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File: 350 KB, 432x643, VER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4369146 No.4369146 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4369289
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>> No.4369309
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Can I post this here

>> No.4369324
File: 226 KB, 1024x631, 1482505373685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ANYONE buys Bcash they are a FUCKING IDIOT!

>> No.4369338



>> No.4369348
File: 75 KB, 611x701, 1508191485707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cannot bitcoin cash be small coin next to king BTC desu?

>> No.4369352

Roger wasted all those precious BTC trying to pump BCH and still couldn't pull it off

>> No.4369366

>why cannot bitcoin cash be small coin next to king BTC desu?

Jihan and Roger wouldn't allow it

>> No.4369398
File: 453 KB, 500x281, nononono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't vote for them. BCH is like mETH but not an illegal and ill-advised drug for processing small payments. BTC is like digital real estate. I doesn't see why cannot co-exist.

>> No.4369440

i dont follow the bitcoin and bch debate but i never see pro-bitcoiners say why its better

>> No.4369534

The only thing that they have going for them is offchain scaling. In reality the only people developing these offchain solutions are blockstream and friends. LN is their trophy which is just another centralized pile of shit which won't be a long term scaling solution and you can't expect to see it for 2 years. Any other project has no timeline and no real purpose in regards to scaling bitcoin.

>> No.4369596
File: 1.85 MB, 340x205, whoa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bitcoin scaling exists
The altcoin market *is* bitcoin scaling. The aggregate average transaction fee is peanuts even if BTC itself is very high. If you want to bypass the transaction fee, buy mETH or LTC and then convert to BTC position on exchange. The only people forced to pay the high transaction fee are miners, who are paying themselves by doing it anyway. Bitcoin isn't *one* coin, it's the idea of p2p monetary transfers.

>> No.4369616

because it's a long topic, too long for a post and too advanced for normies to understand. TL;DR is that Bcash is taking advantage of the technical inept.

>> No.4369699

>high fees from spam attacks
Spam attacks make up 2% of the transactions of bitcoin. 2% caused the fees to rise steadily over 10 dollars? In reality it's a combination of alt coin moon missions from earlier this year, wider adaption and reduced mining power. I'm assuming you aren't a core supporter anyways.

>> No.4369820

>but i never see pro-bitcoiners say why its better

It's not, but BCH is only better in the short term. It might be in the whitepaper, but continuously increasing the block size isn't feasible (and it would need to happen more if it were to actually become a worldwide instant transaction medium). BCH pretty much just kicks the problem farther down the road and says fuck it

>> No.4369826
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I don't think core or BCH is necessarily better; it's for the market to allocate resources between them as well as other altcoins. I am but an enthusiastic observer of the emerging cryptocurrency market.

>> No.4369838


Honestly I hope this shit opens the eyes of people that BTC and BCH don't need to be the forever kings of crypto

>> No.4369918
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Back when forking dogecoin was cool; I made a coin that was hybrid PoW/PoS. It had a higher interest rate on earlier mined coins, so early adopters who staked their coins would collect big. Meanwhile, the PoW system actually paid more coins to miners who switched later until a certain point ~2 years into mining, when it began following a similar scheme to bitcoin, i.e. all mined block rewards diminish in size until only transaction fees are the reward, meanwhile the PoS interest rate went down over time until it converged around 1% inflation per year. I never got the coin developed for Windows wallet because windows compiling is a bitch for a script kiddie, but I think the economics of that idea are 1) valid and 2) the best way to beat BTC/BCH.

>> No.4369928
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Increasing the blocksize to visa levels will make it prohibitively expensive to run independent full nodes, thus making Bitcoin a centralized piece of shit. The people behind BCH are irresponsible and many are outright scammers and criminals (Roger Ver, Kim DotCom, John McAfee, Craig Wright).

Core is trying to make it trivial to run full nodes, blockstream is trying to create satellite streaming for the blockchain as well as radio transmission so that the network is literally unstoppable. Scaling will be done off-chain with lightning networks and sidechains. All altcoins will be assimilated into the expanded Bitcoin ecosystem via sidechains.

Bcash is such a fucking scam its unbelievable. Core has all the reputable and competent people.

>> No.4370017
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With Core, the Bitcoin network becomes the AK-47: Resilient as hell and fucking everywhere. Impossible for attackers or natural disasters to take down the network because nodes are proliferate and easy to set-up AND you won't need an internet connection, you'll be able to use satellite and radio.

>> No.4370031
File: 647 KB, 500x270, sad_Devdas2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea being that it's better for a crypto-economy if the super early adopters don't necessarily hold all the coins, as opposed to bitcoin where between ~2009 and ~2011 any idiot on reddit could mine hundreds of bitcoins with a fucking laptop. Rather, the early phase should primarily be CPU & GPU miners and people who actively bought the coin in the market and set it aside for staking, because those people are the ones bearing the risk for believing in the coin. Meanwhile, because the supply is restricted in the beginning but expands over time, early adopters have extra incentive to push the coin to others and act as shills. As the coin is shilled, it's easier and easier to mine while paying a medium-high interest rate, which leads to larger adoption and a relatively stable price. As the mining reward dwindles and the interest rates go down, the now widely-held coin goes through a pre-determined supply crunch, which makes the price go up and those who were early adopters ride the entire wave smoothly up to lambo land.

>> No.4370061

What did he do

>> No.4370106
File: 2.06 MB, 900x594, roger2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
