

By owning BTC you increase demand for it, which increases the price, which improves the financial position of pedos who all use BTC to purchase CP, so you're directly creating demand for abuse by buying BTC.

Gas the BTC owners, currency war now.

>> No.4370798
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Exactly. Except you have to have produced that cocaine yourself, not by buying it off of someone.

>> No.4370800

>sexually abusing a child shouldn't give you a jail sentence

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Serial killers have mental problems too, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be put in prison

>> No.4370817

>if anything these people need to seek mental health treatment not a jail sentence.
In a more sophisticated social/legal system, yes.

Someone in a thread yesterday was saying there's circumstantial evidence that relaxing laws on pornography (all types) causes fewer assaults. I don't know how much I believe that - but it does kinda make sense that if someone has a catharsis they will be less inclined to act.

On the other hand, I could see it as bolstering their resolve to act upon their fantasies, sort of sexually conditioning them while at the same time allowing them to normalize their desires.

I don't know. I'm a very vanilla guy.

>There's too much one sidedness in society. Just look at politics. You're either left or you're right, you know what I mean?
Yes. Yes I do. All too well.

And while, yeah, it shows how reasonable Vitalik is - it also shows a major lapse in judgement for him to get involved in such a conversation in the first place. You and I, and a minority of people can see that he's not endorsing either - but OP (provided he's not trolling) and many others willfully misinterpret it as an endorsement. The fact that Vitalik didn't realize how much of a clusterfuck it could be is surprising to say the least.

>> No.4370833

? I though we where talking about CP here not the act itself

>> No.4370842

He meant possession shouldn't put you in prison. Not perpetrating the acts.

Calm your tits mate. Do a second parse to see if they are a covert pedo or not before you fly off the handle.

>Serial killers have mental problems too, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be put in prison
What if they were rehabilitated before they committed any murders?

>> No.4371084

I can see it being a lapse in judgment. Vitalik probably isn't the one to engage such an issue.

>> No.4371098

ETH is now the pedo currency. We're making money off of absolute degeneracy boys

>> No.4371104

Because most of the NEET crypto retarded whales that run this shit show are pedos, so it's actually a good news.

Normies don't even know who is Vitalik Buterin, as far as BTC goes up they don't care.

>> No.4371123

is this /pol/ leaking or shills? there's no way you could think he meant that, he even clarified it like 5 times

>> No.4371148

pedos switching from monero to ether

>> No.4371163

By existing, you make possible humanity, which makes possible production of illegal pixels on a screen. End your life.

>> No.4371174

so it's okay if you don't buy it?

>> No.4371180
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>> No.4371194

Because most of the world doesn't operate on the same puritanical "shun them for wrongthink" attitude that retarded Americans have.

>> No.4371471

If you didn't buy the cocaine and it's for personal use then yeah boiiii