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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4364420 No.4364420 [Reply] [Original]

I can't do this anymore biz. I'm a 23 year old NEET living at home with my parents. My mom is a useless daft cunt. My dad is a broken cuck. He's 58 and works 70 hours a week as a self-employed carpenter. I think his heart is going to give out soon. We live in a 650k house and quite lavishly, but I can't cope anymore. When I look at my father I see a man who is dead inside. The epitome of a wagecel. He's always out of breath or in physical pain. The stress seeps from his eyes. My mother jokes that he has frequent nightmares. And what does she do? She sits on facebook all day at the house and then moans about how much laundry and cooking she's done. You'd think she could help my father with the administrative portion of the business, but no, he does everything. The few hours he has at the end of the day are spent answering emails or watching an hour of television, not because he enjoys it but because it numbs the pain. My 3 younger siblings are geniuses yet ignorant to all of this. Our dad is killing himself paying for the lot of them to go to private university.

As for me, I'm fucking useless. My dad never wanted me to follow in his footsteps and learn the trade. I have a high IQ and scored amazingly on the SAT but ADHD and crippling social anxiety have rendered me worthless as a human.

Some months ago I got into crypto. Most of my profits went into the LINK pre-sale. Several weeks ago my portfolio was worth 50k. At 100k I intended on giving everything to my father so I could go on being a NEET without his stress looming over my head. And then LINK tanked post SIBOS. A storm had caused a multi-day power outage where I live. Unable to login, I watched my portfolio halve in the course of a few days.

Now I have 28k. My dad's birthday is in 10 days. If I tried to give him 28k he would likely refuse, or just put it towards my cunt sister's tuition, and go on working himself to death. 50k is the bare minimum I would need for him to be able to cut back his hours

>> No.4364450

can I have your LINK when you off yourself?

>> No.4364464

or at least provide temporary relief. I have no other options. If I tell my mom to get a job it will destroy the family. It's too late for that sort of thing. I won't be done with college for another 2 years.

>> No.4364476

You couldn't "login" but you could had an internet connection on your phone to check your portfolio. What?

>> No.4364482

Dude, just drop your bags and go have a beer.

>> No.4364494

Congrats on this, Seriously

>> No.4364518

What is wrong with you? If you can't give your dad a sizeable monetary birthday gift. Then you are gonna give him a dead son?

You high intelligent "Rick and Morty" people, makes me sick..

>> No.4364529


I used CMC on my phone. All my passwords are unmemorizable and stored on my laptop. Stupid I know. But it's beside the point now.

>> No.4364532

u r early to the party kid.
you still have 5 months.
keep neeting and go to work with your dad sometimes.

>> No.4364555

this is a bait right? why did you invest in LINK?

5k in zrx
5k in req
5k in xvg
use the rest of the money to buy yourself something nice

>> No.4364569

Just be content that your mom doesnt cheat on your dad.. Or divorce him for another guy..
Pain and stress are not the worst faith in life. To loose your family, that can utterly crush a man.

>> No.4364570

Muh high iq sat scores. I'm justt a high iq neet. If you really care about your fucking dad get a fucking job or a career and get out of your dads house

>> No.4364577

Start trading bro. Get the 20k out and stash them and try to get 1 moon mission with the remaining 8k. Yesterday, MER went 800%, the day before it was NULS. Watch /biz/ closely and also watch new coins listed on CMC. Get in when there's little buzz, and the threads are relatively quiet. If you get lucky (which you have a relatively high chance of. It's not roulette level risk) you'll get 5x or 10x and accomplish your goal. It's worth trying if you're so desperate that you want to kill yourself

>> No.4364604

For real. The token has only been on sale for TWO FUCKING MONTHS and you are talking about killing yourself because it hasn't "mooned" yet.

Sorry you bought at the wrong time. A lot of us did. You should be sad that you have 50% of the LINK you could have had and not sad about the temporary setback in your portfolio.

Go get a fucking job.

>> No.4364607


Both my parents are absolute shit at communicating emotions. My mom is very dumb and has a near impossible time empathizing with what my dad puts up with all day. She'll take a bullet for me or any of my siblings but she is seemingly insensitive to my father's distress.

>> No.4364627

where'd you get the money for your initial crypto investment OP since you don't have a job? explain

>> No.4364660
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>high IQ
>my siblings have a high IQ
>I am very smart you see
middle-class engineer at best, those are your cards OP

>> No.4364668


>> No.4364683


I put a few thousand into ethereum early and then traded some shitcoins. I've always had a job. But it's retail-tier work. 14 bucks an hour. I'm not bailing my dad out with that kind of pay. And I only have 2 years of college completed.

>> No.4364690

If i know my OP, then prostitution or siphoning money from his dad, seems like the most plausible answer.

>> No.4364703

>28k in savings
stay poor OP, that's enough money for many lucrative investments

>> No.4364740

>why doesnt my mom get a job
Why don't you get a job you fucking parasite. You can help your dad with the administrative portion or whatever you think your louse of a mom could do.

>high IQ
>can't figure out how to do the most fundamental shit, thinks suicide would ease his family's suffering

>> No.4364744

Only brainlets like to make fun of IQ and claim that "it doesn't mean anything". Psychologists all agree -- there is no better predictor of future success and wealth than IQ and also SAT scores which correlate highly with IQ anyway. Anyone who tells you that IQ doesn't matter is deluding themselves or otherwise consoling themselves because they're brainlet. The second biggest thing is obviously conscientiousness, or your willingness to work hard, be punctual etc. But make no mistake, if your IQ is 100 and your colleague's IQ is 130, you will likely have to work twice as hard to be as successful. If your colleague happens to also be a hard worker, you have no chance.

>> No.4364760


I'm glad I was able to provide you with a dopamine hit. That really stung.

I was simply putting everything on the table. My intelligence is nothing to brag about. I used to see a psych for depression and I scored 132 on the one he administered, plus scored 2150 on SAT which correlates to a similar IQ score.

Middle-class engineer? It took me 5 years to complete a 2 year engineering science degree because of how fucked in the head I am. My car is ready to break down but my anxiety is so bad that I'm scared to call the repair shop and book an appointment. I'll be a middle-class retail associate. Did that give you the satisfaction you want?

>> No.4364773

when i was 24 i was kind of in the same position...pretty depressed and shit. serious ADHD I sucked at doing homework despite being smart

took my little bit of money that i had, far less than you and started my own business online doing e-commerce..

have a good life now, just had to get out of the fucking rat race bullshit of school and 9-5 job

now i'm 33 i've got about a million dollars between cash and crypto, and a business worth 7 figures if i sold it.. just find something rad like crypto and become good at it, go start a fund, go fix peoples computers.. set up an online store for some random thing... all sorts of shit you can do.. you got this, op

>> No.4364777

Not in

You're not a fucking NEET you lying piece of human garbage

>> No.4364798


Ficking idiot...instead of complainig that your mom is doing nothing but the housework with the administrative of your fathers business, why don't YOU do it?
Since your soooo intelligent I'm pretty sure you can figure out how to write E-Mails...

>> No.4364811


no shit. But that illuminates the direness of the situation. Which then calls into question the fact that my mother sits on her ass all day. That will divide the family. Things are fucked right now but at least everyone gets along. My father doesn't resent my mother. He's that submissive.

>> No.4364831

There is an inverse correlation between intelligence and how often you state that you are a very intelligent person.
Smart people, don't boast about their IQ, they never explicit say it. They don't use the X are stupid argument, to explain why people are of a different opinion than them.

>> No.4364833

the suicide thing was hyperbole. Nobody would have clicked the thread otherwise.

>> No.4364839

dont give your father money, anon

your cunt mom will take it

better to just spend time with him and buy him something nice he'll like

>> No.4364849

>My car is ready to break down but my anxiety is so bad that I'm scared to call the repair shop and book an appointment.
Shit op, I feel you. Used to have pretty bad social anxiety and ADD. I'll tell you a secret - Piracetam.

>> No.4364861

Nicky boy?

>> No.4364871


I frequent r/nootropics and have seen that one mentioned a lot. Recently I tried microdosing an LSD analog for this very thing but I think I may have received a bunk batch

>> No.4364891

never gonna make it, anon

>> No.4364913

Try it. Been using it for the past month or two. First time in my life I have no doubts of my future success. Everything seems clearer and I am much more outgoing. I have actual motivation to do shit and feel more content than ever. Since you frequent r/nootropics it seems mind-boggling that you didn't try it yet.

>> No.4364921

When did anyone say iq isn't important? If OP was so smart he wouldn't be trying to justify how fucked his situation is by claiming his iq is high. If he was actually high iq he wouldn't need to tell us explicitly, it would come across naturally.

>> No.4364922

That's a meme too. Smart people definitely know they're smart. What's skewing the data is the fact that stupid people also think they're smart. But that doesn't matter anyway because I was talking about people who specifically downplay the significance of IQ, probably because they're self-conscious about their average IQ. IQ matters, and it matters a lot. If your IQ is under 83 (10% of the population, 32 million people in the US) you're LITERALLY NOT FIT TO SERVE IN THE ARMY. Think about that. You can't do fucking basic grunt work for the military.

>> No.4364925
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What are doing exactly?

>> No.4364945

Well, your
>Muh high iq sat scores
sounded like you were implying that IQ is a meme. And I don't think OP was trying to justify his situation. If anything he was further illustrating how fucked up his life is that not even high IQ and SAT scores could save him.

>> No.4364956

To be fair, based on his writing style I'd guess his IQ to be at least in the 130s. Not necessarily anything to brag about, but much smarter than average /biz/nessman.

>> No.4364982

You don't have to tell me about IQ. I used to browse /pol/ frequently.
My point was that if you feel the need to explain to people that you are very intelligent. Then it must be, because it is not apparent that you are highly intelligent.
Alternative, then it is to build up yourself, to put some weight behind what you are saying.

>> No.4364983

Link is pumping atm last time under 3k sat. Im buying up all orders on ethd to .00068eth one moment

>> No.4364990

I scored a 2350 on the SAT, but I never claim I'm smart. To me, smart means being a leading researcher in a STEM field or something. Too hard for me. I'm a good problem solver, and pretty sharp, but not a genius.

>> No.4365003

this thread has devolved into a jordan peterson tier IQ discussion. I should have just wrote moderately high IQ. Or excluded it completely. Would have spared myself the anguish. I encounter people more intelligent than myself on a regular basis. The information was not meant to elevate myself in any way.

>> No.4365052

Look I don't think OP is an idiot, I don't think most /biz/ people are complete retards either. There's a good deal of intelligent people on the board. But do you honestly think OPs iq is above 130? Do you know how rare that is and how few people have that? If he has a literal genius level iq I doubt he would be in the situation he's in.

>> No.4365073

Well, in this situation I don't think OP was doing any of that. He simply explained his current predicaments and included a detail that is very important to understanding just how much of a fuck up he is. And like >>4364956 said, his writing style and wordiness is a good indicator that he's telling the truth.

>> No.4365107


130 is much more common than 140+ which is true genius threshold.

I've failed three college courses because I missed one or two assignments and was too nervous to explain myself to the professor... so I just stopped attending entirely. My autism is off the charts.

>> No.4365116

Do you reckon this also applies to penis size?

>> No.4365144

that men with small penises can't serve in the US military?

>> No.4365192

You started with a few thousand. You're still ahead you worthless fuck. Let your dad slave away. Worry about yourself. If you can't figure this out on your own, you may as well kill yourself now instead of waiting.

>> No.4365199

130 is not a genius IQ. I think that writing style and choice of words is a good indicator of one's IQ.
>If he has a literal genius level iq I doubt he would be in the situation he's in.
I am sure there are actual geniuses in worse situations than OP. While IQ may be a good indicator of one's potential success, it's not a guarantee. I am not sure if you've ever suffered anxiety or ADD, but it can be crippling, trust me.

>> No.4365219

If you smoked indica marijuana for a few months straight, your anxiety would disappear. Srs.

>> No.4365220

Are you me? I'm in the same situation with my studies. I started off great at my school (mechanical engineering) but at one point just stopped caring. Then my social anxiety kicked in and I started missing more and more classes because I thought my classmates and professors would think less of me (especially since I was so good the first year). If that detail matters, I tested my IQ at Mensa and it's 133.

>> No.4365231

You're 23, and near genius level. Why don't you help your dad by taking on some of the administrative side of his business in exchange for a modest wage?

You talk a big game about wanting to help your family, to provide etc., but then you go and NEET it up like the faggot you are. Anxiety, ADHD, fucking bullshit, man. My wife has anxiety, she's a baller attorney in spite of it.

Get medicated if you need it, but quit being a useless bag of shit and learn to be a functional member of society. Being useful is its own reward.

>> No.4365243

shit, that made my day. thanks anon

>> No.4365249


seriously OP, give him 20k and use the 8k to invest back into crypto. if you focus on 1% gains daily, you'll have a sizeable portion by the end of the year.

Also, don't kill yourself. LINK isn't gonna moon soon, it'll take at least half a year. Theres also a huge possibility it won't even moon, and I hold LINK myself.

as far as your social anxiety, there are TONS of ways to get rid of it. start off on youtube and torrenting self help video guides. Social anxiety is a joke, don't let it cripple you.

go out and get a job in the meantime to help support the family or go work for your dad, if your mom won't take on the administrative work, why the FUCK aren't you?

stop fucking complaining and get up off your ass instead of staring at charts all day, faggot

>> No.4365250

I appreciate the advice from those who have offered it.

To be honest, the way forward is clear. Another trait I have working against me is extremely high neuroticism. I know that there is a path which will save my father. But the fact that I am not yet there, and he must continue to suffer has evoked a mental breakdown.

>> No.4365292
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you should look into buying ZAP,
it has a much better chance of 10x

>> No.4365326
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but, buy your dad something nice
if you hold the majority of your LINK, then from how things look, you will see life and spirit return to his eyes
i don't mean to impose pressure, but you may be the one who, though your investments, forever vanquishes his nightmares to the instantly distant past with the bewilderingly brilliant light of complete financial freedom—VENGEFUL towards the causes of misery
the dude will be chuckling to himself about how he got to give creeping death the fucking middle finger

people can say "magic internet money" all they want, but—you should absolutely be proud of yourself, anon
i don't think that anyone in this market has to justify themselves with one or many good motives—but, god fucking damnit, you've got a really good one.

>> No.4365384

What the fuck do you thinki killing yourself will do to your dad?
Jesus fucking christ get anti depressants and make a therapy

>> No.4365404

There's tentative data suggesting that men in the military have bigger than average penises. It's probably related to testosterone levels.

>> No.4365477
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>rendered me worthless as a human

Humanity is like a cloud of dots. Most are clumped together in densely packed, foggy lumps. Some though are on the rim of the cloud. They have a clearer, wider view and more space to move but are pretty alone.

Not useless! Rims must be. And whenever an outer dot gets bumped and ventures off into the inner fog of the big vapor, he'll bring with him tales and wisdom from the edge.

That's You! Now go and enjoy life because not living might be horrendous.

>> No.4365505
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CUT YOUR LOSS NOW, LINK is Overhyped and overvalued, go in RDN now or regret it.

>> No.4365550

Could you not have, you know, manually typed out the passwords on your phone while looking at your laptop?

Unless your laptop had ran out of battery by then, in which case RIP

>> No.4365589

>not living might be horrendous.
Not living isn't horrendous, it's literally inconceivable. Thus I don't think a consciousness can subjectively achieve the state of non-existence.

>> No.4365595

You’re still doing well. Unfortunately, your low self esteem from always trying to please your father has enabled you to not look on the bright side.

I know your pain. My OMG portfolio was 100k at some point and now it’s 45k. I cashed out 10k.

But I think about it A LOT of where I was, and always mad I didn’t sell.

Just try living like a normie for a bit. You don’t have to give it all to him. Maybe even 5k or 10k would help him out.

It’s easy for us to get sidetracked and think all or nothing, or compare yourself to other bizfags who post blockfolios worth hundred of thousands. But, it’s not the reality right now.

So, just don’t be so hard on yourself

>> No.4365646

anons like this on biz truly make me tear up

>> No.4365694
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>> No.4365832
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Let's get rich, boys.

>> No.4365834

Out of pure curiosity, how severe if your social anxiety, Op? Are you unable to make friends? Friends with the opposite sex? Ever been in any relationships and how did your anxiety affect it?

>> No.4365934

If I get digits can I have your link.

>> No.4365962

I'm on the same boat, but I kinda ignored LINK and went all in with TNT.

But dude, I'm already making a plan B. If you're smart, get into programming or something, you can still sit at home and earn some money, enough to have a living.

>> No.4365966
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>> No.4365991


So you plan on killing yourself and being the straw that broke the camel's back and probably kill your dad as well? Fuck you. Just hold and wait, and don't KYS, asshole.

If you weren't a moron, you always knew LINK would be a LTH. We didn't expect it to tank this much, but still.

>> No.4366093

Well, it was nice knowing you kiddo. May take a while for moon, but inevitably will moon.

>> No.4366094

Take your dad to hooters. A fucking ballgame. Any sport. Hug the mf. Im a dad. I dont expect anything from my kids. Best they can do is work and not dance on a pole. Problems? You're always going to have THEM. Even if you're a multimillionaire. Someone is always out to undermine you or take advantage of you.

>> No.4366131

Yall just need to move to a 200k - 300k house. It's the same thing. Whatever your house is, you get used to it.

>> No.4366155
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LINK holder here, same age as OP. I'm also depressed since my portfolio dropped a lot. I'm not doing it for my dad, but I'm doing it for a hooker i met. I just want to fuck her again so bad and take her out of her miserable life using my money. Can you bizbros give me emotional support too like what you did with OP?

>> No.4366262
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>Jordan B Peterson detected

>> No.4366301

Made me laugh anon.

>> No.4366345
File: 25 KB, 396x300, bobcut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-glad i made you laugh anon. errr, but lets say its true and i really fell in love with a hooker with this kind of haircut....

>> No.4366410

And not on question about sister.

>> No.4366415

Holy fucking shit I think you're right!

>> No.4366438

Life is strange, death coulde be worse.

For all we know anything is possible. Not likely, just possible.

Since there's life without consciousness why not consciousness without life?

>> No.4366463
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>> No.4366504

>OP kills himself
>100x more effective than selling low
>NWO takes control over earth
>implements chainlink
>immediate flippening
>crypto MC now 666T
>99.5% LINK dominance

>> No.4366517

You are such a colossal faggot all you had to do was join bitconnect but you had to show everyone how "smart" you can be by picking a "moon" mission.

>> No.4366573

>buy LINK at 26 cents,
>sell high and buy the dip a few times
>amass 40k LINK
>Didnt sell at the SIBOS pump because i was convinced it would go to $1
>Dont sell when it keeps crashing because i believe in LINK
>Tired of living with my parents and being a NEET
>I find the perfect apartment exactly in the area i want for a good price
>Now i have to sell 10k link at fucking 18 cents to move out.
Fuark my life

>> No.4366598

>college for another 2 years

>> No.4366599

>I'm a 23 year old NEET living at home with my parents.

Then you are a waste of life and a burden on your father. Get your shit together and ignore the parasites on this board

>> No.4366701

Holy shit you link hodlers are fucked up

>> No.4366877

>Infers 130 iq from regular good writing
>130 iq is no big deal
Stop taking those online iq tests. You have no idea what 130 iq means.

>> No.4366879

Well I wouldn't have sex with a hooker in the first place, just not my thing. Not to mention falling in love with her (I'm guessing she's very good at what she does).

If you think you can change her, then you do you man.

>> No.4366953
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Fucking A, mang

Let's get rich

>> No.4367065


newb here, is that coin market cap?

> never gonna make it, anon

why not? i've read nothing but great things.

> CMC on my phone

is that the Coin Market Cap app or another?

>> No.4367326


Give your dad money when you make the first million. Sounds like you're still in profit why the fuck would you kill yourself in your parents house you think your suicide is going to be good for your dad?

Life sucks, deal with it, don't be even more of a pussy than u are now

>> No.4367358

xvg lol

>> No.4367510


This isn't funny man. Go get help ASAP. You shouldn't be thinking like this. Go to church, get therapy, DO SOMETHING. I don't want you on my conscience just cause my shit is mooning and link doesn't.

>> No.4367565

Yes, CoinMarketCap.

>> No.4367580

>you think your suicide is going to be good for your dad?
this lol

>> No.4367610

What's wrong with Jordan? Also, since you can detect you obviously watch. The man says some smart shit. I generally don't like his politics (the whole SJW thing is stale to me since I never liked PC culture anyway) and religion opinions but his psychological insights are top notch.

>> No.4367899

0% true

t. indica-fag

>> No.4367916

I see nothing about helping people get over social anxiety

>> No.4368057

What sucks is even if it goes to 1$ that just means you only have 40,000 dollars. Not make-it tier.
We need link to go ether or btc. And it will take years

Not selling until at least 10$, and even then only selling some. Goin g to hodl half, have to man. I want to make it for life, sick of fucking around with cryptos

>> No.4368092


kek'd the kek

>> No.4368316

> Psychologists all agree there is no better predictor than IQ and blah blah blah

What make your stupid comment even funnier is that psychology grads have the LOWEST average IQ of any major...

>> No.4368455

How much link do you have?

>> No.4368814 [DELETED] 

I don't think you realize just how little money 50k or 100k is. It's not life changing and it's not worth killing yourself over.

>> No.4369001


Sounds like your mother might just be a cunt. My wife is similar.

>> No.4369036

your father chose his path when he married your mother and when he refuses to change his lifestyle. he bought a 650k house that seems like you guys cant afford. his problem is his fault. sucks but just hold his hand when hes dying in the hospital. keep your money in link, or take ur 28k and put it in other stuff and make money. dont bother trying to help your father as he isnt trying to help himself.