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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 109 KB, 940x705, 9033902-4x3-940x705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4366016 No.4366016 [Reply] [Original]

Sup faggots. Ignore all the other Powr shills- they're just pajeets trying to make a quick pump so they can feed their kids curry for dinner and dream of owning a shirt weaved from gold, do not be upset at them and their inferior genetics.

Buy Powr. The Power Ledger is your best chance at a 25-30x moon within the next month or two. Do not get left behind since you're about to understand why this coin will go interstellar.

1) Powr is the FIRST cryptocurrency to have real world application other than an alt-currency, though it is also an alt-currency and store of value. They have a working product which is already being implemented.

2) They have a trial partnership with Origin Energy, which is Australia's largest energy provider. Not "will have", they currently HAVE one. This is the first cryptocurrency EVER to have an actual partnership with a billion dollar private, yet government backed corporation.

3) The teams founder is the mayor of Perth, which is Western Australia's capital. They're team is working with Richard Branson to promote their technology, but who cares right? Because...

4) ELON MUSK & TESLA. Tesla AU will partner with Power Ledger and Origin to bring about the worlds first green energy grid. Powr is designed to work with Tesla's home battery pack, and they will work in conjunction to solve Australia, then eventually India and the rest of the world's energy problems.

Repcap: Working product, first crypto to be government and private industry backed, political and celebrity connections, have actual partnerships, will be implemented in real life in the following weeks, partnering with Musk and Tesla AU.

In conclusion, if you do not buy this coin you're literally going to kill yourself in a month when it goes 25x. When Tesla's partnership announcement is made it will be too late to get in at reasonable price.

>> No.4366074
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>up 45%

>> No.4366132

This isn't the stock market you fucking faggot and stop acting like you know anything about you foreverpoor. There aren't thousands of financial institutions full of Wharton MBAs and MIT mathematicians with super computers working 24-7 to game the system.

Crypto is retard vs retard (see Vitalik and Roger Ver) and there is mass confusion and pajeet shilling everywhere you look. POWR literally has everything going for it, it was conceived and implemented the right way, hence why it has a working product and a partnership with AU's largest energy provider. This coin is no joke, it will go 25-30x.

>> No.4366164

>Powr is designed to work with Tesla's home battery pack
How will they work together?

>> No.4366228

The power ledger will allow Tesla home batteries to send and receive power across Origin's power grid, allowing for the seamless sale and purchase of unused energy

>> No.4366237

Thanks, just bought 37k worth @ 3959 sats. If it turns out to be the PBC pick then on Monday I will flip it for a quick profit. If it isn't the PBC pick, this is still a comfy longer term hold.

>> No.4366238

Holding 100 only :(

>> No.4366246

What about the fact the company stole $20k?

Proof of allegations in the top comment the company didn't even defend themselves in the reddit AMA

>> No.4366256

That... that sounds fucking brilliant.

>> No.4366273

There are no niggers on the team. This coin will moon.

>> No.4366288

Also they've confirmed they were in talks with Elon Musk. That's it, just talks, not an official partnership yet. It's only because Elon was in Aus recently.

>> No.4366337

1) The accusing companies provided no evidence of their claims therefore it was not addressed. Most likely trolling.
2) Even if they did, who cares, look at Mark Zuckerberg. This does not detract from the promise of this coin.

>> No.4366379
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>> No.4366383

Their app and crypto tech is designed to work with the Tesla home battery packs AND car batteries. Just make sure you aren't left behind when Tesla AU makes the announcement. It will come unexpectedly because we're on stock market timelines as well, not just crypto. Two major companies involved, Tesla AU and Origin Energy

>> No.4366431

Oh and I forgot to mention. Power ledger is working with Origin and other power companies to build car charging stations...

So you'll be able to charge your car with powr. This is going to be huge.

>> No.4366497

The trial period with Origin is literally for THREE MONTHS.

Token will ONLY be used to potentially lower energy costs for those willing to buy it on an exchange when this project is up and working in five years. There is no other use for the token.

>> No.4366523

Incorrect. the token is used as a store of value for energy on the ledger, and is converted back and forth from fiat.

>> No.4366562

for example, you buy powr on your phone, and spend it at a charging station to recharge your electric car

>> No.4366587

>that pic

>> No.4366634

I am not seeing that in the whitepaper. Also I appreciate that you are not using all caps and calling me names because I am trying to determine the value of a coin.

>> No.4366664
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>> No.4366687

I don't care about long term holding this shitcoin. Is it gonna be the pbc call?

>> No.4366758
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>> No.4366761


Australian Coin... Fuck Trump.

>> No.4366801

It was discussed in their telegram channel I believe (might have been another AMA), their first steps are integrating with AU's energy infrastructure through Origin though, and car charging would follow.

>> No.4366824

Right wing Rulers coming to Australia, just like U.S., Austria, France, Germany, etc. RIP Faggot. Gov't subsidized Hippiewatts are over.

>> No.4366837

I don't know, I also don't really care about pbc or whatever they do.

I want to reiterate, this is the FIRST CRYPTO to have REAL PARTNERSHIPS and will partner with TESLA.

If that isn't enough for you to invest... I don't know what is. Power Ledger's current accomplishments already outclass every single other cryptocurrency besides king bitcoin's branding, and possibly Ethereum's smart contracts.

>> No.4366880
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>52mil volume in 24 hrs

Sorry but that's way too high of volume for a real moon mission anytime soon

It's on bittex and binance now, it's not going to benefit from any more exposure

A week ago "moon mission" sure, but it's gonna need some cool off time now

I think it's probably a very good coin with potential and I definitely don't doubt it will go up but for now, I'm out I don't buy at fresh highs that's a sure ticket to JUST city

>> No.4366889

Thanks for responding because I have read the whitepaper several times and couldn't find what you were talking about.

>> No.4366940
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Muh "partnering with Tesla" I don't think I would mention that.

>> No.4367022


>> No.4367038

Will the coin drop back to 35sat before it pumps again? or is this the time to get in?

>> No.4367083

A 2% decline in a one month period is a 200% decline in one hour in crypto. It is a clear signal this shit is being defunded, and losing investor confidence Globally as a result.

>> No.4367202

lol no. You clearly know nothing about stocks or crypto. If that were true I would be a trillionaire from margin trading stocks by now.

>> No.4367325

2% declines happen in the stock market everyday, you want to see a company that's going under go look up Pandora's stock.. then look at GoPro's stock.
Pandora is suffering yes, but GoPro had a great quarter and is still down, GoPro has a great set of products coming out too with their 3D camera and next year Drone.

>> No.4367343

200% decline??!! Didnt realize that was possible

>> No.4367521

How high will this go if they partner with Tesla? Is this for real?

>> No.4367691

I don't know I got 500+ if it's a waste of $100 oh well, it looks like someone is trying to Dump it, it's down -1000% from where it was at earlier today when I bought, so it could just be a meme coin and I bought someone's bags or it could be legit, it's a gamble.

>> No.4367758


They just published the AMA script from last night so see if there's anything newsworthy

>> No.4367823

just know that i appreciate you, we would never go anywhere without people like you willing to take a chance and buy someone's else bags <3

>> No.4367833


I feel bad for POWR, once pbc reveals it was SLR, it's gonna dump hard.

>> No.4367856

the fuck are you talking about?!!! i fucking just dumped this shitcoin

>> No.4367886

Can't wait until those Tesla solar panel roofs get mainstream. Shits gonna be huge

>> No.4368076

Keep dreaming, dotard.

The rest of the world are not as stupid as amerifats to elect a cretin like trump.

>> No.4368109


Trump is a jew-loving sell-out, but like any other world leader isn't as well. Fuck off, simpleton.

>> No.4368147

What's going on on Binance right now? It's fluxuating between +20-50%...

>> No.4368156

Literally no one gives a shit about pbc. Look at this coins fundamentals and partnerships. It's insane.

>> No.4368216
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best moon mission in the history of moons

>> No.4368290

Perfect time to buy

>> No.4368292

Stay poor

>> No.4368317

it's coming down way more

cant sustain the hype its gonna go down to 500 sats or so

in 2 months ppl will be posting
>mfw there is somebody out there who bought POWR at 4k

>> No.4368321

The "sentiment" in couple of kinda normal telegram groups all mention SLR


>> No.4368345

>An ICO that raised $34M
>Dumping below ICO price

>> No.4368375

>it's another anon clinges to his shitcoin instead of selling the top episode

>> No.4368380


They literally don't know what they are doing. They're making all of these promises while absolutely not having the capacity of explaining how it will be done because they have no intentions of following through.

Scamcoin to the max. The normies @ reddit downvoted them to shit because they could smell shillshit from a mile away. If normies can sense it then don't be a fucking moron and get outsmarted by snake oil salesmen.

Don't take my word for it, look for their god awful AMA. I've never seen an AMA where the spotlight AMAer was downvoted to oblivion.

I'm not holding your bag for you faggot.

>> No.4368385


>still 0 confirmation on the tesla collab
>no response on the fact that they stole 20k


>> No.4368478

This starting to sound like chainlink. We all know where that ends, a bunch of bagholders.

>> No.4368520

When it actually starts moving it won't stop. Momentum is building right now, it'll swing up and down while people decide whether they want to invest. Are you two actually stupid or just trolls?

"solar coin" will never take off. It has no infrastructure, no partnerships, no anything. It's a complete joke.

If you keep selling and buying back in the dips, you're going to miss the lunar launch. You don't know when they will announce Tesla, when they do it will instantly go up 10x and you won't be able to buy back in.

With some coins you can work the swings, not this. Buy and hold.

>everything did not happen instantly at once and take me to lamboland the moment I bought in therefore "hmm"

kys faggot

>> No.4368570


They HAVE a partnership with Origin Energy, a working product, and are endorsed by Elon.

>muh reddit
>muh bags
>muh chainlink

lol holy shit no one can help you idiots.

>> No.4368655

TESLA deal in the works, get ready for 10x

>> No.4368692

When tesla is announced price will go up by 5000%, not 1000%

>> No.4368732

Well, when the fuck is it happening? It's been claimed for god damn months now.

>> No.4368824
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I'll probably moon within a few weeks. No one knows for sure, it could start moving tonight or tomorrow. This isn't an pnd coin, you need to hold this one for potential 20x gains. Real world use and adoption is already occurring, get in.

>> No.4368868

I'm already holding a fairly small amount, so if it spikes I'll at least get some gains without actually betting too much.

>> No.4369052

first it was only talks. now its ENDORCED LMAO
the desperation of these pajeets. whats next? elon gave them a 10 bil check?

>> No.4369096
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It's both.

Elon endorsed it's potential in a tech seminar(i'll find the video).

>> No.4369290

So what's the verdict, is this the next PBC pick?

>> No.4369294

still waiting

>> No.4369799

Even if legitimate (and I own some of this) the reality is that Western Australia is TINY in population. Australia in general is TINY in population compared to USA or even its northern neighbours. I am in out of a sense of national pride, but damn some of the info in this thread is b.s.

One of the teams founders is NOT the mayor of Perth. She is a councillor only.

Origin energy is not a big player within W.A.

In their own timeline it will be years before something is useable from their project.

If you know anything about this team, you know it will be a legitimate try to make it work, and it will be a long slow burn... they will need luck to ensure a competitor does not do it faster and better because they have experience 'playing by the rules' so are stuck complying with every bit of red tape.

Also, the team will all want to be paid 1st world 'market rates' for their experience, so the burn rate will be murderous on this with so many employees.

Play it for quick cash if you can, or buy now and forget about them for years until the maybe one day jag a deal with a state government. It is possible they can make it work, which is why I have a position, but it's not a high level of confidence.

>> No.4369845

Finally a voice of reason. It is what it is. Much of this thread is BS.

>> No.4370143
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Make your own conclusion.

>> No.4370209
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lmao. no. not "the voice of reason"

Lot's of wrong information and flat out lies in your post.

Origin Energy is the largest energy provider in Australia, a top player in New Zealand, and expanding into Asia (namely India).

Dr. Jemma Green is Lord Deputy Mayor of Perth.

Western Australia has a population of 2.6 million, hence why they are testing the power ledger there. Where do you suggest they start their trial runs... Mumbai?

It will not be a long slow burn. Origin's network is set up for the Power Ledger, hence why they have an ACTIVE PARTNERSHIP, and they have a working product already. The talks with Elon are to bring in the Tesla home battery which will make the power ledger much easier/more fluid to use.

I think you're underestimating the speed at which things occur in 2017, this operation is primed and ready. All it will take is a simple announcement from Tesla, the AU government, Origin, or the city of Perth and this coin will go stratospheric.

This is undeniably one of, if not the best investment you can make in crypto.

>> No.4370224

Yes, this. This says it all. I saw it last night and couldn't find it again to post in all of these POWR is the PBC pick FOMO threads.



For those who don't click the pic.

>> No.4370237

She's kind of cute tho. Just got 100k.

>> No.4370267

I made a thread about this last night, but the POWR fanatics were mad at me. It's fine, their loss.

I'm 100% sure POWR will dump hard after the PBC releases its report.

I'm gonna sit back and watch all the pink wojaks.

>> No.4370290

What do you think it is then?

>> No.4370331

Yeh there is already a lot of false news about this project that has put me off. They confirmed in the AMA there was NO partnership with Tesla, Elon Musk or Richard Branson. That it was a fake rumour. They confirmed this was bullshit. The PBC pick is another bullshit rumour, they usually pic somewhat higher mcap coins anyway.

>> No.4370345

The richard branson is just a pic... there is no partnership stop spreading bullshit it will just dump harder.

>> No.4370355

>4) ELON MUSK & TESLA. Tesla AU will partner with Power Ledger and Origin to bring about the worlds first green energy grid. Powr is designed to work with Tesla's home battery pack, and they will work in conjunction to solve Australia, then eventually India and the rest of the world's energy problems.

BULLSHIT, I was at their AMA they said this is fake rumours. Stop your bullshit shilling, you just want to dump your heavy bags fuck off.

>> No.4370358

I don't know and I will not speculate.

One thing I know for sure is POWR won't be the next PBC pick.

>> No.4370515

Buy SLR.

Slr blockchain is sold "as a service" to literally all of the other energy coins through Electricchain. Nick Goherty is Cofounder of Solarcoin and Electricchain. There are two rails. Rewards rail SLR and transaction rail: L03, Microgrid, Wepower, Snt, Powr, Greenium etc. The rewards rail benefits from the growth and use of the transaction rail. Slr blockchain (MIT project) is literally used by all the other players through the rabbit hole.. stays under the radar.. Nick, the derivatives trader (and a genius) is attending the summits along with SLR. SLR Has partners in 44 countries.. has rumors ties to Elon Musk (yes, official Elon Musk interest in the Powr backbone.. guess what that is.. the SLR blockchain) but stays under the radar doing big business behind the scenes.. basically.. one coin rules them all..

>> No.4370543

Not sure what this "muh MIT connection" is about. And, like I said, whether it's the PBC pick or not is irrelevant because the PBC itself is irrelevant. This is not a PnD coin, it will be a coin with systematic moons as announcements are made in the future.

They are in talks with Tesla and Branson, if partnerships were announced already you wouldn't be able to afford it.

Do you dumbasses know anything about investing? You have to get into projects with potential BEFORE major announcements are made. You know that Power Ledger has a partnership with Origin already and that they are in talks with Elon and Branson... are you people stupid?

I got in during the ICO, there are no bags here and this isn't your average biztard coin. Just because you've been cucked time and time again by shitcoins doesn't mean every coin is a shitcoin with no working product or plan.

again, who cares.

>> No.4370573

Chainlink has partner with Swift like do anyone fucking care?

Origin isnt even that big.

>> No.4370589

Elon Musk LOL

>> No.4370599

These guys are complete joke, they didn't even have a smart contract at the fucking ico. Do you really trust them to implement anything at all?

>> No.4370617

that isnt the point, im making the comparison of this with chainlink.

Powr is overhyped, and you will face full wrath after. Just hope no idiots take out a mortgage on this one.

>> No.4370649
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No, link doesn't have a confirmed partnership with swift. It is likely but not yet confirmed.

And yes, Origin Energy is huge.

They literally have a working product and are implementing it through Origin.... where are you faggots sprouting up from? This is like whack a mole but instead of moles it's giant retards.

>> No.4370664

Very True.

It's a just a 3 month Trial with Origin, which is just a retailer - not a distributor.

Partner with the big players like Powercor Australia which is owned by CKI (biggest Hong Kong Conglomerate).

>> No.4370707

The retailer controls the distribution, stupid. That's like saying a crypto ledger for cell phones partnering with AT&T or Verizon isn't a big deal because they're just retailers.

Powercor isn't even comparable to Origin in size or revenue.

Weren't there intelligent people on Biz at some point?

>> No.4370724

Her answer is crystal clear. She knows for sure that POWR is not the next PBC pick. She tried to tell you faggots but you keep dreaming of that x5 PBC profits.

POWR will dump. Hard.

>> No.4370839

and like I said, no one cares about PBC. Why are you autists so fixated on it?

Get out of my thread you retarded faggot, this information is for people who want to make money and invest smartly. Go buy some more digibytes.

>> No.4370917

I will come back here after PBC releases their report and I'll laugh at you.

Hope you didn't take a loan to buy powr.

>> No.4370973

No joke but POWR is more like a company/stock than a crypto currency. Who dis/agrees?

>> No.4371094
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I think I'll be ok.

>> No.4371169

>makes fun of DGB
>has 9k worth of DGB in portfolio

>> No.4371186

Surplus energy from Solar Panels already gets put back on the Grid and the owners get a discount on their bill.

Retailers buy the electricity from the Distributors and resell it.

POWR need a deal with SA Powerworks (formely ETSA). They are own the network. Origina can't do shit without the Distributor. What, you think the distirbutor who owns the power grid will let people use their network for free to 'trade' electricity.

Think about it. Not everyone who disagrees with you is stupid.

Take a Shill Pill.

>> No.4371213


uh huh... I'm sure your portfolio increased by 181% in 24 hours, fuck off faggot

>> No.4371258


Yes, Origin Energy can do shit without the distributor. SA has no means of selling, marketing, or processing energy. Powr simply works through Origin to get what it needs done. The responsibilities of SA are not what you think they are, they deal with infrastructure and maintenance, not how their structures are used.

The discount is negligible, which is where Tesla enters. Tesla will allow you to control your own power supply and distribute or buy as you please. You will be able to take excess energy from your own, and fuel it into your car without paying a third party.

Do you understand how powerful this tool could become in solving the energy crisis in AU?

Not every country is a capitalist dog eat dog fuck fest ruled by mega corporations like the US. Australia is looking for a solution.

The government supports the power ledger, The largest energy provider Origin supports the power ledger, and Tesla will join to experiment in western AU. This investment is a no brainer.

>> No.4371295

Why don't you add 50 more btc while you're at it? Blockfolio larping faggot. I can also make my blockfolio turn into $10MM in one second.

Now I'm 100% sure you're an indian with 4000 worth of rupee on ripple and powr. Pajeets love ripple.

Where did you hear about powr, pajeet? Did rakesh tell you about it?

>> No.4371345

worried that I might be richer than you think? Even if I lied I'm still worth over 300k in crypto right? I didn't add anything, it was a glitch in Binance prices kys.

>> No.4371383


The prices there look pretty normal to me man.

>> No.4371395

Lmao you've just proved my point.

GTFO of biz, vinjay. Go back to your designated shitting street.

And please consider suicide.

>> No.4371419

We've got a no coiner. Shit happens all the time in crypto

>> No.4371432


Look at the coins in his blockfolio you nigglet, and tell me they increased 181.81% altogether in the past 24 hours. Fucking retard lmao

>> No.4371463

look how angry you are lol. What's your net worth? 800 bucks?

I'm not shilling POWR. It's a real investment but you seem too stupid to see it.

>> No.4371554

bump for drama

>> No.4372165
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Alright OP, I paid the HORRIFIC transfer fee to move funds for this. Don't let me down.

>> No.4372176
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>mfw holding POWR since ICO

>> No.4372333

Don't worry, 25-30x is no out of reach.

>> No.4373048
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Trips confirm
To the moon, lads

>> No.4373072

Why isn't this sold on an ETH pair? It's like no one wants my lunch money.

>> No.4373110

It is? You can buy it with ETH on Trex.

kek wills it.

>> No.4373153

Just dumped this shit!

>> No.4373224

thx for buying my bags idiots

>> No.4373236

u realize the email was fake right? how JUST are u going to be when POWR ends up going another x5 tomorrow?

>> No.4373454
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 40EF0A53-DA4A-49F7-A917-B8E796FC6D7F-3174-00000399F2867A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google "solar energy Australia."
Look at all the ads.
Solar power ads make up a lot of the tv commercial spots.
The big power companies hire tens of thousands of people to sell, provide customer service, administer and manage giant national electricity organisations.
A huge sports teams training ground is called true value solar energy.
I worked for a company that worked as a telesales broker, who found out the cheapest electricity retailer for customers.
This is so massive.
POWR will be the first major use of the blockchain on a global scale.

>> No.4373558

Power ledger is the best investment in crypto you can make right now, but of course biztards are going to miss it

>> No.4373603 [DELETED] 

I wanna put $200 in POWR but funds aren't gonna be in in time :/

>> No.4374228


>> No.4374280

They seem 100% legitimate and would be absolutely raped by Aus news if they were a scam. Considering they've already been on the news for promotion and Jemma green has been looking at battery stuff since 2015 it adds to the credibility.

The biggest issues right now for it are:

1. Widespread adoption (we already get $$ for extra solar power, so why bother sharing it?)

2. Another company like ALG might beat them before it with a more centralized type feature.

3. Slow as fuk development/partnership time.

>> No.4374351

Only thing I have to say about POWR rumors is I assumed muh imminent bittrex listing was BS hype and missed out on a pretty good moon mission because of it.

>> No.4374373

Elon will save us.