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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4361330 No.4361330 [Reply] [Original]

a few days ago i ended up on this board frommen Pol.
have known about bitcoin for years and never bought into it which i now ofc regret.

since i have been on this board i get this feeling that now its my time for a lambo. better invest late than never.

I would like a coin with a small market cap . the problem is i cant find something good. everything sounds like shit without any real use.

can u shill me 2-3 coins for mission lambo 2019?

>> No.4361347

>everything sounds like shit without any real use.
See? Pol is always right

>> No.4361350


>> No.4361362

USDT, looks very promising. Definitely gonna moon soon.
On a serious note, STX DNT REQ BAT.

>> No.4361366

1. Best anonymous, fungible cryptocurrency with one of the most active developers

2. Decentralized cloud storage, there is a real use for this.

3. Best platform is Ethereum and it is prolly good to go long on this one, but id throw in LISK aswell

>> No.4361379

Oh, so when it's about making money you don't like the big strong state anymore uh, cuck? Fuck off to your cesspool, mongrel

>> No.4361391
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>a few days ago i ended up on this board frommen Pol.
my advice, lurk moar
people here are going to shill you you all kinds of shit you really don't want to own and even if you happen to pick the right vehicle you'll need to learn when to buy and when to sell

download blockfolio right now and start putting in fake entries and see how you would do if you put up real money

only exception is bitcoin. buy when it goes below 5k.

>> No.4361415
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thank u i feel already one step closer to my lambo.

>> No.4361423

U want big strong state if ur a leftist tho

>> No.4361452

People from /pol/ are natsocs, aka please fuck my ass government, I want it long and big as long as it is white

>> No.4361459
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this board is about lambos and meme coins. I am here for business. not political views.

>> No.4361471

(ODN) obsidian

>> No.4361487

LBC is your next chance, it's an actual product, in use, and is worth 10x what it's at right now.
In fact, it's mooning as we speak

>> No.4361498

Then help your nation and buy state stocks. Oh right, those don't go to the moon.

Also separating business from political views makes you a hypocrite. What are you going to do next, sell weapons to a foreign country because it's valuable? Or let in more immigrants as long as it makes you money?

>> No.4361506


>> No.4361529


>> No.4361536

nigga is that a fkn sex doll?

>> No.4361552

Someone sounds triggered :^)
Go back to R*ddit, your kind is not welcome here

>> No.4361575


>> No.4361579
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Neck yourself nigger

>> No.4361582

Gonna tell you a coin, don't fucking shill it let the smart money accumulate and pump.
Ripio Credit Network (RCN)
> Already has 100k+ user base that will USE this in q2
> The team has ALL its tokens locked away for a year so they will HAVE to buy them off us
> two billionaire investors, Lu Guanqiu + Tim Draper
Expect atleast a 10x within a few months.. to the few who buy this DONT SHILL IT for atleast 3 months. gl

>> No.4361585

>big strong state

>> No.4361600

Solids that can't go wrong: ETH LTC XMR
Decents with potential : GRS VTC NEO
2018 Moon mission : REQ

>> No.4361606

> Added to bittrex ONE WEEK after its ICO launch.. Most legit project out here that isn't overvalued/vaporware.. they are like the Company Omise releasing OmiseGo .. they have a successful company with 100k+ people

>> No.4361611

>Someone sounds triggered :^)
You're the one who was all like "HURRRR GO BACK TO /POL/ HURRRRR
>Go back to R*ddit, your kind is not welcome here

>> No.4361617

Right, they're all libertarians there. Or do you think Hitler was an anarchist?

>> No.4361620

Such a Kike post

>> No.4361631
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I was just highlighting the hypocrisy. I hope you'll appreciate my commentary :^)

Pic related

>> No.4361634

U havnt got any HST? easy 3x when it hits a real exchange

>> No.4361645
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>/pol/ is one person

>> No.4361666
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>I was just highlighting the hypocrisy.
>literally got triggered then accused me of being triggered

>> No.4361685

I'm not triggered?
Yeah, their opinions are not homogenous at all. My bad

>> No.4361721
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>I'-I'am n-not triggered.
Youre still commenting

>> No.4361749
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I have nothing better to do at the moment :^)

>> No.4361828

>cant find something good. everything sounds like shit without
DigiByte hold for long term...

>> No.4361857
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only jews and pedos fear the national socialist state. which one are you?

>> No.4361865


>> No.4361886

I'd bet my money that you're a fucking American

>> No.4361898


>> No.4361916

Nah, he's a wizard in waiting

>> No.4361917


>> No.4361931

/pol/ is a bunch of libertarians at heart larping as white nationalists.

>> No.4361975

Have you seen the statistics?
Unlike boards like, say, /int/, it turned out that more than 50% of /pol/ are fucking American mutts screaming about racial purity, of all the nations


>> No.4361985

>better invest late than never.
Literally not how you should invest, but at any rate the market is in disarray right now. Good luck.

>> No.4361994

Common sense libertarianism.

>> No.4362001

just buy bitcoin and go back to yahoo answers you faggot

>> No.4362005

You can still believe Hitler did nothing wrong without supporting socialism.

>> No.4362012
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>Angry poo detected

>> No.4362035

Product sucks though. It is also pointless anyway because everything is already free on the internet if you try hard enough.

>> No.4362036

>I have no idea where that poster is from so I'll just assume some random country that I might have heard about on geography
Sure thing, Bobby Tyrone Nguyen Kowalski Jr.

>> No.4362056
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>> No.4362065
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Hola senor

>> No.4362102

Thats a problem we are number 1 at everyhing so we should be number one at being hwite. Day is coming tyrone

>> No.4362108

It gives creators incentive to use their platform.

>> No.4362123

If you've browsed this board for even 10 minutes you'll know the answer is obvious - LINK

>> No.4362141

I'm with it in heart, but I don't see it succeeding desu. I don't really see its advantage over just sending a content creator bitcoin or some other crypto. Granted LBC can put things behind a paywall, but there is no content anyway.

>> No.4362274

Kys gay libertarian, your worse than liberals because you allow anything and don't believe in anything. At least liberals believe in their demented ways. You just let it happen.

>> No.4362336

That's one of the most retarded views of libertarianism I've ever seen, congrats anon

>> No.4362390

Libertarianism, police and courts, little regulation. Everyone left up to their own devices - prostitution, drugs, usury all legal. You gotta be a minority. Wow.

>> No.4362423

>needing a big brother to take your money, tell you what you do and beat you into submission if you don't obey because you're scared you're not going to be able to provide for yourself
Wew lad

>> No.4362428

Interest on money makes sense because of opportunity costs and saving for every expenditure isn't feasible for people who need liquidity right now. Now as far as fractional reserve central banking usury, yes I agree. As the money is made up and the rules don't matter (at least to the issuer).

>> No.4362480
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Where did he separate his views from business or made something against his morals,in /pol/ we ain't commie fags like you seem so we never had anything against success,and in no way does investing hard earn cash in meme coins go against that while investing in state stocks in a ZOG state would be hypocrisy since you're helping to fund them.

My guess is you're a commie hypocrite since you're too dumb to be a kike and even niggers understand /pol/ ain't a fan of any current goverment and wouldn't throw sheckels at them

>> No.4362541

>he comes to the jews to ask how to make some money at the expenses of his nation
>he's from pol
Yeah, nothing wrong there

Also if you consider me a commie you're probably retarded, like irl retarded

>> No.4362940

Go all in on LINK if you still wanna get a lambo in 2019
10.000 LINK = 1 Lambo

>> No.4363012
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>Everyone in /biz/ are jews
>at the expense ses of his nation
I consider you as stupid as one for the arguments above you seem to retarded for a kike and at least niggers know /pol/ ain't got nothing against money and private property.

>> No.4363067
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All binance coins (bittrex has to suck SEC dick now)

A large cap, mid cap, and small cap

/pol/lacks know that America is in decline, China is ascendant. These are all chinese coins with major backers in government and industry.

>> No.4363071
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>pol irl

>> No.4363210
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I would put some money in LINK too

It will be the next ETH but only autists on /biz/ understand what it does

My guess is spring 2018 it will take off, rn we're not getting new blood in alts because people are distracted with holidays n shit for a few months

Disclaimer: I own 0 LINK right now

>> No.4363221

COSS, Crypto One Stop Shop. Invest now, thank me later.

>> No.4363335

oh good lord bring that poor woman to a hospital! that must be an anaphylactic shock she's having

>> No.4363363

This was proven staged though

>> No.4363528

>blacks and violence

>> No.4363629


You want a real secret tip? Burstcoin.
Proof of Capacity is gonna be the future, once BTC goes mainstream and people are gonna be concerned about the energy inefficiency of proof of work.
Burstcoin is the only coin that currently operates under PoC. It isn't even a half ct right now.
Put in money you don't care about that you wanna forget you even have in it. (Like 100 bucks which equal 20000 coins)

Come back in 5 years.

>> No.4363663

Story? never heard that

>> No.4364288

go back to making sissy ass IOTBW posters faggot