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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.43 MB, 1445x1001, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4363198 No.4363198 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4363229

he is right though

>> No.4363246

so the poppy plant is more dangerous than CP?

>> No.4363273

tfw I love Vitalik now!

>> No.4363275

Fucking hell what an autist. The dudes at OMG and KYBER gotta be like wtf man

>> No.4363290

Putin has unfriended money skeleton on twitter, sell your eth bags before it plummets to $100

>> No.4363310

Children can't consent to being used in pornographic material which many times involves abuse
his argument is absolutely fucked

stimulating your opiate receptors is a choice you consent to.
fuck this autistic pedophile if he thinks child porn is ok

>> No.4363332

He's right, and what he is actually saying is pretty commonsense.

This is just getting blown up by over-eager corecucks trying to sabotage anything and everything that threatens their cripplecoin.

Oh look, ETH price isn't down, it actually rose. Kill yourself, OP.

>> No.4363336

I actually see his point. which is
>laptop is an extension of the mind, and the state shouldn't have any right to the data on it

>> No.4363357

>doing heroin imposes risks on others
What? How?

>> No.4363377

drug use is an extension of the mind just as much as privacy
but photographing children in sexual situations is fucking wrong

>tfw coiners care about the price of their mememoney so much they encourage child porn

>> No.4363380

a lot of junkies turn to crime once their addiction gets out of control

>> No.4363389

unless of course, they have probable cause to suspect CP is on it. which is how it works in 99% of cases, you fucking autist.

>> No.4363396

Healthy individuals can totally consent. Addicts can't.

>> No.4363397
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>Core supporters attacking Vitalik the whole day.
>Flooding the board with the same info even worse than Linkmarines.
Your desperation fills me with such joy and laughter.

>> No.4363403

The "noone should be allowed to touch your computer" part.

>> No.4363408

I mean directly. Obviously in this context Vitalik meant directly as well, since supporting the CP industry has a ton of indirect consequences itself.

>> No.4363414

>tfw In England a girl "of age" used to be a 12yo girl.
>tfw normal porn is illegal in many countries.
>tfw being a fag used to be illegal here until a few years ago.

Don't lie to yourself, anon. It is not about consent, but about old female that can not find a proper partner.

>> No.4363436

children never can consent to child porn
people get addicted to all kinds of bullshit legal/illegal and they're weak, but what's even more weak is comparing it to child porn

>> No.4363438

Sumptuary laws - punishing sin as distinct from crime. Morals are subjective. Remember, you're one click away from seeing dismemberment and beheadings.

>> No.4363454

Cp got dumped on biz btw and you feel bad you missed out. It stayed up for hours too

>> No.4363455

you aren't photographing children in sexual ways you're merely possessing the result of someone else photographing children in sexual ways.
what he is saying is that going to jail for possessing child pornography is the same as going to jail for using drugs, as you're not affecting or hurting someone else

>> No.4363461

Criminal behavior associated with drug use, the economic harm to a community caused by those unable or unwilling to participate in its prosperity, the personal damage to relationships caused by the stereotypical behavior of addicts, fostering an environment for the social spread of drug abuse. This isn't a controversial position. Well, that part of it isn't.

>> No.4363464

What a great tool this exception constitutes for goverment agencies!

Children can't consent legally. Morally I think they might be easily manipulated into something that might fuck up their sexuality.

>> No.4363469


Meanwhile children everywhere forced to adopt religion, customs, and beliefs of parents, teachers and society and considered deserving of abuse and punishment if they resist

Yeah children really under threat by le philosophical arguments

>> No.4363484
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>defending child pornography and rationalize it so you can make a couple dollars

>> No.4363496

Even if that were the case I don't want to have a 12 year old partner, let alone have sex with one. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4363500
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>Vitalik says random retarded shit on twitter
>eth moons

>> No.4363504

drugs are fucking plants dude
violating a child is terrible and should never be allowed
you can't even compare the two

>> No.4363535

I understood that to be his point but you gotta wonder if allowing people to posses it will create a greater demand for it and incite people to produce it.

>> No.4363561

0/10 uncreative

those are correct

First, if heroin would be legal it would be so cheap that nobody would need to commit crimes for it. Secondly, crimes are illegal, not "things associated with crime".

>possessing naked pictures = violating
I hope you never saw a pornographic image you rapist

>drugs are fucking plants dude
I smell the weed from here. Go eat some Brugmansia, just a plan maaaaan

>> No.4363563
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vitalik speaks up for child molesters
eth gets hollywood movie deals and favorable legislation in DC

>> No.4363607

>heroin is illegal because it is assosiated with criminals
>I can see no reason why possession of child porn should be illegal

>> No.4363618

eth bag holders are sick fucks and have to support this clown until he hard fork the protocol so they can recover their parity wallet so they can cash out

the absolute state of coiners

>> No.4363623

>crypto is a psyop to degrade american morals even further confirmed

>> No.4363653

>Meanwhile children everywhere forced to adopt religion, customs, and beliefs of parents, teachers and society and considered deserving of abuse and punishment if they resist

actually comparing child sexual abuse to being raised in a christian household.

>> No.4363675

both should be legal since neither are harming anyone else (Production of CP and junkie crime is still illegal though)

yeah wtf. Who would compare the photographing of your naked body with forced lobotomization?

>> No.4363716

Vitalik is not a pedo and you know it. Blatantly attacking Vitalik is a definite no-no for the crypto community. Keeping this up will turn more people against supporting BTC.

>> No.4363717

so child porn is like preban ivory
nobody kills elephants anymore right

>> No.4363752

Totally believable if Trump wasn't in power. The days of those scum getting away with it are over.

>> No.4363766
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Just a reminder that Vitalik Buterin is a child pedophile apologist.

I hope ETH crashes and burns

>> No.4363779

I get your point and almost agree, especially since cp is worse than ivory (still harming the rights of the children). It's just the "don't fuck with nobody's computer" thing.

>> No.4363806
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More Core supporters repeating the same tweet 24/7.
Even Linkies aren't that desperate.
>My belly fills with joyous laughter again.

>> No.4363985

Not gonna lie, former Eth supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bitcoin cash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Vitalik normalize child porn.

>> No.4364051
File: 528 KB, 548x618, cp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with ETH.
It could take you 20 years to even
get any proof.
Keep investing mofos.
We're the NEW HOLLYWOOD!!!!!!

>> No.4364093

>First, if heroin would be legal it would be so cheap that nobody would need to commit crimes for it. Secondly, crimes are illegal, not "things associated with crime".
As for the first, while that's a debatable claim in itself, crimes commited for the acquisition of drugs aren't the only crimes associated with drug use. There is a whole constellation of criminality that comes along with drug abuse that isn't strictly linked to economic activity revolving around the drug itself.
I'm not sure what you're even trying to dispute with the second part, but if you're trying to say that the increased criminality of those who abuse drugs (even legal ones like alcohol) is fictitious, then you're wrong.

That isn't even like the argument I made. I didn't even claim that drug use should be illegal, irrespective of its association of criminality.

>> No.4364110
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I was thinking this exact shit. I don't fucking understand crypto.

>> No.4364165

it's a complex issue because of this.

pornography is just a stream of images.
Lets say you picture in your mind you and a child doing sexual acts and fap to that, should that be illegal? if yes, then should the police monitor our thoughts to prevent this?
if no, then that means fapping to a video and fapping to pictures made up in your mind are different entirely.
this side of the argument goes into how for the modern person the computer has become an extension of the brain, and how by letting the state monitor our computer we're essentially letting them monitor our moods and thoughts. this loops back to should we let the state monitor our thoughts?

>> No.4364255

He’s a turbo autist and he’s a furry so no doubt he’s a pedo too ,he’s providing the rope for ((them)) to hang him with

>> No.4364263

he is just a liberterian

>> No.4364278

hes much more of a commie than libertarian

>> No.4364296

>but if you're trying to say that the increased criminality of those who abuse drugs is fictitious
I'm not, I am saying things associated with crime should not be illegal just because of that. Is being poor, young, male, black illegal?

This, but
1. The gov does not (officially) monitor your pc, it's just that they can search it if they have probable cause. Like i.e. your home too.
2. A person has also the right to their image, which is a conflict. If the image is of you in a nonconsenting sexual position it gets worse.

>> No.4364330
File: 8 KB, 226x223, Can'tHoldMyTearsPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, fucking ETH

>> No.4364336

>f the image is of you in a nonconsenting sexual position it gets worse.
Please elaborate on this

>> No.4364346

Vitalik is brainwashed by his "daddy" to think fucking children is okay because he had a cock in his ass at an early age.

>> No.4364365

no, he is unironically a communist

I wish I was kidding, sold my bags

>> No.4364366

A child wasn't abused to fuel your thoughts.

>> No.4364686


>Looks like straight from the basement
>Tech Geek
>Defends CP
>Probably never touched a real wymen

I don't know, looks like he is one of the oldfags from times when CP posting here was normal - True 4chan user

>> No.4365158

>I am saying things associated with crime should not be illegal just because of that
I see. I agree with you then.

This is a really interesting aspect of the discussion. Phenomenologically speaking, a photograph of a naked child and a mental visualization of a naked child have the same isomorphic relationship to the actual human from which they were derived.

If your thought is a recollection of an actual person or an image of an actual person then that person is equally victimized by your thought and by a digital photograph of the same.

>> No.4365364

A point is also that a thought cannot be shared at the level of detail a picture can - the latter has the potential of being very public.

If someone would imagine me naked/sexualized/humiliated etc. I would not really mind that much, if they had an image of me in such a situation I would be mad. And then the mind is still more private than the computer.

So yeah, I changed my mind - cp should be illegal. BUT: Gov sticking their icky fingers into people's dataholes is still not okay, especially not to "secure the rights to the image of your nude, technically nonconsenting (because a child cannot legally consent to pornography) body".

>> No.4365400

No just an autistic retard with confused SJW+libertarian leanings, but I repeat myself.

>> No.4365506
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Jesus Christ fine I'll tap into my pre-2014 hardcore libertarian self to both argue with you and give SOME validation to your attempted argument.

IF exposure to/use of ANIMTED CP can emphatically be shown to NOT result in increased offending by pedos then you could argue in favour of it being morally neutral. IF access to animated CP could be shown to actually decrease RL pedo offenses then it would be a moral imperative to argue in favour of it. If use of sexdolls modeled on pre-pubescent kids were shown to have similar impact, same rules apply.

However, there is absolutely NO morally sound argument - unless you are a fundamentalist AnCap (other 'anarchists' are just confused communists) - for legality of CP made using real kids as it's very production involves abuse of children and it's proposed legality/lax law enforcement provides ample profit incentive.

>> No.4365750
File: 1.84 MB, 500x281, zapgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZAP is going to help ETH recover don't worry

>> No.4365829

>flamboyant faggoy
>in favour of cp
More news at 11

>> No.4366015

Lol the number of ppl defending this action on this board is hilarious.
Shows how economically illiterate y'all are...
CP is something no spokesman for a business should ever discuss. However smart and insightful or stupid his points are, you need investors and no investor in his right mind wants to be linked in any way to CP; Normies are disgusted by it and (((the media))) now can destroy you at any point in the future if they want to.

Lucky that so many scamtokens run on the eth network so it'll keep it's value but what a terrible, terrible move.

>> No.4366141

He is right, possession of child porn does no harm.

The production of it does however.

A similar example would be the produce of slavery.

Let us say the clothing you are wearing was made by child slaves. The mere possession or wearing of said clothing harms no one.

The production of it does and just like child porn if you complicit in the the production you are partially responsible.

>> No.4366494
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>I see nothing wrong with increasing the demand for cp

Is this faggot serious?

>> No.4366612

The only argument against this logic is
>why is gore legal
After all, if someone is murdered in a gruesome way and it's on video, hosting that video isn't illegal. Arguably murder is certainly worse than some teenager flashing her tits.

>> No.4366640
File: 6 KB, 188x331, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do Eth and BCH bag holders draw the line at promoting child porn?
I didn't think so

>> No.4366723

I had about 20 ETH until today

I'm not holding something supported by an autistic, communist, low testosterone, paedophile slavic jew

My bags and conscious is free, I'd advice you to do the same, and to invest in the morally healthier NEO

>> No.4366749

>selling based on principle and not profit

This board is filled with emotional soccer moms

>> No.4366796

>Addicts can't consent


Listen here dumb cunt. I'm a nicotine addict. I can not smoke, but I CHOOSE not to. Sure, I get strong urges but I still CHOOSE.

>> No.4366920

You are the same faggots who are smashing your Keurigs in protest of Keurig pulling their commercials from a Republican political talk show. Keurig did this due to the fact that the host is literally a child molestor.

Your retarded hypocritical faggotry astounds me, /pol-biz/

>> No.4366939

This is the man who said Link was overpriced.


>> No.4366987

Can a child consent to taking a candy bar?

>> No.4367548


>> No.4367577

Speaking the truth here.

>> No.4367625

I don't care what this cunt is as long as he makes me money. He has only lost me money. Burn this Pedo fuckhead

>> No.4367681


I fucking hate autists like Vitalik, they always have to make these smug "logical" points to make themselves look smarter than and above all the sheep

You just know this faggot smiles to himself about how smart he thinks he is

>> No.4367740

If this was about lolis and not actual CP I would agree.

>> No.4367751
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>mfw realizing vitalik dresses like a child in order to attract them better

>> No.4368451
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>> No.4368453

Why arent torture videos banned on liveleak? pretty sure thats worse than a 16 year old with big tits sucking off her bfs dick

>> No.4368500

>but what if she's 17.5 and and is dating another 17 year old and w...what about torture videos what about them
keep trying to rationalize holding those eth bags bud

>> No.4368528

ETH is a shitcoin, im just saying.

>> No.4368533
File: 175 KB, 661x453, v7h434t1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik is fucking with us, he knows ETH is going to moon anyway. Just look at that chart.

>> No.4368617

>5 years from now headline
>data coin founder hard coded cp into his software

>> No.4368636
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>> No.4368648
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>> No.4368667
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Posting for /biz/ time capsule

>> No.4368733
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>> No.4368840

what a god damned creep. possesion of cp means someones child is being abused. kill em all. vitalik should be shot for that shit

>> No.4368878

oh what a surprise he changes his public opinion after some backlash
just like how he forks the protocol