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4354694 No.4354694 [Reply] [Original]

New Era

Time to go 100% Monero.

Fuck the Buttcoin wars, Eth supports pedos, no other privacy based OPEN SOURCE DECENTRALIZED crypto coin has an army of developers slaving away at this moment

>buh buh governments will never stand for a coin that enables drug dealers, they will ban it!!

Nah. Government wont. Because rich poweful people benefit from Monero too.
The Paradise Papers? Panama Papers? Monero is far harder to trace than cash is... rich wealthy power mongers will love to get their grubby hands on Monero

And even if some governments ban it, some probably wont, leaving a haven of developers to spread the updated software through Tor, and even if all govts do (lol now we are fantasizing) how the fuck are you going to track ANONYMOUS TORRIFIED TRANSACTIONS THROUGH MONERO

Face it nows the time to go all in on Monero. Its the only coin we know for sure has a future right now... the underworld loves it

>> No.4354789

Anyone who doesn't like Monero is either a moron or a moralfag.

>> No.4354803

buy verge instead.

>> No.4354816
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How could someone be so delusional?

>> No.4354825

Any reason reason why? Verge seems less private than XMR.

>> No.4355604


Only advantage Verge has is that it uses I2P or Tor to send txs

Monero devs are already at work on Kovri which will do the same thing

However you can currently use whonix+tor to send Monero txs(or most of your favorite linux based security distros). The concern is that IP anonymity is not enabled by default. Monero devs are working on it, Kovri will be released in the next year or two

>> No.4355654

Does IP anonymity even matter when transactions are obscured?

>> No.4355691

Not going all in, but I've been buying some this week. It just seems due to have a week or two in the spotlight soon.

>> No.4355692


>> No.4356252

verge has better fundamentals

>> No.4356292

>IRS investigates someone's money
>Trails ends in exchange being swapped for monero
Ass going to get max roasted you need to account for where it went or you're fucking done and putting it into monero itself is viewed pretty much as an admission of guilt until proven innocent. The IRS is extrajudicial as fuck and give zero shits.

>> No.4356359

Could you be specific?

>> No.4357143

It is about time this coin mooned proper......

>> No.4357201

just pay cash for monero

>> No.4357434

The idea is that everyone will be using Monero including normal people. Even if that doesn't happen, there is nothing they can do to you legally for owning Monero.

>> No.4357451

>implying we won't have completely replaced the active government by that point

>> No.4357501

>created by a guy that calls himself "fluffypony"
No thanks.

>> No.4357549

>Eth supports pedos
>No child porn facilitated by Monero sir!

>> No.4357628

The gov CAN controlnthe exchanges.tho. they ban xmr, so exchanges unlist or get closed bybgov. suddenly u cant buy it. Unless etherdelta holds but still sux. Prove me wrong please, I want to be wrong

>> No.4357659


buy LTC, DCR and PIVX

>> No.4357669

insufferable vergecucks just want their last page coin to be a miraculous 1000xer which will never happen since Monero exists.

>> No.4357786

i heard there was a scaling issue of some sort. any info

>> No.4357883

The gov already controls the exchanges. But this logic goes for all coins, we will probably see a proper decentralized exchange in the future.

>> No.4357973

I am considering this very option. splitting my BTC stack for a sizable XMR % . im sick of the autistic screeching.

>> No.4358086

This is seriously what a crypto is all about. There is a reason why this coin is always so strong during times where other alts get buttfucked.

Monero moon has started already, just refuelling before it really launches. Profits around $200 -$300 level by end of year latest.

>> No.4358531

When you use Monero locally on your computer you have to download the whole list of tx’s which is something like 20-30gb last I checked

Scaling issue has not been solved yet, community is very aware of it. Proposals have been made to solve it. Some think it might not be that big of a deal in the long run given how cheap storage costs are now and how cheap they will be in the future

There is a way to “ignore” the scaling issue, and thats by letting someone else hold your wallet for you (mymonero.org, etc), somewhat defeats the purpose of privacy tho

I have faith the monero community will solve it

>> No.4358566

It wasnt created by fluffy tho

The original monero devs, including fluffy, wrestled it from a rogue dev who started the project and was being... very dishonest to say the least

>> No.4359386

You can simply connect to a remote node and not deal with the scaling issues.

>> No.4359797
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>> No.4359968

Why not ZEN? Doesn't ZEN have more features and is generally more secure?

>> No.4360569

>ETH supports pedos
>Monero transactions 97% cp

>> No.4360678
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If you are at all serious about features, privacy, and security, you should be investigating Komodo Platform.
>security of Bitcoin blockchain’s hashrate (and can move to BCH for example if a flippening happened)
>optional privacy from zCash z-transactions, JUMBLR for extra privacy
>features: Decentralized Exchange, decentralized ICO using Assetchains (get your own blockchain instead of some future token bullshit), 5% apr, modular blockchain

Monero, Zen, and Komodo have completely different use cases, so why not all?

>> No.4360742

t. fed loading yup on monery

>> No.4360842

I'm seriously considering buying and holding monero for at least 5 to 10 years. Bitcoin has a lot of problems, same issue with Bitcoin cash. Everyone is bitching about Satoshis vision, but monero is the only thing that even comes close to his views.
By the way, the librem phone announced they will use monero as the standard currency.
>wanting to get into monero
>Price is going up
>Shit better buy fast
>Have shit internet speed and need to install the wallet

>> No.4361007

Only if you want to obscure the fact that you use Monero

>> No.4361201

How would they ban XMR? And if they did/could, it would be federal legislation and you'd have months to prepare. And first they'd have to ban alternative currencies which any citizen is allowed to use - which would get shot down in any appellate court or the supreme court if it got that far.

Remember - Wal-Mart only doesn't accept bitcoin BC visa bent over to them on transaction fees. And you can still buy WM gift cards at gyft with BTC and pay with your phone. Retail corporations want crypto to happen, and modern small businesses want it to happen BC visa sucks 2.7% out of every penny they collect.

Banks only care about what they can collect on, and as long as the average btc user transfers from crypto to a checking account to spend it, they still get that BS 3 day hold on your money to collect interest.

Anyway, I'm not worried about banning, I'm more worried about the declaration law intro'ed to the house recently. They want to know where your $ is at all times, and that will change crypto from what it is into a weird kind of traded bearer bond.

>> No.4361762

>Anyway, I'm not worried about banning, I'm more worried about the declaration law intro'ed to the house recently. They want to know where your $ is at all times, and that will change crypto from what it is into a weird kind of traded bearer bond.
Great even more use cases for Monero kek.

As if people will somehow magically report it now.

>> No.4361808

I've been all in XMR for the past 2 months. It's a less stressful way to live to say the least